Thursday 28 April 2016


Firstly, I want to preface this word by saying that I do not have a political agenda for the United States of America. I am simply one person in Australia who has a huge heart of love for this beautiful nation and to see the destiny of the United States established and the Kingdom of God extended, releasing a huge wave of revelation of His goodness and love. I also want to say that I do not base what I am about to share on any ‘policies’ that I have heard, but simply what I believe the Lord revealed to me in a dream concerning the candidates. This word is not in any way to ‘sway’ anyone in their political views, but simply to release a revelation from the Lord that I believe needs to be covered in prayer. 

I had a dream recently where I was in a political arena and I saw Donald Trump and he was passionately putting forward his policies. In this dream I could not “hear” what he was saying, I just remember seeing him speaking with great passion.
Suddenly, I was lifted above the United States of America and I saw the nation as if I was looking at a map. Written across the United States of America was the word “TRUMP” in big letters.
As I looked at this word suddenly the letters began to rearrange and the word went from “TRUMP” to “TRIUMPH”. 
I then heard the Lord speak loudly in my dream “TRUMP SHALL LEAD THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INTO TRIUMPH!!!” 
As I was waking up out of the dream I heard the words “TRUMP SHALL LEAD THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INTO VICTORY!!!”
As I came to the end of typing this dream I heard the words “Angels of triumph have been assigned to Trump."
I believe the Lord is inviting us to seek His heart and to partner with Him in prayer to see the United States of America brought back into a place of godly victory and triumph in whichever way that manifests. 
I am simply releasing that which was released to me.
Standing with you in prayer my friends in the United States of America,
Lana Vawser
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  1. I’m Canadian…but, frankly, this post just blows my mind. None-the-less, like you I have no political bents that bring strong sway for or against.
    I was speaking to someone today who spent the last 20 years in the States, and I shook my head because this opinionated 50+-er seemed to be pro-Trump.
    He seems so unusual for this kind of a position.
    King David wasn’t the favored choice in his day. Nobody would have guessed Saul/Paul would have his place in destiny. The disciples were insignificant men whom God chose to share parts in His story for countless generations…
    So, go figure. It’s interesting to consider the possibilities here…and the fact that so many USA’ers ARE in sway…
    This was a courageous posting, Lana. I’m genuinely grateful for it. Humbling myself all over again to move with the LORD in prayer is a good thing! ðŸ™‚
    1. I keep thinking about how God used King Cyrus king of Persia to rebuild the Temple walls in Jerusalem.( Ezra 1). God can use who He wants to use. Let’s pray for God’s will and plan to be done. All I know as a citizen of the US is that Trump is stirring things up. TO ME THAT’S A GOOD THING TO EXPOSE THE DARKNESS AND BRING IN GOD’S RIGHTEOUSNESS.
      1. You are far from the only Canadian who is praying for and rallying American voters for Donald Trump. Many Americans are very grateful for this; same to our friends all over the world.
        In our song “America” we ask God to “mend our every flaw.” Tall order for men but not so for God! Trump, like all men, is flawed. Here is what God has put on my heart to tell others: All of Trump’s worldly wealth isn’t his alone, it is all God’s. Trump isn’t King David, that is for certain. We have record of David’s times, interactions with prophets and God, his prayers and songs. We know of his enormous wealth, given to him by the Lord. We know of the mighty works that God enabled David to do. We know about David’s sins and the price he paid for them.
        We know a lot about Donald Trump but in spite of him being our contemporary, we know less of substance about him from a God’s-eye view. We know what his vehement detractors and enemies are saying. (will go back to that in a moment).
        I have absolutely no reason whatever to doubt that Donald Trump is a Christian. It’s between Jesus and Donald as regard his works. All our good works are as filthy rags, no one is any different. It is the undeserved grace of God, through faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ, and a daily renewal and growth in the fruits of a walk with Christ, that makes a Christian in this sorrowful world. We may note that David confessed his sin upon the conviction by God brought to David’s doorstep by a prophet. Immediately, in confessing, God forgave the sin but informed David of the worldly penalties. David was never alone as he met these tragedies one at a time. Likewise, we all experience the carnal consequences of sin. We must repent and renew our minds, and change our actions, as empowered by the Spirit to do so. Trump is no different. He has no outward show of religiousness that he might be reckoned as “pious” in this lawless age. However, he says, “I believe in God, and I am a Presbyterian. The Bible is the best book. You might be surprised, but this is true.” What is a Presbyterian? Well, it is a tradition that follows the theological thought of Calvin. While the influential theologians of the church differ, they embrace the core: Man is separated from God by sin, God’s righteousness demands justice, man cannot meet this demand, so God has made a provision, the perfect sacrifice of the Lamb of God, Jesus, to satisfy the payment for sin. In repentance (penance) we turn away from our sin and cling to Christ and depend on his grace. Donald, the Presbyterian, is 69 years old, and is not stupid. He knows he cannot take gold with him to the grave. If in this world, this gold is “his”, but he can’t take it with him, it must not really be his. If it isn’t his, it either belongs to God, or Satan. One thing you cannot say about Donald is that he ever used religious hypocrisy or feigned piety to turn a buck. If he prays, he goes to his closet, or goes among his family or such pastors that make no brag. he was criticized when he said he never “begged God for forgiveness.” But do you? God says “confess, repent, accept grace, turn from sin, confess with your mouth the Christ.” He never said “Beg.” He said to have faith that you may be cleansed through Christ. That isn’t begging. Like many Presbyterians, Donald is of Scots and German heritage. Culturally, these are staid, taciturn, and un-mushy people. That’ not to say they cannot learn to “sell” worldly products or services. But most do not publicly emote about private things. Essentially, Trump may lambaste a rival or a public figure, but we see he is quick to forgive and seek reconciliation. He is not a grudge-keeper. The world wants to judge whether he is a Christian by his personality, not by his character or fruits. Now look! Trump’s nation is in trouble. Trump knows why, and a relatively minor, but important part of that is because he has engaged in the crony system as a buyer of favor from public servants. SO!! He confessed it in front of 24 million people. That is why they hate him.
        I believe God has always had a plan for America. (Not that He doesn’t for every nation). Trump was made an American by God’s plan. Trump has money and is a steward of dollars because God allowed it. It’s hard for a rich man to get into heaven, but not impossible. God can turn Trump upside down and shake out his pockets. If God wants to do it, then he raised up Trump’s command of dollars for a reason. “I’m rich, very rich,” says Trump “so I don’t have to be bought by men in order to be put in a position to serve America.” This is a FACT. Those who hate Trump for “outing” the corruption, call it a “brag.” Did Trump EVER say that his wealth would save his soul? NO!!
        Having prayed, I believe the Lord has shared with me, that Trump is being led to a penance for his sins, just as you and I must be led to penance through grace. I believe Trump has realized that life is short and his days on earth are numbered. I believe that Trump knows about “easy come, easy go.” So what legacy is right for his young son Barron? Serve God first. Love Him. Love your neighbors as yourself. Trump has at the very least, 300 million neighbors, and that is just in America. America is being eaten alive by Socialism, which is a creed of pride, envy and covetousness, which is temporally ugly and was the sin of Lucifer . It promotes sloth in the earth, not industriousness. It tears down, it does not build. God is working on Trump to make him worthy to lead. If Trump doesn’t “win the nomination” he still will have served, because he showed the people, with God’s help, that they must reclaim their responsibility to self-govern, and their right to learn how to root out the twin parasites of envy and covetousness, as embodied by socialism and cronyism. As the people, our role is to pray for Donald, encourage him, and critique him fairly. If he gets the nomination, he will go head to head with one of two socialists: both hypocrites, one with a gloss of false humbleness, one with great vanity, and full of shiftiness and falsehood.
        As a side note: I’ve investigated further on each of the major “scandals” assigned to Trump’s past. All of them are patchworks of half-truth and try to conceal the primary fault of others for the “offenses”. Not only did Trump not break secular law in these things, but the haters/enviers are concealing the real details of the episodes. In other words, they are lying.
        Please pray for God’s people. And while at that, thanks for praying for America, and yes, for Donald Trump.
        1. Thank you for taking the time to post this comment. It brought great clarification and confirmation to me. God bless!
  2. Lana, in case you didn’t already know Donald Trump recently met with several Christian leaders in this country such as David Jeremiah, Paula White, Kenneth Copeland, a messianic rabbi, Jan Crouch from TBN and many more. I saw a video where he asked for prayer and they gathered around him in a huge circle, praying, decreeing over him. Here’s the link of the CBN blog if you would like to view the video.
  3. Also thank you for that word. In the beginning when I saw many were listening to Trump I was a bit surprised but as time has passed I’ve seen things change, maybe it was my outlook towards him. I have been praying for many years seeking God’s face about our nation. The Lord kept giving me 2 Chronicles 7:14 . He told me that His people had to repent before He would change the situation of leadership. I heard that both times our current president was elected. I pray now with this word from you that many have had their eyes opened and leadership will finally change that is swayed towards God’s people.
  4. My goodness , I’ve been praying if it’s God’s will to allow Dr. Ben Carson to be our next ‘king’ so I am amazed at this dream! Of course Trump has been trying to please the Christians by saying he reads the Bible when obviously he doesn’t…. But then again he IS trying to please Christians so MAYBE there is hope for him ðŸ™‚ ! God works in mysterious ways FOR SURE!!
    1. Dear sister, Joanna, I was surprised at your stating that Mr. Trump does NOT read his Bible! Who knows if he does or does not? I believe he does. Abraham did not hear from God for 13 yrs….but he loved and worshiped the Lord God of Israel…and obeyed His voice. I truly believe Mr. Trump will be our next USA President, and I am a strong supporter of Mr. Trump, even though many of my Christian brothers & sisters do not. I’ve been a Spirit filled Christian and strong follower of Yeshua for 46 yrs. now (I am now age 74) and our Lord has given me many words, dreams, visions, visitations over the years, and HE told me that Hillary would not be elected, and that HE has brought Mr. Trump forth for such a time as this as a type of King David. But, please, do not let us assume that Mr. Trump does not read his Bible. Mr. Trump told America that the Bible is his favorite book. And his family certainly is a very good example of how a Christian should live their lives. Let us continue to pray for Mr. Trump and his family’s safety and for God’s wisdom, knowledge, understanding and revelation for Mr. Trump. God’s best to you, sister. Shalom.
  5. I appreciate your offering your heart and sharing your dream. Personally, we think Trump has a great business mind and he is beholding to no one on earth, therefore not easy to buy. We love his foreign policy. We think he is refreshing to listen too and frankly a “hoot”. However, in our opinion, as far as moral, one must judge the fruit = he has divorced two women for other women and has had many women in between. He makes light of the Lord’s Supper and is a braggart and full of pride. He may be light years ahead of a sunni-muslem, but he is not saved and he’s not the Lord’s highest and best…a man like say…Abraham Lincoln…or King David, full of love and submission to the Lord of Host. Just my 2 cents. God bless you.
  6. Wow! Who would’ve picked this one?!! Certainly not me lol. Now that I know God is involved with Trump, it’ll be VERY exciting to watch unfold over the coming year, and beyond. God is so much fun!!
    As an Aussie also with a heart for America (I have cherished family living there), I will continue to pray into the destiny of the US.
    Good on you for obeying His voice, Lana!!! This one certainly is a doozy hahaha!
    Lord, keep America as the apple of Your eye.
    (Psalm 17:8)
  7. I believe the Spirit has been telling me to be open to the possibility of Trump being president… that his passion for saving the U.S. (from evil within and without) is pleasing to God and it far outweighs his “rough edges.”
  8. Wow!
    Thanks, Lana. I live in the states and many others have been seeing the same thing about the Lord raising up Trump to be a trumpet. It is very exciting because he is causing others to feel hope for our downtrodden country.
    He is a good man and it is obvious to many that he is God’s man for the hour.
    Thanks again for sharing what the Lord shows you.
  9. Yep, Lance Wallnau wrote an ‘insider’s report’ about his meeting with Trump. Something is going on in the spirit with this, let’s all have eyes to see and ears to hear! Bless you for sharing this.
    1. Did you see where Lance had another meeting with Trump today in Atlanta? It’s on his Facebook page. Can’t wait to hear what happened.
  10. Hello Lana.
    My name is Georgina Buchanan, wife of Keith Buchanan. First I want to tell you how CORRECT and TIMELY your prophetic emails are. You are saying exactly what I am also hearing from the Father. In regards to your dream about America and Donald Trump, it Confirms what I have seen concerning the plans Father has for my country. I saw Mister Trump as a giant broom sweeping out the rats nest that have settled in the government of my Country also I saw him as “David” facing and taking down the Goliath that is intimidating my Country. I thank you for the faithfulness and willingness of you and your husband.Your spiritual position does not come without great cost and sacrifice.Father will greatly bless and reward you OPENLY for your obedience. Again I thank you and look forward to what you have to say. If you are on Facebook I would consider putting your dream on that public medium.
    Thank you and Father Greatly Bless You
  11. If God can use a donkey to prophesy to a prophet for profit, He can certainly use a billionaire businessman to be His TRUMPet. He’s the Potter and He can fashion a vessel for whatever purpose He chooses. Who are we to tell Him who should be king? In fact, when Israel so badly wanted a king to be like other nations, God warned them that it would not go well for them, but still they insisted.
    Although I live in Hawaii which is part of the U.S. (illegally annexed) I am about as non political as it gets. Some people would accuse me of having my head in the sand and of being an irresponsible citizen by not casting my vote and I would have to agree to a certain extent. But, truth be told, the reason I have been so detached is because the more I listen, the more disheartened I often become. Proverbs 10:19 says, “When there are many words, transgression is unavoidable, But he who restrains his lips is wise.”
    I find politics a sport of MANY words and the winners in the contest are often those with the biggest mouths who can spew out the greatest flood of words. The person capable of speaking mountains can quickly bury their opponent in a great avalanche of nonsense. Trump is a master of the mouth and perhaps God will use him as His TRUMPet.
    ‘et’ is a Hebrew word that we do not have an English equivalent for. It is the “Aleph” “Tav”, the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet. It could also be said to be the Alpha and Omega or the name of the Lord. ‘et’ is found throughout scripture and He was present since the very beginning of Creation which is consistent with what John tells us:
    In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. (John 1:1-3)
    If you look up Genesis 1:1 in Hebrew you will see the ‘et’, the “aleph” “tav”, present. It is number 853 in Strong’s. Perhaps TRUMPet means God’s Shofar (Trump of God)? God often speaks in puns, riddles, and word plays.
    These are scriptures that have come to me recently and I wonder if they are connected to your dream:
    Again the word of the LORD came to me, saying, 2 “Son of man, speak to the children of your people, and say to them: ‘When I bring the sword upon a land, and the people of the land take a man from their territory and make him their watchman, 3 when he sees the sword coming upon the land, if he blows the TRUMPet and warns the people, 4 then whoever hears the sound of the TRUMPet and does not take warning, if the sword comes and takes him away, his blood shall be on his own head. 5 He heard the sound of the TRUMPet, but did not take warning; his blood shall be upon himself. But he who takes warning will save his life. 6 But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the TRUMPet, and the people are not warned, and the sword comes and takes any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at the watchman’s hand.’ (Ezekiel 33:1-6)
    Blow the TRUMPet in Zion, And sound an alarm in My holy mountain! Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble; For the day of the LORD is coming, For it is at hand: Joel 2:1
    Then the LORD will be seen over them, And His arrow will go forth like lightning. The Lord GOD will blow the TRUMPet, And go with whirlwinds from the south. Zechariah 9:14
  12. How amazing Lana!!! This matches Kim Clements same revelation he released in regard to mentioning Trump as the next potential president of the USA!!!
    God bless him and America’s Triumph!!!
  13. two weeks before anything was known about Trump, I posted the Trump tower in Las Vegas on my WordPress blog. Was so amazed (because I didn’t know what to think about him, lol) that the media suddenly paid attention to him. – I knew something was up:):)
    I am like you – I am Dutch, but lived in the USA for a few decades, so I can ‘t even vote …but I have already been praying, because I love this country. thank you for being obedient and sharing your dream. who knows, Trump and Carson may work together….
  14. I am (currently) leaning (prayerfully) toward Trump. Why? Is he the most Christian candidate? No. Is he the most moral? No. Does he have issues, is he fallible? Yes. So…why Trump? He’s transparent. What you see is what you get. His ego is too large to lie. He is a do-er! He gets things done. The US is drowning in quicksand and we need someone to get us together to PULL. He believes in freedom of religion. He would allow Christianity to come back to the fore. He’s a Captialist. The US is a capitalist nation and that’s the only way it works. The capitalism creates the energy and wealth to support freedom and thus Christianity. Our DNA is a Christian-Capitalist Nation and that’s the ONLY way we work – literally! He’s strong on the military. The world works best when a moral US is in the lead. The current administration is creating many vacuums across the world and evil is filling them. Finally, Trump is outside the current (completely corrupt) political system. Washington DC is a sewer. The most holy and clean person is instantly defiled once they get there. Trump is outside that system and somewhat “teflon” where that’s concerned. He will be about victory – Triumph – for himself (and thus the US). I see him possibly as a Saul. Not the destined King, but the one to pave the way for God’s anointed (in 4 years). Just as we needed a Reagan after Carter, we need Trump after Obama.
    1. Yes, we REALLY do need Trump after Obama. The potential for reversal from the damage done to the USA, that I see in Trump, is exhilarating! My belief that he is of God, and from God as the man for such a time is this, only grows stronger every day.
  15. Dear Lana V.
    Thank you so much for sharing the dream about Trump. My dear many of we Americans are seeing,hearing,feeling, visions what you shared.
    “God’s Trumpet” puts evil on notice.
    As with the God’s Trumpet-Shofar
    The blast announces the arrival of the King
    The blast put the enemy on notice
    Of God’s victory
    As you’ve heard what Kim Clement
    But they have over looked or not listened , the Lord also released at that time
    Watch, what’s this I see yet another
    A quiet man arising rapidly to the
    So, I agree with you my dear Lana
    Mr. Donald Trump IS “God’s Trumpet”
    Yet maybe not the next president.
    On the msg boards I am careful what I reveal.
    I continue to mirror the trumpet as a Shofar.
    If you don’t have it
    Go to the app store
    Mighty Shofar ……download
    It is awesome, it explains the horns,
    Each Trumpet note,
    And you can make your own Shofar
    It is wonderful I make recordings of the four Shofar sound to last around
    30 minutes at a time to play while I am praying and worshiping.
    I hope you too will get the Shofar app.
    Well, Lana be blessed.
    The Hebrews before going into battle released a victory declaration
    And marching around the walls of Jericho
    \o/ The Lord IS good and his
    mercy endures forever. \o/
    The Lord IS with you Mighty Warrior!!!
    And we do value your input.
    Love,grace, peace
    Adrienne Martin
    Northern California
    (hour south of Sacramento)
  16. Dear Lana V.
    Thank you so much for sharing the dream about Trump. My dear many of we Americans are seeing,hearing,feeling, visions what you shared.
    “God’s Trumpet” puts evil on notice.
    As with the God’s Trumpet-Shofar
    The blast announces the arrival of the King
    The blast put the enemy on notice
    Of God’s victory
    As you’ve heard what Kim Clement
    But they have over looked or not listened , the Lord also released at that time
    Watch, what’s this I see yet another
    A quiet man arising rapidly to the
    So, I agree with you my dear Lana
    Mr. Donald Trump IS “God’s Trumpet”
    Yet maybe not the next president.
    On the msg boards I am careful what I reveal.
    I continue to mirror the trumpet as a Shofar.
    If you don’t have it
    Go to the app store
    Mighty Shofar ……download
    It is awesome, it explains the horns,
    Each Trumpet note,
    And you can make your own Shofar
    It is wonderful I make recordings of the four Shofar sound to last around
    30 minutes at a time to play while I am praying and worshiping.
    I hope you too will get the Shofar app.
    Well, Lana be blessed.
    The Hebrews before going into battle released a victory declaration
    And marching around the walls of Jericho
    \o/ The Lord IS good and his
    mercy endures forever. \o/
    The Lord IS with you Mighty Warrior!!!
    And we do value your input.
    Love,grace, peace
  17. Lana, please accept my sincere apology if my comment was taken as an attack upon you or the words you give! I love your prophetic words from the Lord and look forward to reading each day! I see that you were only sharing the dream you were given and the word the Lord gave you. I will most certainly pray over this word!! Again, I do apologize.
  18. I did not get at all that you were saying Trump would be president. Thank you for being brave with your obedience to Holy Spirit. Sending love from Philadelphia, PA
  19. Dear Lana Vawser:
    Continue to speak and share what God has given you. I’ve been tremendously blessed by your prophecies. You are in tune with God and the Holy Spirit. Don’t let the words of people who aren’t in tune by the spirit stop you from delivering God’s word ( I know you won’t stop :-)) for this nation. He could have given the dream to anyone, but he chose you daughter. Be of good cheer my sister, know that you are loved by God.
    ~ I thank you for being the mouthpiece of God during this time.
    Blessings and with Love,
  20. Thank you, Lana, to your continued faithfulness & steadfastness in delivering the revelation you receive & for your heart for our beautiful nation, America. That was a powerful dream & confirmation to me personally of how I believe the Lord has shown me Trump would be used for our nation. I’m so sorry that you’ve taken some hits because of simply being the ‘messenger’ but I bless you & again, thank you for your diligence to release prophetic insight & encouragement. I trust your heart for Daddy & know w/out any doubt that you have both His heart & His ear, as well as His Word in your mouth. I’ve been deeply blessed & powerfully ministered to by you. Know that I am holding up your arms.
    God bless you & your precious family,
  21. Thank you, Lana for your faithfulness to report what you are given on your “watch” in the night. We measure whatever comes with what else the Lord says and what help the scriptures lend us for discerning the times in which we live.
    Waiting WITH in the meantime.
  22. Thank you and God bless your obeisance…I’m a prophetic dreamer also and u have to tell it the way God gives it…. Blessings to u sister
  23. Lana
    You do not have to apologize for the dreams and visions that God gives you. Keep on being led by the Holy Spirit.
    God Bless !
  24. Produce postage dated copy
    Enclosed doc date on computer
    The thing I appreciate about Trump is that he has been honoring of and receptive to God’s anointed prophets for many years, long before this decision to campaign for President. Trump clearly has a kingly anointing which, if it falls on America, will cause the Body of Christ to see a season of great prosperity even in the midst of famine. For those who have ears let them hear what the Spirit is saying to the church.
    On another note, I recently heard The Lord say that the President and Supreme Court are about to come under great judgement from God for undermining His holy marriage laws.
    Lord, let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven and may the people of America who are called by Your Name humble themselves and pray, that You may heal our land. Amen.
  25. Thank you for this word. As a citizen of the United States, I am very involved in praying for our presidential election as the Lord has shown me so much is at stake.
    Sometimes when I am praying for a certain person, the Lord will lead me to research their name, as often in the Bible, names express deeper significance and help in understaining. It was with a desire to understand what God might be saying about Donald Trump that I did the following researuit
    Donald: ruler of the world
    John: the grace and mercy of the Lord
    Trump: to trump is to outrank or defeat someone or something, often in a highly public way
    (trump card) often trumps a suit in card games that outranks all other suits for the duration of a hand. b. A card of such a suit.
    I will keep your word in prayer and continue to pray God’s will be done in these elections.
  26. Thank you for this word. As a citizen of the United States, I am very involved in praying for our presidential election as the Lord has shown me so much is at stake.
    Sometimes when I am praying for a certain person, the Lord will lead me to research their name, as often in the Bible, names express deeper significance and help in understanding. It was with a desire to understand what God might be saying about Donald Trump that I did the following research on the meaning of his name:
    Donald: ruler of the world
    John: the grace and mercy of the Lord
    Trump: to trump is to outrank or defeat someone or something, often in a highly public way
    (trump card) often trumps a suit in card games that outranks all other suits for the duration of a hand. b. A card of such a suit.
    I will keep your word in prayer and continue to pray God’s will be done in these elections.
  27. Thank you for this word. As a citizen of the United States, I am very involved in praying for our presidential election as the Lord has shown me so much is at stake.
    Sometimes when I am praying for a certain person, the Lord will lead me to research their name, as often in the Bible, names express deeper significance and help in understanding. It was with a desire to understand what God might be saying about Donald Trump that I did the following research:
    Donald: ruler of the world
    John: the grace and mercy of the Lord
    Trump: to trump is to outrank or defeat someone or something, often in a highly public way
    (trump card) often trumps a suit in card games that outranks all other suits for the duration of a hand. b. A card of such a suit.
    I will keep your word in prayer and continue to pray God’s will be done in these elections.
  28. Just before the first GOP debates, GOD told me Donald Trump was the TRUMPet exposing darkness in the US like the unexpected ravens feeding Elijah bread & meat. HE said Donald Trump will make America great again and GOD asked me to pray for him… I have and will continue to as I believe HE is GOD’S choice. Better late than never I just saw this on Facebook today 10/29/2015.
  29. I’m not sure he will be President, but I do believe the Lord is saying he sent him out sort of like an ice breaker. He has the wealth to do investigations like he has in the past and uncover corruption. But as I said I’m not sure he will be the actual President.
  30. Vision about this selection cycle!! I saw Trumpet standing on a stage in a park outside, and the capitol building was behind with the top of the building showing having green trees around part of it.. Trump was standing on a stage and there was a podium to the left on the stage. There stood a figure a man in all brown brown suit, dark hair, skin. Trump was hold 4 golden keys with stones at the top of each key.. Red, blue, gold, white DT he handed the keys to the man in brown, but he moved on the stage and walked to the right side of it the man standing at the podium was facing Trump holding the keys now..
    1. That is beautiful Paula! My personal conviction has been to vote for Ben Carson- but I have had a couple of fleeting visions and/or a sense that DT would be winning and then pass his victory to Ben- It wasn’t clear if this was before or after Trump becoming President. Would this also be your interpretation?
  31. Lana, your dream about Donald Trump confirms what is & has been in my heart all along – and just keeps growing. I cannot thank the Lord enough for imparting His mind & intent to you, and am so grateful to hear this word. Thank you also,Lana, for loving my country, the United States of America, and being faithful to give us this good, good news!
  32. Lana, my spirit received and bore witness to your dream. I had chills and understood then what YHVH had been speaking to my heart. We have a savior –Jesus. God is anointing a man of purpose to carry out His will.
  33. Thank you for sharing your revelations.
    I truly am seeking the Heart of God & know with Him all things are possible.
    With that being my proclamation, I am deeply disturbed by Trumps association with the KKK,
    his blatant disregard for people of color & his misogyny toward women. I do not see a heart of God’s love & service for all, especially any minority. No love for women, he changes wives like some people change vehicles.
    What charitable work does he do for the underprivileged ?
    Only people who agree with him are allowed in his rallies.
    What is his platform other than his self centered rants against minorities ?
    I do not see a Godly man from any perspective.
  34. It took a Saul to turn the people’s hearts to a David. It took a blinding light experience to turn Saul into Paul in the New Testament. He was on his way to kill believers when he was changed into another man and ending up writing much of our Scripture. Selah.
  35. Trump is our Cyrus for America. God has graced him for this hour. God has blessed him and no weapon formed against him will prosper. He also has an anointing upon him that has been passed down his bloodline from his mother’s side. He gets it from reformer John Knox who confronted government regarding their corruption. He wasn’t liked or wanted by the government. Sounds like Trump huh? Thank you for sharing. God bless you.
  36. God’s wisdom is wiser than man. The Media and the press is wrong about Donald Trump. Trump is a good man who cares about the world.
    If Trump is given the mantle for government, he shall be elected President of USA.
    People in the media misjudged him and they are wrong about him
  37. I have listened and paid much attention to what’s going on and I have build a relationship with the most high God and practice to do what he Tell’s us take to the Lord in prayer, with that said , I voted for President Obama in 2008 shortly after the Lord showed me a vision where his heart was not where I thought. But after he won the second term father God said to me I give him a second chance , about two weeks later the lord said quote’ (I am watching to see how he is going handle the situation regarding Israel and Iran), now the understanding I have God knows we are not perfect but He gives us opportunities, with this said there are reason’s more than we could ever emagined why God do or allow the things he does , he is certainly not one track minded remember the saying as quoted in the scriptures the foolishness of God is greater than man . I have learned to put my trust in the Lord after hearing all the foolishness that is taking place in this beautiful country which the Lord has given us and also knowing that our Lord tells us do not put confidence in any man if we are people of God we should know them by their fruits they could build a wall as high to the sky , and block everyone from coming in things will still happen here in the US. the bible tells us that these things would take place and the bible must be fulfilled, the only thing will prevent evil on the land is repentance (turn from their evil ways ) thus saith the Lord if my people who are called by my name would humble themselves , seek my face, repent of their sins then I will hear from heaven and heal their labd. God has to get glory out of everything repentance brings Him souls. If a person fakes his way to the presidency they cannot fake their way to the kingdom. Just some food for thought, lastly I ask the lord who he wants for the next president and the morning of the first caucus early as I lied in bed I heard Hillary Clinton, many things is not what we wants or what we thinks ,his will must be done. The lord bless you all.m
  38. Awesome dream!! I am a big Trump supporter and have been since he announced. He needs major prayer for supernatural protection. The enemy would like to remove him. Please pray for Donald and his family!!!!
  39. lana vawser, you always lift my spirits, with your prophecies..i am an intercessor in the u.s.a., and have been praying for this country for a long time, and a word you gave awhile ago..maybe a year or so ago really brought me hope for our country that i hadn’t had in a few years, and it so touched my heart so very deeply that someone from another country loves our country that much, which is ,i believe, God breathed…then here you go again with another word that aligns with my spirit….. as i feel that our God is using Donald Trump for our u.s.a…..He always uses the “foolish” things to confound the wise!! …as He has made this peace loving, quiet, shy woma. to be an intercessor-fighter in His Army…so opposite of who i was in the natural!
    So, again Thank You for being obedient to The Lord’s leading with this word from The Lord, and i also intercede for your country, as you do ours.
    Greatful with Blessings,
    Karen.E. Kendrick
    1. I also ‘came across’ a post here, last May, that thrilled me, because I have believed since 9/11 that I’d heard a word from God completely the opposite of what everyone else seemed to be saying…NO ONE spoke life over the USA, Christian or otherwise, that I knew, ever…to finally read “UNITED STATES OF AMERICA YOU ARE PREGNANT WITH A GLORY STORY!!!!” last May, was like finding a long-buried treasure. My hope for my country is only restored because of these visions & dreams, given to Lana Vawser, by our God & Savior. We are all very blessed to have ‘found’ her site. To be privy to His Words about America, and to be strengthened by them. Amazing grace! Mighty is our God!
  40. So many of these comments are so encouraging, also…such clear, hope-filled protection & confirmation, against the ungodliness of media & political chicanery. The agreement here is strong. Amen.

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