The Freemasons and Illuminati originated in the false religion created at the Tower of Babel.
The False Trinity of Babel: Nimrod / Semiramis / Tammuz
Nimrod = sun god.
Semiramis = moon god.
Tammuz = birth of sun.
Constantine melded Sol Invictus (sun god) worship with Christianity in the 4th Century in an attempt to hijack Christianity.
Sol Invictus worshippers worshipped in secret.
This is when the Pre-Freemasons corrupted and took over largest faction of Christianity.
From there, they created Islam as well.
You see today how the Jesuit Pope has no problem allowing Muslim Imams to lead prayer at the Vatican.
The Jesuits being one of the main cancers in the Catholic Church, and also the entrenchment of false priests in Rome.
The Ancient Mystery Religions Are All Based Off Babylon:
Original: Nimrod / Semiramis(Queen of Heaven) / Tammuz
Chaldeans: Bel / Rhea / Ninus
Egypt: Osiris / Isis / Horus
Assyria: Kronos / Rheia / Muth
Lebanon: Baal / Ashtoreth / Tammuz
Phoenicians: El / Astarte / Bacchus
Babylon: Belus / Ishtar/ Tammuz
Scandinavia: Odin / Frigg / Balder
India: Vasudeva(Vishnu) / Isi(Devaki) / Iswara(Krishna)
Asia: Atys(Attis) / Cybele / Deoius
Rome: Zeus / Leto / Apollo (ALSO: Attis / Cybele / Jupiter)
Greece: Iasion / Tyche(Eirene) / Plutus
Germany: Njörðr(Saturn) / Hertha(Nerthus-Mother Earth) / w child
China/Japan: Pan-Ku / Shing Moo(Ma Tsoopo) / Heng-O
Sun god worship:
Moon god worship:
mecca whore of babylon
Prophecy of the One World System starts with the Hegelian dialectic - fabricated opposing sides.
The False Trinity of Babel: Nimrod / Semiramis / Tammuz
Nimrod = sun god.
Semiramis = moon god.
Tammuz = birth of sun.
Constantine melded Sol Invictus (sun god) worship with Christianity in the 4th Century in an attempt to hijack Christianity.
Sol Invictus worshippers worshipped in secret.
This is when the Pre-Freemasons corrupted and took over largest faction of Christianity.
From there, they created Islam as well.
You see today how the Jesuit Pope has no problem allowing Muslim Imams to lead prayer at the Vatican.
The Jesuits being one of the main cancers in the Catholic Church, and also the entrenchment of false priests in Rome.
The Ancient Mystery Religions Are All Based Off Babylon:
Original: Nimrod / Semiramis(Queen of Heaven) / Tammuz
Chaldeans: Bel / Rhea / Ninus
Egypt: Osiris / Isis / Horus
Assyria: Kronos / Rheia / Muth
Lebanon: Baal / Ashtoreth / Tammuz
Phoenicians: El / Astarte / Bacchus
Babylon: Belus / Ishtar/ Tammuz
Scandinavia: Odin / Frigg / Balder
India: Vasudeva(Vishnu) / Isi(Devaki) / Iswara(Krishna)
Asia: Atys(Attis) / Cybele / Deoius
Rome: Zeus / Leto / Apollo (ALSO: Attis / Cybele / Jupiter)
Greece: Iasion / Tyche(Eirene) / Plutus
Germany: Njörðr(Saturn) / Hertha(Nerthus-Mother Earth) / w child
China/Japan: Pan-Ku / Shing Moo(Ma Tsoopo) / Heng-O
Sun god worship:
Moon god worship:
mecca whore of babylon
Prophecy of the One World System starts with the Hegelian dialectic - fabricated opposing sides.
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