MARK YOUR CALENDAR: ‘American Bikers United Against Jihad’ are headed to Islamberg, NY on May 15thThinking of going to Paris anytime soon? Proceed with caution.
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- MarieFEBRUARY 2, 2016 @ 3:34 AMAs of December 41.7% of American Women own a gun and most are trained much more than most think. Last year in the US 192,000 sexual assaults on women and children were stopped by a woman with a gun. If Muslims were to try here what they are doing in Europe the situation would end very fast since in America women have the right to shoot them kill or maybe just blow off body parts to prevent repeat offensives. Americans citizens now proudly own close to half a billion guns from handguns to assault rifles. Do you really think that there are now companies and stores selling designer gun accessories, designer purses with built in holsters, bras with holsters and even shirts and tank tops with built in holsters for all of those “old angy white men hugging their guns”
- jimmyJANUARY 31, 2016 @ 9:19 AMGerman men are being psicologically raped by their own government. They have a mental disorder. Short term self preservation from an imminent real danger is not racism nor nazism.
- NoMoremultiCultiJANUARY 31, 2016 @ 1:11 AM“Now, they are going after women (feminists).”. They do indeed target women but not, I believe, feminists, who are amongst the useful idiots used in the campaign of muslime-isation of the west. Daniel Greenfield was scathing when he recently wrote about how the leftist femonazis failed to comprehend, or help, the women of Cologne.
- SocratesJANUARY 31, 2016 @ 10:22 AMThe Islamic ethos is incompatible with that of a civilised, liberal Western Democracy. There is much suffering in the Middle East but why should their cultural problems be imported into Europe where they will pose a threat to the established population? Angela Merkel never bothered to figure this one out and now we are seeing the consequences.
- NatJANUARY 31, 2016 @ 12:23 AMIf it’s a choice between carrying an ” illegal” weapon and getting raped or killed by a savage moslem I’d chose the former. It would be good to see these women forming gangs of their own (and maybe some men could join them.)
- RaymondJANUARY 30, 2016 @ 9:25 PMI would strongly urge women all over the world to arm yourselves against muslims. Your government is helping muslims murder you
- NunyaFEBRUARY 18, 2016 @ 1:00 PMThank you for your comment. I totally agree with you. Women all over the world especially in Muslim countries need to protect themselves with a gun against would be rapists and murderers ( who might even be family members practicing sharia. )
- NunyaFEBRUARY 18, 2016 @ 1:18 PMFuck all religion. Pretty much all religion is a way of putting people, especially women in their place and controlling them. You even see it in Christian fundamentalists who explain that God made man to serve him and he made woman to serve man . He made Adam to glorify himself, and then eve because poor Adam was lonely
- SammyFEBRUARY 19, 2016 @ 5:43 PMI think that being a responsible adult human being means being responsible for your own behavior. But when it comes to sex why is it men never are responsible for their own behaviors? It is as if they’re given the past to be an E ternal child in this area. Or an animal. The whole “she made me do it “idea has been around since Adam and Eve. Men should just grow the fuck up. And be in control of their dicks.
- Amgad georgeJANUARY 30, 2016 @ 8:34 PMSimpel and plain Merkel brought the shit in and germans starting to smel it . Keep the christian imegrants or the jews but muzelms you schould send them back is the advice.
- LizaJANUARY 30, 2016 @ 8:08 PMEven our pets, animals like donkeys, goats are not save anymore
Poor animals. We should take the poor animals out of there. - NimrodJANUARY 30, 2016 @ 6:01 PMA decent thing to use as a weapon is a camera monopod like this one: are reasonably heavy when folded up, have a sharp point on the end for planting in soft ground (not enough to stab someone but it will hurt, especially if you remove the rubber foot from around it), and for countries with “offensive weapons” laws and hostile police all you need to do is also carry a small digital camera with you, or a phone camera tripod adapter, and carrying the monopod around is just you out to take some photos of things. Monopods are important for stabilization in low light conditions so at night there is even more of a good photographic reason to be using one.As long as you get a decent quality heavy one (at least $20) then it will work, just don’t get a super cheap one because those are too light and flimsy.
- Robin SchultzJANUARY 31, 2016 @ 11:30 PMIsn’t it shameful that a woman is called “racist” for wanting to protect herself, when the police obviously aren’t protecting them?? And if guns are not allowed, they have to come up with other things to use??!!
- Mark McDonaldJANUARY 30, 2016 @ 4:56 PMA record number of Americans are buying guns because of Hussein obama policies on terrorism, not because of mass shootings by white people. There has been more than 90 ISIS inspired attacks in the United States since 2012.
- Mark McDonaldJANUARY 30, 2016 @ 4:55 PMHussein Obama ‘S Plan: “Nobody Is Trying To Take Your Guns!” “We Only Want To Make You Register Them, Restrict Transfer, Ban Certain Guns, Limit Magazine Capacity, Prohibit Carrying Them, Ban Or Limit Ammo, Make Other Arbitrary Laws, And If We Catch You Violating Any Of These Made-Up Rules, Throw You In Prison. At Which Point We Will Take Your Guns!”
- EuragoneJANUARY 30, 2016 @ 4:09 PMSomeone should teach the German women how to castrate moslems with their Boot Heels while they have them down on the ground after pepper spraying them!
- Linda RiveraJANUARY 30, 2016 @ 3:50 PMThe reason the EU Monster imported 50 million Muslims into Europe is because the RAPE/MURDER BLOOD CULT of Islam commands Muslims to wageVIOLENT JIHAD and RAPE-SEX SLAVERY of Non-Muslims.Excessively wicked and completely SATANIC ruling elites ALLOWED Muslims to wage RAPE JIHAD on a WAR TIME SCALE on our non-Muslim females for decades.LIBERTY GB: Freedom and the West…..’In 2011 Sheik Abu Ishak Al Huweini at Al-Azhar University in Cairo (the most respected university in the entire Muslim world) proudly told his brother Muslims that it was their duty to engage in violent jihad and that one day each Muslim would have 3 or 4 white Western slaves.’….“Slavery is a part of Islam. Slavery is part of jihad, and jihad will remain as long there is Islam.” – Sheikh Saleh Al-Fawzan, a leading authority on Islam in Saudi Arabia. 16-year-old British girl was brutally raped by 90 different Muslim men in one weekend EU, Merkel and the German government were OUTRAGED when PEGIDA protested hundreds of our girls being beaten, robbed, sexually molested and raped by EU BIG FAVOURITES, SEXUAL TERRORISTS — gangs made up of thousands of Muslims the EU Monster imported into GermanyThe EU responded by having the protesters ATTACKED with WATER CANNONSPEGIDA marches in many EU nations. February 6 — BE THERE!PEGIDA — Young, old, families with children — BE THERE!
- NoNameJANUARY 30, 2016 @ 9:55 PMThink its very important to show the people who PEGIDA really is and exactly what it stands for. As you said yourself the left wing media (almost all media in western EU) does everything it can to miscredit PEGIDA and similar movements, trying to link us to the far right.Far right ? could it be that “right” has become “far right” because the media have shifted from “neutral” to “left” and this has become the new “normal” or “neutral” ?Our media is a JOKE but the people dont seem realize it.PEGIDA Feb 6 – We will be there, greetings from the North.
- sandra paquetteJANUARY 30, 2016 @ 1:14 PMI’m beginning to believe who needs enemies like Muslims, I think our biggest enemies are the Liberals right here in our own countries.
- Lincoln Applegate HahnJANUARY 30, 2016 @ 1:03 PMSomeone should make …. Habanero chile spray …. it would be soooo effective …. first, the face …. then as a last resort …. the glans …. unless, there is the slightest chance …. of penetration …. epic backfire ?
- JackJANUARY 30, 2016 @ 11:20 AMGerman men need to begin the culling and start with the liberals who have raped your daughters a second time
- JpJANUARY 30, 2016 @ 10:24 AMInteresting. I have not seen one word about the blatant and actual racism and sexism practiced by these ” migrants”
- ThisObamaNationJANUARY 30, 2016 @ 9:58 AMI noticed the shop featured had a nice selection of crossbows and knifes. Its not as good as having a gun but it beats having nothing when the SHTF.
- Kumi HoJANUARY 30, 2016 @ 7:13 PMThe benefit to those weapons is that they are silent. If you have to protect yourself, they make for a better way to avoid police backlash.
- ronmorgenJANUARY 30, 2016 @ 9:12 AMLiberals trust their leaders right to the bitter end. The blind leading the blind into the pit.
- Ordinary FellaJANUARY 30, 2016 @ 8:37 AMA new kind of “racism?” …It’s not f**king racist to NOT want your kids and wives get Raped or murdered by these vile bastards…..Stop with the self hate, guilt trips already…..This is what the Left want you to feel…They are as much the enemy as the muslims are…
- vigilozJANUARY 30, 2016 @ 8:16 AMWhy no comment or even an apology from Angela merkel?? If women have to dress down, hang in packs and carry weapons, who the hell would not notice there is sonething seriouly wrong in their neck of the woods?? Get merkel out, re introduce death penalty for rapists and murderers and no diplomatic immunity for refugees. uf they rape or kill or assault someone or commit sedition..death penalty..and make the humanitariabs and politicians who wanted them in to pay compensation to any victims’ families from their own pocket not from tax.. but from their income.
- Tet Vet 1968JANUARY 30, 2016 @ 8:03 AMStar-wish very well-articulated.This is real war on women. If these German gals had the right to carry rape wouldn’t be as prolific. This is what Hussein Obama and his Iranian born whore Valarie Jarrett want by disarming us. What better mechanism is there to control the population but Islam? The local Imam knows who comes to prayer and those that are habitually absent. The members of a Mosque that don’t show up a few times the Imam turns them into to the Sharia police, commonly known in Saudi Arabia as the most feared Mattawa.
- Nihil IslandsJANUARY 30, 2016 @ 6:30 AM“Its fracturing society” my ass!! It is uniting it!!!!
- Michael CopelandJANUARY 30, 2016 @ 6:03 AMThe peaceful movement PEGIDA, upholding German identity, is smeared and blackened by the biased BBC. Katya Adler refers to the organisation as “the virulently anti-immigrant PEGIDA movement”. Typical.
- Michael CopelandJANUARY 30, 2016 @ 6:02 AMThe peaceful movement PEGIDA, upholding German identity, is smeared and blackened by the biased BBC. Katya Adler refers to the organisation as “the virulently anti-immigrant PEGIDA movement”. Typical.
- foxmulder (@foxmuldar)JANUARY 30, 2016 @ 5:56 AMHow many of the German women would actually be allowed to purchase a handgun? Thats too sad because they should all be armed to protect themselves against the savages.
- EttiJANUARY 30, 2016 @ 5:35 AMMmm. My dream, to come across a shop where the Saint who owns it sells ‘electric stunners’. The ideal weapon for civilians IMO.
- Berzrkr50JANUARY 30, 2016 @ 8:49 AMEspecially if it can be altered with another capacitor to give it another 5000 volts or so to “up” the punch!
- Emma de la CruzJANUARY 30, 2016 @ 1:05 PM; selfdefense
- Stwart - South AfricaJANUARY 30, 2016 @ 5:16 AMSurely the German people understand by now that they cannot put their trust in the likes of Angela Merkel to protect them against these violent invaders?
- William BarrocasJANUARY 30, 2016 @ 4:30 AMThe German women having gone through the trauma of Sexual. Assault and Public Molestation are certainly within their rights to ARM themselves against those satanic invaders going as Refugees (RAPE-FUGEES) if their own Tax-levying Government does not move a finger to protect its citizens.
- vigilozJANUARY 30, 2016 @ 8:22 AMHave the politicians and humanitarians in your country who wanted the refugees in be accountable for every refugee that has broken the law and have these politicians and bleeding hearts pay from their own pocket compensation to the victim’s’ families.
- Rosie ShawcrossJANUARY 30, 2016 @ 12:43 PMI carry a pistol in US but cannot in UK but would in Germany.
- StarWish246JANUARY 30, 2016 @ 4:17 AMIn Islam, women are one of the enemies, although useful as ‘service animals’, they are to have the boot of men upon their necks at all times, in order to control them. In Western countries, Western females dare to stand up to Muslims, and are generally attacked by Muslims, and quite often, the Western ‘Authorities’ will work in concert with the Muslims, to put the female ‘in her place’ (submission).Islam is stealthily attacking Western standards and cultural norms on several fronts, one at a time, building for an eventual full-blown assault on our Western freedoms and democracy, once their % of the population is sufficient to make an impact, or to take over. They started by throwing the slur of ‘Islamophobia’ in to any discussion or debate on Islam. Then they backed the policy that 3rd World practices be ‘tolerated’ as a ‘Cultural Difference’, and any disagreement with such ‘Cultural’ practices and/or behavior is Racist.Now, they are going after women (feminists). Islam holds a tight noose around it’s women’s throats. Women are held in very low esteem. Whereas, Western women have fought, and won, many rights already afforded to men. Western women, although not, as yet, equal to men legally and quite often socially, they hold a high standard of human dignity and stand beside their fellow man (not 3 steps behind, as in 3rd World cultures, like Islam).Islam is intolerant of women speaking their minds, having full, UNSUPERVISED lives, any personal privacy, and any power or authority, ESPECIALLY over men. So, it is a priority of Islam to implant the idea that women being strong, free, and independent, is not only a threat to men, but a danger to our Western society (just as they perceive them to be in Islam).This assault against women and feminism, is a way to lull Western nations in to thinking that equality for ALL it’s citizens is somehow, going to be detrimental. This is now being seen by the recent rash of 3rd World ‘Rapefugees’. Women victims are being basically blamed for ‘inciting’ said rapes, by being out after dark, wearing ‘Modern’ clothing (NOT full body coverings as Islamists prefer), and for just, honestly, being non-Muslim, and having the bad luck to cross the path of said ‘Rapefugees’.And throughout the media, there is a veiled ‘victim blaming’ theme that flows through almost any story reporting such attacks. Even when the reports seem to show support and compassion for the women who are brutalized by these rape gangs – there is often a hint of “But, IF she hadn’t………, then it might not have happened.”And so Western governments and Local Authorities, instead of FULLY punishing the rapist hoards, often find it simpler, to just engage in a progressive media blitz of blaming the female population, on a whole, and coming up with new codes/laws/regulations/guidelines, etc. that curtail female freedoms. And Society takes a few steps BACKWARDS, and progress be damned! ……….This falls right into line with Islam’s plans for changing our Democracy for Sharia Law.
GERMAN women arming themselves with anything they can for protection against Muslim attackers. "If they try and rape me I will blow their F$%K Head Off" One women said "time to get these bastards where it counts attack now before it is too late. "Show them what we are made off not standing for their S%&T".
And par for the course, they are being called “racists” by leftists and politicians for wanting to protect themselves from Muslim rapists posing as refugees, who consider Western women ‘sluts.’