Sunday 31 May 2015

It is three minutes to midnight and the WW3!!!

The New World Order will be put in place when there is a civic economic breakdown after September, 2015. A lot of prophetic revelations from the bible will happen at the same time the UN and world leaders pass world affairs to one unholy man. Jade Helm 15 is already in place and ready to take effect when this social economic meltdown takes place between July-September the police, homeland security and military will be training for this event. This has been planed since the beginning of World War 1 1917 the wealth families have has a secret government in place for the last 150 years:

July 16th, 2015- Jade Helm 15 will start and training for the civil unrest to start.
September 27-28th- Pope Francis visits the United States and address the United Nations
                                 he will introduce a one world plan to stop world hunger.
September 29th, 2015 The will address the United States Congress to this will be the start of the one world                                      government.

We are under attack by the very governments we choose to elect this is not just an American issue but this involves all nations. We are all effected by this treat NO MORE FREEDOMS NOT ONE!!!! we must fight this evil dictatorship to no end. This is all leading to a global war that will destroy 1/4 of the worlds population and believe it or not this is what the Illuminanti want because that means a decrease in the worlds population. There will be chemical warfare, Immunisation, starvation and these are just some the ways that will be used to destroy the masses. In America things will start by rounding up people for either death or conditioning to accept the New World Order all these FEMA camps will house tens of thousands. There will be a round up to collect guns and any arms that could be used to fight against the new military police state 22,000,000 people in America will die.

Their plans is to establish a One World Government, One World Military, One World Currency and One World Religion. We must start fighting back and NOW!!! Start asking questions don't be like sheep and take this sitting down. This has already started the next item will be computer chip the size of a grain of sand implanted in our hands or head and everyone must get it done or be put in the FEMA death camps. All this has been predicted for the last 2.000 years in the Holy Bible we are living in the Book of Revelations prophesy right now. It is going to get a lot worse this anti-christ will  lead the world into a peace agreement with Israel and the Palestinians in the middle east. This will pave the way for the new Jewish temple to be built on Temple Mound it will be a good day for the Jews and for the three and a half years it will be peaceful. Then the focus will be on Israel as the false prophet will get the anti-christ to make a new world religion that everyone must follow no matter who you are and what you believe. The Jews will be fight against the idea and will not agree to follow the false prophet and anti-christ and refuse to bow down to idols which the anti -christ will set up of himself as the new messiah.

This is when the anti-christ will declare war on Israel because they will not accept his as god he unleashes a muti nation attack fro all sides of the Israel borders. The nations that will attack will be Iran, Russia, China and a all middle east countries surrounding Israel it will be the start of World War 3 a war to end all wars in history. Then a miracle will occur the return of Jesus Christ will his elect to declare war on the anti-christ and his army he will kill everyone involved and all forces will be destroyed completely then he will show himself to the Jews and they all will accept him as the Son of God. Then all will be at peace as Jesus sets up his kingdom for 1000 years the anti-christ and the false prophet will be put in the pit of brimstone and fire then the devil will be bound in chains for 1000 years. Then the New Jerusalem will descend from Heaven and the elect people who had believed in the Lord will live with him forever in the New Earth.

You can escape all this right now by accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour he will take his elect and rapture them before the tribulation begins. It is three minutes to midnight people you can stay for the tribulations or spend eternity in  heaven with Christ your choice!

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