Islam Puppet of the NWO Puppet Masters: The Purpose
12-12-2015, 10:21 PM#1
The Islam Tool and Puppet and the New World Order Puppet Master: A Speculation On Its Real Overall Purpose
This is a brief outline of a "religious" destabilizing sector in the "Global Jihad versus Global Crusade" plot set up, for greater use in the overall final cycle. Thus, what is to be covered here is but a "religious war" sector, to develop within the larger global war scenario sector, now playing out in Russia versus the USA/NATO, to encapsulate the whole final cycle of the Global Destabilization Formula activating, like the world has never seen or experienced before, to eventually resolve into the World Government "solution".
Thus this 'Islam Puppet of the NWO Puppeteer' development will eventually be second priority to the grander context of the nation-state political sector use of Russia versus the US/UK West, for the final world war "sword stroke" "problem" development, which is actually the fourth designed formulaic global-cycle (WW1, 1914-1919; WW2, 1936-1945; Cold WW3, 1947-1990), engineered and controlled to resolve, in grand manner, into the final World Government Solution global presentation, over several final years, which peak in global tumult of a controlled CHAOS for several years, meant "heal" in time, to eventually birth the full "new world" ORDER.
In the intervening years leading to the 'Zenith of Chaos', they want to build up the mass emotional psychology of everyone on planet earth, and this examines the "Islam versus the West" crucible of just such an amplification of emotions, amidst instabilities that will get far far worse in the coming years, as this formulaic cycle unwinds to World Government.
In this speculation, non-biased, non-religious or hateful in intent, I'd like to lay out the purpose of "Islam" in the NWO Global Agenda, in concept and speculative form. In its sector of instability, Islam is used in its radical subset, to aid the Global Crisis Effect, to then present the "world government" "ultimate solution to all mankind's ills".
Islam, like all corporate central-controlled religions, actually seem to play right into the NWO hand, here is my speculation on how they will use that Islam Corporate-Religion Tool (CRT):
NWO Islam Tool Stage 1
1. FIRST, use Islam to destabilize, help divide, confuse and invade Europe and America, from grassroots, on the street, to local political levels, by terror and various intrigues in all Western nations and puppet nations. (As well as the Middle East, for radical Islam can be used against Muslims as well).
A. Then from that "terror" "gone wild" all over the EU, US, etc, the NWO aiding police state and martial law camps are fully set in place, and even requested by EU and USA citizenry.
Initial Mission accomplished. That can aid any final cycle World War instability that may arise, like anti-Patriot actions, anti-gun actions, etc. Islam is the Western Trojan Horse of the NWO Martial Law System.
B. At the same time the "Israel" and "Christianity" 'Islam Jihad versus Global Crusade' Global Effect, puts religion deeply on many peoples' minds, for years. (Which comes in handy for number 3.)
NWO Islam Tool Stage 2
2. Then, when the World War "sword stroke" "problem" is progressing, eventually to arrive at the climax "healing" "solution" wrap up, in that process of some years, they can use Islam as the New Nuclear Bombing Boy, and Islam can be the first Corporate-Religion Tool Department to be literally annihilated from planet Earth, once the NWO are done with the tool process of number 1, stage 1.
Islam at this time, is merely being allowed to exist, funded by the circuitous west main investment/weapons system routes. The NWO can wipe Islam out when they choose, for maximum effect for this ruse, when this formulaic use of Islam has completed.
A. Now keep in mind, this DRAMA is to be escalated and built up in people's minds the whole time, to prime their "revenge"-to-"relief" eventual totally global "collective emotional" response (for the West advantage), but amped up the whole time, to use that movie-like conning technique to keep guiding the minds and hearts of the West to the "ultimate solution" it is leading to, in world government.
B. For Muslims, and Islam affected minds and nations, they are all distracted from the real development, two birds, one NWO stone.
C. And to add to the GLOBAL-CONFUSION, a World War will be active too boot! It is also about distraction, distraction, distraction, then diversion, to the World Government "solution", amidst hyped emotions, off the charts, which can be transformed into immense global hopefulness when "the tide turns", and turn it will.
D. Islam is being set up now as the total "global enemy" (for the west), for first level eventual total selective termination of that NWO "Public Enemy #l" Prop, for the West. It is like a movie plot being amped up for "revenge" feelings, to eventually satiate that amped up desire, in time, when the NWO decides to annihilate that first "Islam problem", and that first in this final post stage 2 process. When the NWO brings out their real weapons techniques, they will exterminate Islam first, imo, like setting HAARP's human "racial and religious" custom filtration settings to "non-animal", "brown" and "Islamic" (use filter checkbox)
And the NWO extermination of Islam, is also the top floor entry to the Middle East total takeover, AT THE SAME TIME, and I mean lock, stock, and every last barrel of oil, imo.
(This is similar to how the "Japan Enemy" was setup first, to be the Atom Bomb Whipping Boy to end WW2, to then aid the UN "we need world peace" and "world peace weapons. They have to use a non-white whipping boy, yellow or brown preferred. But brown is this years color to whip to oblivion, in time. Islam is "first doomed", imo.)
In the meantime, the Islamic victims of this ruse, are equally distracted so as to not see the development of world government, which they are being used to aid, the whole time.
CRT Tool Stage 3 - Final Con: All Interested, Hail Israel and Christendom as "God's Chosen"
That aids the first stage "world peace" hype sub-climax, and the final use of Christendom and Judaism's CRT complex to cloak world government as "Zion" "God's Kingdom Come to Earth":
3. Then, "Israel" and "Christianity" seem victorious by an NWO engineered movie-like global formula! Then Christendom and the "Israel" carrot are used, first, to lead people to the "wildbeast" "solution" of World Government (as they promote the final false prophecies, all seeming real as all get out at this time, to cloak the decoy (world government) to present itself first, as "Zion" and "Kingdom of God on Earth", to those remaining "Westward" CRT dupes, with the final total help of Judaism and Christendom CRT puppets.
Now whipping Islam in grand manner, will amplify the initial "world peace" effect and "healing" hopefulness power for the west's religious dupes, to give great steroided credibility to both Israel and Christendom. The whole overall effect will be globally-amplified, and on "steroids", by the annihilation of Islam and the total NATO conquest of the Middle East.
Thus the "global healing", "solution", phase is aided as well, by virtually "free" oil for the West. (Because they will not implement the final Global Clean Energy Paradigm, until later...but they will talk about its certainty, but these things take time, strict agenda, and scheduling.)
CRT Tool Final Stage: Goodbye All Religions
4. Then, last but not least, they can process the "Christendom" and "Israel" props in the rest of the Corporate-Religion Tool Departments, as by then they will be unneeded, all puppets will have played their global-parts completely, in the final act, for the "it all equates to world peace" Epilogue of World Government highlighting. All the world's the stage for this final play, and we are all in it.
A. All the other small fries, like Asia's CRT Buddhist complex and the Hindus, etc, are cleaned up as lowest priority. As for non-religious people, the entire removal of religion, is as good as "world peace everyone!" Global Celebration time! But "one world religion" can be offered for those who need the religious boon.
They will use Islam to initially amp up all this drama in the West, and it will go on for some years, and will intensify way way beyond what we see now, it will go off the charts in "Islam Terror", allowed as the first "big problem", to aid the distraction process, while setting up the mass-emotional catalyst for the relieving mass-emotional "catharsis" to transform into great global hopefulness for world peace. As Islam is flushed first from the global scene, then the global air is then to be NWO "freshened up" to the obligatory initial "world peace" scent for the western noses, and the "plotline" of this "drama" ends that Islam phase (and then the whole CRT phase), like Western Superman saving the day in a movie, all hyped, hyped, hyped for maximum positive psychological effect.
But in the downfall of the US and EU systems, that "superman" will not be the Western nation-states, it will be World Government as the Overlord of the World System.
Unfortunately, like all religions, Islam is just an NWO initial "power tool", used to help jackhammer the western social structure into "divide" mode pieces (including the deunification of Islam itself), prior to full global scale national sovereignty conquest, as all the nation-states tumble like eggs into the NWO World Government "Global Basket" of countries. All the NWO Kings Horses and all the NWO Kings Men, can put Nation-State Humpty Dumpty back together again, but under NWO glue, Global ICU, and in the NWO egg crate of World Government.
Then the Real Jesus Christ and God's Kingdom shows up, is how this speculation would logically conclude, as most of the world has been fully duped.
And that is how I speculate Islam aids the initial stage processes, like the rest of the big Corporate-Religion Tools complete it.
This is a brief outline of a "religious" destabilizing sector in the "Global Jihad versus Global Crusade" plot set up, for greater use in the overall final cycle. Thus, what is to be covered here is but a "religious war" sector, to develop within the larger global war scenario sector, now playing out in Russia versus the USA/NATO, to encapsulate the whole final cycle of the Global Destabilization Formula activating, like the world has never seen or experienced before, to eventually resolve into the World Government "solution".
Thus this 'Islam Puppet of the NWO Puppeteer' development will eventually be second priority to the grander context of the nation-state political sector use of Russia versus the US/UK West, for the final world war "sword stroke" "problem" development, which is actually the fourth designed formulaic global-cycle (WW1, 1914-1919; WW2, 1936-1945; Cold WW3, 1947-1990), engineered and controlled to resolve, in grand manner, into the final World Government Solution global presentation, over several final years, which peak in global tumult of a controlled CHAOS for several years, meant "heal" in time, to eventually birth the full "new world" ORDER.
In the intervening years leading to the 'Zenith of Chaos', they want to build up the mass emotional psychology of everyone on planet earth, and this examines the "Islam versus the West" crucible of just such an amplification of emotions, amidst instabilities that will get far far worse in the coming years, as this formulaic cycle unwinds to World Government.
In this speculation, non-biased, non-religious or hateful in intent, I'd like to lay out the purpose of "Islam" in the NWO Global Agenda, in concept and speculative form. In its sector of instability, Islam is used in its radical subset, to aid the Global Crisis Effect, to then present the "world government" "ultimate solution to all mankind's ills".
Islam, like all corporate central-controlled religions, actually seem to play right into the NWO hand, here is my speculation on how they will use that Islam Corporate-Religion Tool (CRT):
NWO Islam Tool Stage 1
1. FIRST, use Islam to destabilize, help divide, confuse and invade Europe and America, from grassroots, on the street, to local political levels, by terror and various intrigues in all Western nations and puppet nations. (As well as the Middle East, for radical Islam can be used against Muslims as well).
A. Then from that "terror" "gone wild" all over the EU, US, etc, the NWO aiding police state and martial law camps are fully set in place, and even requested by EU and USA citizenry.
Initial Mission accomplished. That can aid any final cycle World War instability that may arise, like anti-Patriot actions, anti-gun actions, etc. Islam is the Western Trojan Horse of the NWO Martial Law System.
B. At the same time the "Israel" and "Christianity" 'Islam Jihad versus Global Crusade' Global Effect, puts religion deeply on many peoples' minds, for years. (Which comes in handy for number 3.)
NWO Islam Tool Stage 2
2. Then, when the World War "sword stroke" "problem" is progressing, eventually to arrive at the climax "healing" "solution" wrap up, in that process of some years, they can use Islam as the New Nuclear Bombing Boy, and Islam can be the first Corporate-Religion Tool Department to be literally annihilated from planet Earth, once the NWO are done with the tool process of number 1, stage 1.
Islam at this time, is merely being allowed to exist, funded by the circuitous west main investment/weapons system routes. The NWO can wipe Islam out when they choose, for maximum effect for this ruse, when this formulaic use of Islam has completed.
A. Now keep in mind, this DRAMA is to be escalated and built up in people's minds the whole time, to prime their "revenge"-to-"relief" eventual totally global "collective emotional" response (for the West advantage), but amped up the whole time, to use that movie-like conning technique to keep guiding the minds and hearts of the West to the "ultimate solution" it is leading to, in world government.
B. For Muslims, and Islam affected minds and nations, they are all distracted from the real development, two birds, one NWO stone.
C. And to add to the GLOBAL-CONFUSION, a World War will be active too boot! It is also about distraction, distraction, distraction, then diversion, to the World Government "solution", amidst hyped emotions, off the charts, which can be transformed into immense global hopefulness when "the tide turns", and turn it will.
D. Islam is being set up now as the total "global enemy" (for the west), for first level eventual total selective termination of that NWO "Public Enemy #l" Prop, for the West. It is like a movie plot being amped up for "revenge" feelings, to eventually satiate that amped up desire, in time, when the NWO decides to annihilate that first "Islam problem", and that first in this final post stage 2 process. When the NWO brings out their real weapons techniques, they will exterminate Islam first, imo, like setting HAARP's human "racial and religious" custom filtration settings to "non-animal", "brown" and "Islamic" (use filter checkbox)
And the NWO extermination of Islam, is also the top floor entry to the Middle East total takeover, AT THE SAME TIME, and I mean lock, stock, and every last barrel of oil, imo.
(This is similar to how the "Japan Enemy" was setup first, to be the Atom Bomb Whipping Boy to end WW2, to then aid the UN "we need world peace" and "world peace weapons. They have to use a non-white whipping boy, yellow or brown preferred. But brown is this years color to whip to oblivion, in time. Islam is "first doomed", imo.)
In the meantime, the Islamic victims of this ruse, are equally distracted so as to not see the development of world government, which they are being used to aid, the whole time.
CRT Tool Stage 3 - Final Con: All Interested, Hail Israel and Christendom as "God's Chosen"
That aids the first stage "world peace" hype sub-climax, and the final use of Christendom and Judaism's CRT complex to cloak world government as "Zion" "God's Kingdom Come to Earth":
3. Then, "Israel" and "Christianity" seem victorious by an NWO engineered movie-like global formula! Then Christendom and the "Israel" carrot are used, first, to lead people to the "wildbeast" "solution" of World Government (as they promote the final false prophecies, all seeming real as all get out at this time, to cloak the decoy (world government) to present itself first, as "Zion" and "Kingdom of God on Earth", to those remaining "Westward" CRT dupes, with the final total help of Judaism and Christendom CRT puppets.
Now whipping Islam in grand manner, will amplify the initial "world peace" effect and "healing" hopefulness power for the west's religious dupes, to give great steroided credibility to both Israel and Christendom. The whole overall effect will be globally-amplified, and on "steroids", by the annihilation of Islam and the total NATO conquest of the Middle East.
Thus the "global healing", "solution", phase is aided as well, by virtually "free" oil for the West. (Because they will not implement the final Global Clean Energy Paradigm, until later...but they will talk about its certainty, but these things take time, strict agenda, and scheduling.)
CRT Tool Final Stage: Goodbye All Religions
4. Then, last but not least, they can process the "Christendom" and "Israel" props in the rest of the Corporate-Religion Tool Departments, as by then they will be unneeded, all puppets will have played their global-parts completely, in the final act, for the "it all equates to world peace" Epilogue of World Government highlighting. All the world's the stage for this final play, and we are all in it.
A. All the other small fries, like Asia's CRT Buddhist complex and the Hindus, etc, are cleaned up as lowest priority. As for non-religious people, the entire removal of religion, is as good as "world peace everyone!" Global Celebration time! But "one world religion" can be offered for those who need the religious boon.
They will use Islam to initially amp up all this drama in the West, and it will go on for some years, and will intensify way way beyond what we see now, it will go off the charts in "Islam Terror", allowed as the first "big problem", to aid the distraction process, while setting up the mass-emotional catalyst for the relieving mass-emotional "catharsis" to transform into great global hopefulness for world peace. As Islam is flushed first from the global scene, then the global air is then to be NWO "freshened up" to the obligatory initial "world peace" scent for the western noses, and the "plotline" of this "drama" ends that Islam phase (and then the whole CRT phase), like Western Superman saving the day in a movie, all hyped, hyped, hyped for maximum positive psychological effect.
But in the downfall of the US and EU systems, that "superman" will not be the Western nation-states, it will be World Government as the Overlord of the World System.
Unfortunately, like all religions, Islam is just an NWO initial "power tool", used to help jackhammer the western social structure into "divide" mode pieces (including the deunification of Islam itself), prior to full global scale national sovereignty conquest, as all the nation-states tumble like eggs into the NWO World Government "Global Basket" of countries. All the NWO Kings Horses and all the NWO Kings Men, can put Nation-State Humpty Dumpty back together again, but under NWO glue, Global ICU, and in the NWO egg crate of World Government.
Then the Real Jesus Christ and God's Kingdom shows up, is how this speculation would logically conclude, as most of the world has been fully duped.
And that is how I speculate Islam aids the initial stage processes, like the rest of the big Corporate-Religion Tools complete it.
Isaiah 40:26 "Not one of them is missing"
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