Two of the Biggest Biblical Prophecies To Happen This Year As Top Israeli Authorities Deliver Shocking Announcements! (Videos)
Tuesday, July 7, 2015 21:41
When asked about the timing of the Messiah’s arrival, Rabbi Kanievsky answered, “At the end of the Sabbatical year.” Several people have asked the Rabbi to verify this and he has given the same answer each time. This year is the Sabbatical year and it will be ending on the 29th day of Elul, which, by the Gregorian calendar falls on Saturday, September 12, 2015. Breaking Israel News
Could it be anymore obvious that we are the generation, and the end of this age, as we know it, is here?
Top Rabbi Announces (Antichrist) To Arrive 9/2015-Calling All Jews Home!
Posted in Breaking Israel News just days ago:
Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, a leading authority in mainstream Ultra-Orthodox Judaism, has been giving clear and unequivocal messages recently that the coming of the Messiah is imminent. He is urging Jews to make Aliyah as soon as possible. Aliyah, the Hebrew verb for “going up”, refers to immigrating to Israel, which is seen as higher spiritual action that can help herald in the coming of the Messiah.
After a lifetime of immersing himself in classical Jewish texts, Rabbi Kanievsky’s study partner informed various media sites that the Rabbi is talking about the messiah “all the time.” Since last summer’s war in Gaza, the Rabbi has been spreading this message of imminent return. In one instance, Rabbi Kanievsky instructed a Jew from Argentina who asked for a blessing that he should “gather your family and come to Israel. Otherwise, there won’t be enough room for you on the airplanes.”
When asked about the timing of the Messiah’s arrival, Rabbi Kanievsky answered, “At the end of the Sabbatical year.” Several people have asked the Rabbi to verify this and he has given the same answer each time. This year is the Sabbatical year and it will be ending on the 29th day of Elul, which, by the Gregorian calendar falls on Saturday, September 12, 2015.
Orthodox Jews do not believe that Jesus Christ was the Messiah, therefore, they are still looking for the Messiah to come. The Messiah they seek and will proclaim will be the one Christians know as the Antichrist.
If this isn’t enough, The Temple Institute has just posted on their official Facebook page that they have important news to share in only a few days (July 12th):
Call To Prayer-Jade Helm, Signs In the Heavens & More! Proof We Are At the End!
“Know therefore and understand, That from the going forth of the command To restore and build Jerusalem Until Messiah the Prince, There shall be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks; The street shall be built again, and the wall, Even in troublesome times.” —Daniel 9:25
From the Temple Institute Website:
The Sanhedrin calls upon all groups who work in the area of Temple and Temple Mount-related research and activity, to begin to prepare detailed architectural plans for the construction of the Holy Temple, towards the goal of its establishment in its proper place.
The Sanhedrin will establish a forum of architects and engineers whose goal will be to implement this decision, so that detailed working plans are effectively brought to an operational stage.
The Sanhedrin calls upon the Jewish people to contribute towards the acquisition of materials for the purpose of rebuilding the Holy Temple; the gathering and preparation of prefabricated, disassembled portions of this building to be stored and ready for rapid assembly, in the manner of King David. These contributions will be consider “chulin,” i.e., non-sacred, for the purpose of the planning and construction of the Temple.
Prof. Hillel Weiss
R. Chaim Richman
Spokesmen for the Sanhedrin
R. Chaim Richman
Spokesmen for the Sanhedrin
Here are the facts:
—Top Rabbi says their Messiah (Antichrist) comes at the end of the Sabbatical year, which is September 12, 2015. The Shemitah ends September 13. Jubillee begins on September 14. Feast of Trumpets starts September 14. Jade Helm exercises end September 15. The economy is set to crash in September. Comets, asteroids, tsunamis, and earthquakes are being prophesied and predicted by prophets and scientists. Is this all just coincidence?
—All Jews, globally, are being urgently called home to Israel by the leading, most trusted and respected Rabbi to prepare for the IMMINENT appearance of the “Messiah” (Antichrist)
—It was stated by this Rabbi (Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky) that he would arrive “At the end of the Sabbatical year.” Several people have asked the Rabbi to verify this and he has given the same answer each time. This year is the Sabbatical year and it will be ending on the 29th day of Elul, which, by the Gregorian calendar falls on Saturday, September 12, 2015.
—The Temple Institute has an important announcement in only a few days. They have been prepared to rebuild the third temple and have been calling for more help.
—These are direct signs given us in the Bible in order to alert us that the tribulation is imminent!
Now will you believe? And, will you prepare…in EVERY way?
PROPHECY ALERT: Temple Institute Major Announcement
Temple Institute “MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT” set for July 12th 2015
Don’t beleive Satan is at work in this this world? Check this out!
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