Thursday 18 June 2015

New World Order: USA Under Judgment

Jade Helm 15, and Pope Francis


The warnings of JADE HELM 15, Pope Francis' visit to the United States, the Shemitah years, Four Blood Moons, Christine Lagarde's numerology message, Climate Chaos, and wars are converging in the month of September, 2015.

Is JADE Helm 15 Just A drill Or Will It Go Live?
Everything that can be shaken will be shaken if (JADE HELM 15) goes live. 

 JADE Helm 15 is an eight-week (July 15, 2015 thru September 15, 2015) joint military and Interagency involved in unconventional Warfare conducted throughout seven states and has expanded to Florida, Ohio, and Mississippi.

JADE HELM 15 Drills Expand to Ohio as America says that's Enough Operation Hawkeye UNLEASHED
Two More States Added To Jade Helm 15 Exercises - Will Include Surgical Strikes And Extractions

JADE is defined as "Joint Assistant For Development and Execution."

Some alternative news media say HELM is defined as "Homeland Eradication of Local Militants."  

15 could represent the year this takes place.



The drill is to take place in the Southwest States. Utah, Arizona, California, Nevada, New Mexico, Colorado,Texas, and has expanded now to Mississippi, Florida, and Ohio.  It is possible the military chose these states because they lean toward civil war against the United States government.

Texas is one of the states chosen, because Texans are supportive of efforts to prepare the military to fight the enemies of the United States.  Texas is also considered hostile because some of the people petitioned the White House a couple of years ago requesting to secede from the United States.  Their request was denied.

Does Army consider Christians, Tea Party, a terror threat? | Fox News

In 2012 there was a leaked document, entitled "Civil Disturbance Operations," told how the military would be ordered to confiscate guns and kill Americans who rebel.


  » Feds Preparing to Invade Texas, List State as ‘Hostile’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
The participants in this "Realistic Military Training" (RMT) exercise involves Navy Seals, Green Berets, 82nd Airborne, U.S. Air Force Special Operations, Marine Special Operations, Marine Expeditionary Units and Interagency Partners.
Special Ops

We have had drills like this before but nothing of this magnitude.  Many concerned citizens and the Alternative News Media are concerned that the military is preparing and testing for Marshall Law in the United States.  There is speculation that these drills will go live, and will be used to take out and round-up Patriots before the expected collapse in the fall. The mainstream news media is reporting that the drill is designed to prepare troops for overseas combat but many people are not buying into that. 

Keep in mind, whenever there is something of this magnitude that breaks in the news, publicity could cause the military to stand down or change their plans.  Inform as many people as you can on your blogs and YouTube videos.

As these drills take place there will be an increase of military presence in these states.  Some participants will be wearing civilian attire and driving around in civilian vehicles.  Noise complaints are expected due to helicopters and blank ammo being used.  Many of these maneuvers will take place during the early morning hours. Expect suspicious activity.  There will be 1,200 participants in this drill.  They keep adding more states so I believe they will have more participants in this drill.  Some of the alternative news media are reporting there will also be Russia and Chinese troops in this drill. The military can always have a back-up plan, so no one really knows what to expect from this drill, but it is always best to stay alert.

The Houston Chronicle reported that the Military would try to blend in with the local people in an attempt to test the effectiveness of infiltration techniques.  Residents will be advised to report "suspicious activity" during the drill.  

Covert warfare coming to Texas sparks some fears of federal takeover - Houston Chronicle

If anything in the Military's plan changes, their computer program can instantly change and give them another plan and still be able to carry out their original plan.

Joint Assistant for Development and Execution (JADE)  

 ▶ Steve Quayle - Jade Helm 15 Drills Signal Imminent Martial Law - April 2nd, 2015 - YouTube

Steve Quale and others are reporting that the government has three lists. 

Red List> The red list are the primary target for the (New World Order) in the United States.  Gun Owners, Constitutionalists, etc.  These are the ones standing in the way of the (NWO) and will have to be eliminated.  Steve believes this will take effect in the first 30 days of JADE HELM 15 drill.

Blue List>  The blue list are the National guards, Law Enforcement and anyone who is contributing to the termination and take down of the red list.  They have to be taken out of the picture too so they won't talk.

Green List> Will be those who get to live because they can easily be indoctrinated and re-educated. 

▶ Steve Quayle: Jade Helm 15 Will Change America Forever - YouTube  

 The true meaning behind the acronym JADE HELM 15!!! - YouTube

Mystery Of JADE HELM LOGO!  Master the Human Domain.

Nathan Leal of Watchman's Cry unveils mystery Of JADE HELM Logo. 
JADE HELM means FEMA camps 

Nathan believes the 2 arrows represent drones or missiles.
The sword represents death.
The wooden shoes or clogs represent incarceration.   These are the same wooden shoes the victims of the Jewish Holocaust wore when they were in concentration camps.

 ▶ Jade Helm - Incarceration Concentration Camp FEMA - YouTube

Army Special Forces Logo.

The JADE HELM logo is similar to the Army Special Forces logo.  
This logo has 2 arrows and a knife. 

 The Watchman's Cry

Five Walmart Stores Have Closed Due To plumbing Problems

Many people believe there is an ulterior motive why the stores have closed and may be reopening in 6 months.  The stores closed in Texas-2 stores, Florida, Oklahoma, and California.  Is it because of JADE HELM 15 like many people think?  

Texan's blame military for takeover of Walmart secret tunnels and closings.  Some alternative news media believe this is linked to the (JADE HELM 15 Operation).  Many American citizens do not trust the government and they are sounding the alarm of an impending military takeover.  There has been    numerous blogs, videos, thousands of tweets and many comments on JADE HELM 15 drill.  Some are reporting that Walmart has underground tunnels which the military will use to transport troops across the country.  

Walmart had 2,200 employees at these stores and they only gave them two hours notice, and this raised some eyebrows.  The excuse Walmart gave was that all five stores were having plumbing problems.

Free Patriot Post shows a map of these underground tunnels throughout the US and leading into Canada.   
He goes over different location areas of (JADE HELM 15), Walmart closings and the possibility of military equipment, and tanks being dispensed across the country in these underground tunnel systems. 
He believes one of these tunnels leads under "Cliven Bundy's" ranch and that's why the government wanted all the ranches in that area. 

 Underground US Tunnel Map Links WalMart, Jade Helm Locations. Wow Check This Out! – Free Patriot Post

All News Pipeline Wondered if these Walmart stores would be used as (food distribution centers) and to house the headquarters of invading troops from China, here to disarm the citizens in the US.

Before It's News believe that the underground tunnels at Walmart, Bundy Ranch, and facial recognition are all linked to the Department of Homeland Security.

Are The Wal-Mart Closings In Jade Helm 15 States A Sign We Have Sold Them The Rope They Will Hang Us With By Shopping At Wal-Mart All These Years?       Jade Helm, Walmart And DUMBS - Are The Closed Walmarts Being Activated As Central Command For Underground Operations?  
Texans blame secret military takeover for Walmart closings, secret tunnels - Houston Chronicle  
No one really knows what will happen between July 15, 2015 and September 15, 2015.  Regardless of what happens, if you are born again you will be in heaven.  The most important doctrine in the Bible is (Salvation) just make sure your family and friends are saved.  Stay Alert!  If the military only has 1,200 military soldiers in this drill, they may only go after key players, the ones they consider trouble makers and won't go along with their (NWO). 

JADE HELM 15 News 

▶ "Jade Helm" Logo Wooden Shoe - YouTube  
Thursday April 23, 2015 - Irene Garcia and Professor Laurence Koltikoff - Trunews: Trunews: 
 ▶ Terrifying Evidence: President Obama 3rd Term - Last Days Of America - YouTube
US Army On Jade Helm 15: "This Thing Is Getting Wired In Tight" - Confirms Training To Include "Round-Up And Detainment Of Role Players"  
Massive military buildup inside U.S. continues, convoy spotted  
Military Vehicles Staging Behind Midland Texas Wal-Mart As Choppers Fill Skies - Are Blacked-Out FEMA Buildings Being Built In Kentucky?
Jade Helm And "Six Months Of Horror" Predicted By David Wilkerson 20 Years Ago?
THE DUAL PURPOSE OF JADE HELM IS REVEALED | Dave Hodges – The Common Sense Show  
Dead Bodies In Tunnels? - "Operation Jade Helm" Just Got Much Much Worse | Politics  
The Muslim Brotherhood Is In Charge of Jade Helm | Dave Hodges – The Common Sense Show
JADE HELM 15 is REAL & Here's the Proof - Freedom Outpost - meetingid751.pdf  
Chinese State Media Demands US Citizens Be Disarmed - Breitbart  
Bombshell Jade Helm Martial Law WW3 Documents Released! | Alternative
Will Jade Helm 15 Lead To Civil War? | TheSleuthJournal

USSOCOM - Jade-Helm-Martial-Law-WW3-Prep-Document-1.pdf
Bombshell Jade Helm Martial Law WW3 Documents Released! | Alternative

JAMES FETZER: JADE HELM is NOT "an ordinary training drill"

God Has Something To Say About JADE HELM 15.  If it is time for Bible Prophecy to be fulfilled He will allow it to happen, if not, the military has nothing to say about it.  (God Is The One In Control Not The Military)! 
501c3 Tax Exempt Churches

If the government does declare Marshall Law during the JADE HELM 15 drill, the pastors that are 501c3 tax exempt will tell you to give up your firearms and to obey the government by using Romans 13 against you.  They will also need the pastors to calm the people down if they are separated from their loved ones and end up in FEMA Camps.

FEMA Recruiting Pastors To Prepare For Martial Law -

501c3, IRS, FEMA and the church 
The False Prophet Comes To America.
Pope Francis

Revelation 13:11-13
11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.
12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.
13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,

In the last few years some pastors have predicted the last (Blood Moon) Tetrad would signal an apocalyptic, world shaking event that would change the world forever: Wars, (NWO), One World Religion, Collapse of the Economy, Marshall Law, End-of-the-Age, etc. etc.

Now that Pope Francis' plans for September 2015, happen to coincide with the last Blood Moon, many people believe it's possible the event could signify something major for the future. 

On September 24, 2015-Jesuit Pope Francis will speak before Congress, and he is the first one to do so.  House Speaker John Boehner expressed his gratitude that Pope Francis had accepted his invitation. 

It would be interesting to know if this meeting has anything to do with JADE HELM 15, New World Order, One World Religion and Economic collapse.   This meeting takes place nine days after JADE HELM 15 drills end.

The Pope will be attending the World Meeting of Families and say mass on September 27, 2015, the day before the next blood moon.   You will be able to see the blood moon on the evening of the 27th thru the early hours of the 28th, which is the last blood moon (Tetrad).  September 28, 2015,   (Feast of Tabernacles).  Is this another coincidence or what?

Pope Francis to speak before U.S. Congress on Sept. 24, will be first pontiff to do so | Fox News Latino

This is the same Pope that says he can forgive your sins and decrease your time in purgatory.  The Pope is born with a sin nature just like you and me and he cannot save anyone.  According to Pope Francis Atheist who do good works will be redeemed by Jesus Christ.  Good works will not save anyone.  Atheist are called Atheist because they don't even believe in God.  So, how can God save someone when they don't even believe in Him? (He Can't).

(You must be born again) before God can save you, and that is through the blood of Jesus Christ.

John 14:6
Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

Did Pope Francis die on the cross for you? (NO).  Then he can't save you 

There is no purgatory!

Hebrews 9:27
And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:

Once you leave this world you will go before the Judgment Seat of Christ (Believers), or The Great White Throne Judgment (Unbelievers).   There are no second chances. 

Your works cannot save you like Pope Francis teaches.

Titus 3:5
 Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;

Sermons like the Pope teaches will send you to Hell.  If you are into this false doctrine you need to get out of it. 

▶ Dark secrets of the Catholic Church Ex nun Confesses 1 2 - YouTube

▶ Dark secrets of the Catholic Church Ex nun Confesses 2 2 - YouTube

Roman Catholic Church And End Of The Age Bible prophecy 

Revelation 17 prophesies that the Roman Catholic Church will be a major player in the End-of-the-age (New World Order).  The Pope will team up with the Antichrist during the tribulation years and he will be the one who forces people to worship the Antichrist and take the Mark of the Beast.

Author: Vatican aligns with U.N. on ‘world governance’

Revelation 13:11-13
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

The Antichrist will not share his glory with the False Prophet so he will destroy the false church during the tribulation years.

Revelation 17:16
16 And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.

Revelation 17 KJV - And there came one of the seven angels - Bible Gateway

"Superforce" The Enthronement Of The Fallen Archangel Lucifer In The Catholic Church.

There are many conservative Catholics who do not approve of Pope Francis' doctrine.  They are just like any other church, some are saved, but many are not.  But if you are following Pope Francis you are in serious trouble.

Something Sinister is happening in the Catholic Church.

New Page 3  

Fr. Malachi Martin Affirms - Satanism Practiced In The Vatican

 Jesuit Priest Malachi Martin Exposed the "Superforce" the enthronement of the fallen archangel Lucifer in the Catholic church.  Satanists lurk in the shadows, from the heart of the Vatican down to the local parishes.  He calls the "Universal Assembly" A Masonic conspiracy, known as the Illuminati.  

Malachi Martin said Satan is enthroned in the Navitican at DuckDuckGo

Satanic rituals took place in (South Carolina, U.S.A.) and St. Paul's Chapel in the Vatican on June 29, 1963, a week after the election of Paul VI.  Fr. Malachi Marten affirmed:  Satanism has been practiced in the Vatican.

Malachi Martin -- Satan Enthroned in Vatican? -  

In Marten's "Windswept"  book, he gave a terrifying description of high, ranking churchmen taking oaths signed with their own blood, who plot to destroy the church within.

Malachi Marten knew and said too much.

Martin knew first hand about the long-planned, Satanically-Orchestrated infiltration of homosexuals and pedophiles into the American Catholic Church.  He understood they were most likely behind the brutal, ritualistic murder of his friend Fr. Kunz who was butchered alive for merely possessing like knowledge.  Fr. Kunz was ready to blow the whistle and reveal a list of names to church authorities when he suffered a gruesome death.

Fr. Malachi Martin died a suspicious death before he could write his book on the corruption in the Vatican.
Martin Malachi said on his death bed--I felt someone push me but no one was there.

Christine Lagarde's numerology message

Someone on the internet believe they have unscrambled Christine Lagarde's Illuminati, Occult message. 
14, is the day.  2 and 7 or 2+7=9=the month.  1914...1+9+1+4=15.  (September 14, 2015). 
The day before JADE HELM 15 drill ends.

May 13, 2014>French Foreign Minister Laurent Fablus says 500-Day Deadline Before "Climate Chaos"
This leads to September 24, 2015 

▶ Illuminati 2015, Shemitah, Power Grid, Jade Helm 15, Cyber 9/11, Economic Collapse, 9/14/2 - YouTube  

Shemitah Years

The Shemitah is a warning of America's future.  In the Old Testament God punished Israel severely when they rebelled against Him and did wicked things.  We are following in the footsteps of Israel and He will punish us too. 
The next Shemitah goes from September 25, 2014 until September 13, 2015.
Rabbi Johnathan Cahn makes a case that understanding the seven-year Shemitah  pattern is essential for understanding the prophecies of the Bible and links the Great Depression and other American economic collapses to the Shemitah years.

The Shemitah years affects the whole world whether (blessings or cursings), but Bible prophecy centers around Israel.  That is why God tells us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. 

God tells us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem in Psalm 122:6-9: “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: ‘May those who love you be secure. May there be peace within your walls and security within your citadels.’ For the sake of my brothers and friends, I will say, ‘Peace be within you.’ For the sake of the house of the LORD our God, I will seek your prosperity.”  God promised blessings on those who bless Israel and curses on those who curse her (Genesis 12:3).   Barack Obama hates the nation of Israel and because of it our nation is under a curse.  

The World Trade Center

In 1945-at the end of World war 11-there was a plan to build the World Trade Center   (Shemitah year). 
Construction of the World Trade Center 1966-1973.  Finished in 1973--(Shemitah Year).
 World Trade Center Destroyed on September 11, 2001.  (Shemitah Year) which caused the collapse of Wall Street.

Abortion was legalized on January 22, 1973 (Shemitah Year). 

Cahn believes that the financial collapses of the Dow Jones Industrial Average on September 17, 2001 was a warning to the United States. (The Dow Jones dropped 600+ points when the markets reopened after 9/11).  September 29, 2008 (List of largest daily changes in the Dow Jones Industrial Average: Largest point changes) were also prophetic warnings (The Dow Jones dropped 777 points). He says that both happened on the same date of the Hebrew calendar, the 29th of Elul, and relates them to the Shemitah, a Sabbath year observed every seven years in Judaism, in which the land isn't cultivated and debts are cancelled. Cahn argues that a third strike might be the collapse of the American power which lies in the nation's economy.  (Seven years later) this coming September 13, 2015 is 9 Eluh on the Jewish Calendar.  It is also the start of a Shemitah, or Sabbath year.. 

▶ Something BIG will happen in September 2015 - YouTube
Prophecy Fulfilled

President Barack Obama placed this nation under a curse when he fulfilled Isaiah 9:10 Judgment.
Obama wrote>  "We remember," "We rebuild," "We come back stronger."

Isaiah 9:10
The bricks are fallen down, but we will rebuild with hewn stones: the sycomores are cut down, but we will change them into cedars.

Obama ‘fulfills’ Isaiah 9:10 prophecy — again
Fallen Bricks:

The most visible signs on ancient Israel were that of the fallen buildings and the ruin heaps of fallen bricks. On 9/11 the most visible site of the attack was also the fallen bricks of the fallen buildings.
The Tower: The harbinger symbolizes the fact that after the Assyrian attack, the kingdom of Israel did not repent from its sins but vowed to rebuild its buildings with its own power. Similarly the author (Rabbi Johnathan Cahn) believes that America did not repent from its sins after the warning and continued its path, vowing to rebuild on Ground Zero with its own power.

Tom Daschle was also fulfilling Bible prophecy when he quoted from Isaiah 9:!0

Nothing--nothing--can replace the losses that have been suffered. I know there is only the smallest measure of inspiration that can be taken from this devastation. But there is a passage in the Bible from Isaiah that I think speaks to all of us at times such as this: The bricks have fallen down, but we will rebuild with dressed stone; the fig trees have been felled, but we will replace them with cedars.That is what we will do. We will rebuild and we will recover. The people of America will stand strong together because the people of America have always stood together. And those of us privileged to serve this great Nation will stand with you. - Senate majority leader Tom Daschle.

On September 11, 2004---John Edwards was also fulfilling the Isaiah 9:10 Judgment when he said, "The bricks have fallen, but we will rebuild with dressed stones; the sycamores have been cut down, but we will put cedars in their place.  

John Edwards: Remarks to the Congressional Black Caucus Prayer Breakfast
Many people will believe these are all coincidences but in the Bible there are no coincidences.  It is just a matter of time before God allows the United States to destroy itself within, or allows another nation to destroy us.

Four Blood Moons (Tetrad)

Mark Blitz, John Hagee, and  Irvin Baxter believe the "Four Blood Moons" (Tetrad) is an omen of the coming end times apocalypse.

Acts 2:20
20 The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and notable day of the Lord come:

Signs In The Heavens!
 The Bible prophesied that signs in the heavens would be of prophetic significance.  Approximately two weeks after JADE HELM 15, there will be the fourth Blood Moon.  With every thing coming together at the same time the U.S. could be in deep trouble.  Christians need to realize that this nation has to go down so Bible prophecy can be fulfilled.  The Christians, tea party, veterans, gun owners, patriots and conservatives have to be eliminated or indoctrinated so the Illuminati can have their (New World Order).  You can shut your eyes and pretend it is not going to happen, but the Bible is never wrong, and catastrophic events are coming (we just don't know when).  So get your lives in order and pray for this nation.

One of these signs was the moon turning to blood.

Revelation 6:12, Acts 2:20, Joel 2:31
12 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;

What is A Blood Moon?

A Blood Moon is somewhat like a sunset.  A lunar eclipse occurs when the earth passes between the sun and moon.  During a full blood moon, the sun's light passes through the earth's atmosphere and casts a reddish shadow on the moon.  Full lunar eclipses and blood moons are rare and unique.   

NASA refers to a total lunar eclipse as a Blood Red Moon.  When four blood moons happen in close succession, NASA refers to this as a Tetrad.  There has been ten Tetrads in the last 2000 years occurring on Jewish feast days.

NASA has already claimed that there would be four blood moons to come with a solar eclipse 
occurring in the middle. 

Three blood moons-already passed.

*April 15, 2014--Passover
*October 8, 2014--Feast of Tabernacles
*April 4, 2015--Passover

*Total Solar Eclipse March 20, 2015-already passed

The Next Blood Moon
September 28, 2015--Feast of Tabernacles.
Shortly after JADE HELM 15

Many theologians believe this last Tetrad will change the world forever as we know it, and according to Bible prophecy and the news they could be right  Remember, the fourth Blood Moon happens September 28, 2015.  The next Biblical Tetrad will not occur for another 572 years in 2582-83 (claims NASA).

Four blood moons: Should we be looking up? | Fox News  

Four Blood Moons | Endtime Ministries with Irvin Baxter

When Jesus Christ was on earth He warned the church (Christians) that they would be persecuted in His name.  He was not speaking to nations who have a Constitution,  He was speaking to those nations who were controlled by corrupt Kings This applies to the U.S. now, because we are living in end times and our Constitution is being destroyed.  If you are into the prosperity doctrine you are not going to be prepared for what is coming to America.  God gave the U.S. the Constitution so we could witness to the world but when it is abolished we will be no different than any other nation under a dictatorship.  What is going on in other nations is normal-what is going on in America is abnormal because we still have some freedoms left. 

According to the news it is going down just like Jesus prophesied. 

It is possible these four blood moons are a sign of judgment to the world foreshadowing devastating wars prophesied in the Bible.



World War 111

With Russia back in the news in a big way, many people are wondering if recent events in eastern Europe have anything to do with end-times prophecy—and, if so, how?   Russia has the largest arsenal in the world and Putin implied that he would not hesitate to use them.  The United States is in danger, Iran already has the capability to hit Israel, and they are busy developing an intercontinental ballistic missile to hit the United States or buy one from Russia.  

World War 1 and World War 11 are not specifically mentioned in Bible prophecy, (like some prophecy teachers are telling you), nor is a possible third World War.  Israel was not even a nation during World War 1 or World War 11.  End-of-the-age Bible prophecy has to be centered around Israel because it is Jacob's trouble. 

We know that during the seven years of tribulation there will be destructive wars that destroy two-thirds of mankind.  But even the theologians can't agree on the timing of these wars.  These major wars coming up have to center around Israel to be Bible prophecy.  Example: Gog Magog War, Isaiah 17 War, Psalm 83 War.  After the seven year peace treaty is signed the wars will be centered around Israel (not the United States).  

In the book of Daniel Chapter 9, Gabriel decreed 70 years of punishment because the Jews transgressed God's Law.  One of the Laws they transgressed was they didn't let the land lay rest on the seventh year.  This determined the length of their punishment (70 years), because they disobeyed God.  

God then based their punishment on how many (Sabbath) years the Jews ignored.  The resulting punishment of 70 Sabbath years means that for 490 years the Jews did not give the land a rest.  To make up for each of those Seventh or Sabbath years they had not observed God-He added one year of captivity to their sentence.

 In Daniel 9:25, Gabriel said, there would be 7 sevens and then 62 sevens for a total of 69 sevens for 483 years.  Gabriel said, in verse 26, that after 483 years had passed the "Messiah would be cut off (Crucified). After the Jews rejected Jesus Christ-He gave the next 2000 years to the gentiles so they could get saved.  After the rapture of the church, and after the 7 year peace covenant is signed, God will turn again to Israel because they still have 7 years of punishment left.  (The 7 Years of Tribulation) will affect the whole world, so God tells us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. 

Daniel 9 AMP - In the first year of Darius son of - Bible Gateway

If Russia or another nation attacks the United States and destroys us, or if the United States is destroyed within because of corruption, it is not in the Bible because Israel is not involved.  So this nation could go down and it would not be in the Bible. 

NATO: Big Military Build-up on Russia-Ukraine Border - ABC News
Did a Chinese-Russian-Iranian coalition opposing NATO debut in Moscow? — RT Op-Edge
Looking Through 15 Years of Power: Putin Unveils Never Known Details / Sputnik International

Gog and Magog War

Russia and Iran are gaining strength in these last days--this alliance was foretold thousands of years ago and it could be leading up the Gog Magog War.  Russia Will attack Israel when They are at peace.  Scholars disagree on the timing of this event.
Some scholars believe this will happen before the seven year peace treaty with Israel is signed. 
Other theologians believe this will happen at the beginning of the tribulation years.
Many believe this battle will occur just before the midpoint of the seven-year period. 

In Ezekiel’s prophecy, Gog will be the leader of a great army that attacks the land of Israel. Gog is described as “of the land of Magog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal” (Ezekiel 38:2-3). The description from Ezekiel is that of a nation that has security and has laid down its defenses. Israel is definitely not at peace now, and it is inconceivable that the nation would lay down its defenses apart from some major event.  Gog will be defeated by God Himself on the mountains of Israel. The slaughter will be so great it will take seven months to bury all of the dead (Ezekiel 39:11-12). Russia, Iran and other Arab nations will be involved in this battle.


Isaiah 17 War

Damascus is the capital of Syria and it will be destroyed over night (Isaiah 17:1-14).  Israel will be the nation that destroys Damascus probably by a nuclear warhead.  In the evening sudden terror!  Before the morning they are gone. 

Psalm 83 War

The Psalm 83 war is going to be between Israel and its surrounding nations, but Israel will also suffer loss. 

Ever since ancient times, the Arabs have harbored a hatred of Israel all throughout their existence. (All you have to do is watch the news to know this) It is possible this war is coming to a conclusion very soon. It looks like Psalm 83 is a prophecy for our time.  

These are the countries that share common borders and have terrorist populations within them that have been Israel's most hostile enemies since 1948.

What Are The Surrounding Nations?
Hezbollah the inhabitants of Tyre, which is modern day Lebanon. Syria, Iraq, Palestinian refugees, Hamas, Egypt, Muslim Brotherhood, Jordan and Saudi Arabia.  Isaiah 17 war and Psalms 83 war could also happen simultaneously  The only way Israel will be able to survive is by destroying some of the Arab nations.

Middle East War, Psalm 83 War 

Jade Helm Is Designed to Take America Directly Into World War III | Dave Hodges – The Common Sense Sho
We have a president in office who hates Christians.

President Obama gives himself permission to kill | Fox News

The Christians in the United States will be persecuted and martyred because Obama is a Muslim. All of his family are Muslims.  His father was a Muslim and gave Obama a Muslim name.  His mother married another Muslim man, and they moved to Indonesia and he went to Indonesia schools.  Obama is not a Christian, he is a Muslim.


Whatever happens with JADE HELM 15 God expects us to remain faithful.  We can all pray that this is just a drill like the Military says.

I am hearing rumors that Obama will run for a third term 

▶ Get Ready for Obama's Third Term as President in 2016 - YouTube  

There has always been violent oppression of Christians in the world.  What is not the norm is a nation that has a Constitution to protect their right to speak freely.  Seventy five percent of the lukewarm Christians will cave in and deny Jesus Christ when persecution begins in America.  This is a hard saying but some of the lukewarm Christians will be the ones who turn in their family and friends. We are not even in the tribulation years but the persecution is already beginning.

Mark 13:12
12 Now the brother shall betray the brother to death, and the father the son; and children shall rise up against their parents, and shall cause them to be put to death.

 The persecution could begin before 2017 if JADE HELM 15 is not a drill.
▶ The Greatest Christian Persecution in history begins 2017 - YouTube

Jesus has promised us this: at the end times Christians will suffer severe persecution by this ungodly world. We will be abused, profanes,and cursed. The phrase “will deliver” comes from the Greek word meaning “giving over,” as in the sense of being arrested by the police or military.  As we are witnessing today throughout the world, as our Constitution is being destroyed, being identified with the name of Christ will cost us our rights, our freedoms, our respect, and possibly our lives in the coming years. The Bible says their will be special crowns and rewards for those who remain faithful.

Matthew 24:9
Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.


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Time Of The End...Last Days: Salvation The Good News

New World Order: USA Under Judgment: Alternative World News

Time Of The End...Last Days: Time Of The End Homepage  

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