911 Memorial Features Occult Eye of Horus
By David J. Stewart
Many people (including Christians) find the occult nature of the New World Order difficult to grasp, because they have never taken the first step to learn the truth; therefore, things like what I'm about to share with you is so freakish that they can't deal with its reality. The Illuminati love to hide things in plain sight. As the saying goes, “You can't see the forest for the trees.” Symbolism and occult imagery are subconsciously perceived, but on a conscious level they will not be seen. After the 911 attacks, a memorial was built at ground zero. Watch the following video and you'll see the all-seeing Eye of Horus being formed. The Illuminati not only killed our family and friends in the 911 attacks, but they mock us, sticking it in our faces (same video below).
The culprits who blew up the Trade Towers buildings were not extremist Muslims; but rather, the people who own and control The Council On Foreign Relations, the Bilderbergers, the Illuminati elite. If the preceding video isn't convincing enough, then read the following article . . .
The saddest thing is that most Christians I talk too couldn't care less. That is apostasy! Any preacher who is only concerned about building his church, and has no interest in knowing and exposing the truth of what's going on in the world, is not right with God. Our very freedoms are under attack! If the New Testament Church doesn't rise up against the Communist evils taking over America, then future generations won't be permitted to preach the Bible publicly, and will beforced to hire homosexuals, and "whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service" (John 16:2).Oculus, The All Seeing Eye Below Ground Zero
February 26, 2009
Beneath the Chambers Street / World Trade Center subway stop in New York City, lies an occult symbol that millions of Americans have looked upon without noticing it’s inherently Satanic overtones.
This Satanic symbol is known as Oculus.
An artwork entitled Oculus (Eye) has been installed all over the Chambers Street/World Trade Center station complex. Created by Kristin Jones and Andrew Ginzel, Oculus consists of 300 different mosaic eyes, all based upon actual human eyes taken from photographs–not computer generated.
The centerpiece of the work is an elliptical glass and stone mosaic floor, with a magnificent micro mosaic eye at the center of an ultramarine vortex with the image of the City of New York woven into the picture.
The Cult of Oc: is derived from the ancient symbols of the circular sun and the crescent moon, which when joined together form the word oc.
“To occult” means to eclipse, as when the moon obscures the sun during a total eclipse. Oc is also the root of the Latin word for eye - oculus. So the occult is the cult of the celestial sun moon eye whose wink darkens the day.
Occult actually means hidden and is often represented by a closed eye, or a winking eye . . .
It is not hard to understand that there is indeed a very real satanic power represented by this mosaic and it’s all seeing eye, yes, the same all seeing eye depicted on the back of your dollar bill of which Illuminist and Luciferian Albert Pike writes in his Illuminist book Morals and Dogma, “…the All-Seeing Eye, …to the Egyptian initiates was the emblem of Osiris, the Creator.”
“… His [Osiris] power was symbolized by an Eye over a Sceptre. The Sun was termed by the Greeks the Eye of Jupiter, and the Eye of the World; and his is the All-Seeing Eye in our Lodges.”
Pike, a Luciferian is openly admitting here that the all seeing eye is indeed the eye of Lucifer.
As previously mentioned, this is the same all seeing eye pictured on the back of the $1 bill and as such is also the reversed side of America’s Great Seal of which famed occultist Manly. P Hall writes, ” “On the reverse of our nation’s Great Seal is an unfinished pyramid to represent human society itself, imperfect and incomplete. Above floats the symbol of the esoteric orders, the radiant triangle with its all-seeing eye. … There is only one possible origin for these symbols, and that is the secret societies which came to this country 150 years before the Revolutionary War. … There can be no question that the great seal was directly inspired by these orders of the human Quest, and that it set forth the purpose for this nation. ”
Is it possible that America has been fulfilling a New World Order plan, an occultist plan, since it’s inception? I believe that as far back as World War One, the answer is indeed yes.
To further understand this I suggest you all find a copy of the video America’s Secret Beginning as well as Riddles in Stone, to help you dig deeper into much of what this country was actually founded on, as in deism not Christianity.
As for grasping the understand the all seeing eye, one needs to go back into ancient Egypt and to Osirus and Horus, both of whom are represented by the eye.
The origin of Osiris’s name is a mystery, which forms an obstacle to knowing the pronunciation of its hieroglyphic form. The majority of current thinking is that the Egyptian name is pronounced aser where the a is the letter ayin (i.e. a short ‘a’ pronounced from the back of the throat as if swallowing.
The myth described Osiris as having been killed by his brother Seth who wanted Osiris’ throne. Isis briefly brought Osiris back to life by use of a spell that she learned from her father. This spell gave her time to become pregnant by Osiris before he again died. Isis later gave birth to Horus. As such, since Horus was born after Osiris’ resurrection, Horus became thought of as representing new beginnings. This combination, Osiris-Horus, was therefore a life-death-rebirth deity, and thus associated with the new harvest each year.
The gods were impressed by the devotion of Isis and thus restored Osiris to life in the form of a different kind of existence as the god of the underworld.
Wow, God of the Underworld! Imagine that! Ironically, that’s a title also viewed as Satan’s.
The links are clear and the fact that Oculus is located below ground zero is more than just bizarre. It raises the question, were those that lost their lives on 911 part of a ritual sacrifice to an ancient and evil deity known as the Serpent or the Devil?His eye, and a depiction of swirling fire are buried beneath the site where this tragedy occurred, yet most Americans don’t even notice Satan’s very own fingerprint when they see it.
SOURCE: http://wiseasserpents.com/oculus-the-all-seeing-eye-below-ground-zero/![]()
The best place to hide a LIE is between two TRUTHS!
Although ultimately we will not stop the New World Order, we can fight Communism to preserve our freedoms for as long as possible (Psalm 94:16). Wake up, wake up, wake up! Oh Lord, open preacher's eyes in America that they'd start realizing what's happening. I heard a pastor recently endorse and praise Barack Obama's election to the presidency. This is apostasy! Everywhere we turn nowadays we are seeing the All-seeing Eye of Horus, which is a symbol of Satan and allegiance to him. Jesus foretold that faith would become almost non-existent before He returns. Luke 18:8, "I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?"
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