
Friends, Satan is doing his very best to suppress the truth because he knows the Bible, and he knows Bible prophecy. Satan is full aware that the truth is the most powerful weapon to use against him and his deceptions. Which is why he is doing all he can to keep the people entertained, so that they cannot see what is right in front of them.
WARNING: An innumerable host of evil angels are spreading over the earth. They are not only crowding government institutions, but also the churches. They are doing Satan's work, and soon they will perform great 'signs and wonders' to deceive the whole world. Our ONLY safety is to anchor our lives upon the Word of God. Please submit your life to Jesus Christ today! Find out ... WHAT MUST I DO TO BE SAVED?
When we seek and learn the truth and then live according to it, the enemy's deceptions become useless, because we then come under the Spirit and power of God, which Satan CANNOT penetrate. This is why it is so important to seek and learn the truth in these end times we live in. The news is full of prophecy fulfilling images today. All the Biblical signs of the end times have been fulfilled like never before in history, and we are living during the last "hours". Just take a look at the prophecy fulfilling news events below:.

"The former mayor of London, who is a keen classical scholar, argues that the past 2,000 years of European history have been characterised by repeated attempts to unify Europe under a single government in order to recover the continent's lost 'golden age' under the Romans. Napoleon, Hitler, various people tried this out, and it ends tragically, he says. The EU is an attempt to do this by different methods."
Amazing how this British politician is echoing THE PROPHECY OF DANIEL 2. The LORD God is working to open the eyes of many to His Word, and even if they do not turn to Him, then God makes certain that His Word will not be for nothing, as those who do trust and believe in Him are able to identify the signs and are edified by the fulfillment of His marvelous prophecies!
Daniel 2:41-43 ...'And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters' clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay. And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken. And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.'
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This is a report from November 2015, from a german news source during the Catholic family synod held in Rome. And attending this Catholic synod was Thomas Schirrmacher, the chief theologian for the World Evangelical Alliance, representing 600 million Protestants. During the meeting, Schirrmacher and the pope had many discussions about uniting Catholics and Protestants, with the pope leading them. (source and here)
World leaders, people in the entertainment industry, all sorts of religious leaders and even Protestants are looking to unite with the pope and the Roman Catholic Church to bring about so called 'world peace'. And many of them saying the pope should lead this world unity! Friends, please listen to what this messenger of God prophesied over 100 years ago. And this was at a time when Protestants abhorred Catholicism and would never dream of unity ...
"When Protestantism shall stretch her hand across the gulf to grasp the hand of the Roman power, when she shall reach over the abyss to clasp hands with spiritualism, when, under the influence of this threefold union, our country shall repudiate every principle of its Constitution as a Protestant and republican government, and shall make provision for the propagation of papal falsehoods and delusions, then we may know that the time has come for the marvelous working of Satan and that the end is near ... this country will follow in the steps of Rome in trampling on the rights of conscience ...Papists, Protestants, and worldling will alike accept the form of godliness without the power, and they will see in this union a grand movement for the conversion of the world and the ushering in of the long-expected millennium." (E.White, Testimonies, vol.5, p.451, also - Spirit of Prophecy, vol.4, p.406)
God warned us through Bible prophecy and through His messenger that the world would 'wonder' after the Papal beast (Rev.13:3), and that the leaders of the world would give their power and authority to the Papal beast (Rev.17:12-13). God is calling His people OUT of Babylon, not to join with her! Please heed the call!
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"the United States has pushed to develop a high-standard Trans-Pacific Partnership, a trade deal that puts American workers first and makes sure we write the rules of the road for trade in the 21st century ... America should write the rules. America should call the shots. Other countries should play by the rules that America and our partners set, and not the other way around."
We are told in Revelation 13 that the 'beast out of the earth' will take the lead in the world and cause all to take the mark of the Papal beast of Rome. That earth beast is America, and we are beginning to see the fulfillment of Revelation 13, where America will lead the world into submitting to the Papal Church of Rome and to take the mark of the Roman church. The rules are being put in place friends, ready for the final events. Are you ready? Have you surrendered all to Jesus Christ? The time of trouble is soon to break upon this world, and we will need the Spirit of God in our daily lives to be able to stand through the final testing time.

"Disturbing undercover footage from one of America's biggest chicken farms has shed light on the appalling conditions in which the birds are kept ... Equipped with secret cameras the brave men filmed inside the chicken houses - revealing the horrifying reality of chicken farming. The gruesome footage shows close-ups of the dying, abandoned birds - some discolored dark red, purple and green and others a bloody mess of rotting flesh and feathers. About a year and a half ago we started getting gangrenous dermatitis, Hedrick explains to Garces - just one of the many problems facing chickens and their farmers. It's almost like the bird is eaten from the inside out, like its rotten from the inside out... alive,' he says."
For the past 100 years, God's people have been preaching that animal flesh would be no longer safe to consume, due to the poor farming methods and the diseases that animals are infected with today. But do you think this news item is an isolated case? No, this is happening all over the world, and not just chickens, but other farmed animals too.
"Disease in cattle is making meat eating a dangerous matter. The Lord's curse is upon the earth, upon man, upon beasts, upon the fish in the sea; and as transgression becomes almost universal, the curse will be permitted to become as broad and as deep as the transgression. Disease is contracted by the use of meat. The diseased flesh of these dead carcasses is sold in the market places, and disease among men is the sure result." (E.White, Counsels on Diet and Foods, Letter 59, 1898)
Please heed our HEALTH MESSAGE and give glory to God through looking after His 'temple' (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)
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"The pope has played a historical and incredible role in trying to create a new world economy and a new vision for the people of our planet."
Who do you think will 'take the lead' on this 'moral economy'? Bible prophecy confirms that the pope and the Papal Church of Rome will take the lead on this and the leaders of the world will give their power and authority to the Papal beast, just as Revelation 17 confirms, and the Sunday law (mark of the beast) will be enforced, and Revelation 13 will be fulfilled ... 'And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.'

"Lou Engle of The Call is again raising concerns after a Roman Catholic leader prostrated at his feet on Saturday in declaring that he wanted to 'kiss his feet in an act of reconciliation between Christians and Catholics, and Engle returned the act by likewise kissing the man's shoe. The gesture took place during Azusa Now, an event hosted by The Call, which was attended by over 100,000 people at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum."
The churches are heading back to their 'mother' - Babylon the Great. The pope will become their leader, just as Bible prophecy said and we will see false revivals happening all over the place to make the churches of Babylon think that God is with them on this. Great deception is happening friends, and even greater deception is yet to come. Please seek the truth that is found only in Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
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"The coalition of 17 inquisitors are calling themselves 'AGs United for Clean Power' ... The inquisitors are threatening legal action and huge fines against anyone who declines to believe in an unproven scientific theory ... This comes on top of U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch admitting that the Justice Department is discussing the possibility of pursing civil actions against climate change deniers, and that she has already referred it to the FBI to consider whether or not it meets the criteria for which federal law enforcement could take action."
"Unprecedented coalition vows to defend climate change progress made under president obama and to push the next president for even more aggressive action ... Climate change is the most consequential issue of our time. This unprecedented state-to-state coordination will use all the tools at our disposal to fight for climate progress."(source)
Did you know that the Vatican is pushing and TRAINING members of congress regarding the 'climate issue' and the need for a SUNDAY LAW? See THIS VIDEO for information on this.
The Vatican is desparate to secure a worldwide Sunday law, and the Papal Church of Rome is no doubt behind this climate agenda to fulfill it's goal and get the whole world to 'wonder after' it, just as Revelation 13 prophesied. But why would enforcing a Sunday law cause the world to 'wonder after' the Papacy? Because God set aside a specific day each week for mankind to rest and devote to Him, and that day is the 7th day (our Saturday). But Satan wanted the adoration of the world and he introduced, through the Roman Catholic Church a 'false sabbath' (SUN-day). And Satan is bringing about a condition in the world for all to accept this false day of rest. And what better way to 'help the climate' than to shut down one day a week each SUN-day! It's a great plan and an even greater deception!
Please seek the truth concerning God's true 7th day Sabbath and stay clear of Babylon and her schemes.
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"The mayor of San Francisco has banned all publicly funded city employees from traveling to North Carolina. The NFL is threatening to block Atlanta, Georgia, from hosting a future Super Bowl. The NBA is threatening to relocate next year's All Star game from Charlotte, North Carolina, to another city. Corporate giants like American Airlines and Hollywood giants like Disney are threatening action against Georgia and North Carolina ... It is time for Christians and all people of conscience to say: Enough is enough with your bullying. We are not going to bow down to your threats. We will do what is right, regardless of cost or consequence, and in the end, we will be vindicated for taking a stand."Are you noticing all the calls for 'Christian unity' we have going on around the world? Are you beginning to see the reason for all this stirring with these wicked laws being passed? Are you beginning to see the reason for all these 'terrorist' attacks? What is the reason? Satan is the one causing these things to bring UNITY amongst the fallen churches of Babylon. And what does Revelation 13 say will be the result of this unity? The formation ofthe image of the beast in America. Now please don't get me wrong, I am fully against all these wicked things being perpetrated by the leaders. But wemust not to unite with the fallen churches of Babylon. We are to stand up for truth ourselves, in our own lives.
The Word of God says that there is a 'STRONG DELUSION' coming in the last days, look ...
2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 ...'Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders. And with alldeceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.'
Is this same-sex marriage, LGBT agenda a 'strong delusion'? No, not at all, because the majority of Christians can clearly see this is against the Word of God. The END GOAL of all this wickedness and trouble in the world is .... UNITY WITH BABYLON! That is the deception and strong delusion, and that is what Satan's agenda is with all this.Now it's interesting that 'Christians' who are rising up against these things like the LGBT agenda have no problem in going home and sitting in front of a wicked television program or film. They have no problem in desecrating God's holy 7th day Sabbath. They have no problem with rejecting the health message and eating all sorts of rubbish foods, drinking alcohol and defiling the 'temple of God' (our body). But when an agenda is pushed that they are not happy with, then oh! we need to rise up and unite against it! And because they don't have a love for the WHOLE gospel truth, then they are taken in by the 'strong delusion'. They WILL unite and form the image of the beast. And yes, we will see 'revivals'. But they will be false revivals, based on falsehoods, that will be all part of the 'deadly delusion'. Yet there will be just enough truth mixed in to deceive the masses!
Friends, please study and seek the truth that is found in Jesus Christ alone. Do not follow the world's example. Do not even put your trust in the various denominations. Put your trust in the Word of God alone! Satan's greatest fear are those who stand on a 'THUS SAITH THE LORD'. The final deception is coming. Please put on the whole armour of God so that you may stand, and not be swept up in the coming deadly delusion!
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US Department of Homeland Security being pushed to introduce biometric entry and exit at country's borders (source)
Indian government has collected biometrics of almost 1 billion citizens (source)
Mobile Biometrics Are Mainstream, So What's Next? (source)
We Are Headed Toward a Cashless Society (source)
Bring On the Cashless Future (source)
Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Governor supports the drive to a cashless society (source)
Sweden heading to become first cashless society (source)
The cashless society is coming friends, and there is one main purpose for it - and that is the enforcement of the mark of the beast. Now many people think that the technology itself, like a microchip or ID card is the mark of the beast. But they are wrong and do not realize that they are in fact heading right into the hands of the beast in accepting the REAL mark of the beast.
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"Pope Francis is expected to make his first visit to Scotland to sign a charter against extremism ...Leaders from different religions, diplomatic and community leaders will all gather in the Fife town to sign a 10-point declaration calling on all faiths to unite against radicalsation ... It already has the support of Nobel Peace Prize winner Desmond Tutu and the Dalai Lama."
Can you see what is happening? The Vatican, the political leaders and religious leaders are all coming together to try and crush out Bible truth! Satan knows the truth about the Papacy being the beast of Revelation 13, and so he is uniting the world against this truth, in a bid to try and stop God's people from lighting up the world and calling the masses out from Babylon (Revelation 18:4). But the loud cry will happen and there is nothing Satan, the Vatican or any world leader can do about it, because our heavenly Father said it would happen! (Rev.18:4)
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"I don't think we're going to make it another election cycle if we don't get God's voice back in the political arena ... Graham has embarked on a 50-state 'Decision America Tour.' Atlanta was stop No. 6 ... I want to get Christians to run for office at every level. The Christian voice needs to be heard, he said ... I feel that we going to have to meet our political obligations as Christians ... For unless America turns back to God, repents of its sin, and experiences a spiritual revival, we will fail as a nation."
Mr Graham is right in saying that America will be destroyed by God in the end for turning away from Bible truth. But what Franklin Graham does not realize is that what he will help create, by rallying Christians to rise up against this 'tide of evil' and get involved in politics, is the forming of the IMAGE OF THE BEAST. And what is the beast of Revelation 13 that the image is of? It is the Papal Church of Rome (a unity of church and state). And America is the 'earth beast' of Revelation 13. So therefore, for America to create the image of the Papacy, what needs to happen? Christians need to 'rise up' and take control of government, forming a church state union, just like the Papacy!
And this is exactly what is going on in America right now with the call for Christian Americans to 'run for office at every level'. There are already many Catholics high up in American government. So once we have 'evangelicals' (who have already united with Rome) in place too, then the image will be created, and the mark of the beast will follow.
And remember - The earth beast of Revelation 13 (America) 'speaks as a dragon'. In other words, it will speak and do the will of Rome and Satan! So it matters not who you vote for, and it matters not who takes control of government - America WILL speak and do the work of the dragon - Rome and Satan!
Revelation 13:11-17 ...'And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth [AMERICA]; and he had two horns like a lamb [PROFESSING CHRISTIAN NATION], and he spake as a dragon [ACTS LIKE SATAN/ROME]. And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast [PAPACY] before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men [SIGNS AND WONDERS TO COME], and deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast [CHURCH-STATE UNION], which had the wound by a sword, and did live. And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak [ENACT LAWS], and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark [COMING SUNDAY LAW] in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.'
[words in brackets added for clarity]
.[words in brackets added for clarity]

"U.S. President Barack Obama says religious faith can help people overcome their fears and embrace their common humanity. Faith is the great cure for fear, Obama told the annual National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, a day after he visited an American mosque for the first time in his presidency."
This is the great deceptive call that is being proclaimed around the world today .... 'Lets all unite under our COMMON GOALS and COMMON HUMANITY'. We are being led into this deceptive call to unite for the 'common good' due to all the trouble that is in the world. The CREATED threat of ISIS. The global warming scam. Wars, earthquakes, diseases, and all manner of evil in this world is uniting the world and religious leaders under the banner of Satan. But God warned us in the Bible that the world would be like this in the last days, and that the leaders would unite AGAINST the Lord and His people. So we are not to unite with the world in this great ecumenical ploy. And no, Obama is not the antichrist. The antichrist was revealed hundreds of years ago by the Protestant reformers. THIS IS THE ANTICHRIST TODAY.
There is only ONE leadership we are to unite with in these last days - God the Father and Jesus Christ the Son of God.
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"More than 300 cabinet ministers, imams, scholars and intellectuals, peace activists, and interfaith leaders from 120 Muslim territories were brought together to reaffirm the principles of the 1400-year old Charter of Medina and to discuss its implications for our contemporary world. Joining them were approximately 50 non-Muslim leaders who served as observer-participants in the conference ... the Declaration is historic. It is a groundbreaking effort to clarify and unify the response of global Muslims to the world's bitter experiences of war and terrorism, hatred and violence ... and reflects as well the values of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights ... Furthermore, the Declaration calls for all sects and denominations of Islam to confront all forms of religious bigotry, vilification, and denigration of what people hold sacred, as well as all speech that promotes hatred and bigotry. The Declaration is historic!"
The world is coming together in this drive for unity! Satan has done a masterful job using groups like ISIS to create a mindset in the leaders and people of the world to reject anything that goes against their 'peace and unity'. And that includes the true Word of God in the Bible. The world is uniting, and the Bible tells us that the world will unite under the leadership of that MAN OF SIN. But friends, God does not want us to unite with the world. He calls us to be separate for Him. A 'peculiar people' who stand upon His Word, and His Word alone. Please surrender your life to Jesus Christ, as there is a time of trouble coming for God's true people. But if we are faithful to Jesus, then He will be right beside us to help us through the coming storm! (Matthew 28:20)

"End-times author Joel C. Rosenberg believes that the next U.S. president 'must understand' that so-called 'apocalyptic Islam' - a dangerous, end times philosophy - is the 'greatest challenge facing the Western alliance in the Middle East."Oh the Jesuits and the Papal Church of Rome have done a masterful job in turning the world right around from the God-inspired Protestant reformation. The reformation which opened the eyes of the whole world to the truth that the Papacy was that antichrist beast which Bible prophecy speaks of, and the pope being that MAN OF SIN which would deceive the world. And who is the world looking at now? ISIS and 'extremist Islam'.
The Bible tells us who the greatest 'threat' is to the world in the end times, and it is not ISIS. The greatest threat are the two beasts of Revelation 13. And those two beasts are the Papal Church of Rome (the antichrist sea beast). And America (the earth beast). It is these two 'powers' that will force the world to take the mark of the beast.
So what about ISIS and Islam? We get questions all the time asking what role does ISIS and Islam play in end times prophecy. ISIS, which was created by the west, was created for two reasons we believe. One was to destabilize the Middle East to enable America to take control. And two, was to bring about a mindset around the world to fight against ANY KIND OF 'EXTREMIST IDEOLOGY' - And do you know what is known as 'extremist ideology' today? Bible truth!. This is what Satan and Rome HATES. And those who have, live and preach Bible truth are the REAL TARGET. And spurred on by this 'apocalyptic Islam', the world will unite with the Papal beast system to fight against us in the last days.
But do not fear. Even if the whole world is against you, with God on your side, you are the MAJORITY!
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Father Jacek Miedlar's sermon to the participants of the March for Independence 2015, calling to defend the Christianity in Poland in the wake of the Islamic invasion on Europe. The entire march, according to different sources, gathers from 70,000 to 150,000 participants."
Major things are taking place in our world today. Can you see what is going on? ISIS and these extremist muslims are being allowed to spread their destruction and fear around the world for one main reason ... "And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon ... saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live." (Revelation 13)
What is the reason? For the fulfillment of Revelation 13 and to cause professed Christians to rise up and unite with the state to form the IMAGE OF THE BEAST, (image of the Papacy - uniting of church and state) to 'fight off any extremist threat against Christianity'. And then the whole world will be forced to give their allegiance to this image, by America, the earth beast.
This may sound good to many, but it is not, because as Revelation 13 confirms, this 'uprising of Christians' and the uniting of church and state will end up in the enforcement of the mark of the beast. And Satan will gather the whole world under his banner. Yet God will keep a remnant who 'keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus Christ' (Revelation 14:12).

"Drugs originally intended to treat sick animals are now being overused at meat-producing farms, according to a Food and Drug Administration report showing sales of antimicrobials shot up 23 percent between 2009 and 2014 ... the meat industry's habit of stocking up on such drugs are stirring up anxieties about super infections."
Friends, God's people have been proclaiming this truth for over 100 years! And now the world is only just catching up. These animals that people consume are not only the biggest contributor to the destruction of land. They are riddled with diseases today. They are fed unhealthy food stuff. They are cramped into small spaces and slaughtered in horrific ways. They are also pumped full of drugs. And this all ends up in the meat you consume!
Please see our very important HEALTH MESSAGE and start giving glory to God in His 'temple' today - your body!
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"In the Catholic church we have some -- many -- who believe they possess the absolute truth and they go on sullying others through slander and defamation and this is wrong. Religious fundamentalism must be combated. It is not religious, God is lacking, it is idolatrous ... Note that he says fundamentalism is not religious ... At its worst it might lead to religious wars ... Religion is not about doctrine. Fundamentalists often become rigid and demand strict orthodoxy."
This is all part of Satan's plan to alienate those of us in the world who stand on the truth that is in Christ Jesus. No, we cannot have 'absolute truth' in this life, only God the Father and Jesus Christ have absolute truth. But the pope is not just talking about absolute truth. He is including anyone like us who say we have the 'true way to God' and the 'true gospel'. And we are able to say that Roman Catholicism is a false religion, because the Bible reveals this to us.
And so the current climate of 'terrorism' and 'fear' that we have today, plays into Satan's hands in alienating those of us who stand upon the firm foundation - the Rock, Christ Jesus and His truth in the Bible. So when the MARK OF THE BEAST is enforced in fulfillment of Revelation 13, then the world will look upon those of us who refuse it as the one's preventing world peace. But stand strong my friends. Jesus will come back soon to rescue us from the angry mob!

Thousands of climate activists across America call for 'action' at Paris summit (source)
Tens of thousands march across Australia calling for climate action (source)
Nearly 1 Million Catholics call for climate change action ahead of Paris talks (source)
Tens of thousands march across Britain call for 'urgent action' on climate (source)
Thousands rally in Ottawa and Vancouver in Canada for climate action (source and source)
Hundreds rally in Belfast, Ireland calling for action to tackle climate change (source)
Friends, this is massive! People all over the world are lifting up their voices in support of the leaders for 'urgent action' on climate change. And according to THIS ARTICLE, the US can lead the world into a 'climate agreement'. Now where did all this sudden momentum concerning climate change come from? The Vatican, and the pope's climate encyclical. Yes, the pope, regarded as the 'world's religious leader' has brought this to the forefront, and what did he make a case for in his encyclical? SUNDAY REST!
The 'kings of the earth' and 'whole world' are being 'gathered together' right now by 'spirits of devils' (Revelation 16:13-14)
Now something else that is interesting here is the fact that the people are rising up in support of it and making a loud call for action. And according to the news article above, America can take the lead on it. And what are we told in Revelation 13? That the earth beast (America) deceives the world into worshipping the first beast (the Papal Church of Rome), and tells the people of the earth to make an image of the Papal Church.
So it is the people who rise up and call for the IMAGE OF THE BEAST, which is a uniting of church and state like the Papacy. And what will be the catalyst for this? The 'threat' of climate change and terrorists. And both of those 'threats' have been purposely pushed by Rome and the world leaders in a bid to make the people rise up and call for action. And what is the end goal? The Vatican will have the 'solution' - THE MARK OF THE BEAST (SUNDAY LAW)
Friends, it's time to surrender all to Jesus Christ. Let Him clothe you in his righteousness, as He is the only one who can secure a future for you.
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"Many experts agree that terrorists in the group that calls itself the Islamic State believe they are waging an end-times battle against the West, and the Nov. 13 Paris attacks are just the latest chapter ... Apocalyptic believers desperately want to cleanse what they see as a corrupt and sinful world. While they are not all violent, the more imminent the apocalypse is believed to be, the more potential for destructive actions ... Apocalyptic thought is unbelievably disruptive."
Can you see what is happening friends? Anyone who believes and preaches the truth on end times prophecy will be labelled as a 'terrorist'. The Papacy wants to outlaw any truth on the end times being preached, because Bible prophecy reveals the Papacy as being the end time beast system (antichrist system) that the world will be deceived and forced into worshipping, according to Revelation 13. And no, ISIS are not living in accordance with end times prophecy. They are a group of wicked men who do not know the Lord, and are merely a tool that the western leaders are using to bring about their desired goal - WORLD ORDER, led by the Pontiff in the Vatican!
True Christians who live according to end times prophecy will follow in the footsteps of their dear Savior, Jesus Christ, and will not be any kind of 'physical threat' to the world.
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In this video, you will see analysis of what is happening in this world with these wars and terrorist attacks, and what the ultimate goal of all this current madness is. We are living in the last days, and great deceptions are upon us. Only those who surrender their lives to Jesus Christ and HIS TRUTH will be able to stand through the coming crisis, and have any hope for the future.
Luke 21:26-31 ...'Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh. And he spake to them a parable; Behold the fig tree, and all the trees; When they now shoot forth, ye see and know of your own selves that summer is now nigh at hand. So likewise ye, when ye see these things come to pass, know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand.'
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"The November 13 terrorist attacks in Paris has left the world reeling. Once again, religion is at the crux of a tragedy that has threatened to tear the global community apart. But in Bethesda, Maryland, Muslim, Jewish and Christian leaders stood together over the weekend to share a message of solidarity." (source)
"Jordan's King Abdullah II warned Tuesday of a third world war against humanity ... We are facing a third world war against humanity and this is what brings us all together, he told a press conference." (source)
"Russia's Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev called on both the West and East to unite against terrorism, saying it has declared war on the civilized world." (source)
The Roman Catholic Jesuits are behind all of this, stirring up the nations, causing chaos, so that out of it, they can unite the world under the leadership of the Roman Catholic Pontiff (THAT MAN OF SIN). There is one main goal of these kinds of attacks that happened in Paris, and that is world unity. But God's Word is very clear that His people should never seek unity with the world. We should remain separate (James 4:4; 2 Corinthians 6:14-18).

In this video interview, you will hear Political author Gearoid O Colmain confirm that not only is this part of the wider propaganda campaign to make people fear and hate extremists, but the real terrorists are the leaders of the world who continue to wage war against innocent people in Syria, and other Middle East nations. And all this is part of the plan to form a one world government.
This is all part of the Jesuit plan to cause division, chaos, war and then control. And that control will end up in the hands of the two beasts of Revelation 13 -America and the Papal Church of Rome. Ultimately, Satan's goal is to create a mindset in the people of the world to hate anyone who stands upon the Word of God. God's people will end up being viewed as the 'terrorists' in this world in the last days.
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"Rome - Vatican-owned properties in Rome are operating as seedy saunas and massage parlours where priests pay for sex, according to the latest in a series of leaked reports to embarrass the Church. It is also claimed that Vatican officials are allowing buildings to be rented out at peppercorn rents as favours to powerful colleagues and turning a blind eye to shady property deals, as well as allowing addresses to be used as red-light establishments."
Dear people of God caught in Babylon. God is allowing these things to come out into the open to show you that this is not His church. Please heed the call and -COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE!
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"contrasting that were very poor returns on the Fraser River, where only about two million sockeye returned, far short of the more than six million predicted in preseason forecasts. Even more dramatic was the collapse of the pink salmon on the Fraser, with only about five million fish showing up when more than 14 million had been forecast."
Hosea 4:1-3 ...'Hear the word of the Lord, ye children of Israel: for the Lord hath a controversy with the inhabitants of the land, because there is no truth, nor mercy, nor knowledge of God in the land. By swearing, and lying, and killing, and stealing, and committing adultery, they break out, and blood toucheth blood. Therefore shall the land mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish, with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven; yea, the fishes of the sea also shall be taken away.'
Take a look at the MASSIVE AMOUNT OF ANIMAL DEATHS THIS YEAR! End time prophecy is being fulfilled!
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"In a new report issued in collaboration with Accenture, the World Bank is calling on governments to work together to implement standardized, cost-effective identity management solutions ... Moreover, the nature of the deployments has required an economically feasible solution, and has demonstrated that reliable, biometric ID cards can affordably be used on a large scale. It offers hope for the UN's Sustainable Development Goal of getting legal ID into the hands of everyone in the world by the year 2030 with its Identification for Development (ID4D) initiative."
You will notice that this refugee crisis in Europe is making the push for a global ID system even stronger. Or should we say the manufactured refugee crisis. This is all manufactured in a bid to push Satan's end time goal - control. Satan wants total control of this world. But not only that, he wants the world to worship him, which is why he is using the Vatican (sea beast of Revelation 13), America (earth beast of Revelation 13) and the united nations (10 kings of Revelation 17) to cleverly bring about a SUNDAY REST LAW, which they will proclaim will 'help the environment and society'. And then Satan will be worshipped by getting the world to keep SUN-day as the 'sabbath', instead of God's true 7th day Sabbath, which is our Saturday today.
The coming Sunday law, along with the false trinity doctrine, will be the mark of the beast. Please seek the truth aboutGod's 7th day Sabbath, and learn about the false trinity doctrine.
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"The best qualities of the world's many religions were on display in Salt Lake City, Utah last week where the Parliament of the World's Religions convened. Roughly 10,000 people representing 50 faiths attended, taking part in discussions focused on ending violence, tackling climate change and addressing income inequality. The gathering also featured its first Women's Assembly addressing religion's role in empowering women and its responsibility for dignity and human rights of women."
Many people will look at this with joy, thinking that good is being done in bringing 'peace and unity' to the world and the various religions. But yet Jesus Christ weeps! Because the truth and salvation which is found only in Him is rejected, and many false gods are embraced.
And so the world continues to unite under BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS
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"British survivalists - known as 'preppers' - are fixated on the need to survive in the event of a catastrophe. What motivates them? ... This military theme runs throughout large parts of the prepping community - including in its survivalist attitude ... It's about relying on yourself, and not relying on anyone else - the government, your neighbour. Anyone but yourself."
There are more and more people all over the world that are 'preparing' for something big to happen. And a lot of these are not even believers. They just feel that something big is coming and they want to be prepared for it. Another sure sign that we are living in the last days. There are also reports of wealthy people now making underground bunkers and buying up secret hideaways, ready for what's coming. And what is coming?
Revelation 6:14-17 ...'And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?'
What's coming? The return of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. So will this 'prepping' help these people in any way? No, not at all, because they are putting their trust in themselves. There is only one way to prepare for the end of the world, and that is to submit our lives to Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God. I even hear many professed Christians focusing on 'preparing' by stocking up on supplies and stuff and relying on their own efforts to be ready. But they will come to nothing, as it is only through faith in Jesus Christ that will get us through the time of trouble ahead and make us ready for the return of our Lord.
Instead of relying on yourself, learn WHAT YOU MUST DO TO BE SAVED.
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"Us banks are going to new lengths to ward off a surprising 'threat' to their financial health: big cash deposits ... The developments underscore a deepening conflict over cash. Many businesses have large sums on hand and opportunities to profitably invest it appear scarce. But banks don't want certain kinds of cash either, judging it costly to keep, and some are imposing fees after jawboning customers to move it."
There is a global push now to get rid of cash. And Revelation 13 tells us why. God warned us in Revelation 13 that the day would come when certain laws would be enforced and anyone who refused to go along with those laws would no longer be able to 'buy or sell'. So what does Satan need to do in order to successfully enforce the mark of the beast? Get rid of cash and make the financial system purely electronic, so that those in control will simply be able to press a button and stop God's people who refuse the mark from being able to buy and sell.
And no, the mark is not some electronic device like many people believe today. It is all to do with worship. The push to make everything electronic is simply to HELP ENFORCE the mark. Find out the truth about the mark of the beast HERE.
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