Friday 11 March 2016

Welcome to the Kingdom of Heaven

Questions & Answers

This is the transcript of a conversation held online between a young man, who had never heard of citizens of Heaven, and Pastor Paul.
I stumbled across your website today and it really struck a cord with me. Are you serious?
Yes, this is our entire life. Just imagine a universal government which has no physical borders.
What about the law?
We do our best to live according to the Golden Rule. Love God, love neighbor. Be neighbor to everyone.
I like that. Are you self-sustained or do you still interact with the world?
We are out of the world system. Our work is completely under the authority of the Kingdom of Heaven. We are not a burden to anyone.
If I were to join with you, would I have to move and relocate? More importantly, would I need to end all contact with family and friends?
No, the Kingdom of Heaven is not a physical location. We are sprinkled like salt upon the earth.
So could I continue to go to college?
You could attend, but only as a nonresident because your citizenship would be different. Residents pay less at a state college because part of the cost is picked up by state taxpayers. You would be a citizen of Heaven, not of the world. As a foreigner, you would pay the full nonresident tuition since you don’t qualify for the privileges of residents.
What about getting a job?
Yes, you can have a job. We are all commanded to work. The question is whether they will hire a foreigner. Usually we are prevented from working for the world. There is always work to do in the Kingdom of Heaven.
What kind of work could I do?
God has given us all gifts. Ask Him to show you how you can use these talents to serve others.
Are you saying I would no longer be a U.S. citizen?
We do not hold dual citizenship. You cannot serve two masters. You cannot serve two governments.
If we are no longer part of the U.S., must we still abide by their rules?
In the Kingdom of Heaven, our laws have already been given. We seek to do even more than what is required. However, the world does not make our laws… and neither do we. Our laws arealready written in Heaven, and expressed in the New Testament.
Are we protected if we are sent to jail?
We are instructed to lay down our lives. Our protection comes only from Christ. We are not surprised when we are persecuted by those who do not understand, and we forgive them.
What about getting a driver license from the state?
Only a resident of a state can get a state driver license.
So we don’t drive?
We drive, but we drive in the Kingdom of Heaven (which includes the whole world) under the authority of Jesus Christ.
What about taxes?
Pay all taxes that are owed, and keep your agreements. Many of the taxes are intended for state residents. Also, we do not sign up for benefits reserved for citizens of the world. We look only to God for our needs.
What about alcohol?
Drunkards shall not enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but drinking alcohol in moderation is not a violation in the Kingdom. Even Jesus made wine.
One more question, how do I become a member?
Call upon the Name of the Lord and give your life to Christ. If you wish to make it more formal, you can make a written declaration of citizenship and get baptized to make your commitment public.
We have a system of records. Your declaration can be put on file for public inspection. We also have optional documents if you need public papers. There is more information
I have a lot of information to go over. Obviously this decision should not be made lightly. Thank you for sharing this with me.
Christ’s blessings.

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