Saturday, 20 June 2015

Did Science Create a Genetic Genocide Machine?

AIDS and Ebola, two of this century's most virulent diseases: Why was AIDS originally known as "The Gay Plague" in America? Is AIDS merely a freak accident of nature caused from an African green monkey virus? Or is AIDS a government-sponsored genocide program that seeded a laboratory virus into select populations for political and social purposes? 

Is it possible to create pathogenic viruses by genetic engineering? Scientific arguments have been made to support various theories of an artificial origin of AIDS, though these arguments have been suppressed in both the mainstream press and in scientific literature. 

The AIDS pandemic started as a direct result of genetic experimentation and military madness. The most damning evidence that AIDS was man-made comes from the Department of Defense (DOD) Appropriations Hearings for 1969 wherein Pentagon officials, namely a one Dr. MacArthur requested an AIDS-like virus, and biowarfare labs dutifully provided a virus which would destroy the human immune response. This genetically-engineered germ would be very different from any previous microbe known to mankind. 

Interestingly, the above Hearings on "Synthetic Biological Agents" occurred the same year as the famous Stonewall Riot that won freedom and political clout for the gay community! Neither the government nor the press nor the scientific community has made any effort to bring the above facts to the attention of the public.

 Enter the heroic patriots!! There are tireless physicians who have spent years researching and documenting the exhaustive evidence that proves conclusively that HIV/AIDS is in fact biological (germ) warfare experimentation. Whereas both our derelict politicians and mainstream media continue to fail us regarding this most tremendous story of our time! The heroic physicians introduced on this page are the true "saviors" if you will, who alone have exposed the government's lies and devious smokescreens contrived to conceal an event that is easily the greatest mass murder in world history!! Those who control, manipulate, and censor the major media, are aware of the political and social implications of the AIDS biowarfare story. The reason for AIDS disinformation is obvious: to cover up the man-made origin of this disease. Americans have been duped!!

In his well known report WHO MURDERED AFRICA, Dr. William Campbell Douglass, M.D., wrote that HIV was finally produced (genetically engineered) in 1974, after having been PREDICTED and REQUESTED! He tells us that the AIDS virus by the WHO (World Health Organization), was not just a diabolical scientific exercise that got out of hand. It was a cold-blooded successful attempt to create a killer virus which was then used in a successful experiment in Africa. African AIDS was the result of the smallpox eradication vaccine program conducted by the World Health Organization during the 1970s. It was not an accident. It was deliberate! It is more than hypothetical hyperbole to conclude that our government has conducted biowarfare on Black Africa. It is fact.

 For decades depopulation has been the highest long-range priority of US foreign policy towards the Third World. It was classified - it was a secret. "Reduction of the rate of population in these States is a matter of vital US national security." [ National Security Memorandum, Henry Kissinger ] Viruses cannot jump species unless they are specifically engineered to do so. It is also scientific fact that the AIDS virus bears no resemblance whatsoever to any virus ever found in a green monkey or chimpanzee, but does bear a total resemblance to cow virus and sheep virus, which have been bonded together to create a hybrid virus. The only possible way these two different species of virus could bond together would be from deliberate laboratory manipulation, and then further engineered to make the jump into a human system. HIV is the synthetic biological agent requested by the United States Government to accomplish a hidden Federal program.
The National Institute of Health's Special Virus Cancer Program (SVCP) is that said hidden Federal program. To attempt to give a comprehensive listing of the old and new documented animal cancer experiments behind the laboratory origin of HIV would fill up this website. Disbelievers and denialists are urged to open their minds. We are dealing here with a worldwide covert genocidal holocaust of unprecedented proportions. 
Dr. Robert Strecker is on record saying that science's new supergerm HIV (this perversion of science), had been worked on being created for 30 to 40 years, and because it was engineered at Ft. Detrick, MD, obviously his claim holds that it was specifically designed as a weapon of mass destruction. As bizarre as it may seem, there are connections between the U.S. Army's Fort Detrick biowarfare lab and the National Cancer Institute, where Robert Gallo and other leading AIDS researchers worked. (See Emerging Viruses, AIDS and Ebola, by Leonard Horowitz.) The Army's DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL WARFARE already has a well-documented tradition of EXPERIMENTATION ON HUMAN BEINGS. And nowhere has homophobia been more blatant or more vicious than in the military. The question arises, why would any homosexual want to serve in the military? Since the beginning of recorded history there has never been a group of people so universally hated and despised as homosexuals. And especially by the Pentagon! What happened in 1978 and beyond to cause AIDS to burst upon the scene and devastate the homosexual segment of the American population?

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