Sunday 28 February 2016

Germany admits that it has lost track of 130,000 asylum seekers
By Robert Spencer on Feb 27, 2016 06:35 pm

Germany admits that it has lost track of 130,000 asylum seekers
Soon, it will be abundantly clear where at least some of them are, as they announce their presence in a manner that will be explosive. “Germany admits 130,000 asylum seekers ‘lost’ raising fears over crime and terrorism,” by Justin Huggler, Telegraph, February 26, 2016: More than 130,000 asylum seekers may have disappeared in Germany, according […]
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Jerusalem: 14-year-old “Palestinian” Muslim girl prayed, went to school and then went to stab Jews
By Robert Spencer on Feb 27, 2016 06:27 pm

Jerusalem: 14-year-old “Palestinian” Muslim girl prayed, went to school and then went to stab Jews
She lives in a culture that glorifies hatred and violence. Muslim clerics call upon Muslims from the pulpit to stab Jews. It is no surprise that this kind of thing happens. “Arab girl prayed, went to school and then to stab,” by Ido Ben-Porat, Arutz Sheva, February 26, 2016 (thanks to The Religion of Peace): […]
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Robert Spencer in PJ Media: U.S. Muslim Woman Stops Wearing Hijab, Because She Fears … Republicans
By Robert Spencer on Feb 27, 2016 05:49 pm

Robert Spencer in PJ Media: U.S. Muslim Woman Stops Wearing Hijab, Because She Fears … Republicans
In PJ Media I discuss the latest exercise in spurious Muslim victimhood: Last week, the Seattle Times published an op-ed by Washington state native and Cornell University doctoral student Hajer al-Faham titled: “Why I Stopped Wearing the Hijab.” Al-Faham was making no statement of a loss of faith in Islam, or of an awakening feminist […]
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Thailand: Muslims injure 7 police officers and 2 civilians with jihad car bomb, Islamic State cell active in south
By Robert Spencer on Feb 27, 2016 05:31 pm

Thailand: Muslims injure 7 police officers and 2 civilians with jihad car bomb, Islamic State cell active in south
“More than 5,000 people have been killed since an insurgency erupted in 2004 in Thailand’s three southernmost provinces, the only ones with Muslim majorities in the predominantly Buddhist country. Last year, the level of violence dropped, according to official figures, but peace talks have made little apparent progress.” What a surprise. “Car Bomb Explodes in […]
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Pakistan: Christian women converted to Islam and married off to their kidnappers
By Robert Spencer on Feb 27, 2016 02:45 pm

Pakistan: Christian women converted to Islam and married off to their kidnappers
“Marry those that please you of women, two or three or four. But if you fear that you will not be just, then one or those your right hand possesses…” (Qur’an 4:3) “Christian women in Pakistan forcibly converted to Islam and married off to their kidnappers,” by Shafique Khokhar, Asia News, February 26, 2016 (thanks […]
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Saudi court gives man 2,000 lashes and 10 years jail for denying existence of God and ridiculing Qur’an
By Robert Spencer on Feb 27, 2016 02:29 pm

Saudi court gives man 2,000 lashes and 10 years jail for denying existence of God and ridiculing Qur’an
Considering the state of the war against the freedom of speech, I can see it coming as early as a Hillary Clinton Administration: Nathan Lean, Secretary of the Department of Islamophobia Eradication, flies to Riyadh for a week of top-level meetings with Saudi officials about how to punish atheists and those who ridicule the Qur’an; […]
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Hugh Fitzgerald: Saudi Arabia’s Sauve Qui Peut
By Hugh Fitzgerald on Feb 27, 2016 11:05 am

Hugh Fitzgerald: Saudi Arabia’s <em>Sauve Qui Peut</em>
Saudi spokesmen made three significant – even stunning –announcements last week. The first one came from the Saudi Arabian Oil Minister Ali al-Naimi, speaking to oil company executives at a meeting in Houston. He announced that Saudi Arabia was going to break completely with its past policy, would no longer be OPEC’s swing producer, and […]
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Islamic State kills two in jihad-martyrdom suicide attacks after Syria ceasefire begins
By Robert Spencer on Feb 27, 2016 09:49 am

Islamic State kills two in jihad-martyrdom suicide attacks after Syria ceasefire begins
A ceasefire so restricted and circumscribed as to be meaningless. “Report: Car bomb kills 2 after Syria cease-fire begins,” by Bassem Mroue, Associated Press, February 27, 2016: BEIRUT (AP) – A U.S. and Russia-brokered cease-fire brought relative calm to parts of Syria for the first time in years on Saturday, but the war against the […]
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UK: Rotherham, city that covered up Muslim rape gang activity, steps up police patrols against “Islamophobia”
By Robert Spencer on Feb 27, 2016 07:42 am

UK: Rotherham, city that covered up Muslim rape gang activity, steps up police patrols against “Islamophobia”
1,400 British non-Muslim children were gang-raped and brutalized by Muslims in Rotherham, and “several staff described their nervousness about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought as racist; others remembered clear direction from their managers not to do so.” And so it is entirely consistent and understandable that these traitorous fools […]
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Florida man could get life in prison for mosque bacon attack
By Robert Spencer on Feb 27, 2016 07:18 am

Florida man could get life in prison for mosque bacon attack
There is no excuse for what Michael Wolfe did. He is guilty of being hateful and stupid, and committing armed burglary and criminal mischief. He should be sentenced accordingly. In Portland, Mohamed Mohamud attempted to commit jihad mass murder at a Christmas Tree lighting ceremony. He got thirty years in prison, and his lawyers are […]
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