Friday 6 May 2016

3 Openly Gay Men at Wright's Church KILLED the Very Month Obama's Ascent to the Nomination Began?

Reaganite Republican ^ | November 15, 2011 | Reaganite Republican 

Posted on 15/11/2011, 13:36:35 by Reaganite Republican

Hey MSM, if you ever get tired of trying to grind 
Herman Cain into hamburger, maybe you 
can take a look at some of this stuff, then-

The lurid tales have been circulating for three years now, ever since Hillary Clinton's people began hearing whispers from the Chicago street re. Barack Obama's warehouse full of scary skeletonsMeanwhile,a thoroughly compromised Obammunist media were happy to ignore the Democratic rising star's secret past-- up to and including possible crimes committed in order to bury it all.
But besides deep involvement with terrorists and slimy mafiososHillary 2008 staffers repeatedly heard talk that Barack Obama was well-known in the city's alternative lifestyle circles to be a closeted homosexual, married (otherwise inexplicably) to a charmless tree of a woman as a political/social front. 
Far fetched? If you know anything about the harsh contempt most black Americans feel towards the gay community, you'll see this scenario as more likely than not- that is, if you genuinely consider the (circumstantial) evidence that's been accumulating.
Of course, being gay is not a crime in itself... it's when you start snuffing out people who know too much about your secret sex life, that's where we run into problems...
Last year if you'll recall, the mother of Jeremiah Wright's  (dead, gay) choir director went public with her belief that son Donald Young was murdered on the eve of Democratic primary season to cover up a past sexual relationship with Obama.

Although the MSM have still yet to notice the vast plume of smoke emanating from Chicago's gay bathhouse circuit, thinking people know there must have been some serious flaming going-on somewhere. Alas, when this fraudulent scam of a president is at long last exposed for who and what he really is... it's going to make the Great Chicago Fire look a weenie roast.
The ... murder of Donald Young, a 47-year-old choir master at former Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s Trinity United Church of Christ—the same congregation that Obama has attended for the past 20 years. 

Two other young black men that attended the same church—Larry Bland and Nate Spencer—were also murdered execution style with bullets to the backs of their heads—all within 40 days of each other, beginning in November 2007. All three were openly homosexual.
What links this story to Barack Obama is that, according to an acquaintance of Obama, Larry Sinclair, Obama is a closet bisexual with whom he had sexual and drug-related encounters in November 1999.
Further, Sinclair claims that Obama was friendly with at least two of these deceased parishioners, and that choir director Donald had contacted him shortly before being murdered from multiple gunshot wounds on December 23, 2007.
Stop dancing for a minute while while I check something...

....According to Sinclair in an affidavit to the Chicago Police Department, Donald Young had informed him that he and Barack Obama were “intimate” with each other. 

Sinclair, it should be noted, declared on a January 18, 2008, YouTube video that on two separate occasions in November 1999, he engaged in sexual acts with Obama, and that Obama smoked crack cocaine—once in a limousine and the other time at a hotel in Gurnee, Ill.
Larry Sinclair has also asked: why would Young—whom he had never met—initiate these calls by contacting him on cell phone numbers known only in the Obama camp? 

Further, a private investigator connected to the Chicago Police Department told the Globe, “Donald Young was silenced because of something he knew about Obama. Donald was in a position where he heard a lot of things and saw a lot of things concerning Barack.”
Are three murders within the span of 40 days among members of America’s most discussed church—one run by the controversial Rev. Jeremiah Wright—enough to arouse the suspicions of Chicago law enforcement officials and members of the national media?

And plenty more smoke where that came from...
  • Such orchestrated, hollow marriages-of-convenience like the Obamas' appear to have been a specialty at the morally and financially dubious Trinity United Church of Christ... where Rev. Jeremiah Wright oversaw the coupling of 'down-low' (closeted) gay black men with embittered, hard-to-match black women.  You know the type: Oprah Winfrey and her longtime “boyfriend” Stedman Graham were for many years also members of this same church, fwiw. 
  • Barack Obama (and running-naked-in-the-congressional-showers 'Sugar Daddy' Rahm Emanuel) were/are lifetime members of the openly gay Chicago mens' club Man's Country: a 'one-stop shopping' center for gay men with 'fantasy rooms', male strippers, bedrooms, movies, etc.
  • Obama -who in Chicago is said to have 'a thing' for young Pakistani men- created mysterious position for (bisexual) actor Kal Penn at the White House, and for which Penn left a successful TV show... only for him to storm back to Hollywood after a few months, once he found out how the job sucked (sorry lol).

  • Talk around Chicago's Boystown gay community also mentioned that Obama like to be serviced by 'older, white men'... but was 'not reciprocal' in these relationships (Barry's got issues).
  • The Vera Baker/Obama affair rumor is said to have been planted by White House operatives (Axelrod) as a 'macho' smokescreen story for the Tinkerbelle-in-Chief. That's why it was never refuted by anyone on Team Obama, instead allowed to slowly percolate in the public conscious, then quietly fade away-

Hey, isn't Richard Simmons from ChiTown...? 

Put his butt on the stand, I'll bet that little yenta 
knows everything... maybe even first-hand lol.

And where the hell are Barack Obama's former girlfriends?  
NOT ONE out there that would like to put all this 
slanderous unpleasantness to rest...?


KEYWORDS: chicagogayobamasinclair

1 posted on 15/11/2011, 13:36:37 by Reaganite Republican

To: Reaganite Republican
Why didn’t Hillary use any of this? It’s not like the Clintons are bashful.
Too much pot calling the kettle black, perhaps? What dirt did Obama have on Hillary?

2 posted on 15/11/2011, 13:42:16 by PGR88 (I'm so open-minded my brains fell out)

To: PGR88
Ft Marcy Park?

3 posted on 15/11/2011, 13:44:29 by celtic gal

To: PGR88
Because the Powers that be in the Democratic party woud have destroyed the Clintons if they used it.

4 posted on 15/11/2011, 13:50:13 by scbison

To: Reaganite Republican

5 posted on 15/11/2011, 13:51:01 by Dr. Thorne (Fall on your knees before Christ, your only salvation!)

To: Reaganite Republican
Even if obama is outed as hopelessly homosexual, it’s not a crime. Crack cocaine is, both buying and using. And most especially having anything to do with murdering your boy toys is.

6 posted on 15/11/2011, 13:51:33 by Yaelle (Keep donating to Cain. Let's get him back on top.)

To: Reaganite Republican
Somebody call Politico.

7 posted on 15/11/2011, 13:54:11 by mmichaels1970

To: Reaganite Republican
Two other young black men that attended the same church—Larry Bland and Nate Spencer—were also murdered execution style with bullets to the backs of their heads—all within 40 days of each other, beginning in November 2007.


The problem is that this is not true...neither of these guys was murdered execution style, one died of a long illness (likely AIDS).

Keep posting crap like this though, a handful of freepers will believe anything and you get to destroy FR credibility in the that your goal? 
8 posted on 15/11/2011, 14:04:41 by moose-matson (I keep it in my head)

To: moose-matson
Yeah but Herman Cain and answering that question about Libya. way worse

9 posted on 15/11/2011, 14:09:09 by HectorOne

To: Reaganite Republican
10 posted on 15/11/2011, 14:09:30 by RushIsMyTeddyBear (A MUST WATCH:

To: moose-matson
Thanks, that’s why I get my news on Freerepublic.
Debunkers and debunker’s debunkers. Bad info gets rooted out here.

11 posted on 15/11/2011, 14:13:40 by nixonsnose (Let's see all you lawyers argue your way out of hell.)

To: moose-matson
Nope, but I do share your concerns- and value my credibility.
Thus, I linked the source...

12 posted on 15/11/2011, 14:16:55 by Reaganite Republican

To: PGR88
“What dirt did Obama have on Hillary?”
Maybe he threatened to publicize her lesbian relationship with Huma Abedim (a.k.a.: Anthony Weiner’s wife).

13 posted on 15/11/2011, 14:24:42 by Ernie Kaputnik ((It's a mad, mad, mad world.))

To: PGR88
It came out briefly, but was not carried by any major news media. Why would they? It is only wrong if a Republican engages in such stuff.

14 posted on 15/11/2011, 14:24:53 by Shery (in APO Land)

To: RushIsMyTeddyBear
LMAO That photo-shop looks more natural than it did originally.

15 posted on 15/11/2011, 14:35:59 by Venturer

To: Venturer
LOL!!!! Don’t it, tho? ;-)

16 posted on 15/11/2011, 14:38:52 by RushIsMyTeddyBear (A MUST WATCH:

To: Reaganite Republican
No peace without justice for Donald Young! Obama can put that in his crack pipe and smoke it.

17 posted on 15/11/2011, 14:40:24 by nolongerademocrat ("Before you ask G-d for something, first thank G-d for what you already have." B'rachot 30b)

To: RushIsMyTeddyBear
Oh my gosh! LOL!!!

18 posted on 15/11/2011, 14:43:26 by Republic (SO-uhbama sought help from romney MA healthcare authors? DUMP ROMNEY, no way will he kill obamacare.)

To: WXRGina

19 posted on 15/11/2011, 14:54:54 by WXRGina

To: Reaganite Republican
I guess the rest of the gays from that church will have to be careful as to not be so “open”.

20 posted on 15/11/2011, 15:00:48 by albie

To: moose-matson
Chicago ABC news says otherwise...sorry to burst your bubble.

21 posted on 15/11/2011, 15:50:32 by Amigo04

Comment #22 Removed by Moderator

To: Amigo04
And we all know how honest the news media is (rolls eyes). And I'm sure it is especially so in Chicago. How naive are you anyway? 
23 posted on 15/11/2011, 17:27:15 by MagnoliaB

To: MagnoliaB
just backing up Reaganite Repub...if you’d read the whole thread RR was accused of not posting a source, when there are many supporting what actually happened. And no I dont believe everything I see/hear on the LSM, hence why I’m at FR.

24 posted on 15/11/2011, 18:10:13 by Amigo04

To: Amigo04

Where does ABC or any non-blog source state that Bland was shot execution style?

That he was a member of Wright's church?

That Spenser was even murdered?

Please provide any non-blog source for any of these.

My bet is that you can't. 
25 posted on 15/11/2011, 18:18:32 by moose-matson (I keep it in my head)

To: Amigo04
I was refering to the news abc news source you posted said:
“Bland’s mother tells ABC7 he sometimes called telephone party lines to meet people. She believes his death may be linked to those calls.”
as opposed to this:
“Now, Young’s elderly mother is speaking out about her suspicions that her son was murdered to protect Obama’s reputation and assure his political future as President.”
Sorry if I misunderstood.

26 posted on 15/11/2011, 18:58:11 by MagnoliaB

To: PGR88
Are you kidding, Hillary’s up to the EXACT same stuff as Obama! And the Clintons have a history of convenient disappearances of inconvenient former associates as well, now don’t they
At least Slick Willie’s horndog compass is installed correctly, I’ll give him that lol

27 posted on 15/11/2011, 18:58:21 by Reaganite Republican

To: albie

‘I guess the rest of the gays from that church will have to be careful as to not be so “open”.’

Not an issue imo, only the ones who banged Obama had anything to worry about, and he’s no longer around lol

28 posted on 15/11/2011, 19:03:55 by Reaganite Republican

To: StrongHand
“And we wonder why Freepathons take longer and longer.”
Kind of an odd comment from someone who has been all of what?.....four days?
Talk about embarrassing yourself.... 
29 posted on 15/11/2011, 19:05:39 by MagnoliaB

To: moose-matson
I never stated “execution style.” I simply posted an article by a news source in support of anothers post (I’m not the original who posted this...
Oh, but scratch that because you’d consider FR a blog, oh wait there’s links in the above as well, but oh wait those are contained within FR...not good enough for you so just disregard.

30 posted on 15/11/2011, 20:00:39 by Amigo04

To: MagnoliaB
Could be a closet lib, there’s a number on this forum from, etc- usually not that hard to spot the agenda
Just sayin... you notice patterns, that’s all
Here’s another link with the same info my source posted. btw

31 posted on 15/11/2011, 20:02:31 by Reaganite Republican

To: Amigo04
Thanks Ami
Ya try to write a story... it ain’t easy any which way you look at it lol

32 posted on 15/11/2011, 20:04:03 by Reaganite Republican

Comment #33 Removed by Moderator

Comment #34 Removed by Moderator

To: PGR88
Hillary and Obama are in the same group for which the shots are called by their enablers. The enablers decide who is front and who is backstage. My thoughts are that the enablers include Soros but he is not the only person involved. In fact the whole bag of garbage could extend to the Rothchilds who gave Soros his grubstake for hedge funds and who for centuries have used money and influence to remove unsuitable governments. Axelrod and his family of communists need to be scrutinized as to his guidance as to Obama and Hillary. Recall that Hillary was also a protegee of the revolutionary Alinsky in Chicago. What we see happening now has been developing over the years when other nations in spite of USA help have been plotting change to our dominance and exceptionalism.

35 posted on 15/11/2011, 20:18:20 by noinfringers2

To: moose-matson
Here ya go mooseknuckle: (you might have to read a little bit)
Hmm isn’t nachum on FR as well. Oh but wait both FR and Nachums list would be considered in your eyes as blogs, so just disregard.

36 posted on 15/11/2011, 20:24:45 by Amigo04

To: Amigo04
I said non-blog...there is no proof of any kind offered at the "source" you link.

And, please explain exactly why posting un-substantiated blog crap to FR makes the blog crap somehow more reliable.

Of course, if you had any proof you'd post it, wouldn't you? You didn't so I guess we can conclude that you don't have any. 
37 posted on 15/11/2011, 20:29:23 by moose-matson (I keep it in my head)

To: StrongHand
The whole concept of homosexuals being killed so as not to impede Obama’s rise to world domination is tripe.

38 posted on 15/11/2011, 20:30:02 by GSWarrior (I only want to hear the truth. Is that so wrong?)

To: moose-matson
I’m just like any other here on FR...searching for fact-based-truth. If you are so passionate about finding any facts on this subject you’d stop this non-sense bashing and use that energy towards HELPING find the truth. So, tell ya what, I’ll ignore you from now on since you have nothing worth while to say and focus on something meaningful...mmkay, bye-bye.

39 posted on 15/11/2011, 20:35:32 by Amigo04

To: Reaganite Republican
Things that make you go “Hmmmmmm.”

40 posted on 15/11/2011, 20:36:11 by dfwgator (I stand with Herman Cain.)

Comment #41 Removed by Moderator

To: PGR88
Why didn’t Hillary use any of this?

Rats really don't eat their, she got a Sec. of State's job out of it. 
42 posted on 15/11/2011, 20:44:37 by Hot Tabasco

To: Amigo04
Oh, I get it're one of those "post baseless nonsense as if it were fact then run when called on it" freepers.

mmm, bye-bye yourself. 
43 posted on 15/11/2011, 21:01:53 by moose-matson (I keep it in my head)

To: StrongHand
Keep it up. I love the smell of burning zotted troll.

44 posted on 15/11/2011, 21:07:35 by MagnoliaB

Comment #45 Removed by Moderator

To: Reaganite Republican
Here’s another one. Story I mean.
Dumb@ss libs are coming out of the closet around here. Must have been zotted off before due to the low comment count.

46 posted on 15/11/2011, 21:58:34 by MagnoliaB

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