Sunday 24 January 2016


Image result for Peace to the people power

Hello Readers;

I just let my readers know that the whole world is in a steady mess the middle east, China and Russia and the threat of terrorist groups who pull cowardly take over and put the life's of the innocent at risk. The developments in the Middle East goes to show how accurate the prophesies of the Holy Bible are and other non canonized books. As humans we think I will just go about my life and these world affairs will get sorted by our wise and protective governments I hate to tell you this but their the ones who started this mess to begin with. Please I would have no future at all if I believed that governments or man in general would save this planet it is all the biggest lie that has been told since at least WW1. People wake up we are dying and drawn into a system that has manipulated governments and politicians including churches and religions for at least the last 200 years.

People take a look around all that has to happen in a large disaster or economic criss and this plan of world domination would start. The so call Federal Reserve Bank and the control of the World Bank using debt on worthless money to gain control and put the illusion of outrageous interest is all fake and part of a secret world government. These idiots think people are not smart enough to figure out the illegal activities of these old de-creped bankers who want world power and control of the population and one world government to carry out their genocide. These inhuman individuals are blind with power they don't care about what you are and how you will survive a disaster they want you dead to decrease the over population in the world today so they introduce backing terrorist groups to cause wars to help this genocide along. Place disease into our food and water so we contract Ebola, A.I.D.S and other life killing viruses so we die faster and they can bring the world to this Evil New World Order.

These Satan worshippers secret organizations like Skull and Bones, Illuminarti  and Mason all contribute to this sick idea of one world government, one world religion and one world currency. People you can just see what is going on by watching the controlled world media how they control our youth through a degraded useless school system brainwashing. If you conrol the youth you can control the world Hitler did the same thing in 1939,  we are on the verge of another world war so after so these so called secret world government can divide the world up into 10 kingdoms each run by one of these power hungry evil megla-maniacs. There are good people like Alex Jones and many more who see through the smoke and mirrors and we are growing everyday to stop and wake up the people of this world to fight this EVIL plan. These people who want freedom and liberty we as a world have live to long to be told what to do by WHO people who care about themselves only NOWAY NO HOW!

Please get involved start a blogg or website fight back! look for opportunities to show how you can change this and STOP this insane plan to control mankind we need to give this world back to our children in FREEDOM OF SPEECH, LIBERTY AND JUSTICE LIVE FULL LIVES IN PEACE!  If you care and want to get involved please donate to this blogg and other internet based charities that are for people not money. Till the return of our Lord and Saviour Yeshua (Jesus)!

God Bless Us All!

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