Wednesday 22 June 2016

EU Membership: Reasons For And Against Leaving

There are pros and cons of Britain's membership in the EU. Sky News looks at some key arguments on both sides of the debate.

09:47, UK,

The European Union flag
David Cameron has started negotiating a new deal with European Union partners ahead of a referendum on the UK's membership in the bloc.
Here are five of the reasons for and against Britain's membership of the EU.
Reasons To Stay
:: Millions of jobs are linked to our EU membership
As far back as the year 2000, it has been claimed that three million jobs rely directly on our membership of the European Union. The figure was even cited by Nick Clegg during his time as Deputy Prime Minister.
An analysis by Full Fact found that millions of jobs are linked to the EU, but said there is no evidence to show how many would be in jeopardy if we left.
:: Some of Britain's biggest trading partners are in the EU
Some of Britain's largest trading partners - including France and Germany - are in the EU.
More than 50% of our exports go to EU countries, and our membership allows us to have a say over how trading rules are drawn up.
:: It's easier than ever for us to work and travel abroad
Around 1.4 million British people live abroad in the EU, and having membership makes movement around the continent incredibly easy. Driving licences issued in the UK are valid in all EU countries.
:: Crime fighting
The European Arrest Warrant cuts out the need for long and complicated extradition procedures and allows criminals to be brought to justice across the EU.
:: Influence in the world
The EU is the world's biggest market and plays a big role in world trade, climate change issues, development projects and more.
It has the clout to take on multinationals such as Google and Microsoft. At the moment Britain plays a key role in the EU, and leaving would see us forgo that.
Reasons To Leave
:: Border control back in our hands
The flip side of the freedom of work and travel for UK citizens is that people from other EU countries are free to travel to and live in Britain.
UKIP leader Nigel Farage says any attempt by the Government to control immigration into the UK is futile as long as we are in the EU.
:: We could make a large membership fee saving
Like most clubs, the EU charges a membership fee, and it has been claimed that the cost is around £55m per day.
Analysis by Full Fact estimates the figure is closer to £24m per day when rebates and other receipts are taken into account.
:: Institutions are seen as lacking democracy
The European Parliament is directly elected, although the powerful Commission which proposes legislation is not.
Because many of these laws supersede legislation made by individual states' parliaments, some see the system as undemocratic.
:: Other countries successfully go it alone
Many Eurosceptics look to rich Norway as a country which trades with the EU without being in it. It also controls its own agriculture and keeps its fish, rather than being bound by EU quotas.
:: Get rid of any threat to Britain's military freedom
There is a push within the ranks of the EU's leaders for it to have its own army.
The president of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, said earlier this year that it would help show Russia the EU was serious about defending member values.
In the past the British Government has been forced to block moves to create EU-controlled military forces.

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