Monday 22 June 2015

Companies in the illuninati with the sun symbolism part 3

Budweiser –crown is the all seeing-eye in the capstone.  The ‘w’ makes the number 11.  There’s all kinds of stuff going on here, but I’ll let it rest.
UBS –key handles are the all seeing-eyes in capstones.
Caterpillar –capstone in the letter ‘A’, and yellow capstone.  Classic.  Another one of my early sightings telling me something is up with the pyramid shit.
Adobe – lots of capstones formed with the funny ‘A’.
Northwest –it’s suppose to be an ‘N’ and ‘W’ combined, but all I see is the capstone separated from pyramid.
HSBC  --lots of capstones.
Blue Tooth (rotated 90 degrees) – it’s suppose to be a ‘B’ and ‘t’, I think.  But, all I see are capstones.
Volkswagen – more capstones.
Mercedes-Benz –three capstones, or like looking down on a pyramid.
*Superman –yellow capstone beneath the ‘S’.

Harley-Davidson –

2.1  The rounded capstone
Honda –funky “H” yields rounded off capstones.
Hyundai –Funky ‘H’ yields rounded off capstones here, too.  You’d think they would want to differentiate themselves from Honda.
Lexus – funky ‘L’ yields rounded off capstone.  My four year old niece writes a better “L” than that!  Other automakers utilizing the same sun technique:  Mitsubishi, Renault, Chrysler, Citroen, Infinity, Kia, Volvo, Suzuki, Smart, GMC, Hummer, Buick, MG, Acura, Isuzu, Mercury, Land Rover, Daewoo…suck it.
*Playboy rotated 90 –eye is the all seeing-eye in rounded cap-stoned.

McDonalds –funky ‘M’ (I mean, Golden Arches) yields rounded off capstones.  The “McDonald’s” intersects the vertical legs of the right arch yielding a double cross (see part 1)
Adidas (old version) – three rounded capstones.
Adidas new.
Cisco – capstones made with the vertical lines.
2.2 Eye in capstoned corner
20th Century Fox – “X” forms capstone for the “O” to reside as the eye.
Pizza Hut –“z”s make capstones and a corner for the “a” as the eye.  The red roof also makes capstone corners.  In addition, The ‘H’ and ‘t’ make blatant crosses (see part 1).
Amazon –‘a’ and ‘o’ are the all seeing-eyes in the capstone ‘Z’.  The yellow arc represents the sun.
Heinz --dot to the ‘i’ is the all seeing-eye in red corner formed with lettering and upper boundary.  The ‘i n’ make an 11.
Accenture –symbol over ‘t’ is the capstone.
Nestle –‘e’s are the all seeing-eye in corner formed with ‘N’ and line above,  and the “l” and line above.
Nescafe at 45 –‘E’ is the all seeing-eye in corner formed with the ‘N’ and line above.
Goldman Sachs – ‘G’ is the all seeing-eye in upper left corner.
Puma –‘A’ is the all seeing-eye in the capstone corner formed with the cat.
KFC –His oval face is the eye and sits next to the red capstone corners.
Burberry –angle of pole and flag form the pyramid.  His head is the all-seeing-eye, his body forms the separation leaving a capstone. 
Polo Ralph Lauren –angle of polo stick and top of horse creates the pyramid.  His head is the all-seeing-eye, his body forms the separation leaving a capstone. 
Sirius –dog eye is all seeing-eye on capstone head.

2.3 No logo, just letters
What’s special about this next group of logos is that they don’t have a logo, but rely only on the lettering.  When there is no real logo, the lettering is almost always all caps, and almost always has an ‘A’ or an ‘M’ or ‘V’ or “W”.
H & M—capstones made with the ‘M’.
Dell –the twisted ‘E’ makes an ‘M’ shape top and bottom yielding capstones.
Nivea –the ‘V’ is bordered by the ‘I’ and ‘E’, leaving an ‘M’ shape, or capstones.  The capital ‘A’ is the perfect border for pyramid and capstone.
Siemens –capital ‘M’ in center yields capstones.
MTV –capital ‘M’ for capstones and the end of the ‘T’ makes an all-seeing eye.
AXA –two pyramids with capstones.
Lancome –‘O’ is the all seeing-eye under the capstone hat.
L’Oreal – The extra large “O” is the all-seeing-eye in capstone corner of the “L”.   Also there’s a capital “A”.
Allianz –circle decal is the all seeing-eye next to the capstone corner of the ‘z’.  The two ‘l’s make the number 11.
Nokia –the ‘K’ to ‘I’ makes a capstone and so does the ‘A’.
American Express –two capital ‘A’s, ‘M’, and ‘X’ make capstones.
Oracle –capital ‘A’.  Yes, it really is that simple.
Zara –two capital ‘A’s.  Remember, this is the logo…that’s it.  Think of the KAY Jewelry logo.

Prada –two capital ‘A’s.  Notice how very little color is used on those ‘without a logo’, just the printing of their name. Normally, it’s all red in written name logos.
Avon –captial ‘A’ and ‘V’.
Gap –capital ‘A’.
Duracell –capital ‘A’.
Visa –capital ‘A’ and ‘V’.
IKEA –capital ‘A’ plus space between ‘K’ and ‘E’ make the capstones.  The ‘I K’ make an 11.
Nike (old) –space between ‘K’ and ‘E’ yields the capstone.  The ‘I K’ make an 11.
Nike --vertical tip of swoosh
Cannon –tips of lettering make capstones (and the ‘a and ‘o’ are all seeing eyes).
**Fidelity –not in the top lists, but just a reminder.
Worlds’ 100 Best Brand Logos
Part 3.0 --Direct Sun Symbolism
The third method of sun symbolism used by the Illuminati in the top 100 logos is direct;  where the sun is simply represented as a sun, or star, and with sun-like colors (red, yellow, orange, white) and shapes (round /spherical).  
Thomson Reuters –many, little orange suns make a big one.
Danone –glowing sun with red bottom.
*Obama’s Cam-pain Logo –but that’s an “O” and it stands for Barrack Hussein, the United State’s first Project Monarch, Mind Contr-O-lled President.
Shell –yellow and red sun.  The two ‘l’s make an 11.
*Walmart –sun.  
Rolex – crown makes a sun with rays shooting up, and little suns on the top.
Apple –red sun.  The little piece on top fits nicely into the bitten out area thereby yielding a near complete red sphere. Who took the bite out of the apple?  Satan.
Yahoo–Some capstone action with the “Y” and “A”, and the two red ‘O’s are suns.
Master Card –red sun and orange sun.
The sun glyph.  I mean Target logo.
JP Morgan Chase –a more squared-off version of the basic sun symbol.  The lines can be connected to make a swastika (or, cross-in-circle –see part 1).
Starbucks –three stars; and stars are suns.
Moet & Chandon –star is a sun

Direct Sun 3.1 -- No logo, but sun in the name
Sony – son
Samsung – sun
Panasonic –same sun here. 
 “Bringers of the Dawn” [1992] by Barbara Marciniak and the Pleaidians:
Those of you who are the Guardians of Light and who wish to completely change this present reality and bring different options in are anchoring the frequency. If it is not anchored and understood, it can create chaos. It will create chaos. This is why you must ground yourselves. Chaos brings about a state of reorganization when utilized properly. Time is collapsing, and the energy is becoming larger and larger. You have come here to use that energy first. You will make pathways of consciousness as you pull the energy into your body that will assist others so that they may not have to go through what you go through. Many people will suddenly begin to feel this energy without any preparation at all. You are all pulling light, which is data and information, onto the planet, and as you do this you create new pathways for consciousness to explore without even saying a word. The new pathways of consciousness create new realities, new options, and new ways of living and being. That is why the collapse of your society is inevitable: It does not hold light; it does not hold the multidimensional possibilities; it holds you in limitation, and you are tired of that.
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