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December 23, 2016 / 23 Kislev 5777 Shabbat Shalom!
It's Almost Chanukah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Jewish Press Print Edition
The Yishai Fleisher Show
Jewish Sell OutsSo hard to imagine, but Joseph’s brothers sell him into slavery and that sin reverberates for generations. Rabbi Mike Feuer joins Rabbi Yishai on Spiritual Cafe to discuss the personality of Joseph, how God talks through dreams, and even how sexual challenges are part of the Messianic process.
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ABC’s of Chanukah (Hanukkah) Rabbi Shraga Simmons The Hebrew word Chanukah means "dedication." When the Greeks challenged Jewish life, a few courageous Jews took to the hills of Judea in open revolt against this threat.
The Dream in the Flame Rabbi Simcha Weinberg Like Yosef, the Chashmonaim were dreamers. Chanukah is the story of dreamers: defeating a mighty army, recapturing and rededicating the Temple, finding a single jar of ritually pure oil in the rubble
Chanukah And The Home Rabbi Raphael Fuchs Tosafos points out that this answer is not fully satisfactory since there are other mitzvos, such as affixing a mezuzah, that require having a house.
Vayeishev: Who Really Sold Joseph? Rabbi David Fohrman This week's parsha course unravels the sale of Joseph and discusses the implications "blame." Where does responsibility begin? And most importantly, how do I make moral decisions?
What Is The Theme Of The Stories Of Genesis? Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks he first 11 chapters of Genesis teach us many fundamentals of faith; Exodus to Deuteronomy is about revelation and redemption. But what are Genesis 12-50 about?
Daf Yomi Rabbi Yaakov Klass His Father Gave The Ring ‘What About A Worker Toasting The Produce And Eating?’ (Bava Metzia 89a)
Counting Time Debbie Garfinkel Diament My daughter was in a state of shock. How could this be? How would she and her husband cope?
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