Saturday 15 October 2016

Woman Dies And Sees Catholics in Hell/Pope John Paul II. Burning in Flames/Nun Idolaters

I plead blood of YAHUSHUA over this video and return all the evil to the senders
Young woman was taken to hell where she saw nuns burning in flames and pope John Paul II. begging in hell to have another chance to repent.
Warning from YAH:
I will not share MY Glory with graven images or Mary or pope statues. You who do this, after you heard the warning, you will taste MY Wrath and flames of hell. I won´t be mocked by you anymore. They killed and imprisoned MY prophets. Spirit of witchcraft abodes and satan operates in this organization. You go to church on Sunday, confess sins to a priest, celebrate pagan holidays.
I am disgusted by you if you mock and slander MY Messengers and refuse to repent. You will taste MY Wrath. Many of you have only religion and no Holy Spirit inside or you would have been convicted long time ago of your sin. Humble yourself, bow your knees and call toME, in tears, how to please ME, without a pretense of religion. 
This evil organization, oh, I will not share MY Glory with a sinful woman Mary. she only went to Heaven because she believed in YAHUSHUA and kept Commandments, which can´t be said of any of you. She was a jewish Sabbath keeping woman, a sinner saved by grace, she called YAHUSHUA her Master. IF YOU LOVE ME, KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS. Only one was perfect and without sin and without a need of Savior, because HE was a Savior HIMSELF -YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH-WE, Father and Holy Spirit are one. ALL others have sinned. No Isis, Ishtar, Mary can´t save you from hell. Only satan instructs people to pray to demonic Ishtar, goddess of sex worshipped, that is said to be a virgin after each sexual intercourse.
Get rid of this paganism. Or you will be with this demon-tears crying statue in hell . This mother of Horus, who is MY imposter (Horus), the soon coming Antichrist. How can you tell lie from truth, if you don´t follow ME and keep MY Commandments now? Do you think it will be better in the Great Tribulation? You will go to Sunday church as pope commands and you will take the Mark of the Beast? You go to church on Sunday, don´t you? And mock my prophets who teach Sabbath is not Sunday and that worship of Mary is sin. No human is worthy to be bowed to or to their statue, do not even build any statues of ME, it is prohibited in the Bible, MY essence can´t be captured, you only feel it in your Holy spirit, if you have her.
You who do this evil, you will be with these demons in hell. Reptillian satan rules this organization and is Master of it. There are some left that are MINE and have the Holy Spirit inside, but are foolish and held captive by flesh and demonic spirits of mind control and mind manipulation and believe that this satanic swine church is the only true church. That is not. MY true church are believers that worship ME in spirit and truth. Teachings of this organization try to pervert and destroy MY Word and MY People.
"Miracles" of Fatima nad similar sightings
You are right( YAHUSHUA mentions my name) , if you bought some hologram machine and did holographic projection with it, you would have catholics praying in your backyard. False miracles of sun god Horus, who is satan. Antichrist in disguise on 13th, occult number. (my note, miracle of Fatima called miracle of the sun occured on 13th day )
The leaders of this organization are criminals from hell. pope killing and eating babies. Mind control, every evil thing under the earth this evil organization does. You will taste MY Wrath and her sins will be counted against thee, if you do not come out of her, MY People. Others, who will still stay after this and after many warnigs from MY Prophets. There was never any truth in you, you will see hell and the Lake of fire with these demons you worship now, you are being comfortable with them now, so you will be with them in hell. Prophet´s job is not to convince anybody, but speak the warnings.
On demonic looking statue in S. Paul´s hall
You will be in hell with this satan, they say it is jesus, wanna get their jesus?, you will get their jesus.

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