The Illuminati New World Order I believe is on a fast track pace to bring in the completion of their order on a world scale ASAP and US President Barack Obama is to finish the job of bringing the American people into that subjection, who are the last free people on the planet even though most of our freedoms have already been lost. This is not the America my grandfather or father for that matter new and loved.
Is Obama Sleeping when it comes to Putin/Russia Or Are They Conspirators Together? You be the judge yourself! President Obama does not have America's best interests in mind! We are vulnerable to an attack from Russia and China in2015 or 2016, and I believe Obama is working with Putin and both are striving for the Communist takeover of the US. They are great actors to dumbed downed Americans who think that is impossible. Don't forget that the goal of the Illuminati is World Communism!
The final goal of the Illuminati controlled future One World Government of the UN (or maybe called something else after World War III) is the division of the world into ten regions for the easier control of the peoples of the earth with ten kings over those regions, who the Great Whore of Mystery Babylon also rides during these last four kingdoms that arise out of the coming war with all of Persia (Iraq, Syria and Iran) at the same time AKA the Ram and He Goat prophecy of Daniel, that are ruled over by the coming antichrist, "son of perdition"!
The old world order must give way to their new world order and world chaos is their agent of such change, using as shown above, pestilence, war and natural disasters, all of which will lead to famine, all of which are designed by the Illuminati agents of Lucifer to depopulate the earth, in order to reach their goal of sustainable development AKA Agenda 21!
First of all, what this new world order of theirs will have as all previous world orders have had, is a One World Government (UN) which will have a soon coming standing army or police force (aka Peacekeepers), not like the current one of rag tag military forces uniting from signature countries of the UN, but one of its own composed of them and ruled by whom I believe will be the coming False Prophet UN Commander of them, as well as the coming new UN Sec.General of the UN (little horn antichrist) who will preside over the entire UN.
This new world government will have a capital and a world or supreme court at that capital. Every world order in the past has had a King, Priesthood, Prophet and Messiah or God to save them from evil, and this New World Order will be no different. This new capital of the coming NWO has been in the making for a long time, especially when supposed Jews were allowed to return to Palestine in 1914 per the Balfour agreement of Great Britain and the Rothschild dynasty that did and does control it.
Secondly, it will have a new One World Cashless Global Currency that require a chip inserted into the skin to participate in that global economic system, that will track all monetary transactions as well as GPS to track its owner! And in the bringing about of this cashless new system is the redistribution of wealth, which really means from the pockets and bank accounts of others into theirs, who are the rich men of the earth including politicians! And the World Banking cartel of the Rothschild's will of course handle this system.
Thirdly, it will have a one world religion in its final stage, which is the Pure Doctrine of Lucifer espoused by the Illuminati Masons, the light bearer, whom we know as Satan, who we know transforms himself into a messenger/angel of light, but whom is the prince of darkness, deception and lies. There are many stages of progression for this final religion to materialize.
The false religions of Islam, Judaism and Christianity will merge first, as the extremists/radicals within each as they are called by this new world order will be dealt with by being labeled as extremists radicals and ultimately "terrorists" as is the case already, and they will be murdered and exterminated! What seems to be chaos in the Middle East is a carefully orchestrated plan to make Palestine the capital of the New World Order! Rome was the capital of the 6th ruling one world government of the past, but Jerusalem will be the capital in the future WITH a temple for all religions.
What you see going on in the Middle East is a prime example of this. The US and Great Britain are leading the fight against the Muslims of so called terrorists of Radical Islam Extremists (ISIS) and not Islam itself, they say. And there is aRothschild temple there for the merging of the "sons of Abraham's religions i.e. Christianity, Islam and Judaism" when World War III is over.
But the truth of the matter as one who has studied all the religions of man knows, is that there is no such thing as a peace loving Islam, and no such thing as a moderate Muslim. Islam is a violent religion of the sword and war, with a mandate to kill all those who oppose their religion and Sharia Law.
Those are the goals of the NWO and the true pyramid structure of the Illuminati freemasons!
President Obama does not have America's best interests in mind! Are we vulnerable to an attack from Russia and China or are going to attack Russia first? If you want a clearer picture of the truth what is going on with the wars in the Middle East and the Ukraine and what is next, then I highly suggest seeing the video below. Click Here or on the Pic. to Watch the Video below and you decide!
The rulers of the world want us to believe this in order to demonize "true Christians" (called out ones) who teach the true gospel of the Kingdom of Yahshua, which says that to be saved from your sins, you must be a child of God/Yah. This teaching they say is extremists, contrary to world peace, is isolationistic, hate speech, terroristic and has no place in the coming NWO, therefore those who believe and espouse such must be removed from society. And how do you think they will do that?
In essence, what the final goal of Satan's Illuminati NWO is, is to counterfeit Yahshua's Coming Kingdom to the earth and it's New Jerusalem that will come down from heaven after the Great Tribulation!
Satan counterfeits everything that is of Yahwah, including His church of "called out ones" from the world of Satan and the flesh, and this is the ultimate mystery of the ages and great delusion that Yah will send upon the earth to them who do not love the TRUTH. Satan will claim to be god over everything in the earth and above all other gods.
Those in the world of whom he is the god of, are already deceived because they do not love the TRUTH (Yahshua is the TRUTH) and Satan is after those that are born into the Kingdom of Yah by their faith, and wants to deceive them and thefalse church of Christianity is his tool with its doctrines of devils and demons preached in the pulpits by the Priests of Baal in them, concerning the diabolical false doctrine of a "pre tribulation rapture" and that the Nation of Israel in Palestine today is "the re-gathering of God's chosen people" and we are to pray for it, and give money to help it!
What is happening is you are giving into the building of Satan's New World Order!

New World Order Checklist | Year 2015 in Prophecy | New World Order Chart |
New American Revolution 2015 |
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