This is beginning to sound like a broken record. The latest baby to die was in Memphis. 4 days after receiving a battery of “required” vaccines, Ja'Liyah Cortize Turner died. So now what? Probably nothing for the vast majority of parents.
In the 1960 movie, "The Time Machine”, H.G. Wells travels to a futuristic society ruled by underground beings named the “Morlocks”. They were cannibals which fed on the above ground slaves named the “Eloi'”. When the Morlocks were hungry, they set off air raid sirens. The Eloi would then fall into a trans and begin marching to the Morlock cave entries. Are today's people the equivalent of the Eloi? It seems so. When the man in the lab coat on TV says you must march to the health care professional and allow them to plunge a cocktail of unidentified chemicals into your arm or the arms of your children, the average person does as they're told without question.
For those who are not yet in that state, I have posted another article on 10 facts about the vaccine industry.
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