Monday 15 June 2015

10 Reasons Some People Claim Barack Obama Is the Antichrist

Significance of 666 to Obama

Significance of 666 to Obama

Some people believe that President Barack Obama is the Antichrist. One sign that they point to is that on the day following the election in Illinois, the winning Pick 3 lottery numbers were 666. In addition, his home zip code is 60606. Some Christians believe that 666 is Satan's number, or the Number of the Beast.
Jesus May Have Said Baraq O Bamah

Jesus May Have Said Baraq O Bamah

According to the Bible, Jesus said in Luke 10:18, 'I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.' In the Aramaic language, which Jesus may have spoken, lighting from heaven is 'Baraq O Bamah.' Others point out that Jesus may have been speaking in Greek, while others caution about taking a Bible verse out of context.
Likelihood of a War with Russia Increases

Likelihood of a War with Russia Increases

Some suggest that the final war will be a nuclear war against Russia and Iran. At the end of the war, a person in leadership will step forward and suggest a seven-year peace treaty. While some Biblical experts suggest that the person has just come to power, others believe that he has been in power for a while. The likelihood of a war with Russia has been a prominent news story.
Claims Obama Tapes Played Backward Reveals Satanic Messages

Claims Obama Tapes Played Backward Reveals Satanic Messages

MSNBC commentator Rachel Maddow released tapes of President Obama's speeches played in reverse. In these tapes, she claims that the president's words played backward sounds like satanic phrases. She even claims that the listener can hear President Obama say, 'Thank you, Satan' in these tapes.
Obama Rose from Obscurity

Obama Rose from Obscurity

The Book of Deuteronomy in the Bible says that the Antichrist will rise from obscurity. Many people had not heard of President Obama until he ran for president. Some Christians use this as evidence that he rose from obscurity, just as the Bible says the Antichrist will do.
Chip in Obamacare

Chip in Obamacare

Some Christians say the Bible says that everyone must receive the mark of the beast to buy or sell in the end times. They believe that the registry created under Obamacare paves the way for this mark. In Class II (Paragraph 1, Section B). it says a chip must be implanted. So far, the FDA has not approved a chip for implantation.
Obama's Hope and Change Message

Obama's Hope and Change Message

Still others point to Daniel 12:11 in the Bible, which says there will be 1,260 days between the time of the covenant and the end of the world. These Christians claim that Obama's hope and change promise was the covenant, while many others state that the Covenant is between God and His people. Now, the former group is waiting for that prophecy to come true.
President Obama's Name

President Obama's Name

Others point to the meaning behind President Obama's name. In Hebrew, Barack means 'lightning' or 'spark.' His middle name is Hussein, which means 'handsome one' in Arabic. Some claim that Bama means 'son of prophecy' in the Kenyan language. Putting it together, these people believe that his name means 'Handsome spark that is a son of prophecy.'
Creating a Kingdom Without Congress

Creating a Kingdom Without Congress

Some Christians point to Daniel 7:25, stating that the Antichrist will create laws to make his own kingdom. Obama has made more appointments than many other presidents without the approval of Congress, including to the National Labor Relations Board, which the Supreme Court ruled unanimously to be unconstitutional. He has also made statements that he would raise minimum wage and change the immigration laws, even if Congress, a coequal branch of government, tried to stop him.
Worshipped By Many

Worshipped By Many

In the Bible, Revelation 13:8 says that many will worship the Antichrist. Especially when he first won his first term, many people worshipped his victory. Some people went to uncommon extremes in their adulation when a candidate wins a public office. In June 2009, Newsweek editor Evan Thomas stated, 'In a way, Obama's standing above the country, above the world. He's sort of God.'

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