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Who Is Guilty of Adding and Taking Away From God’s Word?

Who Is Guilty of Adding and Taking Away From God’s Word?

          Steven Ben-Nun: Erev Tov Chaverim; I’m Steven Ben-Nun and you’re watching DeNoon Institute of Biblical Research this evening our weekend teaching here that we’re gonna go into this evening is going to be looking into something that I get quite frequently or I shouldn’t say quite frequently I probably average about a half dozen times already and that is the verses from Revelation Chapter 22 verses 18 and verse 19. Now oddly enough there’s a precious sister of ours that actually was confronted with this very verse when she had actually spoke as well about the Essene Humane Gospel of Jesus or of Yeshua. And very much her family came to her with the same verses here asking why is she adding to the Word of God or taking away for that matter from the Word of God?
In their case they actually used the word adding. Well those that actually quote this their quoitingfrom Revelation 22:18 a verse that John wrote while he was on the Isle of Patmos at least that’s what historically we’ve discovered thus far. It says; for I testified unto every man that heareth the word of the prophecy of this book if any man shall add unto these things God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book. And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy God shall take away his part of out the Book of Life and out of the Holy City and from the things which are written in this book. Now some people may suppose well this is actually referring only to the Book of Revelation most people including myself and I probably could speak for more than 90 percent of Christians today believe it refers to the entire Bible.
And then so the question must be asked then in light of looking at the Essene Humane Gospel of Jesus or even the Gospel of the Nazarene’s or the Gospel of the Holy Twelve known as the Gospel of the Apostles are these books actually adding to the very Canon that we have today the King James Bible that most people refer to? Well I decided to look into this little bit more mainly because the Lord dealt with my heart on this issue. And what the Lord wanted me to do was to challenge those are actually saying these things to put the challenge back on you and that is who has added to the Word of God or who has taken away from the Word of God. This is what we must address first who actually did do the adding and who did the taking away?
Now let me just real quick I’d like to take you to this Website and here’s a funny thing a brother actually sent me ah; sent it to my wife actually this particular website after doing his own research about the gospel of; the Humane Gospel of Yeshua. And he was at first a little concerned about this book then he started his own research and stumbled across this one particular website here. It’s you could look it up for yourself if you would like. I’m gonna use a little bit on this from this but what was really ironic is the brother that sent this and we got the email today had no idea probably that I had just posted on our Facebook it was either this morning; early this morning or the day before the exact same questioning about what is taken from or what is added to the Word of God. And that’s what he wrote in his email and he was saying that who really did take away or add to the Word of God. And maybe he did see that I don’t know but he also found that very same thing. Now this here speaks about the King James Bible 1611 addition Bible it says in 1684 14 books were removed from the Bible that the King James Bible. 14 books were removed now you have to understand when did John write the Book of Revelation?
Well most scholars seems to suggest they believe it was written around 90 or 95 AD after the death of Yeshua and was penned while he was on the Isle of Patmos in prison there. And there has been some contradictory discussion about this particular circumstance of John but its neither here nor there as far as that we do know that John wrote this book and we know that it is roughly around the correct timing that he wrote it. It was within the 1st Century there near towards the later end. Now if you ask me when John actually wrote this book The Book of Revelation it would be really considering the entire Canon then we have to go back and find out what was the Canon at that First Century to begin with or even let’s say before Nicaea Rome because really what we have in 1611 King James Bible as we see 14 books were removed. And even the Catholic Bible various from the King James Bible they have that were in part of the 1611 King James. And then they have books that the King James didn’t have at all.
So You have to remember in 325 Ad at Nicaea Council it was Constantine who very much a devote follower of the Mithras religion a pagan religion who gets up with Eusebius one of the so-called Early Church fathers I really considered a backsliding church father because he was willing to alter the biblical account in order to please Constantine. Much like Josephus if you might say, Josephus well he did write some very accurate history. But nonetheless he also wrote history that kind of favor of the Roman Empire why? Because he was captured by the Romans and given you know given some mercy there no doubt in return for writing things the way they wanted it written. But we know get some accurate history from Josephus nonetheless of his captivity and then of course and later writing for the Roman Government.

But as we begin to examine and look right here we find out 14 books were actually removed from King James 1611 Bible and yet when people write and they quote to me from the Book of Revelation that John writes here they’re quoting to be a book that doesn’t have 14 of these books in them. And I’m not even speaking of this but I want to use it as a first example you’re missing the Book of Esdras 1st and 2nd Book of Esdras, the Book of Tobit, the Book of Judith, the rest of the Book of Esther, the Wisdom of Solomon, Ecclesiasticus, Baruch, the Epistle Jeremiah, the Psalms of the 3 Holy Children, the History of Susanna, the Bel and the Dragon, the Prayer of Manasseh and the 1st and 2nd Book of Maccabees. So this is what I don’t understand people trying to arguing say; do you not believe that God is capable of keeping His Word preserved down through the ages? Certainly I do He just had to hide it in order to preserve it for the age you live in today because Jesus clearly prophesied in the Humane Gospel that there would be men wicked men that would rule in His Own Name we’re gonna go to that passage in just a little bit. But I’d like to first establish in historical facts for you those that do not like the idea hearing of a quote unquote Non-Canonize Book of the Bible. Ouh, Heaven forbid that we would bring anything like this up you’re challenging the Word of God. Well what you have today it’s been writ totally apart because what you have today is 14 Books trashed. Well was this really the authorized version of the Bible then that God so well-preserved? Well if you know anything about the historical site of even the translation of the King James Bible you would know it came from the Latin Bible. And the very man that translated that into English approaches the Pope of Rome, the first Pope of Rome at that time when he first brought out the Latin translations and went to the Pope and was troubled because he says; there are so many different books; Latin books of the Bible and they all differ from one another. He says; which one do I choose?
And so Rome had to decide what book he was allowed to translates and what book he was not allowed to translate there were hundreds of Latin books and it’s even written historical documentation that some people who translated from Greek to Latin were people that didn’t know very little about the language but supposing to have some knowledge translated books and this was all compiled there for him to translate from Latin to English. So what source did we really get? And if we go back to the original Greek copies let me make sure you understand that in our Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John we have absolutely no fragments whatsoever that can stand for what’s written in the Canon’s of today. All you have our copies, the only fragments we have fragments of the books that everybody calls the Non-Canon version those are the ones where Jesus speaks about being vegetarian; where Jesus speaks about not killing the animals and freeing the sacrifice or stopping the stopping the sacrificial service.
Well Constantine couldn’t have that in the Bible especially seeing he was a devote meat eater and of course murdered all the Christians that were vegetarian he had to put a stop to that. Couldn’t hurt the economy and he certainly couldn’t hurt his lust for flesh. So anyway 14 books of your Bible was totally trashed and thrown out not that for those that really love the 1611 King James Edition. Now of course now today’s 1611 in most people’s Bible and even have the 14 books either they make sure you don’t get that anyway why? Because Esdras actually records a very interesting statement in this book here Brother Kellen Davison actually sent that to me one day. And I actually read it to you here before I wished I had of brought it up before I’m doing this but I wasn’t thinking about it early enough. But in Esdras he actually says; in prayer to God they have burned all of the scrolls, all the ancient manuscripts this was before the children of Israel went into captivity into Babylon.
You know when Daniel was down in Babylon and now Esdras is claiming that they do not have any original scrolls and he asked; God to give him wisdom and understanding to be able to re-write the Bible. Are you serious? So from the Babylonian period where Cyrus actually returns to Jews back to their homeland and of course the Book of Ezra not be confusion with Esdras. Ezra, Esdras are two different books but Ezra makes Cyrus as if he’s some great man of God, anointed of the Holy Ghost but according to the Cyrus Cylinder we find out that Cyrus worshipped the god of; which god that was there? It was a pagan god he worshipped I think it was 3 or 4 different gods that he actually worshipped. Not one of them had anything to do with the God of Israel, all pagan gods. So who really wrote then what’s written in Ezra that you know; now was it a great thing that he returned the Jews to their homeland certainly agree with that. But according to the Cyrus Cylinder his own writings that he had commissioned to have written and put into a vault and sealed for future generations to know what he did; the great things he didn’t history he totally does not acknowledge the God of Israel whatsoever but acknowledges the pagan gods that he was serving in Babylon. And it was to be written that he was a great man what he had done it and it wasn’t just the Jews he returned many of the people back to their exiled lands. Was he spreading the Babylonian traditions? Who knows it is in history if you want to know for yourself.
But anyway so we find out it has nothing to do with anything we’ve taken away is what the people that put the King James Bible together; what their sins are; what they took away but it didn’t just begin with them though. So we can’t really just blame everything on them. And the guys that first put together the King James Version of Bible they weren’t the first ones to do all of this we have to go back to Nicaea Rome. If you remember Paul made a statement he said; there I s many wolves that have come in amongst you not sparing the flock.
Even Paul was warning of the evils that were going to happen okay. So let’s take a look at something else here I want to first take you though; to some words that Jesus himself says and by doing this here we can get a little bit better idea of ah; this comes from the Humane Gospel of Yeshua and I believe this is Chapter 82 (Chapter 87:3) I forgot to write down the chapter on it.; He says; but verilyI tell ye, the time cometh when spiritual darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people, and the enemies of truth and righteousness shall rule in my Name, as a mockery of truth, and they shall set up a kingdom of this world, and oppress many people. Now Paul in the very Canon we have now they didn’t take it out where Paul said this but Paul does say; that there would come grievous wolves among you. Is that not true? He warned you that this this is gonna happen. Well it’s happening in his day already. But Jesus say’s; the time cometh when spiritual darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people; he’s actually prophesying from an Old Testament passage; the enemies of truth and righteousness shall rule in my Name, as a mockery of truth; so there’s some kind of Christian; so-called Christian people naming the Name of Yeshua or the Name of Jesus as it is in the Greek today that are ruling in the Name of Yeshua, they’re ruling in His Name today; and they shall set up a kingdom of this world, and oppress many people. How much money do you think Mexican’s and Spanish people from South America, Argentina and places like that, how many people do you think down there have spent their lives working very hard and then they go out and spend so much money on some altar for the Vatican there, some Catholic Church there for penance for their sins?
Speaking of Mexico by the way the hurricane that did strike where we did a little video; a little side note here the video we did there for the brother there and his family that were in that hurricane that was Cat 5 when it struck.
He did write us back everyone in his family, his extended family and even their friends were all spared from this storm; they had no loss of property nor loss of lives whatsoever. So thank God for those of you that were praying for them.
Anyway Yeshua goes on to say here (Chapter 87:4); “And thus shall they cause the enemy to blaspheme truth, by replacing My doctrines with the opinions of evil men. Jesus says; they’re going to replace His doctrines. If you’re going to replace something you’re going to add something that’s where you get the people write; I get these letters a lot, you know well didn’t Jesus eat fish? Didn’t Jesus multiply fish? No He didn’t multiply fish. No He didn’t eat fish that’s what Rome added to your Canon. You see so when John said; don’t add to or take away from this book there was no Catholic Bible nor no King James Version Bible there at that time. These are alter works Jesus says in the Humane Gospel clearly that this was going to happen; that evil men are going to rule in His Name and set up a KingdomAnd the Catholic Church is truly a kingdom they do have a king that reins over there which is the Pope of Rome the claims to be the head of all political and spiritual powers of the world is a kingdom friends. It is clearly as I said; if you don’t want to believe it is a Canon of the Bible look at the Prophetic Value of this book, all right.
Now let’s look at a little bit more what He says (Chapter 87:4); Yea, thus shall they teach in my Name that which I have not taught, and they shall darken much truth that I have taught, by their worthless traditions and lies! Just like the Pharisees did. You know some people they ask me about you know; Steven the Law God gave us the right to be able to kill and eat in the Levitical Law. You know I do tell you God has a permissive will not His perfect will. All right not His perfect will, I’m gonna go into that in just a minute.
But did you ever notice how many times Yeshua Himself Jesus that is; do you see how many times He challenged Levitical Law? And He doesn’t say that Moses says He said (Matthew 5:39); you have heard it said of them of old time and eye for eye and a tooth for a tooth. But He says; I say unto you; if he takes your coat give him your cloak also, if he smites you on one check turn to him also the other and He goes on and on; you have heard it said of them of old times.   See? Let me see if I can pull that up for you real quick that would be a really, really good one for you to see. One second; just bear with me just a second here!   Matthew Chapter 5 just one example here okay?
Matthew Chapter 5 verse 31; let’s back up a little bit further; let’s go to verse 27, it goes much higher I believe let’s see. No He does go much further. Matthew Chapter 5 verse 21; Ye have heard that it was said of them of old time, Thou shalt not kill; and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment: (verse 22) but I say unto you, that whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire,see? Now let’s go a little bit further.
Verse 27; Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: (verse 28) but I say unto you, that whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. Hum-um! Ah; it hath been said verse 31; it hath been said, whosoever shall put away his wife, let him give her a writing of divorcement: (verse 32) but I say unto you, that whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery, see?

(Verse 33); again, ye have heard that it hath been said by them of old time, thou shalt not forswear thyself, but shalt perform unto the Lord thine oaths: (verse 34) but I say unto you, swear not at all; neither by heaven; for it is God’s throne: (verse 35) nor by the earth; for it is his footstool see? Now if you go on down through it there’s many more that He says here but in many cases He’s actually challenging Levitical Law. Now some people say; well He just makes it greater. Do you think God has to change His Word? It says in the Bible that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. See? And I agree with that and God Himself is a God that cannot change and I agree with that as well. See God is an unchanging God! Once God says something that’s it, He said; in the Garden of Eden that there would be a vegetarian diet. Probably more like a vegan diet to be quite frank about it but at least we know it’s a vegetarian diet they would eat the trees of the fruit and things of that nature.
And then some people have written said; well Steven did not God command in Genesis Chapter 9 to Noah that they could eat of anything they so desired? No, He did not command that. Let me take you to that real quick so you can see that for yourself as well all right. In Genesis Chapter 9 Noah is given a command or God gives Noah a command. Let me just find it, right here in verse 4; I’m gonna make it bigger for you so you can see it, I don’t want anybody to have any problems with this. Okay to make sure you guys can see this on your screen all right. I’ve got it Hebrew here for both. Now let me back up in verse 3; every moving thing that liveth shall be; let me go further back; (verse 1); and God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth. (Verse 2); and the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, and upon all that wherewith the ground teemeth and upon all fish of the sea; into your hand are they delivered.
Sure they’re delivered to you in your hand but does it mean you get to eat them? (Verse 3); every moving thing that liveth shall be food for you; as the green herb have I given you; okay; it doesn’t say; every moving thing like you would think. He says (Hebrew); Kälremes ásher chaysee; everything creeping thing not everything that moves on the earth that was a mistranslation right there. Now this is not King James this ah; Jewish people translating there but I speak Hebrew very well it has nothing to do with moving thing it’s creeping thing; (Hebrew); Kälremes ásherchay khem yih’yeh l’äkh’läh, all right. Verse 4; only flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat. You would think that makes sense to you in English but I guess it doesn’t; (Hebrew) akh’Bäsärnow literally this means but the flesh; (Hebrew) B’naf’shô; which therein is his soul; dämô; his blood; lo tokhëlû; you don’t eat it! Okay?   He’s clearly telling you any flesh, any animal, any fish that has his soul and his blood don’t eat it. No see people get it mixed up with the remes because you translate it every moving thing and that’s not what God says.
God says; every creeping thing. Why would God say every creeping thing He gives them for food? Not every moving things but every creeping thing because no doubt when Noah came out of the Ark they hadn’t had time to plant the Gardens there was not really much vegetation to eat on the earth so many be he permitted him to have a shrimp or something that doesn’t have blood, you know a creeping thing at that time until the vegetation could get fully restored back on the earth. Because He clearly tells them; do not eat anything that has blood or a soul because in the soul is the blood or the soul is in the blood, all right. And God clearly says; do not eat it. He says (verse 5);and surely your blood of your lives will I require; at the hand of every beast will I require it; and at the hand of man, even at the hand of every man’s brother, will I require the life of man.  
Whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, wait a minute, wait a minute; are you listening to what God just said here in verse 5? See? (Hebrew); w’akh’ etDim’khem; and surely your blood; that’s all of them, He’s speaking not just to one person, all of them; Dim’khem; that’s in masculine plural, see? In other words if you kill any of these animals He says; I’m going to require your blood for it. And He says; at the hand of every beastmiYad KälchaYäh ed’r’sheNû. Wait a minute; I thought the Rabbi’s say; that as long as you take the blood out it’s okay. Then why did God say; that for every animal you kill God will hold you responsible? And then He also adds man in there as well. So if you eat the animal or if you eat your brother or sister than man I’ll require at your hand as well.
God has said it, why do you thing Yesha’Yahu, Isaiah Chapter 66 says; if you kill an ox it’s as if you kill a man? Why? Isaiah was trying to take you back to the Ten Commandments that said; thou shalt not kill! But no the lust for blood cannot be quenched for some reason. He said (verse 6;Genesis 9); whoso sheddeth man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image of God made He man. (Verse 7); and you, be ye fruitful, and multiply; swarm in the earth, and multiply therein(Verse 8); and God spoke unto Noah, and to his sons with him, saying: (verse 9); a s for Me, behold, I establish My covenant with you, and with your seed after you; (verse 10); and with every living creature that is with you, the fowl, the cattle, and every beast of the earth with you; of all that go out of the Ark, even every beast of the earth. Now I’m sitting here looking at the Hebrew you have it on your own screen here. Let me show you what remes looks like so you’ll see okay? (Genesis 9:3 Hebrew); Remes it’s right here Resh, Mem, Shin, Kälremes ásher chaysee;all creeping things see; that has of its life or his life to you it will be for food; yih’yeh l’äkh’läh!That’s the remes that’s given to you for food right?
But let’s look at the next one here see? And then He says (Genesis 9:4); here only flesh; it doesn’t say only flesh. What did they put the word only in there? How stupid? I don’t think He, I think even in the King James it gets that word right; (Hebrew) akh’Bäsär; but flesh okay? (Verse 4); butflesh; doesn’t even say the word the; there’s no Hei no definite article Hei there; akh’BäsärB’naf’shô dämô; the nefesh is the soul in his soul or with its soul, you could say that; with its soul; (Hebrew) dämô; it’s blood see? But the Flesh with its soul or that has a soul in his blood; (Hebrew)lo; that means no; don’t; don’t do it(Hebrew) tokhëlû; you do not eat it! Plain and simple! God was clear no question about it!
Now I want to break it down a little bit better for you here, let me make this a lot bigger I want to make sure you guys see this. I really want you to see this I does want nobody saying they did see. All right let’s look at it again; (Hebrew of Genesis 9:4) akh’Bäsär B’naf’shô okay? But the flesh with its soul, dämô; his blood or its blood; lo tokhëlû; you don’t eat it right? Then we go into the next verse this is the clincher this is what should settle it for everybody! (Verse 5); and surely your blood of your lives will I require; w’akh’ etDim’khem see; and for your blood; l’naf’shotëykhem; that’s all the souls, anyone that does it okay? Ed’rosh miYad; from your hand or at your hand;KälchaYäh; all the life; see chaYahed’r’sheNû; all the life; ûmiYad ädäm; all the life of every beast will I require in the hand of man; miYad iyshsee; ächiyed’rosh etnefesh ädäm. See at the hand of man; even at the hand of every man’s brother, will I require the life of man. So if you kill and eat an animal or if you kill and eat a man you’re a Cannibalist you know?
Now people go in there and they run to Leviticus Law and everything they say; we were given the right to eat the meat, we were given the right to do this. You know when God gave, see notice oh this is beautiful the children of Israel on their journey out right?
We all have this in our Canon, we all can agree with this it’s there. There on the journey the cross the Red Sea, they’re going along, they’re thirsting to death, they’re complaining that their cattle are gonna die, they’re going to die, they’re hungry you know God gives them water, they have water of life, they live. That rock represented Christ we know that now they’re starving to death they’re complaining again God rains manna out of Heaven they eat angels food. Now then they get sick and tired of eating the manna. God sends manna and now they’re sick and tired of it there’s no water there for them to get anything to grow but they’re sick and tired of it. And they begin to complain and they say; to God well we remember the melons, we remember the garlic we had back in Egypt they didn’t remember the whip on their back though did they?
They didn’t remember the bondage, they didn’t remember that the Pharaoh of Egypt because they would not keep the tally of bricks, he said; every day for every brick you’re short I will take one of your children for every brick and I will bury them in the wall of the building. Did you know that? Did you know that that’s what Pharaoh did? Yes that’s what he did you know how come you don’t know that’s what he did? Because there was so such nice people in the Vatican that took that book out of your Bible, they took away that was a book that was written during the time that John was on the earth. And they took that book out okay; they’re the ones that take away and add to the Word of God. So you don’t know that Pharaoh of Egypt right during the time Moses was already alive but they were; Moses had already was in exile and they were burying Jewish children in the walls of the building because they failed to keep the tally of bricks that was his punishment to them. Anyway they’re complaining and God got angry with them because they wanted something with blood, they weren’t satisfied with God’s bread.
Do you know because of the water and the bread that they were getting do you realize what they were getting? Do you realize what they were getting? They were getting a Communion Service this is why it is written in the New Testament; now let me tell you something I don’t say that all the King James Version of the Bible is wrong. I don’t say that by no means neither is all the Torah wrong it’s just like John said; don’t add to it or take form it. It’s what they took out and what they put in that’s a lie! Jeremiah Chapter 8 verse 8 says; the lying pen of the scribe has made it into a lie. It that what you want, you want to believe a lie? Do you want your ears tickled? And there’s hundreds that don’t I know that for a fact. We have what some almost 42,000 subscribers there are hundreds that don’t want their ears tickled anymore they’re sick and tired of being tickled. And I’m persuaded there’s thousands that don’t want to be tickled and tens of thousands that don’t want their ears tickled anymore. And I’m not popular for what I’m saying all right.
But listen they keep taking away and adding to it but yes there’s a lot of things that are right in the King James Bible. You know Satan doesn’t have to add too much to throw everything off. He just took out the part about the animals he doesn’t want anybody to know that killing animals is wrong. He wanted why? Because Constantine wanted to eat them he poured molten lead check your history molten lead down the throats of those that would not convert back to his way. Molten lead and you just; you read here all right; you’ve read here you can see it on the screen for yourself God says (Genesis Chapter 9:5); and surely your blood of your lives will I require at the hand of every beast will I require it. Now another proof, another proof of course the Rabbi’s will say; well that’s because the blood was lead; you didn’t take the blood out.
No God said; don’t eat it! What did He say here verse 10 (Genesis Chapter 9); another proof for you; and with every living creature that is with you, the fowl, the cattle, and every beast of the earth with you; of all that go out of the Ark, even every beast of the earth. (Verse 11); and I will establish My covenant with you; wait a minute let me back up verse 9; as for me behold I established Covenant with you, and with your seed after you; (verse 10); and with every living creature (Hebrew); waániy hin’nimëqiym etB’riytiy; that’s a covenantB’rit that’s where you get Genesis from; Bereshit, B’rit; Bereshit okay? B’riytiiT’khem w’etzar’ákhem; your seed; zar’áis seed; zar’ákhem; your seed shall eat all the children that would ever come; achárëykhem; after you; achár; it’s after; achárëykhem. (Verse 10); w’ët Kälnefesh; okay; see that little thing there that looks like a backwards 7 or something that’s the word and in Hebrew and; et ; it’s; you don’t even translate it, it is a direct object. In other words God is being specific now. He’s saying;w’ët Kälnefesh; and with every, no it’s not with, w’ëtit literally means with every nefesh; with every soul! You don’t think an animal has a soul? God says they do! (Verse 10); with every soul;achárëy; see creature; ásher iT’khem; that which is with you; ôfl; the birds. Oh my gosh! Hang on. (Hebrew); BaB’hëmäh; and BaB’hëmähit’s like an ox or a beast, a cow. In other words it’s the giraffe, the camel, the goat that’s what a BaB’hëmäh is; ûv’khälchaYat, oh my gosh; in all that has life; äretz; that is on the earth; iT’khem; it is with you; miKol yotz’ëy haTëväh l’khol chaYah; and every beast of the earth. See anything that has blood in it, any animal that has blood, deer, and chicken because He always says; ôfl; see? All the birds of the field, the doves, everything that has blood in it has life it is a soul that God; remember what is the Psalm, I believe the Psalmist says (Chapter 150:6); that everything that has breathe give praise unto God!
And we take away God’s praise when we kill them. Instead of thing singing praise to God what they were created for; they were created to worship Him and to give you rest for your own souls, to give you comfort. You know Yeshua teaches in the Humane Gospel He says; when you’re feeling really down and depressed take a walk in nature, go walk in the woods look at the animals listen to them sing. He said; if you’re feeling really depressed and down and out. He said; the roof over their head is the canopy or the sky, they’re bed is the straw of the earth and yet they hunger like you hunger yet they never complain. Jesus Himself and Peter repeats it later after Yeshua’s died and rose and gone up to Heaven. But Yeshua Himself said; every morning when the animals wake up and they look out they worship the Lord. I don’t want to be guilty of robbing Him of anymore of His worship. I don’t want their voice, their breath that leaves their body not to be worship; I don’t want it to be anguish of a knife to their throat or a bullet to their side.
Anyway it wasn’t what happened and so we go back we go into Exodus we find out God then permits them to have quail. He does permit them to have the quail and it was a permissive will so those of you that still you believe that you want to be able to have the meat. You want to eat it whatever the case may be there is a permissive will you can walk in that if you choose. I’ve very strong about what I’m saying because God intends to restore His Word. God’s not interested in playing Church He’s trying to save your soul. You are a Temple didn’t Paul say that? He said; your body is the Temple of God and those that destroy the Temple will God destroy. Do you know he quoted exactly word for word practically from Yeshua’s Own words out of the Humane Gospel? The only difference is Yeshua says (Humane Gospel of Yeshua Chapter 55:3); that your body is the Temple of God.
And He says; do not put dead things inside of God’s Temple. Remember I told you a few minutes ago I kind of got sidetracked what were they doing? God had given them the pure water from the rock to drink. He gave them manna from Heaven and we read in the New Testament in the King James even that Christ says; He was that manna that came from Heaven. They were having Communion Service in the wilderness. What more did they need? You read in your Bible something about a lamb or something, oh they’re going to get a lamb, Jesus never ate a lamb in his entire life they added it to your Word. They broke John’s commandment do not add! You don’t find it before Nicaea you don’t find it all before Nicaea you find it after Nicaea. I’m gonna prove that to you in a few moments okay?
Now but that was beautiful even Sister Lisa she had such a beautiful revelation when she recognized what the Communion really was. See every time why do you think He says; as often as you do this, do this in remembrance of Me? Paul quotes that as well, as often as you do it, do it in remembrance of Me by taking the Communion; in other words every day that you’re eating bread and you’re drinking not wine but the fruit of the grapes, in other words the juice of the grapes do you realize you’re partaking of Communion. When you’re drinking the pure water you’re partaking of Communion because Jesus says; that this is what My Body is made of. He was never meaning to turn His body into you know; Jesus wasn’t talking about eat my flesh, drink my blood, He does explain it even in the King James He has to explain it.
In the Humane Gospel He makes it even more clear; He says (Chapter 39:1); My body has been made up of the grains of the earth. (Chapter 40:4); and the blood that’s within me has been made from the fruits of the vine and the fruit of the trees; that’s what Yeshua says to His people; Messiah’s body was made up.
He said; that’s why I say to you when you drink this or eat this bread and you drink this grape juice here you’re partaking and you’re body is being made of the same elements that My body was made up of. See you are a Temple Yeshua was a Temple that was undefiled so God could literally live inside of Him and He wants to live inside of us but He has no fellowship with darkness. He has no fellowship with death.
Anyway I think this is where we left off; many shall say look ye here. Let me back up to the top ofverse 2 (Humane Gospel Chapter 87:4); and thus shall they cause the enemy to blaspheme truth by replacing My doctrines with the opinions of evil men. Yea, thus shall they teach in my Name that which I have not taught, and they shall darken much truth that I have taught, by their worthless traditions and lies! Just like Jeremiah said; Jeremiah accused the Pharisees of adding to the Word of God. Jesus did as well He tells them; you’re teaching doctrines! Jesus says this: you’re teaching doctrines, the traditions of men. And don’t say it was the Talmud there was no Talmud at that time. That was written 200 years after Yeshua. Jesus accused them of teaching doctrines for the traditions of men or teaching for doctrines the traditions of men; I thought they were only teaching the Torah. There’s a lot of Truth in Torah. But Jesus even; we see a little bit where He corrects it there. If you look at the Humane Gospel you’ll see a lot more where He corrects it. Not everything is wrong but He does have to correct a lot, all right.
Now remember they set up a Kingdom let’s back it up again (Humane Gospel Chapter 87:3); for verily I tell you the time cometh when spiritual darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people, and the enemies of truth and righteousness shall rule in my Name, as a mockery of truth, and they shall set up a kingdom; see; they rule in My Name; that’s the Name of Yeshua; as a mockery of truth.
Well the Vatican is very much a mockery of truth and so are all those Churches that support the Vatican. (Verse 3); and they shall set up a kingdom of this world and oppress many people. And the Vatican has certainly done that.
Let’s drop down to verse 5 and many shall say, look ye here, and look ye over there, but truth shall not be found in them. But sadden not, and take courage, for the appointed time; all right see that; the appointed time will also come when the truth they have hidden and suppressed shall be manifested, and the light shall shine, and the darkness shall pass away, and the true kingdom of righteousness shall be established in the world; okay! He prophesied here that this was gonna happen that they were going hide and you’re saying to me; you don’t think God’s man enough to keep His Word? Sure He did! He buried it! Now when I say this a lot of people are concerned what about my family a hundred years ago, two hundred years ago? Your family is just like the Jewish people down through the last 2,000 years that they’re eyes were blinded. Did not God say in His Word; does He not know it, does He not consider the heart and intent. Let me pull it up for you real quick. See that’s what God says; will He not consider it? See? Let me find it real fast. Oh gosh I pulled it up the other day and had it on video but I cannot find it right now. I could find it but it would take me more time and I don’t want to get too caught up. But anyway God does; He does answer that. And He says in there and just paraphrasing; does not the Lord know? He knows the intents and the thoughts of our heart. (Proverbs 24:12); and will He not consider it because they say to man; we did not know. See God doesn’t hold the people responsible for any more than what they know. You know even your grandmother may be like mine, all my family were meat eaters, hunters and everything else God still has mercy He doesn’t send people to hell for not knowing things.
But Jesus Himself clearly says (verse 5); that the time will come; don’t worry and the light shall shine and the darkness shall pass away and the true Kingdom of Righteousness shall be established in the world and all the false prophets shall be exposed and put to shame. You see? I get all kinds of emails well this is the witnesses; these are the Two Witnesses etc.… You know I always like to ask the same question; do they believe in eating meat? There’s some guy they consider down in Africa to be the Elijah the Prophet and somebody else wrote me he’s Moses. I ask simply does he eat meat. Yes! Another guy writes me he goes I’m Elijah! I’m coming to get you. I’m like I’m not one of the witnesses. All I’m doing is standing for God’s Word okay?
(Humane Gospel Chapter 87:6); for by their own ignorance and deceptive measures shall they be self-exposed as liars and frauds, speaking untruths in my Name; this is what Yeshua says; what Jesus had to say.
Now let me show you some other things here, very important things actually I tell you what we’ll go back to the document here, let me drop you down; I mentioned to you; no actually it’s better over here. I want to read to you right from here; this book is called the Other Gospel’s Accounts of Yeshua from outside the New Testament ah; the book; let me just see who this is written by; it’s written by Bart D. Ehrman is his name and let me make it big enough for you guys to be able to see it. I don’t guess I’m gonna get to be able to show you, you’ll just have to; I apologize for this. I’ll read it to you but unfortunately I don’t think you can see this. Ouh! Hang on. Okay! Yeah I know you won’t be able to see it as good as what I can see here. Let me just read to you so you understand here.

Confounding the confusion was the circumstance of various Church fathers appeared not to have realized that there were different Jewish Christians groups with difference theological views and liturgical practices living in different parts of the Christian world at different times. These different groups of course had different scriptural warrants for their religious commitments including a range of different gospels among other things. Some of the Church fathers did not realize as some Jewish Christian groups or at least one of the derived from the Palestine and continue to speak and read Aramaic whereas others lived in the Jewish Diaspora and knew only Greek. As a result of all these factors Church father’s not infrequently confused one Jewish Christian Gospel with another all the time thinking that each of these Gospels was in fact the Hebrew version of Matthew; all right!
Now that’s really what they consider to be the older Gospel the Hebrew version of Matthew not what we have by Howard today that’s not what he’s talking about. I’m gonna show that. As it turns out probably none of the Jewish Christian Gospels known to us today was simple Matthew in Hebrew dress. See none of them why? Because all the Gospels we have today Matthew, Mark, Luke and John there’s not a single fragment for any of those. The closest thing they can find to a Gospel that is similar to that is what they call the Apostle of the Holy 12. And the Apostle of the Holy 12 is actually called the Gospel of the Hebrews this is what he’s speaking about here.
Now the Gospel of the Hebrews looks very much like Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. It actually look more like Matthew, Mark, Luke and John than the Humane Gospel but they’re Early Church fathers actually quote from the Essene Humane Gospel and they also quote from the Gospel of the Hebrews or also known as the Gospel of the Nazarenes or the Gospel of the Holy Twelve all three are the exact same book.
Now let me tread to you a little bit more what he says; the Early Church fathers’ who quote the Jewish Christian Gospels were range from the late 2nd through the early 5th Centuries. Clement of Alexandria, Origen, Eusebius and Didymus the Blind, Epiphanius, and Jerome I personally think Eusebius actually took and sold out the True Believer’s myself because he actually worked with Constantine. I’ve always had a little issue with him because he didn’t work with Constantine and we know that Constantine was murdering the Early Christians that didn’t go along with the new founder Roman Catholic religion.
So he says; to give sense of the confusion that reigned we may consider just one reference in the writings of Jerome. This is what Jerome writes and then he writes this against the Pagans which is an argument that you can read; you can actually find that online. In the Gospel According to the Hebrews that’s what he quotes here which was actually written in the Chaldean or Syriac but with Hebrews letters which the Nazarenes used still today in which is the Gospel of According to the Apostles that’s the Gospel of the Holy Twelves he’s speaking about. That’s the name we have for it today the Gospel of the Holy Twelve. Or as most believe according to Matthew a Gospel that can also be found in the Library at Caesarea. So see Jerome is actually referring to the same book by several different names the Gospel according to the Hebrews he’s also calling it the Nazarenes ah; and he’s also calling it the Gospel According to the Apostles; he called it 3 different names and even according to Matthew the Gospel According to Matthew.
Now if you look historically it’s the Gospel of the Holy Twelve that is this one here also the Gospel of the Nazarenes. Now there’s two different versions in the Gospel of the Nazarenes looks more like the Essene Humane Gospel whereas the Gospel of the Holy Twelve looks more like what you have in your Canon today.
But everywhere that Jesus speaks in the Gospel of the Holy Twelve or the Gospel According to the Hebrews they’ve taken out everything that He condemns about the killing of animals. They take everything the He says about vegetarianism totally out of it! Didn’t John say; whoever adds or whoever takes away? So first they take away and then they add and then they add the multiplying of the fish, then they add its okay to kill and eat. See? Was Paul really for what Jesus said or was he against it?
Now in your own Canon you can see that Paul says and I just wonder, I wonder if they changed Paul’s words. We know they changed, he changed them about women and by the way Yeshua was clearly a defender for women as well. You should read the Humane Gospel He lifts women up much higher than any other apostle ever thought about doing. All right? He puts them too equally by the way brethren. But when it comes to Paul according to what they have said he wrote today Paul actually is stated as ah; that he said its okay to eat animal sacrificed unto idols. I get that sent to me as well but in your own Canon Jesus says and I think it’s in the Book of Revelation where John is quoting Jesus; that you’re not to eat animal sacrificed unto devils or to idols excuse me, the same difference.
So who do you believe then Jesus? John said; if you add to it or take from it it’ll be taken from your life. Or was Paul right? Or was Paul’s words altered and they just forget to catch that part? The forgot that Jesus said; don’t eat anything sacrificed to idols and so when they changed Paul’s words and said; well you can eat anything that’s sacrificed to idols, it’s okay to it. This is crazy. There are actually 4 different Gospels referred to by Jerome, the Gospel According to the Hebrews, and the Gospel According to Matthew ah; the Gospel used by the Nazarenes and the Gospel According to the Apostles but he understands these 4 books to be one and the same as I just told you there. You can get his book and read it, it’s interesting.
Now moving on from there let me also show you then a little bit more on these things here we’ll come to some more of Jesus’ Words here in just a moment. One of the things I’ve said many times to you guys the Dead Sea Scrolls the Vatican has had them; had them for over 50 years before they even let the Jewish people even see little tiny fragments of them. They hid everything that was there you know why? I’ll tell you why because the Catholic Church knew this comment here by Pliny. Pliny was considered an elder of the Church ah; he was from the 1st Century and he says in his own writings he places the Essene Community that is in Ein Gedi next to the Dead Sea at the northwest side of the Dead Sea, Qumran. This is where Pliny see and I’ll just give you a little bit more on there ah; let me just read a little bit more there. The writer Pliny the Elder he died in 70 CE so he knew all the apostles. His natural history Pliny relates in a few lines that the Essenes do not marry, possesses no money and it existed for thousands of generations unlike Philo who did not mention any particular geographical location of the Essenes other than the Holy Land of Israel. Pliny places them in Ein Gedi next to the Dead Sea at the northwest side of the Dead Sea that’s where Qumran is located. So what library did they have?
What did they do with all those books about Yeshua that were there? Do you know at the time of the Canonizing at Nicaea Rome I think it was historically documented about 200 manuscripts were brought there about Yeshua’s life 200. Does it not say in our own Canon that if it could be written all the book about written about Him, John writes this in the Gospel of John that Heaven itself could not contain the volumes of books that would be written about the things that He did? So it’s not surprising to me that 200 showed up. But they were very caution about what they wanted in there. According to Josephus okay like I told you I’m not all for Josephus but Simon of the Essaios race which is the word Essenes ah; he’s writing it from Greek. John the Essaios Simon John were Essenes this is what he writes.
Another one here; Tertullian was one of the 4 Early Church fathers who wrote extensively on the subject of vegetarianism according to Tertullian flesh eating is not conducive to the highest life. It violates moral law and debases men in intellect and emotion.
Okay Clement he taught that a life of virtue is one of simplicity that the Apostle Matthew was a vegetarian according to Clement eating flesh and drinking wine is rather characteristic to a beast and the fumes rising from them being dense darken the soul. Destroy not the work of God for the sake of food whether you eat or drink do it all in the Glory of God aiming after true frugality for it is lawful for me to partake of all things that’s why I said there is a permissive will. You can do it if you want okay? Yet all things are not expedient neither is the regiment of Christian formed by indulgences man does not by nature a grave eater but a bread eater okay? Clement says; but those who bend around inflammatory tables nourishing their own diseases are ruled by most licentious disease which I shall venture to call the demon of the belly. The worst and most vile demons is far better to be happy than to have a devil dwelling in us. For happiness is found only in the practice of virtue according the Apostle Matthew lived upon seeds, fruits, grains, nuts and vegetables without the use of flesh. So you wanted to know what was actually taught you know that’s to give you some of those examples. Now let’s take a look at something else here I wanted to bring this out to you as well. This is on the Website it says information let me; I think I can make this one big enough for you as well. At least we can get this one up pretty good size, yes here we go. Don’t know if it’s quite big enough for you guys to see let me just; let’s try it a little bit bigger. Oh yes we can, okay! It’s called information on the Gospel of the Ebionites. Ebionites are the Essenes okay.

In other Gospels Cameron makes the following observations: “The Gospel of the Ebionites is a gospel harmony preserved in a few quotations in the writings of Epiphanius (a church writer who lived at the end of the fourth century C.E.). The original title of this gospel is unknown the designation customary today is based on the fact that this was the gospel probably used by the Ebionites, a group of Greek-speaking Jewish Christians who were prominent throughout the 2nd and 3rd Centuries. Epiphanius incorrectly entitles this the ‘Hebrew’ gospel, and alleges that it is an abridged, truncated version of the Gospel of Matthew. Whereas the Gospel of the Ebionites is indeed closely related to Matthew; and this is the Essene Humane Gospel of Yeshua; their very close but they’re not the same they were written by 2 different people. But because they are so close he’s actually attributing this to being related to that of the Gospel of Matthew, the Hebrew Gospel of Matthew. Examination of the extant fragments reveals that much of the text is a harmony composed in Greek, of the Gospels Matthew and Luke. All right I’ve noticed the same thing the work that I’m doing now in lining up the Humane Gospel of the Essenes with the current Canon you have I have also found many of these to be Matthew and Luke’s books there. Like I said though accept for what they took out and what they added to it, all right. Although Irenaeus ah; late in the 2ndCentury attests to the existence of this gospel, we are dependent solely upon the quotations given by Epiphanius for our knowledge of the contents of the text.
The Gospel of the Ebionites omits the infancy narratives. The gospel presents both John the Baptist and Jesus as vegetarians, and Jesus says; that he has come to abolish sacrifices. Now remember now this; the book; the Humane Gospel of Yeshua which is the Gospel of Ebionites they have fragments for this book. We have real fragments not some copy of a copy of a copy, okay?
We don’t have to have somebody come over there and translated and write to the Pope and say; by the way I’ve got so many Latin copies here and they’re all different from one from another how do I, which one do I copy; which one do I use that says it’s right?   And by the way that’s what you make King James Version from all those hundreds of Latin copies that the guy that writes for the Pope and begs to him what am I going to do? Well what’s history gonna look at me saying; which one would you use to translate it with? That’s how you got your Greek because translated all these copies okay.
Anyway it says; Jesus as a vegetarian, Jesus says; that He has come to abolish sacrifice. Cameron says, “Together with the sayings about the Passover, this intimates a polemic against the Jewish Temple.” This indicates that the Gospel of the Ebionites, like the Gospel of Matthew, addresses the issue of “Jewish identity after the destruction of the Temple.” The solution offered to this problem is “to believe in Jesus, the true interpreter of the Law.” Cameron suggests that the Gospel of the Ebionites was written in the Mid-2nd Century in Syria or Palestine, Israel in other word, Syria or Israel. Now I will probably venture to say Syria because when they found a full copy of this book it was found in Tibet that’s one of the latest ones that was found in Tibet. And it aligns up with the fragments. All right so that’s some of your historical value to this.
Now in closing let me take you back again to the Essene Humane Gospel or the Gospel of the Ebionites and let me read to you here in Chapter 61 (verse 1); And at another time while Jesus sat upon the Mount of Olives, the disciples came unto Him in private, and asked: “Tell us, Lord, Thou holy Teacher of Righteousness, concerning the end of evil, and what shall be the sign that we should know of Thy coming again . . .” (Verse 2); and Yahushua said unto them, “Take warning, that no man deceive you; for many shall come in My Name, saying, ‘I am the Christ, and the truth, follow me and be saved.’
That’s Matthew 24you see what He means about; it follows Matthew and Luke that’sMatthew 24? But now you’re gonna see what they added and what they took away. And this is what John commanded you don’t do okay? It’s not that we’re adding anything the problem is I’ve already proven to you those that wrote the King James Bible 1611 had 14 extra books but I don’t even blame the people that had King James it was those all the way back there at Rome, Nicaea Rome 325 AD that threw out the true books that John said; don’t add or take away. And they added and took away, King James they didn’t have nothing but what the Vatican had and they wrote their Bible in 1611 though then the King James people they made their fatal mistake in 1684 and they threw 14 books out why? Because it exposes a lot of the things that are there and if compare the King James Version we have today to the oldest known Greek manuscript in the British Museum you have 14,000 differences. Is that 14,000 adding to and taking away?
And I get accused that I’m adding to the Word of God? No sir! Your own people that wrote your Bible they did the adding and they did the taking away I’m trying by God’s grace to put back in His Word what was taken out of His Word.
(Humane Essene Gospel of Yeshua Chapter 61:2); Yea, many will take up the Holy Name in vain and misuse the meaning thereof and cause great confusion among the people; that’s a major issue today. The Holy Name in other words what people call today Yahweh, Jehovah, no it’s Yechovah. Nehemia Gordon says; it’s Yechovah, he found some little dots in there you know the vowels that we have in Hebrew that was added and one scribe made a mistake and put it in there and now he knows it should be pronounced Yechovah. And then you have another group that says; it’s Yahweh. And then another one says; no it’s Jehovah that’s the ah; Watch Tower Society, well restored His Name to the Bible.
What did Jesus prophesy and say; yeah many will take up the Holy Name in vain and misuse it.Have I not quoted it to you from Zephaniah (Chapter 3 verses 8-9) where God says; He will not restore that Name until Israel is totally compassed about with armies? Then He returns to the people a pure language that they may be able to call upon the Name of the Lord.
(Humane Essene Gospel of Yeshua Chapter 61:2); so everything you’re doing now is just in vain, and you misuse the meaning thereof and cause great confusion among the people; yes they have caused great confusion among the people. The Jewish people are doing better when they just say HaShem. At least they have respect enough to God’s Name. (Verse 2); for many things shall take place upon earth that hath not taken place before, nay, nor seen by any generation, except those of that generation. He knew the advances in science. (Verse 3); “For ye shall hear of great wars and also much talk of war and many will be threatened with destruction; you think they could have done destruction with just a bunch of swords? He knew they were coming with bombs, nuclear bombs and everything else.
(Verse 3); but be ye not troubled, for many things must come to pass yet before the end of all evil things . . . And in those days, the last before the Great Rest, those that have power, shall gather to themselves in greed, the lands and the riches of the earth, for their own lusts, and thus shall oppress the greater number who have not. NATO and their Allies and now Putin and his Allies you know have driven from the Middle East, from Iraq, from Syria all these different countries have driven all the Muslim people out, all the Arabic people not all of the Arabs are Muslim by the way. Some of them just live what life, some of them are Christian people; some of them are Catholic whatever the case maybe but they’ve all been driven out.
Many of them why? They want the oil that’s why the United States wanted the oil. Now Russia wants the oil. NATO wanted the oil, everybody wants it so they drive all the people out and for the lust for Israel they’re gonna try to drive the Jews all out as well. (Verse 4); “For in those days, the many shall be held in bondage but yet not in prison, and they shall be used to increase the riches of the greedy; you may not like me saying this but you know a good example are all these Muslims in these camps. And it’s not good for the people living in Europe either and it’s not good for the people living in America because believe me they can get flat out radical and they will flat out start killing people too. So I don’t say it’s a good thing but yet they would be better off in their own land.
You know and Americans are angry and the Europeans are angry at all the Muslims coming in here but its NATO and their Allies that caused the problem in the first place and now Russia’s not helping matters either Putin’s not by bombing everything in all of Syria! Drive a few more million out of the country and then we’ll end up with riots in Europe, we’ll end up with riots in America we wouldn’t have the problem if you’d have left the people in their country and wouldn’t be all lusting over the oil. Maybe they’re lusting for the oil because they’re trying to maintain the way of life in America, maintain the way of life in Europe because everybody’s so used to consuming all the oil and everything.
And so that’s why He says (verse 4); “For in those days, the many shall be held in bondage but yet not in prison and they shall be used to increase the riches of the greedy. Yea, even the innocent beasts of the field shall be greatly oppressed, for every cruelty and lust shall be worked against my innocent brothers and sisters of the great Household of God; for many shall lust after the taste of flesh, and blood shall flow freely as high as the bridle of the horse!
You know there is a quote in our own bible that speaks about the blood flowing high as the bridle of the horse but nobody ever thought it was the animals they always though it was people getting killed in war. No it’s our own murderous way. I read to you what God said in Genesis, you read it through yourself tonight with me, you know. I love you guys please, those of you that are still eating meat I love you guys don’t think I hate you or Brother Steven doesn’t like you or doesn’t love you. I do love you. Do you know what it costs me to take and bring this type of Gospel to you to tell you what the truth really is? I’m definitely not winning the popularity contest I can tell you that. And financially many people don’t want to support this ministry as a result they figure that if they stop donating to the ministry Steve will just wash up and go away. I would rather eat bread and water only and tell you the truth. As long as I have by the grace of God can do this I will always stand for the truth. If you want to support the ministry you can support it, we have Website; either one. But if you don’t that’s okay I’m still gonna tell you the truth because I love you enough to tell you what’s true. (Verse 5); For I say unto you this day, that a strange savior; notice this one here if you don’t get the propheticness of this here I don’t know what to tell you. He says “In that time of trouble, no creature of God, nay, man nor beast shall escape the cruel judgment of that wicked generation, save mine holy elect under the charge of mine holy angels. For I say unto you this day, that a strange savior shall rule the minds of many, and that generation shall believe not in the evil of the world, but shall judge all evil, good, and all good, evil. Let me just help you with this friends, let me really, really; you need to see what I’m talking about all right? Please bear with me just for a moment; you’ve got to see what I’m talking about. They judge all evil good and all good evil okay that’s exactly what the people are doing all right?
Now do you see this on your screen? This is the Upper Room above King David’s Tomb they made it an Official Seat when Pope Benedict was the Pope of Rome, they made it an Official Seat at King David’s Tomb for the Pope of Rome. Now the Pope of Rome, Pope Francis is sitting right here in this photo he is in the Upper Room there on top of King David’s Tomb sitting in his chair with his crown on top of his head as the King of Israel. How many people have said; oh the Anti-Christ is a Jew? When you make him the King of Israel you’ve made him a Jew. Then the people say; no he’s an Assyrian. He is an Italian his mother and father were Italian’s, Italian’s are descendants of Esau and the Assyrians and the Egyptians that’s not even counting the ones that Esau himself slept with. But Hadad married and Egyptian woman that’s why God refers to them as Sodom and Egypt. And then when Hadad goes into Syria and becomes the King of Syria his son reign’s in the place Ben-Hadad the son of Hadad and he marries a Syrian woman. This is where the Syrian part comes from so he is a descendant literally by blood of the Syrian race or the Assyrian race as you read in King James.
So he is acting as the King of Israel a Jew, he is acting the Assyrian because that’s where his blood roots comes from. And at the same time as Obadiah says; he’s a Roman, a citizen of RomeObadiah says; Esau you stood aloof. And in Obadiah he even clearly says; yea you have drank upon My Holy Mountain and yea they shall continually drink; masculine plural, men only at this Communion it was men only. See you don’t even see women in there. I think there was one woman sitting there somewhere but their own news reporter said; it was only men there that did it; only took Communion. After that it was both men and women and it was people of all the Nations and ever since then they still do the Communion Service there. Threw the Jews out of the Tomb of David so they could show that he was the King of; King of Israel.
Friends I’m Steven Ben-Nun you’ve been watching DeNoon Institute of Biblical Research. I pray this will help you. Let me just finish this out.
(Humane Essene Gospel of Yeshua Chapter 61:1); “For many shall the miracles of the strange god work in the earth; call him a god, a little god, the strange god. Brother Kellen sent it the other day all these different miracles that they’re doing remember that? (Verse 6); and the people shall worship that savior with much devotion, for all hope rest in the god that is not a god but deceives the people of every nation. Look at all the ones that come in and out of this place there. (Verse 7); “But the Eternal Spirit of All, shall send forth His holy messengers; there’s your Two Witnesses. And they shall restore the holy law anew, which wicked men have hidden by their vain traditions, and those that believe not the Holy Law shall perish . . . And in that day shall all they that keepeth my law and commandments be hated of all nations for My Name’s sake, for many shall be offended at My Holy Laws, and betray one another, and shall hate one another, for many false prophets shall indeed arise and shall deceive many. (Verse 8); “Yea, I tell ye, in that age yet to come, the Father’s Name shall be blasphemed in a manner like never before in the history of the world, greater than even the star count of heaven itself! There’s your Revelation 13 (verses 6-7) the beast. Where John writes about; that he blasphemes his name, blasphemes his Tabernacleand them that dwell in heaven. And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindred’s, and tongues, and nations. That’s what they were doing in America they were setting up the Pope of Rome to be the Leader of the World of the New World Order. And he’s gonna make war with the saints, setting up his Sunday law you got to obey that and anybody that speaks against the Vatican you’ll be put in prison eventually.
(Verse 9); For hands dripping with the innocent blood of my creatures will take up My Name in vain and mislead many, and they will follow the ways of the Pharisees and not the true path of the Pure Oblation. Remember what I said earlier? What was Israel doing in the Wilderness Journey? They were partaking of the water and the bread, the water from the Rock and the Bread of Life which was Christ they were having Communion.
Yeshua came partook of the water, excuse me partook of the grape juice of the vine, He partook of the bread, the Blood and His Body because that’s the elements of those that make a human body what is. You are the Temple of God, you are the altar in which offer Pure Oblation unto God. Every time you eat meat and I know what I’m gonna say now is not gonna be nice; you’re offering a sacrifice on your altar that’s what you’re doing. Every time you eat of the things now God will forgive it don’t think He won’t. And God will even permit it but there comes a time that you’re going to have to stand before God in judgment for knowing the truth as well. Okay?
But your body is the Temple of God; you know that from your own Canon. But I’ve showed you today what you have as your Canon has been added too and taken from. You can see historically clearly this is not what the Early Church fathers quoted from that’s why there’s so much confusion with scholars. They quoted things that weren’t written in the Canon today well where did they get them from? Well you can read and see where they got it from and I’m given you one of those books. The Humane Gospel, the Essene Human Gospel of Jesus is what it’s called. This is one of the books they read from the Gospel of the Holy Twelve was the other one those are the only two that I know of that are accurate Gospels about Yeshua. Now the Gospel of Philip is also accurate but it’s not part of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John equation that we have but it’s another accurate book.
You know Brother Lionel said to me and we’re soon gonna be doing a film together but he made the comment to me in one of his emails. He said; did you ever notice how in the Book of John he also talks about speaking about Jesus says; those that keep My Commandments? But he says; we don’t find anywhere where Jesus gives any Commandments in the Gospels but He clearly says; those that keep My Commandments. Well you know Jesus did give 12 Commandments it’s in the Humane Gospel of Yeshua; it’s in the Gospel of the Holy Twelve both books like I said they’re almost identical anyway, very similar.
But He says (Essene Humane Gospel of Yeshua Chapter 61:9); the fall in the ways of the Pharisees and not the true path of the Pure Oblation; the Pharisees killed and offer the animals.Jeremiah clearly says in Chapter 7 (verse 22); that God never commanded your fathers when they came out of Egypt concerning blood sacrifice never. Isaiah (1:11) says the same thing. David said; if He had wanted sacrifice I would have offered it.
Matthew Chapter 12 I believe verse 7 Jesus said; if you knew what this meant I desire mercy not sacrifice you would not have condemned the guiltless. Actually in Hebrews Matthew; you would have not have bound the innocent and it’s a masculine plural showing that it was sacrifices it wasn’t speaking of Jesus where, see you get the idea because they changed it. Again they added, they took away, we wonder why John wrote about them.
I spoke not unto you or taught not
(Essene Humane Gospel of Yeshua Chapter 61:9); I spoke not unto you, nor taught not, for they will lust after much flesh and sin, and their evil will mount higher than a new moon of thy season and many will believe, and be lost.   Friends we are living in the age where God is restoring His Word. Will you believe it or will you count it as nothing?
If you write me I’ll put my address up there I’m still working on I’ve been so caught up in so many things that have been going on prophetically with news and everything. I’ve not had time to edit it as much as I’ve been trying, when I say edit it; the Essene Humane Gospel I have been working to put it to where you can reference it to the Canon we have so you can see how much of our own Canon is taken from the book. Just so you understand I also used the references from the Book of Enoch, Yeshua clearly says; the Book of Enoch should be part of your Canon; and even was part of the Essene Community in Qumran the Book of Enoch is part of their Bible collection. God bless you, I know it’s not been easy to hear this it’s been lengthy forgive me for the length of this but I know it’s worth your time if you’ll listen to every word.
We love you, God bless you and thank you for those that are standing with us. Those that are in the middle and don’t know which way to go pray about it friends, pray sincerely. I’m gonna take very soon and share with you some of the letters I won’t put the names up or anything I’m gonna share with you I’ve got more than 100 letters of all kinds of miraculous testimonies people have written to me that God has done for them.
In fact one person just recently wrote and they said; that they had trouble with the fact that Jesus went into India and abroad to preach the Gospel. Another brother was having the same issue and he wrote me and he said; Steven the next morning I opened my Bible and I’m just paraphrasing I don’t know the exact quote right off. But he actually sent me the Bible verse where Jesus taught both far and near. He said; it blew me away. It’s there friends it’s there you’ve just got to look and pray about it. I’m Steven Ben-Nun you’ve been watching DeNoon Institute of Biblical Research, shalom.


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