Saturday 20 June 2015

Bible Verses about the Second Coming of Christ

Introduction to what the Bible says about the End Times: The Second Coming of Christ

These Bible verses about the end times focus on what the Bible teaches about the Second Coming of Christ.

Bible Verses about the End Times:
The Second Coming of Christ

  1. Introduction to what the Bible says about the End Times: The Second Coming of Christ
  2. A Letter for you made of Bible verses about the End Times: The Second Coming of Christ
  3. Scripture References for My Son shall return soon, a Letter composed of paraphrased Bible Verses about the End Times: The Second Coming of Christ
  4. The complete Bible verses about the End Times: The Second Coming of Christ cited in the Letter
  5. More Bible verses about the End Times: The Second Coming of Christ
  6. Read these Bible verses about the End Times: The Second Coming of Christ in another Bible translation
  7. Bible Study Tools and further Christian Resources for Bible Study
  8. Share this Page
Jesus Christ was born around 2000 years ago and lived a short life of about 33 years, but this is not the last time that Jesus will be on earth.
The Bible tells us that Jesus will come again. Both the Old Testament and the New Testament refer to the Second Advent of Jesus with entire chapters and even whole books being devoted to it. The Second Coming of Christ is such a fundamental doctrine of Christianity that many other teachings in the Bible would lose their full richness and meaning without it.
Jesus lived a perfect life and fulfilled His mission. He died for our sins and was raised to life again—victorious over death. His disciples saw Jesus ascending into heaven and He is in heaven now, interceding with our Father on the behalf of all of us who come to Him in prayer.
Jesus is also with God’s children at this very moment through the Holy Spirit in our lives and He is therefore already present on earth spiritually, but Jesus will also return to earth physically in all His glory in the future.
Second Coming of Christ picture. Second Advent Christian Bible illustration
The Return of Christ, by Waiting for the Word.
These Bible verses about the Second Coming of Christ reveal that Jesus will return to earth at a time that only God knows. He will gather the faithful to Him and we shall all be changed. We should therefore live our lives in a way that we are ready for this to happen at any moment, behaving in a way that we will not be ashamed, for we do not know when the Second Coming of Christ will be.
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The following letter is based on the twelfth chapter of the Christian book Letters from Home, Our Father’s Message of Love and is called, My Son shall return soon. The Lord’s coming is the blessed hope of His church and this hope can be the refining fire that succeeds in purifying each one of us (1 John 3:2). As you read these Bible verses about the Second Coming of Christ, be comforted about this hope that we have and think about how you can encourage others with the news that Christ is coming back soon and, when He does, our salvation will be made complete.

A Letter for you made of Bible verses about the End Times: The Second Coming of Christ

Bible verses about
When the time comes for me to restore and perfect everything, I will send my Son once more, just as I promised many years ago.[1] Tell everyone to turn to me, so that their sins may be removed and I can send the Christ.[2] Tell the whole world my good news, and then the end will come.[3]
My Son will return with my own great glory[4] and take you home, so that you may be where we are.[5] Listen to this mystery: not all of my children will fall asleep, but all will be transformed[6] and gathered to my Son.[7] Know that all my children who are alive at the time will be caught up together in the clouds to meet my Son, your Lord, in the air.[8]
Comfort and encourage one another with these words,[9] for in a very short time, my Son will come to you.[10] Your complete salvation is close at hand, nearer now than when you first accepted me.[11]
My child, in these times you hear of so many wars and rumours of wars, earthquakes and famines, natural disasters and tragedies, but do not worry, terrible as these things are, they must happen. In these end-times, nation will rise against nation.[12] But always be alert, praying that you may escape all that is to occur.[13]
Not everyone will believe. Many will ask when this ‘promised coming’ will happen, because to them, everything appears to carry on as normal, just as it always has.[14] But learn from this: when you see leaves forming on the tender branches of trees, you know that summer is close at hand; similarly, when you see these things that I have told you about,[15] when the time of unequalled distress occurs,[16] know that the time is near, my Son is right at the door.[17]
Keep watch, my child,[18] and stay alert and self-controlled, calm and collected,[19] so that you may stand confidently and unashamedly before my Son.[20] For he will come suddenly and unannounced, perhaps at dawn, maybe at midnight.[21] He will return on the day you least expect him, at an hour you do not know;[22] for it is I who chooses the appointed time.[23] Nobody knows the exact time but me.[24] Be patient and resolute, for the time is near.[25] When he appears you shall see him as he truly is, and you too will be like him.[26]
Wait eagerly, by faith, through the Spirit.[27] For this is your blessed hope[28]—and as you have this hope in you, purify yourself.[29] My child, set your mind on heavenly things; remember that you have already died and that your life is hidden with my Son in me; he is your life, and when he appears you too will appear with him in glory.[30]
So be careful, do not allow your heart to be weighed down with the cares and anxieties of life.[31] He is coming soon. Guard what you have so that no one can take it from you.[32] Be prepared,[33] or this day will come upon you unexpectedly.[34]
Do not be ashamed of my Son and our words, particularly in this degrading world you now live in, or he too will be ashamed of you when he appears with all my glory.[35] If you endure, you will also reign with him; if you turn your back on him, he will also disown you.[36] Do not be mistaken, you will have trouble in this world, but be encouraged and accept my peace, for I am victorious.[37]
My Son appeared once to eradicate the sins of my children,[38] in order for you to be truly holy.[39] He shall return to bring complete salvation for all who are his.[40]
My child, as you know that my Son died and rose again, know also that when he returns, I will bring with Christ all my children who have fallen asleep.[41] This is not for you to speculate over, for I have revealed it: be assured that what I have planned will surely occur, just as I have foreseen.[42]
Wait in eager anticipation, my child,[43] and may you join with all my children in saying, “Amen, may it be so. Come, Lord Jesus.”[44]
Bible verses

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