Friday 26 June 2015

Israel will defend it's borders PLEASE READ THIS ACCOUNT!!!!

Visions of Israel and the world wide attack in the Middle East has been in the news for the last few months. Israel is protecting it's right to be a sovereign country be defending it's borders in April/2015 Israel jets attack a Syrian compound. Syria has build up it's forces on the Israel Syria border of 12,000 ground and air-forces showing an strong are to Israel, Israel on the other hand are watch and waiting to make sure no one attacks Israel from the North. Now Israel will only be pushed so much from Syria before it will invade Syria and make the first move they are observing the build up of Syria forces on the border. Iran who have made a direct threat to Israel if you attack Syria we will attack you and whip Israel of the face of the map. Now this is where we stand at present there is also a build up of Chinese and Russia forces in the Mediterranean sea they say they are practising war games  to secure and as a show of solidarity for the area to it's allies Iran. The United States and United Kingdom have also sent navy and air forces to the area in Saudi Arabia US military base there also in Taiwan there has or going to be a show of military force of the South China sea to China. The UN have sent 30,000 troops to the Ukraine border with Russia also practising battle ready war games also to show support for the Ukraine. ISIS who are putting gasoline on the fire these fundamentalists and who have been funded and given weapons by the United States CIA and being paid for by the Illuminati world capitalists who want to start a war in the Middle East.

The United States is at it's highest level of alert ever we just don't see it also there is going to be a breakdown of the US economy between September -December 2015. I have already have a prediction on this please read it they connected events. The Illuminarti have plan the build up of all this going on in the Middle East for the last 40 years their plan is to take over all the Middle Eastern countries in the next five years. The plan was to fund the rebellions in Egypt and Jordan by the CIA  giving arms to the Ultra Muslum  terrorists rebel which in turn focused in on developing chaos in the region. The group ISIS have been funded by the CIA who have given intelligence and weapons to start a war with Israel and to push the armies of Syria and Jordan to breaking point that is what the Illuminarti want because it will lead to a New World Order in the Middle East and all over the world. Now I have your attention where does that leave the western countries the USA, UK, EU we the United States will be fighting in the Middle East supporting Israel because it is there ally but the US will be fighting civil unrest and also the war in the Middle East. This will stretch the US deficit to the breaking point the Federal Reserve Bank will want the loan paid in full or at least 1/2 the interest this will bankrupt the United States and cause a breakdown of the economic structure. The American Green Back Dollar will be worth nothing on the world money markets and the ruling banks in the world will follow the United States and this will create a world wide crash of the stock markets.

Now the world on the verge of bankruptcy and America dealing with civil war on their land they will be fighting war on both sides of the world. The first thing that will happen is USA, UK, EU will back Israel in a fight to stop the countries like Arab countries, Russia, China, Iran and Turkey destroying a whole county. I saw Israel opening fire from their side of the border using cruise missiles to blow up Syrian strong hold they never invaded Syria. The United States sent air assitance to combat Syrian army and ISIS cities to slow down any attack on Israel strike first.  All do with no invasion from the USA or Israel, Syria will be down one half of it's forces due to the first strike  by Israel and the United States. The Syrian army invades Golan Heights and march their way to Jerusalem will full military invasion tank, planes, missiles, ground to surface rockets, combat weapons with 22,000 troops fully armed. Israel responds with Israel air force taking out the Syrian army by almost half destroying their tanks and soldiers dead. Israel ground soldiers will fight after the Syrian army get almost half way to Jerusalem then the bloody battle begins men and women on both sides died by the thousands.

The United States are staged to attack Iran if they attack Israel with rockets or air force missiles from inside Iran to Israel. They don't attack for many days not until the Syrian army is half dead and loosing the war. Then they start firing missiles from inside Iran to Israel destroying hospitals, military installations and Israel government  buildings killing thousands. Then United States respond by cruise missiles in to Iran killing Iranians and blowing up Iranian military nuclear  intelligence buildings, missile based, medical buildings, Iranian government buildings killing hundred's of thousands. In this war there will be nuclear megaton missiles fired because Iran does not have any at this time so Israel and the United States agree to not use them. After the bombing has finished and the Iran air force along with Syria fighters attacked both Tel Aviv and also Israel military sites all over Israel both American and Israelites forces get killed. The U.S respond by flying and dropping 50,000 men and women into and around Tehran at night took the Iran guard by surprise. There will be a battle but the combined forces of Israel and the United States will prevail Israel will take over Syria and United States Army will take over Iran in less tan six days. Both Iran and Syria are defeated before the Sabbath that marks the end to the war with Syria and Iran. The Iranian army and Political and Spiritual leaders will be put on trail for crimes against humanity also thousands will remain in concentration POW camps till processed with RFID chips to keep track of the people aloud to live.

Palestine because of the strength of the Israel Armed Forces and the destruction  Syria and Iran want a peace agreement with Israel. This is when the anti-Christ will do the deal with Israel and Palestine for seven years and the Muslim dome of the rock will be moved to a location still in Jerusalem. Then the Jewish Third Temple will be built to the Joy of the Israelites it will take 18 months to build they have everything ready to go. The temple will be the Jewish holiest place in the world a beautiful gold and marble with the Ark and Covenant return by God to the Holiest of Holies the animal sacrifices will be established. G-d loves his people and for three and half years there will be peace in the middle east and both Palestine and Israel will be very happy. G-d will be upset with the animal sacrifices because his Son Yeshua (Jesus the Christ) paid for the world sins not animal sacrifices. This all will continue for three and half years then the anti-Christ will start a world war with Israel that is when he announces he is good from the Holiest place in the world the Third Jewish Temple. The anti-Christ will call himself god and the Jews will not accept this and the WW3 will start with in the half way point of the peace agreement he breaks.

I want to thank for paying attention to this blog I have been shown this by the L-rd and also based on what the situation is happening in the Middle East now. PLEASE ACCEPT JESUS THE CHRIST (YESHUA) AS YOUR PERSONAL SAVIOUR AND ASK HIS TO FORGIVE YOU FOR YOUR SINS BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!!!!


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