Thursday 25 June 2015

Eyre International – Bringing You The News No One Else Wants To Bring You

The Hidden Truth Behind The News

The Horrific New World Order Master Plan that has full UN approval

They say “A picture paints a thousand words.” Look deep into this picture and you will see what the New World Order is all about – False Flags – Natural Resources & Money – Chip and Pin for everyone – Mass depopulation by whatever means including WMD’s (depleted urnnium), Vaccinations (HPV, Swine Flu and other toxic jabs), Mind Control, Forced removal –  Imprisonment – Assasinations/Deaths –  Matial Law – Police State – Drones – CCTV/Internet/Phones Monitoring and Total Control of your life!! Basically do what they say or have your chip switched off making it impossible for you to go to the bank, go shopping, go to hospital or see a doctor etc without these basic needs ones fate is clearly sealed!!
Out of all the articles I have ever written this particular one was probably the most difficult and accordingly it is also very long…….one cannot write a standard aricle based on the magnitude of this topic and I have no intenton of doing so…..basically you can read it or not and likewise you can believe it or not…..the choice is yours……all I can say is whatever your decision just remember this article next time you look into the eyes of your children or grandchildren and say to yourself “I let this happen and did nothing” !!
Despite all my efforts over many years on TV, Radio and writing hundreds of articles on this topic the so called compassionate human beings that grace this planet still go along with this huge cover-up and act like lost sheep in a world that is fast disappearing. I guess there was only one man who appeared to know what the future would hold for us and his name was H.G. Wells who back in 1898 wrote that classic book “War of the Worlds.
His incredible ability to foresee the future goes without saying but maybe he made just one simple mistake……..her referred to the aggressor’s as being “Martians” instead of “The New World Order (NWO).
The book’s underlying message clearly related to “British Imperialism” and in that context he was spot on because the true “Axis of Evil” is right here in the City of London.
It is from here that the New World Order’s tentacles reach out across the pond to American, Europe and the rest of the world with strong connections to the European Royal Families, the Rothschild’s, the Pilgrims Society, the Royal Institute of International Affairs ( Chatham House), the Bank of England, selected banking and financial institution, Friends of Israel Groups and so many other “Elite Groups”……..not forgetting the Freemans etc.
These evil and very satanic organizations controls their counterparts over in the US i.e.  The Rockefeller’s, the Council of Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, the Federal Reserve Bank, AIPAC and that little known powerful group known as The Project for the New America Century (PNAC) a so called charity that basically writes up the policy for the White House and Congress etc.
You may also find it hard to believe that part of the NWO is the UN and all its respective departments, the WHO, the ICJ and the entire Judicial System, the Educational System, the foundation of the Banking and Financial System, the Mainstream Media and believe it or not NATO which is its military arm. The latter is trying to spread its tentacles to form a defensive ring around the globe to basically surround the old Soviet Bloc and stop its ideology and also an attempt to stem the spread of Islam etc………..basically one can clearly see that the Cold War as such has never ended and the Crusades continue.
This is not the first time they have tried to do this……when I served in the Military and worked at NATO HQ they tried this same ring of defence…….it was called (as it is now) NATO but what you didn’t know was the fact that there was also CENTO which was basically the Middle East and then there was SEATO which was SE Asia and the Far East.
You can clearly see the same game is on again with the build up in the Middle East and with a focus (yet again) to boost joint military cooperation with SE Asian and Far Eastern countries including the latest pact signed with Australia which has now allowed the US to establish a base in Darwin, Northern Territory. One should also be concerned of the fact that Howard also signed up a deal (20 years or so) to allow the US and other allies to use Australian Territory to fire live weapons/munitions/bombs and missile…….needless to say many such weapons contain uranium based components.
We must be aware that such tactics has been used in many other regions of the world such as Vieques,  a small island to the east of Puerto Rica, that was used by the United States Navy, Royal Navy and others to live fire on the established bombing range where a huge amount of depleted uranium weapons were dropped. There has also been much concern from such places as Guam, the Marshall Islands and the British Territory called Diego Garcia to name but a few!!
It was this type of  activity alone that eventually contaminated Vieques and the entire area with depleted uranium which obviously hiked up the regional cancer rates etc…… the inevitable happened….the US got kicked out after many local protests. The local government forced the US EPA to carry out a clean up of the area but I must emphasise that one cannot clean up depleted uranium….it remains in the environment for a half life of 4.5 billion years and so Australia should remain extremely cautious of this fact.
We are now seeing the US military moving into a sort of “Star Wars Scenario” with extremely sophisticated weapons being designed that fit into the Hyper-Speed range that have been on test now for many years. One place that comes to mind is RAF Machrihanish, on the Kityre Peninsula, Scotland. This base has been used by many none British military forces and at one stage was taken over by the United States Navy (USN Naval Weapons Facility), including US Navy Seals.
RAF Machrihanish which now belongs to the MoD
It was used as a transit/test facility for military Hypersonic Vehicles and if one asks any of the radar operators that were around at the time you will hear some pretty amazing stuff!! Can you imagine such a weapon having the ability to fly from the UK to Sydney in around 50 minutes such is the mindset of the military and the advancing technology v poverty and naturally our environment!!
 It is rather sad in a way that beautiful Scotland was and still is used as a testing and dumping ground for military weapons, including the dreaded depleted uranium, and also good place to dump your nuclear waste!!
So back to the topic of NATO again…….one can see a distinct intentional reduction in all those countries military capabilities. Take the UK for instance our respective forces are now being drastically cut back which means each respective country is loosing it own ability to defend, thus making it dependant on NATO which is controlled by the New World Order… you get it yet?      
No that we have got most of that out the way we come back to what exactly is this New World Order all about and just how powerful are they? Well you may find it hard to believe that despite the many organizations and their numbers they are relatively small compared to the masses that live on “Mother Earth” and yet they are well down the track on their master plan which basically will absolutely shock you to a point of not even believing me………well that’s fine because I have taken a few knocks in my time and another strike on the chin isn’t going to make any difference………as far as I am concerned I have a sort of “Call of Duty” to talk about this satanic group and attempt to educate you and the general public in the hope that you can break away from your X-Factor or TV Soapies and maybe possibly slow them down or by the “Grace of God” actually stop them……I think the latter could be quite a battle to say the least…….anyway here we go with the story and its left entirely up to you…..a sort of “Believe it or not.”
I have written some very hard hitting stories in my time on some very gut wrenching topics that would reduce even the strongest of men to tears. I have always thought that I have seen the scariest of things and just when you thought it cannot get anymore evil than this…..along comes another story that leaves the others for dead (excuse the pun11).
So sit tight folks and hold firm of the armrests of your armchair and be prepared for something that is totally and utterly beyond belief. We already know some of the NWO’s geo political plan which is:
  • To control the natural resources of the world
  • To control the markets for those resources
  • To control the transit routes, sea lanes and pipeline routes for those resources.
We all have our own respective religions right? We all have our own God’s we worship right? But what would you say if there is another unknown God out there or should I say someone that wants’ to play God that is progressively changing this wonderful and beautiful planet into what one could only say is a sort of “Hell on Earth.”
Take a look at one page of this authentic document that was written and fully approved by the United Nations compliments of Alex Jones:
Note the date of this document is 1969 and believe me these plans have already been implemented and some aspects are currently under test in other countries prior to them being implemented in the west whilst others are already firmly embedded into our lives!!
Besides all the obvious ways of mass depopulation or mass genocide which I have already written about so many times before i.e. The illegal use of  WMD’s in all wars and conflicts (mainly on Islamic populations) i.e. Depleted Uranium and indeed Low Yield Tactical Nuclear Weapons (dial up value up to 5kt’s), Introduces Virus’s such as HIV and Swine Flu etc,  Vaccination Programmes (containing deadly or DNA altering ingredients) such as HPV and the current annual “Flu Top-UP Vaccine” which now incorporate Swine Flu,  Chemical and Biological Programmes some of which can target specific race genes i.e. Afro, Chinese or whatever and last but not least the existing government “Triage Health Assessment Programme” whereby they decide who lives and who dies etc……….so now having been totally knocked of your feet you might just say what else?………sorry but there is even more deeply upsetting stories emerging which you will never read about in the regular mainline media because they are controlled by the Zionist backed NWO empire.
Don’t you find it so sad that you have to go offshore to watch stations such as Press TV or RT and those other stations that are almost frowned upon such as Jeff  Rense and  Alex Jones in the US or Radio Stations such as Talk Radio Europe and ITALK FM both based in Marbella, Spain….truly a very sad world………alternatively you have the many many blogs that exist (me being one of them) where you get either praised or totally ridiculed by the masses, many of whom  suffer from the “Ostrich Syndrome” i.e. have their heads buried in the sand or in some case up their own arse!!  
So to move on what else is there you might ask…….well I have to tell you what you are about to read is not only horrific but absolutely beyond comprehension and logic!!
If any of you have ever watched the interview between Aarun Russo and Alex Jones you would have seen some of what I am talking about…..this man was one of the most  wonderful persons to ever grace this planet and just dedicated his life to bringing the truth to the world. He has since died of cancer but this dear man will never be forgotten…. take a look at this link and please take your time watching it all because it forms the building blocks of our future:
Remember what you are watching here is also occurring in the United Kingdom because that is where the brainchild of the New World Order is based and one can clearly see this is also happening all over Europe with France and Germany playing a leading role.
Now that you have the foundation blocks on the New World Order firmly set in your mind this is what they are doing to us all at the current time:
They have openly admitted that they want to depopulate the world my whatever means and the figure talked about is anything between 80 to even 90%…….I emphasis the “by whatever means.”
Alex Jones gave one classic example regarding the use of Bisphenol A or BPA which is a chemical used in the manufacturing of plastics. This product is far from being friendly to the human body……on the contrary it has the potential to be a very dangerous “Hormone Disrupter Chemical”…….so now you are asking what the hell is that?

This basically means such a chemical can have a multitude of applications when it is controlled by such organisations as the satanic New World Order who can use it as a Sterilant or allow it to mimic Estrigen
A Sterilant is capable of lowering male fertility and it is also an Estrogen which can cause and does cause major problems in both male and females.
In males it can cause breast growth, weight gain, less sexual drive, facial hair growth, increase in possible blood clots, liver problems, softer skin texture and more importantly unwanted femininity or the ability to became bi sexual or gay……which is certainly on the increase.
In females it can cause changes to the menstrual cycle,……no doubt many of you have experienced some of the not so popular side effects of going onto the HRT programme which to me should never have been introduced as it’s certainly a case of playing with nature. BPA can mimic Estrogen causing problems for your reproductive tract, the urinary tract, the heart and blood vessels, bones, breasts, skin, hair, mucous membranes, pelvic muscles, and the brain. Sexual characteristics, such as pubic and armpit hair, organ systems, including the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems etc and more importantly creating a Hypo feminisation of females which basically means that very young female children develop breasts quickly and start their first period at a very young age… has been shown that such changes can take place anytime from the age of 5 onwards and certainly before normal puberty….I have actually witnessed this first hand and seen a young girl almost become a women before going to high school……BPA also has  links to breast cancer.
In a nutshell Bisphenol is devastating our society with these Hormonal Disrupters which are freely running off into our lakes, rivers, streams and our water tables that we drink.
They are confusing the sexual reproduction in fish and other aquatic species such as beavers, salamanders, turtles, frogs and plants. We drink it, swim in it and fish in it……it is basically a toxic waste that the NWO is now putting to good use.!!
I might also add that all of this is being overseen by the UN, WHO and our respective governments and health services. When one considers that such chemicals do compromise the development of reproduction, behavioral, sexual integrity and normal nervous system functioning.
To add to this terrible cover-up one must remember that back in 1969 plans were being made to severely reduce populations that was tied in with the United Nations with an additional theme of trying to destroy the family unit which is also way down the track!!

One could read many books on this topic, one being Ecoscience jointly written by Paul Ehrlich, John Holdren and Anne Enrlich – Which openly discusses “Involuntary Fertility Control” to name just one of the topics” We basically are being forced to take drugs that are added to water supplies in many forms from Radioactive Isotopes – Sodium Fluoride etc which alone gives a 7 fold increase in cancer etc and as I said such chemicals  mimics Estrogen.
Besides all of the above problems associated with such chemicals we also have the fact that it not only accelerates hormonal development but it also accelerates the aging process, caused birth deformities, abortions, miscarriages etc.
You may find it hard to believe that the US made a deal in 1976 with China to help industrialise that country (with the help of the US and the UN) in return for implementing such a programme of population control. The problem is this forced birth control and all the other things that are going on is not across the board…….many of the elite in that country have normal families and do not come under the stringent government restrictions. 
So where is this so called Bisphenol or BPA in our everyday lives……you will be shocked!!
It is known that as much as 40% all shopping till receipts are covered in these “Dangerous Hormonal Disruptors.”  
Most of our food is contained in plastic including the glad wrapping that surrounds almost every product, plastic trays, plastic bags etc and even in tins that contain the many foods we consume…….it is now on such a vast scale it is almost impossible to avoid it and that’s exactly how they want it because one way or the other you will either digest it or absorb it!!

It is blatantly clear that test results have shown a clear trend in animals and as is normally the case it is the unborn featus , babies and chilren that will be the ultimate victims of their satanic plans and remember this is likely to be passed on to generation after generation as is the case with depleted uranium, except to say the latter has terrible pain and suffering associated with it!!
It is one thing to try to reduce population growth by natural means but to genocide people by intense suffering or to take away their right and joy of having a child or for grandparents to share that joy is truly an act against humandkind!
We are all mature enough to understand that when you attempt to play God and tamper with the very DNA of life you are certainly going down an ireversible path, not knowing the final outcome. I am sure that deep down,  despite all the hype and publicity we were all shocked when they cloned a sheep….what we do not know is the mental aspects of the animal itself as it cannot talk!…… it normal or is it simply a sort of robot with no feelings etc
It is clear that in the past many shortcuts have occurred trying to rush an experiment, vaccine or to get a drug over the counter before it has reached its full testing programme and one classic example of this was the HPV vaccine that has now been given to well over 75% of the young female population in the UK…..could it be that many of these young girls will never have a child?
By now you are starting to think “Oh my God” and wonder if there is anymore of this shit that we have to put up with……….sorry to have to tell you there is even more……let’s take a routine visit to the dentists. If you can recall the fillings some time ago were mercury based which is highly toxic and extremely dangerous and this in more modern times has been replaced with a safe amalgam right?…….wrong……take a look below and maybe you can again see another problem looming on the horizon and whilst on the topic of dentistry……do you remember the days when they used to put a leaded cape around your neck and and chest to reduce exposure to radiation from the X-Ray machine…….well my observations to date show that many dentist no longer do this, what used to be a legal requirement and still is!!!!…….I challenged one dentist and staff on this topic and they said its only low level radiation…… response was “There is no safe level when it comes to radiation and if as you say it’s safe why do you all walk out the room whilst you take the shot”…….they were unable to answer and one person’s face went extremely red……..the dentist then whispered they are supposed too…… reply was “then it is your duty to ensure it is done.”
It is also vital that you check the labels of plastic containser such as those that you can store water in (drinking fountains) or baby bottles because that have also in the past contained BPA as per the extract below.
Ok so by now you are totally pissed off and full of rage and maybe asking yourself surely there is no one who would intentionally do this to humankind…….what made you think that?…….they did 9/11 and 7/7 and many other major incidents that were clearly inside jobs….known as “False Flags” so why should this bother their sadistic little minds, not to mention the latest false flat in Toulouse!!!
So lets continue to stick to this magic chemical that these shits have got so attached too and see if there are any other medical problems that can be related to BPA…….well here’s another  two examples.

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