Published on Apr 15, 2016
The Lord has spoken to me in many ways and at many times during the course of my life. Every time what He has said has turned out to be the truth. In 2014 He told me something devastating was going to happen in 2015. At the time I thought it was work-related, as I was a Director in a business that had once been family owned but had recently converted to a Corporation. When I was diagnosed with a brain tumor in August of 2015 I then knew what He meant. Not only work issues, but life threatening issues. I had been given 2 months to live after the surgery. Before that time I had discovered, to my shock and surprise, that some churches were denying the power of the Holy Spirit through the gifts He had given to His Body, His Bride, the Church. I prayed to Him that, since I had already been a witness to His power in the past, including being healed from an infection that 24 years ago the doctors could not heal, I wanted confirmation that the gifts were still operational. Unbeknownst to me, a friend, a brother and a fellow musician had been praying in the Arizona desert that the Lord would help him understand what the scripture John 14:12 meant (... greater things than these you will do...). The Lord sent him up to Reno to say goodbye to me, and instead was given the gift of healing. He laid his hand on my head during a time of intense prayer together, was given a vision that the tumor had disappeared, insisted that I get another MRI even though one was not scheduled. We were able to convince the oncologist to order one, and although he thought we would not be able to get in before the next chemo-therapy session, we did. The result was that the tumor has disappeared completely. The Lord has whispered to me that He would sustain my life, and I discovered later that another friend of mine had been praying for His sustaining power in my life. Our Lord is POWERFUL and FAITHFUL, among many other glorious attributes. I had also received confirmation from a church I attended that conducted a 5-week series on the gifts (thank you Life Church in Reno). I have learned much through this illness, one of the things being that since the Lord is faithful to His promises, He still have a future for the nation of Israel. Let us rejoice in Him forever!
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