Thursday, 9 June 2016


Events After being greeted by loved ones

We will now give you a general insight into what happens to all individuals once they have moved through this tunnel with the assistance of guides and angels, once they have been greeted by loved ones and feel that --oh my gosh, I am continuing-- life is going on-- I am really in life now--but are still extremely excited and we would almost say overwhelmed by all the events that are taking place and by the brightness of the light and the energy vibration that they are moving at. At this time they still see themselves in the body that they had on earth and they see their individual loved ones as they remember them and see them in those bodies they had on earth. They have not yet moved into a true spiritual being yet. Once they have received the greetings from all of their loved ones and have achieved a sense of comfort, events will begin to unfold. We know that this doesn't sound like the order that you would think that they are going to be in but we will try to explain it as best as we can. What will happen to an individual then, after their initial greeting and welcoming to the other side, is into its final form of energy. So you have loved ones to meet you who are vibrating at a much higher energy than what you are at your initial crossing. You will be in many different colours and degrees of light. But you are cushioned by all the love you are greeted with.

Arrival in Heaven

What is the first sight a soul may experience on arrival in heaven and what accounts for possible differences?
We have before talked about the different--we do not like using the word levels or stages--but on earth that is how you can best envision what we talk about. So there are many different phases that a spirit goes through before becoming its final spirit energy form. Those that are crossing over are initially met by family and loved ones. Oftentimes even before they have been declared dead on earth, but it is imminent, they will find that they have spirits there with them to help with the shock of changes in the energy vibrations they will be moving from. You have a total sense of release when you leave your body and begin your crossing over journey. This journey again takes many different forms because, though you are now spirit and you are out of your body again, we say you are still bound to earth for a period of time and it would be too much of a shock even to your spirit to move into its final form of energy. So you have loved ones to meet you who are vibrating at a much higher energy than what you are at your initial crossing. You will be in many different colours and degrees of light. But you are cushioned by all the love you are greeted with.
Are there surroundings that are earth-like?

When you have finally made that cross over from earth and are in "heaven", you are allowed to experience heaven as you would like to think of heaven being and that has to do with many different conscious levels. Initially your heaven experience is still an experience of something that you connected with when you were on earth. You eventually move beyond that sense of earth pleasures and begin to move within your own spiritual consciousness and spiritual place.

What is the role of the spirit guide in the arrival of the soul in heaven?

Your spirit guide is such as an overseer of bringing together all your loved ones because many of the people that you have been in contact with on earth are at various levels of spiritual consciousness. Spirit guide is able to bring these different spiritual consciousnesses together to help greet you, to help welcome you and bring you over. Spirit guide is there to continue their direction and guidance and helping you as you make this change from earth to the other side.
And of course you make your presence known to the arriving soul as a visual entity or as something that can be seen and experienced ?
We make our presence known in many different ways depending upon the spiritual consciousness of the individual. If you will notice we have said throughout this questioning time--we have often referred to an individual spiritual consciousness and that is because that is what so much affects how one experiences their crossing over.

What is the emotional state of the arriving spirit in heaven? How do they feel?

Again that has to do with their spiritual consciousness. Initially they still have much, as we have said, earthbound energies and connections and can bring forth some of that with them. And it takes the assistance of your spirit guide and your loved ones to help you understand your new form. Though you do not carry pain with you, and when you cross over, you do not take the anger and bitterness with you, you will oftentimes be quite confused as to your new experience because, though it is nothing like what you experienced on earth, you are still able to realize that you are continuing on. Oftentimes in mass and sudden deaths the new spirits are confused

What knowledge do we take with us after death to the afterlife?

You take all of your knowledge with you--everything you have learned through books, everything you have learned through your experiences, everything you have learned through your emotions, for these are all things that help you evolve as a spirit.

Appearance in Heaven

When a person dies, and their soul departs their body, what form does that spirit or soul take?
Spirit will be able to choose its appearance. If a 101-year old individual dies and wants to be back in the body of --say its prime was at 25--that's how that individual experienced the prime of their life--they feel that they would experience it at 25. That is how they will appear. Again this has so much to do with the evolution of the individual. Oftentimes those who have evolved so quickly in this lifetime spiritually will simply evolve into a form of light or an apparition in a body form at the prime of their life but will choose to only be in a garment of white robes. Because you on earth so need to have a physical description of much, and many times we cannot describe the events that take place clearly enough in your limited experiences.
But an individual who dies--again we will use the example of a 101 year old --will have said I was much happier during this era--this was the prime of my life--and that's how their physical

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