Saturday, 13 June 2015

Obama’s New Islamic World Order

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Three years after Obama appeared in Cairo to praise Islam, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton met with Mohammed Morsi, the country’s new Islamist president, and urged the army to turn over power to him.
In three years Egypt had gone from a stabilizing influence and a regional ally to a blossoming Sunni Iran. If Egypt’s transformation had been an isolated incident, it would still have been a foreign policy disaster, but it was actually part of a chain of such transformations with Islamists coming to power in Tunisia, Islamist thugs sweeping across Mali to enforce Sharia law and the Muslim Brotherhood emerging as the dominant force in Syria’s rebel council and likely transitional government under the auspices of Turkey’s AKP Islamist rulers.
Al-Azhar University, which Obama described in his Cairo speech as “a beacon of Islamic learning,” is part of the mechanism by which Coptic Christian women and girls are kidnapped, raped and forced into Islam. It was also this “beacon of Islamic learning” that Dr. Muhammad, the head of its Department of Islamic Preaching and Culture, declared that Jews are the source of all evil.
This is the beacon of the new Islamic world order that Obama’s disastrous pandering enabled. But it began even earlier.
Obama’s first visit outside the hemisphere, after a few obligatory European summits, was to Turkey where he addressed a parliament dominated by Islamists. When Obama arrived in Istanbul, the AKP was working to eliminate Turkish secularism and replace it with its own brand of Islamism. Its attack on the Turkish Constitution was still controversial and many Turkish patriots continued to speak out against it.
Obama assured Turkey’s Islamist leadership that America was not a Christian or Jewish nation, even while hypocritically endorsing Islamist leaders working to transform Turkey into a strictly Muslim nation. His embrace of Prime Minister Erdogan, President Abdullah Gul and the AKP parliament provided the Islamists, who had ties to Al-Qaeda and had formed into a coalition a month before the attacks of September 11, with a show of support at a crucial time.
At the Grand National Assembly, Obama praised the AKP’s “reforms,” conveyed his “deep appreciation of the Islamic Faith” and vowed that “our focus will be on what we can do, in partnership with people across the Muslim world, to advance our common hopes and our common dreams.” Those common hopes and dreams would be fulfilled with the Arab Spring.
At a joint conference with Islamist thug Abdullah Gul, Obama went so far as to describe Turkey as a model for the partnership between the United States and the rest of the region. Within a year that model was bearing fruit as “democracy” was being used to advance the Islamist agenda and transform former allies in the region into that same model partnership between American leftists and Middle Eastern Islamists.
Next month, before visiting Cairo and meeting Mubarak, Obama visited Saudi Arabia to pay tribute to King Abdullah. The visit to the Saudi Kingdom before a high profile speech to the Muslim world sent a clear message, just as the visit to Turkey had. Before speaking to the Muslim world, Obama showed off his Islamist influences by paying court to two Islamist regimes.
As Obama bowed his head, the Saudi monarch hung the Order of Abdul Aziz al Saud around his neck. The golden chain of the order that was placed around Obama’s neck was decorated with the crossed swords representing the House of Saud and the House of Wahhab. On the order were the words, “Pioneer of Islamic Solidarity.”

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