Monday 22 June 2015

It’s easy to see the sun in the BP logo above, but spotting the cross made with “bp” isn’t as obvious.  Like all the World’s 100 Best Brand Logos, the BP logo displays esoteric sun symbolism as directed by the Illuminati.  Ironically, BP uses lower case letters for it’s intials.  But, purposely it forms the cross next to the sun; all of which represents the sun/son that died on the cross. The illuminati are proud to be “Order of the Sun” and display it on virtually all product logos.  Most people see it unwittingly, but it severely impacts us through the subconscious.  The Illuminati love to rub our noses in it - esoterically, keeping us in servitude, slaves.  It’s no different now than in all of of known history.
There’s three methods of sun symbolism used by the Illuminati in the World’s 100 Best Brand logos:
  1.  Sun-on-cross
  2. Triangle (capstone of pyramid) with all-seeing eye
  3. Direct
That’s it, just three.  These are the 2009 World’s 100 Best Brand Logos as presented on:  It is based on brand value begginning with Coca-Cola at $68,734,000 down to Campbells at $3,081,000.  I’ve also interweaved (noted with **) the Word’s 20 most Famous Logo Designs as reported here:  I’ve also interweaved a few other logos (noted with *). 

1.0  Sun-on-cross
The first method of sun symbolism used by the Illuminati in the World’s Top 100 Brand Logos is the sun-on-cross, or cross-in-circle; represented by the Celtic Cross shown below.  The quick explanation is that the circle represents the sun and the sun/son died on the cross.  For complete derivation, please see link:
I suggest just looking for the crosses as you scroll down.
Same as:

Xerox – ‘x’ is a cross on the red sphere (sun).
Windows – window squares form the borders for a cross in the middle and sits on white circle (sun).
Wrigley –earth’s grid lines form crosses on the glowing sphere (sun).
Citi –the lower case ‘t’ is the cross and sits below the red arch (top of sun).  What makes this so blatant is that the lower case ‘t’ is taller than the capital ‘C’ and capital ‘I’s.
At&t –again the lower case ‘t’ makes the cross, twice; and sits next to the white sphere, sun.  And, the lower case ‘t’s are taller than the ampersand, which deliberately draws more attention to the crosses.  Here is how they would look from a typewriter: t&.
Gillete –double ‘t’s provide for two crosses which sit on the nearly circular “G” (sun) with a spark on top.  The two ‘l’s make the number eleven, a common occult theme in these logos and I’ll point them out as we go.
G E – three crosses are made on the circle, sun.
Phillips –four crosses sit on the circle, sun.
*LG –drop the dot a bit and it makes a cross with the “L” and line next to it.  Of course, our subconscious does this for us.  The cross sits on the red circle; i.e. sun.   
Hermes –cross is made on the horse body with the straps.  The orange wagon wheels are suns.  During my research I discovered the only color this logo is ever shown in is orange.
Louis Vitton –crosses all over the place.
BMW –it doesn’t get more straight forward than this.  Other autmaker logos utilizing the same technique include: Lincoln, Olds, Saturn, Chevy, Geo, Pontiac, Cadillac, Dodge, Scion, Fiat, Alfa Romeo, Subaru, Mazerati, Lancia, Maybech, Rolls Royce, Nissan, Opel, and Vauxhall... Suck it!
Ford –line through the “F” yields a cross, and so does the ‘r’.  They sit on either side of the ‘o’, sun; all of which sits on the glowing, oval background.
Porche –the horse is Jesus and sits on the cross of the yellow and red shield –(Rothchild /sun).  I’m surprised Cadillac didn’t make the top 100, but if it did it would come next.
Ferrari –the horse’s tail and right leg make the horizontal line, and the body and left leg make the vertical line of the cross.  It sits on the yellow shield background (sun).  A second cross is made with the head, front legs and body.  Beer logos doing the same thing:  Loenbrau, Stroh’s, Modello, Hamm’s.
Walt Disney –the capital ‘D’ is a blatant cross-in-circle.  The ‘W’ and ‘y’ are just about as blatant.   I spotted this about six years ago and told a friend about it, and it was one of my first experiences with the phenomenon of spotting the cross in logos.
If that’s not enough, the red circles are there to point out the numbers “6, 6, and 6”.   Hail Satan!  I mean, Hail Disney, the king of subliminal!
Coca-cola – the ribbon through the ‘l’ is the main cross (s). The suns are made with the “o”s, “C”s and “a”s.  It’s fairly unamious that this is the most recognizable logo in the world.
*Target –not part of the top 100, but is an easily recognized logo.  I present it here because it is identical to the astrological symbol for the sun; in case you were having trouble seeing the suns in the Coca-Cola logo.  Now look at the first “o”.
1.1 – Intersecting rings
Tiffanys –cross made on what I believe is suppose to be a “T”.  The “T” makes a near complete circle, sun.
Chanel –crosses formed with the intersection of the two rings, suns.

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