Saturday 21 May 2016

UK: Muslim rape gangs could have abused 1,000,000 children; authorities kept silent for fear of being called “racist”

Muslimrapegang“Talking about her concerns of corruption within the police force she pointed out the IPCC started their investigation within a month they had suspended 14 police officers.” The police officers are just fall guys. They’re not responsible for the political culture that made authorities cower in fear of being smeared with charges of “racism” and “Islamophobia” for doing anything about these predators. In Rotherham, British officials “described their nervousness about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought as racist; others remembered clear direction from their managers not to do so.”
If the British authorities really want to root out this problem, they need to prosecute Nick Lowles and Fiyaz Mughal and other responsible for the stigmatization of scrutiny of the Muslim community, and not content themselves with prosecuting some hapless cops.
“Child sex abuse gangs could have assaulted ONE MILLION youngsters in the UK,” by Lucy Thornton,Mirror, February 5, 2015 (thanks to Marc):
There could be up to a million victims of child sexual exploitation in the UK, it is feared.
Rotherham’s Labour MP Sarah Champion describes it as a “national disaster” and is demanding a taskforce to fight the “horror.”
In an exclusive interview with the Daily Mirror the shaken MP has told how she ‘nearly lost her mind’ after victims turned to her for help – unable to trust the police or local council.
She is currently getting an average of 10 victims a week coming to her for help.
Fighting back tears she told how she feared having a nervous breakdown worried about failing the “amazing women” and her horror after finding out a manual for grooming existed for paedophiles.
The MP was speaking after the Government announced they were taking over Rotherham Council for a “fresh start” and sending five commissioners to run the troubled authority.
Inspectors were called in after the Jay Report last August revealed the borough had let down 1,400 victims of child sexual exploitation.
“The day after the first report broke the victims started coming to me. They couldn’t go to the police, they couldn’t go to the council. So who do you go to?
“For the first three weeks I generally thought I was losing my mind. I nearly lost my mind because of the level of depravity and horror.
“Listening to what these, now women, had gone through and how they were just left discarded, to flounder on their own.
“It was utterly mind-blowing and then the problem I had was that I was getting new cases coming to me, ones that hadn’t been reported which they wanted me to report. But I didn’t know who I could trust in the police to report it.
“There was this parallel universe going on and it is mindblowing.
“I generally thought I was getting close to having a nervous breakdown because I couldn’t process these two worlds going on and that anybody in a professional capacity would not have acted about what was going on. It’s obscene.”
Talking about her concerns of corruption within the police force she pointed out the IPCC started their investigation within a month they had suspended 14 police officers.
And she said one senior police officer told her they didn’t know why she was so surprised, telling Sarah: ‘Paedophiles become teachers and people that prey on the vulnerable go into the police.”
Talking of the cases she has encountered, she told of one horrific case when a girl from Rotherham was traced to a terraced street in Blackpool by youth worker Jane Senior who she employs.
“She knew where the girl was because of the queue of men down the street and up the stairs,” The MP said.
She said she turned to the Government five months ago to ask for emergency funding for her town’s victims to help the rebuild their lives.
“I went to see David Cameron this week and he said he would look into it.
“It feels like the Government is leaving Rotherham to die. It feels like we’re not on their doorstep so it doesn’t matter.”…
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