Multiple arms of the US government issued warnings this week to private companies and contractors about a prolonged cyber espionage campaign which has centered around the theft of sensitive business information, according to documents obtained by Motherboard. The hackers have been in some systems for over a year before being detected and have deployed a wide range of different types of malware, using infrastructure originating from China, according to an FBI document.
An investigation by the Los Angeles Times has revealed that the pharmaceutical company that sells the opiate painkiller OxyContin knew the drug was highly addictive — but pushed it anyway.
The Times obtained thousands of pages of confidential Purdue documents and learned company executives have known about the problem for decades.
“Even before OxyContin went on the market, clinical trials showed many patients weren’t getting 12 hours of relief. Since the drug’s debut in 1996, the company has been confronted with additional evidence, including complaints from doctors, reports from its own sales reps and independent research,” the Times reports.
And even more damning, “The company has held fast to the claim of 12-hour relief, in part to protect its revenue. OxyContin’s market dominance and its high price — up to hundreds of dollars per bottle — hinge on its 12-hour duration. Without that, it offers little advantage over less expensive painkillers.”
There is one thing to know about all high-level executives at drug companies; before accepting that very well paying position, they have to have their consciences surgically removed before taking the job, in order to lie well to protect corporate profits at all cost.
Various North Carolina farmers partnered with R.J. Reynolds tobacco company illegally hires children under 13 years old to harvest their tobacco crops, report released Wednesday stated.
A recent audit commissioned by the tobacco company found that 40 percent of its contractor farms employed under age workers, therefore violating the Federal law on child labor, including 16 percent of minors under the age of 16 were illegally performing hazardous work.
Baldemar Velasquez, president of the Farm Labor Organizing Committee, AFL-CIO (FLOC), says he’s not surprised by the audit results.
“We’ve been telling the company for eight years now that there are serious labor violations happening all over Southern tobacco fields, including on Reynolds farms. Imagine what the audits would have found if they were allowed to talk to more workers and ask more in depth questions about the workers’ experiences,” said Velasquez.
This is child slavery, pure and simple.
I remember as a teenager, staying with a friend in Watsonville, California, when we picked strawberries to help her get a little bit of extra cash.
I remember being treated by the manager as though we were somehow subhuman; it was just the culture of the environment.
I remember one day, coming back to her house, lying on the cold linoleum floor and thinking, "I really think I want to go to college, and graduate, and get a decent job!"
But the people we were picking berries with would never, in their lives, have that kind of opportunity; so it is with the children harvesting tobacco for RJ Reynolds.
“The bigger the lie, the bigger the truth it is concealing. The truth is what people are afraid to accept.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)
The censored film, Vaxxed (trailer), has escaped the claws of the “protectors of all truth.” It has been showing to packed houses all over the country. It relates the specific crime of scientific fraud at the CDC. A whistleblower, William Thompson, confesses that he and his CDC colleagues lied and cheated and omitted vital data, in order to give the MMR vaccine a free pass and claim it had no connection to autism—when it did have a connection.
That’s the purpose and meaning and focus of this astonishing film.
But there is more. There are other whistleblowers shining a light on the MMR (mumps, measles, rubella) vaccine. Specifically, the mumps component of the vaccine and its ineffectiveness.
The medical/industrial complex lies in order to protect profits; it is just that simple.
The US government is fully aware that the allegedly moderate opposition in Syria is working closely with the al-Nusra Front, an offshoot of the al-Qaeda terror group, but publicly pretends the two groups are separate, former CIA counterterrorism officer Philip Giraldi told Sputnik.”The so-called moderate rebels are in cohabitation with the Nusra Front, so this is not surprising,” Giraldi, a former CIA Case Officer and US Army Intelligence Officer who spent 20 years overseas working on terrorism cases, said on Wednesday.
The US government attempted to include the al-Nusra Front in the new ceasefire agreement in Aleppo, but the Russian government insisted on excluding the Islamist organization as unacceptable, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told Sputnik in an exclusive interview on Wednesday.
As if the futility, destruction, and absurdity of the decades-long war on drugs were not already painfully apparent, a Massachusetts state chemist involved in testing evidence for drug prosecutions was high on a variety of illicit substances, including crack, cocaine, meth, and acid, for most of the nine years she worked for the government, including one year working directly for a police lab.
Without doubt, the US and Saudi Arabia created Al Qaeda, and many believe still control the terrorist organization citing that the immense material support it and its subsidiaries require along with the virtual impunity they enjoy as they operate worldwide could only be due to substantial and influential state sponsorship. Many have postulated that because the 15 years of war following September 11, 2001 have benefited only a handful of special interests both in the US and Europe, as well as in the Persian Gulf, that it cannot be ruled out that these interests were also somehow involved in the attacks that justified this enduring war to begin with. At least one center of power involved in Al Qaeda's creation, has been called out by members of the United States government as having continued to support the terrorist organization, including on September 11, 2001. Riyadh.
Turkey’s increasingly dictatorial president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, scored yet another domestic victory Thursday, with the resignation of Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, his former ally who nominally holds the reins of the country.
Erdogan is now free to push for a change in the constitution that would transfer more power to himself. But this act also highlights his growing political isolation, which many believe will spell the end his career — an outcome of great concern to the US and its European allies.
Western leaders desperately need Turkey to remain stable. As a key NATO ally in a volatile region — NATO’s second-largest army, in fact — and the country that is supposed to protect Europe from another flood of refugees, a lot is riding on Turkey’s stability. But the oppressed half of the country does not share the same sentiments, and talk of a possible coup against Erdogan is growing louder.
The big question is, how does the country's military feel about the country being turned into an absolute dictatorship, under Edrogan's watch?!?
I think that this is the most critical factor to the future of political movements in Turkey.
By Nicholas West
The FBI’s Next Generation Identification Biometrics Database went live nationwide in 2014 without much fanfare from the general public. Naturally, establishment media wasn’t there to give attention to the massive endeavor, even though from its inception it threatened the privacy of every single American...
Over the ensuing years, the prevalence of biometrics has only increased in everything from banking, to drones, to student IDs, to facial recognition billboards in public space, to voice recognition security. At this point it is unclear just how many biometric images might be stored in the database now that there are even more sources from which to cull data. And the FBI is would like to keep it that way….
“Some people think they can lie and get away with it,” said former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld with feigned outrage. And, of course, he has never been held accountable for his lies, proving his dictum true.
The question today is: Will former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s Teflon coat be as impermeable to deep scratches as Rumsfeld’s has proven to be?
With the “mainstream media” by and large giving Hillary Clinton a pass on her past, few Americans realize how many Pinocchio faces need to be tacked onto many of her statements. Clinton is said to be “unquestionably” the frontrunner for the Democratic nomination, essentially the presumptive nominee. That is unquestionably true – but only because she has not been questioned with much rigor at all. And on those few occasions when she has been asked hard questions, she has often ducked them.
Prosecutors and FBI agents investigating Hillary Clinton’s use of a personal email server have so far found scant evidence that the leading Democratic presidential candidate intended to break classification rules, though they are still probing the case aggressively with an eye on interviewing Clinton herself, according to U.S. officials familiar with the matter.
This is the start of the "she meant well" defense, which does not apply in this case. Title 18 stipulates that negligence constitutes a violation. Hillary clearly violated Title 18 Sec 7934 when she instructed Jacob Sullivan to strip the classification headers from a document and send it non-secure.
Think about it for a moment. The state government runs a gambling system that is pretty much a gigantic money-making enterprise. Plus, they get to tax the winnings! Man, they get some of it right back! They also often dole out the big winnings in yearly payments, probably so you can’t abscond the country with it all. But everyone I know that has played this regime rip-off has never won so much as ten bucks but has lost cash up into the hundreds of dollars. I tend to think the guy who wins the jackpot is probably a government shill to begin with. That’s how most gambling scams work and the government ought to know since they run the biggest one called “elections”.
By Claire Bernish
Big Pharma created the legal opiate addiction epidemic and its outgrowth, rampant heroin abuse, because pharmaceutical corporations’ own addiction to profit arguably trumps any concern it may have had for patients. Though the accusation may seem harsh, the evidence has never been more apparent thanks to an investigation by the Los Angeles Times — which presents a scathing condemnation of the company behind the notorious painkiller, OxyContin.
Two decades ago, Purdue Pharma began marketing OxyContin — a chemical cousin to heroin — with the claim its 12-hour “smooth and sustained” dosing would revolutionize the treatment of pain. However, the claim is not only problematic in that its duration is often hours less than promised — leading patients to experience symptoms of withdrawal — but Purdue knew that before the painkiller ever hit the market...
In his first American television interview, Guccifer explains how easy it was to break into Hillary Clinton's home-brewed, transparency-evading, extra-vulnerable email server.
CNN has learned that the FBI has interviewed Huma Abedin, as part of the Clinton email probe. In recent weeks, multiple aides have been interviewed -- some more than once, the officials said. A date for an FBI interview of Clinton has not been set, these officials said, but is expected in the coming weeks.
Meanwhile Thursday, Judicial Watch revealed more undisclosed emails from Hillary's personal account, further exposing her claim that she turned all responsive documents over to the State Department as false.
Judicial Watch Lawsuit Uncovers More Hidden Hillary Emails
Yesterday evening, the governor issued an apology through Politifact, saying he had the sales number wrong when he announced it on public radio.
Here’s the full statement from Josh Ellis, a spokesman for the governor:
“The governor apologizes for using the wrong number. It’s too bad Bruce Springsteen actually canceled on nearly 15,000 people at the last minute. Regardless, the governor is still keeping his Springsteen albums despite their political disagreements.”
(Rather misleading title from the Kosher Washington Post, don't you think???)
JCPenney, faced with unexpected light sales in mid-April, slashed payroll, froze overtime and took other drastic cost-cutting steps in an attempt to protect its bottom line -- As the end of its first fiscal quarter approached, the mid-priced department store told store managers to take the emergency measures because the chain faced “an expense challenge,” according to an internal memo obtained by The Post.
Trump is likewise a statist, but he’s a threat to their status quo because he’s not their statist. Hillary Clinton, though she’s a Democrat, is their statist because she represents the status quo. Like them, the witch from Chappaqua is a war-loving, empire-building statist. And statists gonna state.
I find it distasteful discussing current political figures. But since somebody new is going to be president come November, it makes sense to figure out who that might be, in order to insulate yourself as much as possible from the damage they’ll do.
The U.S. economy added the fewest number of jobs in seven months in April and Americans dropped out of the labor force in droves, signs of weakness that cast doubts on whether the Federal Reserve will raise interest rates before the end of the year.
According To The Law Enforcement Alert, Deputy Brian Wood Has Access To Explosives, Was Involved in Domestic Violence, 'Has Become Increasingly Unstable,' Is Separated from wife, and Has Frightened His In-Laws, who have requested increased police patrol of their home. Wood told Adams County Sheriff Office Adams "If cops get involved, shots will be fired." No one in local or state law enforcement notified the Yantis family of this danger. Adams County Sheriff Ryan Zollman, who has known about this alert since January 22, continues to defend Wood and said just last week that he would rehire Wood if he is cleared of charges in the killing of 62-year-old Jack. Zollman faces a challenger, retired lawman Tom Watts, in the election for sheriff this November.
Judicial Watch today released new State Department emails (one batch of 103 pages, the second of 138 pages) that again appear to contradict statements by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that, “as far as she knew,” all of her government emails were turned over to the State Department and that she did not use her system until March 18, 2009.
Judicial Watch recently released Clinton State Department emails dating from February 2009 that also call into question her statements about her emails.
The documents were obtained by Judicial Watch in response a court order in a May 5,2015, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed against the State Department, after it failed to respond to a March 18 FOIA request (Judicial Watch, Inc. v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:15-cv-00684)). The lawsuit seeks:
And yet CNN and the FBI still insist they have found nothing wrong!
Some of Hillary Clinton's closest aides, including her longtime adviser Huma Abedin, have provided interviews to federal investigators, as the FBI probe into the security of her private email server nears completion, U.S. officials briefed on the investigation tell CNN. The investigation is still ongoing, but so far investigators haven't found evidence to prove that Clinton willfully violated the law the U.S. officials say.
Total FBI bullshit (and I did warn you.) On June 17, 2011, Hillary Clinton sent an instruction to her subordinate, Jacob Sullivan, to strip the classification headers off a document and send it non-secure. That right there is a violation of Title 18 Sec 793. So, as usual, the US officials are full of shit, and covering up treason! Click for larger image
What the Trump campaign revealed, as Republicans and even Democrats moved toward him on trade, immigration and foreign policy, is that Bush Republicanism and neoconservatism not only suffered a decisive defeat, they had a sword run right through them.
Op-Ed by Brandon Turbeville
As Western media outlets and the U.S. State Department attempt to gin up public sentiment surrounding alleged bombings of alleged hospitals that may or may not have even existed and that, even if they did, were nothing more than field hospitals for terrorists, the Syrian people are suffering under unimaginable conditions. These true victims, of course, are completely ignored by the same outlets that cry and pine over the deaths and setbacks of jihadists, rapists, torturers, and murderers.
Amidst the constant propaganda and dehumanizing method of reporting “news” in the West, both the humanity and the wishes of the Syrian people are lost completely...
Growing numbers of airline passengers, a decrease in TSA employees and an agency reeling from criticism last year that its security wasn’t adequate has created dysfunction at the nation’s airports.
Unfortunately, there’s no reason to believe that these numbers will fall in the near future. Between the proliferation of socialized medicine (which results in fewer doctors who are under more stress, and thus, make more mistakes), the rise of superbugs, and doctors who give out drugs like candy, someday soon going to the hospital may be just as hazardous for your health as it was before the 20th century.
‘I spent the rest of my life on a long, winding journey of return, a journey that has taken me to dozens of counties over decades of travel, and turned my black hair to silver. But like a boomerang, I knew the end destination, and that the only way to it was the road of return I had decided to take.’ Dr.Salman Abu Sitta.
One of the vaccine attorneys I network with recently asked me a question that prompted this article, since I think the facts about “vaccine politics” need to be rehashed, plus
Charles Ortel: ‘This is a charity fraud’ -- The Wall Street analyst who uncovered financial discrepancies at General Electric before its stock crashed in 2008 claims the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation has a number of irregularities in its tax records and could be violating state laws.
Naturally not every single defensive gun use is an instance where a life was saved. Similarly, not every single firearms enabled murder is an instance where gun control would have prevented it. But according to the numbers, for every murder in the United States there are an average of eight defensive gun uses. That’s a big enough ratio to conclude that guns are unquestionably a net benefit to society, not the scourge their so after painted to be.
The number of Americans filing for unemployment benefits rose more than expected last week, posting the biggest gain in more than a year, but the underlying trend continued to point to a strengthening labor market.
Don’t expect to hear much of this any time soon. Instead, we’ll be told how the taxpayers owe it to the government to give even more in terms of labor and freedom via conscription, should the government decide conscription is necessary.
The former Democratic president of the United States and once Labour Prime Minister of Britain were close allies when in office, both strong proponents of a corporatist, pro-globalisation new brand of “third way” centre-left politics. Mr. Clinton’s visit is intended to reinforce the message delivered by President Obama two weeks ago. He claimed the UK would go to the “back of the queue” for future trade deals if it left the EU.
That’s what the head of Egypt’s State Information Service declared in a speech this week at Cairo University. And, oh yes, in case the audience didn’t take him seriously about his theories on the dim-witted cat and the pesky mouse, he offered two more reasons: video games and violent movies. Another masterpiece. Head of egypt's state information service says tom and Jerry one of the causes of widespread violence in the Arab world
For a self-professed "anti-establishment" candidate, who has repeatedly stated he will fund his own way and is not "for sale to special interest groups", Trump may have some difficulties explaining this particular decision.
Latest update: This video is now blocked in Austria, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Germany, France, French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Israel, Italy, Martinique, New Caledonia, French Polynesia, Poland, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Reunion, French Southern Territories, Wallis and Futuna, Mayotte, Poland, Israel, Italy, Reunion, Netherlands.
“It’s good, because you don’t have to carry your own money or anything like that,”- Now that kid is only in 5th grade, but he's already being conditioned to accept 'ease' over privacy. Just let the authority figures take information from you & tell you what to do; don't think about it, just do it. Gotta get 'em used to it young... Smh.
This is really not going to go down well with the Trump fanboys.
Donald Trump has not only named a bankster to head his national finance campaign, to run his money raising efforts now that he has determined that he will not self-finance his general election, but a bankster that used to work for George Soros and also spent 17 years at Goldman Sachs.
According to WSJ, Steven Mnuchin, was today named as Trump campaign national finance chair.
Everyone knows that the U.S, Israel & their allies fund, arm, protect, and created ISIS, who kills untold numbers of Christians and others. The U.S. government has been doing this for centuries. This is a classic article about the 'Cristero War' in Mexico, which took place in the 1920s and 1930s. Even Former Mexican President Vicente Fox admits that the freemasonic-led government in Mexico had outlawed Catholicism, and the rebel groups of freedom fighters, called the Cristeros, took up arms against their corrupt government. Their battle cry was Viva Cristo Rey!", which means "Long Live Christ the King." U.S. President Hoover aided the Mexican military, providing 10 MILLION ROUNDS of ammo, 10,000 Enfield Rifles, military planes & tanks to slaughter the freedom fighters. This is in Congressional records and covered extensively by the NY Times.
May 4th was officially declared “Star Wars Day” back in 2011, although the joke has been around since 1979: “May the 4th be with you”. Truth is, they’d rather have people thinking about May 4th for something like that and not the Kent State killings where Ohio National Guard fired upon unarmed college students, killing four of them and wounding nine back in 1970 during a protest against Nixon announcing the invasion of Cambodia.
So this clip below went through the mainstream news cycle yesterday for everyone’s amusement (and distraction).
Except… amusing probably isn’t the word I would use. (read more)
By Brandon Turbeville
Over the past few days, the Western corporate press has kicked into overdrive with reports of hospital bombings, dead civilians, and war crimes all blamed predictably on the secular government of Bashar al-Assad. According to Western governments and their media mouthpieces, Assad’s forces have targeted civilian hospitals in order to . . . well . . . no one knows why Assad’s forces would logically target civilian hospitals. Still, the Western harpies – both media and “human rights NGOs” – continue to hammer the unsubstantiated claims and misinformation at the tops of their lungs that the SAA is dropping bombs on civilian medical facilities...
Let us start with an historical fact. Treason and betrayal by the highest levels is a common feature of history, whether it is Judas vs Jesus, Brutus vs Julius Caesar, Benedict Arnold, the Rosenbergs, Jonathan Pollard, Aldrich Ames, Robert Hanssen. It is just a fact of life. It does happen.
Back in 1996, when Bill Clinton was running for re-election, he authorized the transfer of highly sensitive technology to China. This technology had military applications and allowed China to close the gap in missile performance with the United States. The transfers were opposed and severely criticized by the Defense Department.
Reposted in light of today's story where Guccifer admits breaking into Hillary's private server, that it was actually very easy, and more importantly, while inside, he spotted at least ten foreign-based IPs also inside the server!
Most importantly, the synagogue was never actually in any real danger.
This is because, the man ‘was stopped by FBI agents posing as fellow terrorists who set up a sting operation.’
The bomb, apparently a dummy, was ‘sold to him in Hallandale Beach by an FBI undercover operative just before the planned terror attack’.
What this means, is that the suspect James Medina, may have never had the material means to carry out any attack with an explosive device unless it had been provided by the FBI.
So why is anybody praising the FBI for stopping a terror attack when they are the very group that facilitated its implementation in the first place?
A federal judge in Washington on Wednesday ordered that Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton may have to testify in a lawsuit related to the private email server she used while secretary of state.
U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan said the parties in the case, the State Department and conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch, also struck an agreement about the scope of the testimonies that some of Clinton's former top aides will give in the case.
Those testimonies, known as discovery, will take place over the next eight weeks and may yield information that would require Clinton herself to be deposed, Sullivan said in an order.
A vote to leave the EU would result in years of “complex and daunting” negotiations over the “acquired rights” of the 2 million Britons living across Europe, a House of Lords committee has warned.
Two of the Republican Party’s most prominent strategists agreed Sunday that Donald Trump is tapping into a deep well of voters’ dissatisfaction with Washington — but they both insisted he won’t win the party’s nomination for president.
“There is not a single county in the United States, where food insecurity doesn’t exist.” said Lisa Davis, senior vice president of government relations at Feeding America, the nation’s largest domestic hunger relief organization.
The proposal is just the latest attempt by the Obama administration to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill. If You Don’t Believe In Climate Change, You May Not Be Able To Buy A Gun 'Cause You’re “Mentally Ill”...
The first thing you notice on the cab ride from the airport to downtown Panama City is the skyscrapers. They’re architecturally beautiful, but jumbled together as if there was no plan or consideration for how they might look next to one another.
According to a recent survey, the majority of people in Germany view the news media as simply a pillar of the government and the powerfully elite. Only one third of the respondents think that the German news media is truly independent, while the majority view the government and parties as having control over particular policies, and the lobbyists and advertisers having control over the economic news.
The last thing we needed was another man with too many family mysteries and a complete lack of transparency moving into our White House. And we don't need to keep yet another compulsive liar in the US Senate either. How has all that been working out for us so far?
The implication in his argument is that Mrs. Clinton’s emails were retroactively classified as confidential, secret or top-secret after she received or sent them and therefore she had no notice of their sensitivity. His argument is unavailing for two reasons. The first is that it is untrue. Emails are confidential, secret or top-secret at the time they are created, whether marked or not.
Speaking on condition of anonymity to Gizmodo’s Michael Nunez, several journalists, hired by Facebook in 2014 to oversee its secretive “trending news” project, revealed new details on how the company handles the day’s news. Known internally as “news curators,” the contractors say they were given the ability to “deactivate” or blacklist any trending topic if it wasn’t being covered by minimally “three traditional news sources.” “A topic was often blacklisted if it didn’t have at least three traditional news sources covering it, but otherwise the protocol was murky—meaning a curator could ostensibly blacklist a topic without a particularly good reason for doing so,” Nunez writes, although curators insist the system wasn’t abused.
As more food companies are opting to go “GMO-free” in response to rising public awareness, Monsanto and the biotech industry can count on their friends in government to help counter the movement. A paragraph tucked into a new spending bill would give the green light for a government propaganda campaign on behalf of GMO giants.
Coal companies have been scorched under Obama as he promised. Five years ago there were three hundred coal mines in West Virginia. Today thanks to Barack Obama there are less than 70. Obama and Hillary killed coal.
Judge allows group to dig into Hillary Clinton's email server
WASHINGTON — A federal district court judge detailed Wednesday how a legal watchdog group can dig into the creation and operation of Hillary Clinton’s private email system — and didn’t rule out a deposition of the former secretary of state and current Democratic presidential front-runner.
U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan issued an order Wednesday detailing discovery in Judicial Watch’s lawsuit seeking records about Clinton and her top advisers, including the private email system that she used during her four-year tenure as secretary of state.
The server has become central to criticism of Clinton from Republican lawmakers on Capitol Hill, sparked plenty of news headlines and forced Clinton and her team on the presidential campaign trail to respond. >>>
So instead of criticizing Trump for his misguided advocacy of tariffs as a panacea, we should at least give him credit for recognizing a serious problem that so many others ignore. The real criticism should be directed at those who would allow America to continue down this self-destructive path.
Donald Trump, candidate for the US Presidency, wants to limit the power of the military-industrial complex. He is taking up the colours of John Kennedy (assassinated), Richard Nixon (Watergate) and Bill Clinton (Lewinsky). - According to Trump, it is unhealthy for the United States and for foreigners to attempt to export by force the Western Democratic model, which does not correspond to their aspirations. - The military-industrial complex is preparing the candidacy of General James Mattis, and a war against the Iranian Revolution.
Doublespeak. Noun. Language that deliberately obscures, disguises, distorts, or reverses the meaning of words.
To the laughter and bewilderment of the press, retired Navy Rear Admiral turned State Dept spokesperson John Kirby actually stood at a podium recently and claimed that Obama and his administration never said there would be no boots on the ground in Syria...
This April saw the most gun-related background checks of any April on record, making it the 12th month in a row to achieve a high water mark for gun sales. The FBI ran 2,145,865 checks through the National Instant Background Check System last month, according to the agency’s records. That represents more than a 400,000 increase over the previous record set in April 2014. Though the numbers represent the best April on record, the month also saw the fewest checks of any month thus far in 2016.
It’s been nearly one decade since former Vice President Al Gore released his film “An Inconvenient Truth.” It sent shockwaves through American politics and emboldened environmental activists to push for more regulations on American businesses.
Immigrants are supposed to be beneficial to the U.S. — so much so that federal law requires them to prove they won’t end up on the public dole if they are legally admitted. But it’s a stricture honored more in the breach than in compliance, according to statistics obtained by the Federation for American Immigration Reform, which found that of the millions of legal immigrants living in the U.S. and collecting welfare or other public benefits, only a single person was kicked out of the country over the last three years for becoming a public burden.
The Hillary Clinton campaign made multiple payments to a company that specializes in hard drive and document destruction, campaign finance records show.
The payments, which were recorded in February and March of 2016, went to the Nevada-based American Document Destruction, Inc., which claims expertise in destroying hard drives or “anything else that a hard drive can come from.”
“Our hard drive destruction procedures take place either at your site or at our secure facility in Sparks, NV,” the company’s website states. “This decision is yours to decide based on cost and convenience to you. In either situation, the hard drive will be destroyed by a shredding.”
I gotta bad feeling!
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump says Israel should continue construction of illegal settlements across the occupied West Bank.
Asked in an interview with the British paper Daily Mail whether there should be a pause in settlement construction in the occupied territories, Trump responded: “No, I don't think there should be a pause.”
Trump said the settlement construction must “keep going” and “keep moving forward,” because Palestinians fired “thousands of missiles” at Israel.
The infamous Romanian hacker known as “Guccifer,” speaking exclusively with Fox News, claimed he easily – and repeatedly – breached former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s personal email server in early 2013. -- "For me, it was easy ... easy for me, for everybody," Marcel Lehel Lazar, who goes by the moniker "Guccifer," told Fox News from a Virginia jail where he is being held.
In this video Luke Rudkowski talks to Edson Chinchilla, one of the leaders behind the libertarian movement in Brazil about a public government run corporation Petrobras.
Public outrage certainly didn’t do much to chill U.S. intelligence agencies’ use of warrantless surveillance. In fact, in the years since the government’s extrajudicial spying became public knowledge, the NSA and CIA have doubled down.
To teach young people, particularly young men, Benjamin Franklin’s admonition that “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” is a challenging task. But it is the job of adults to get such common-sense messages across, even at the cost of leftist condemnation.
Dan Gainor, the Media Research Center’s VP of Business and Culture, tells Breitbart News Daily SiriusXM host Stephen K. Bannon about a recent episode of ABC’s “Quantico” in which a domestic terrorist shouts “Make America great again” before an attack.
The first thing you notice on the cab ride from the airport to downtown Panama City is the skyscrapers. They’re architecturally beautiful, but jumbled together as if there was no plan or consideration for how they might look next to one another.
The process of awakening that’s been happening across the electorate this campaign season is in large part due to the presence of Trump and Sanders, and this awakening is far more important than who wins in November.
Shannon Linton and her teenage daughter were at home sleeping in Savannah, Ga. when a pair of robbers broke in. At first unaware of the intrusion, Linton went to investigate the suspicious noise when she was punched in the face by one of the intruders. Linton retreated to a bedroom, retrieved a 12-gauge shotgun and fired at the home invaders. Upon meeting armed resistance, the intruders fled the scene.
I think that Trump's best option would be to choose Ron Paul for a running mate. If there's anyone the elites hate more than Trump, it's Paul. Trump has said that he likes Ron Paul's ideas in the past. Paul as VP would keep Trump very safe from those who might otherwise endanger him.
Editors note : The general election has begun... And Hillary Clinton wants the press to get tough on Donald Trump. This coming from a woman involved in more scandals than I can count (actually I can list 20 off the top of my head) and goes for months on end with no press conferences?
So what did Obama do? The same thing Japanese authorities did when they arrived in Fukushima to "prove" they are not lying about the latent raioactive threat: he drank the Flint water.
Graham Peebles highlights the role of Ethiopian government policy in accentuating the effects of the drought, which is causing famine affecting up to 18 million people, and laments that anyone has to go hungry in a world which has enough to feed everyone.
This documentary, entitled Bill Clinton: His Life, came out in 2004, right about the same time as the autobiography, Bill Clinton: My Life. It takes a good, hard look at the dirty dealings of both Bill and Hillary Clinton but, for some reason never achieved the popularity of Michael Moore's fantasy film, Fahrenheit 911. This movie has been thoroughly suppressed by our left-wing media to the point that it's not listed on IMDb, nor can you find anything about it through a Google search. Hopefully that will change now that it's been made available on YouTube. Watch and learn how the Clintons turned the White House into a headquarters for organized crime, communist spying and murder, all while the Clinton-friendly media kept the public distracted by focusing on a few of Slick Willy's petty sexual encounters.
In a bizarre effort to paper over the historical truth regarding Hitler and the Haavara Agreement, Professor Rainer Schulze of Essex University wrote an article totally lacking intellectual integrity. Schulze’s piece in the Independent, ‘Hitler and Zionism: Why the Haavara Agreement does not mean the Nazis were Zionists’, demonstrates that fear of Zionists and their extensive power extends beyond the Labour party. It is deeply entrenched within the British psyche and institutionally embedded in academia.
Schulze article leads him to the conclusion that: “any claim that Nazis and Zionists ever shared a common goal is not only cynical and disingenuous, but a distortion of clearly established historical fact.” The German/British professor’s failure to apply elementary academic analytical skills to the issue results in faulty scholarship.
I have been informed that YouTube is blocking this video in Germany, so that the German people do not learn how they have been hoodwinked for the last half century. Anyone know a free video distribution system this can be put on?
(*Probably because he's come to realize he wouldn't be able to skip out on really important stuff in The Oval Office , the way he could skip all those important Votes that he missed In The Senate .)
Just hours after Georgia Governor Nathan Deal vetoed a bill that would allow campus carry, an armed robbery perpetrated by four suspects happened in apartments just a few hundred feet from the Georgia Southern University campus.
Let us start with an historical fact. Treason and betrayal by the highest levels is a common feature of history, whether it is Judas vs Jesus, Brutus vs Julius Caesar, Benedict Arnold, the Rosenbergs, Jonathan Pollard, Aldrich Ames, Robert Hanssen. It is just a fact of life. It does happen.
Back in 1996, when Bill Clinton was running for re-election, he authorized the transfer of highly sensitive technology to China. This technology had military applications and allowed China to close the gap in missile performance with the United States. The transfers were opposed and severely criticized by the Defense Department.
Many old programs from corporate news and entertainment networks are made available to the public for sale and use in private homes. ABC's 20/20 has an entire online marketplace where they sell episodes going years back. But when a documentary filmmaker and 9/11 researcher wanted to buy a copy of ABC's 20/20 episode titled 'The White Van: Were Israelis Detained on Sept. 11 Spies?' from June 21, 2002, it was a no go. They forwarded me the e-mail exchange they had with ABC, it is below.
Afshin Rattansi goes underground on the U.S. Navy SEALs’ assassination of Osama bin Laden; acclaimed playwright Lorraine Hansberry masterpiece ‘Les Blancs’ and the origins of May Day.
Russians know that it was their soldiers who really won the war. They remain angry that their military achievements are ignored by American triumphalists and myth -makers.
Last night (May 3rd) the British Bullshit Corporation aired their episode of their Conspiracy Files series on MH17. Although finally, for the first time, a mainstream-media broadcast dealt with the persistent rumors (and evidence!) that there was a Ukrainian Su-25 fighter jet, possibly even two, present on the same altitude and flight path of MH17, the program turned out to be a major disappointment.
Virtually all counter-arguments made in the program against the theory that one or two Ukrainian Su-25s may have deliberately shot down MH17 and that the passenger plane was NOT downed with a Russian BUK surface-to-air missile system operated by pro-Russian rebels came from Elliot Higgins, better known as the nerdy British blogger Bellingcat. This guy has been exposed as a disinfo agent on multiple occasions:
Their teacher – who shouldn’t even be allowed to housebreak puppies with this outlook – explained to CNN that she used this as a teaching opportunity. Unfortunately, the teaching opportunity wasn’t about the constitutional rights that were being trampled on. Nope. -- Instead, it was a more of a brainwashing opportunity that could easily have been part of the curriculum at Nazi Elementary School.
US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter has criticized Russia for what he described as “nuclear saber-rattling” and pledged to continue a robust military buildup on NATO’s eastern flank to deter the Russian “aggression.”
“She should not be allowed to run in the election,” Trump declared, saying Hillary is “only being protected by the Democrats”. -- “She should suffer like other people have suffered who have done far less than she has.” he added. -- “You look at so many people who have done far less… it’s been a horror-show, and here she is running for President like nothing Happened.” Trump urged.
This week it was confirmed: The general election will feature conservative businessman Donald J. Trump against Hillary Clinton.
But Hillary Clinton’s major obstacle is her record of criminal behavior. The FBI has a serious criminal investigation looking into her email usage and transmission of top secret documents.
Now, a bombshell report reveals just how corrupt Team Hillary is. Even as the investigation is ongoing, Hillary Clinton’s campaign made multiple payments to a company that “specializes in hard drive and document destruction.”
The transactions, captured on Hillary’s campaign finance records, show that Team Hillary is actively destroying files right now! What records? We may never know.
A pro-campus carry group is considering paying students to help them file complaints against University of Texas at Austin professors who want to ban guns in their offices.
Anti-Trump groups and campaigns spent $75.7 million on 64,000 negative ads against Donald Trump this election cycle. And that’s just broadcast television. Millions more were spent on cable and satellite television ads.
To be sure, modern day economists have no use for such vocabulary, and are want to describe the slumping trade data now emerging daily as evidence that the global economy is lapsing into “stall speed”.
These so-called “free trade agreements” are not trade agreements. The purpose of the “partnerships,” which were drafted by global corporations, is to make corporations immune to the laws of soverign countries in which they do business. Any country’s sovereign law whether social, environmental, food safety, labor protections—any law or regulation—that impacts a corporation’s profits is labeled a “restraint on trade.” The “partnerships” permit corporations to file a suit that overturns the law or regulation and also awards the corporation damages paid by the taxpayers of the country that tried to protect its environment or the safety of its food and workers.
The law suit is not heard in the courts of the country or in any court. It is heard in a corporate tribunal in which corporations serve as judge, jury, and prosecutor.
In other words, the “partnerships” give global corporations the power to overturn democratic outcomes. Allegedly, Europe consists of democracies. Democracies pass laws protecting the environment and the safety of food and labor, but these laws democratically enacted reduce profits. Anything less than a sweatshop, with starvation wages, no environmental protection, no safety legislation for food or worker, can be overturned at will by global corporations under the terms of the “partnerships.”
Only a traitor, a well paid one, could sign such a pact.
Clinton led state polls by about 7 percentage points before the Tuesday primary. This is not the first time Sanders defied polling to pull off a stunning upset. In Michigan, he trailed by 21 points in polls before winning the state primary.
As the Obama administration prepares to release for the first time the number of people it believes it has killed in drone strikes in countries that lie outside of conventional war zones, we look at a new book out today that paints a very different picture of the U.S. drone program.
One hundred and seventy-four countries and the European Union signed a multilateral deal on climate change recently at UN headquarters in New York. We’re told that’s the largest number of first-day signatures ever to an international agreement. The Paris Agreement set several long-term climate goals, including holding average temperatures below a two-degree Celsius rise from pre-industrial levels.
Moments ago, Trump was declared the winner of the Indiana Primary; Hillary’s lead over Sanders is about 3% and declining, which is why the networks refuse to call her victory yet.
Much has already been said on how unbelievably wasteful the F-35 program really is, but the hits just keep on coming. This Swiss army knife plane has cost the American taxpayer well over a trillion dollars over the years, and what does the military have to show for it? A bug ridden aircraft with poor maneuverability that in many cases, can’t even fly.
Nureddin Sabir profiles some of the key culprits in Britain’s Labour Party who have been instrumental in the premeditated campaign to smear Jeremy Corbyn and left-wing advocates of justice for the Palestinians with the slur of "anti-Semitism".
Researchers from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine found that deaths from medical errors may be responsible for more than a quarter of a million deaths annually. Data in the studies was taken from a combination of Medicare and 13 other hospitals, which researchers examined to determine that the estimated annual rate of deaths from medical errors is 251,454 in the U.S.
No matter where you go in life, someone will be there to offend you. Maybe it’s a joke you overheard on vacation, a spat at the office, or a difference of opinion with someone in line at the grocery store. Inevitably, someone will offend you and your values. If you cannot handle that without losing control of your emotions and reverting back to your “safe space” away from the harmful words of others, then you’re best to just stay put at home. Remember, though: if people in the outside world scare you, people on the internet will downright terrify you. It’s probably best to just accept these harsh realities of life and go out into the world prepared to confront them wherever they may be waiting.
New numbers out from the government confirm what the alternative health community has been saying for years: Doctors are making their patients sick by prescribing too many antibiotic medications.
Those reading between the lines witnessed the not-so-secretive mechanisms of chaos, power, and corruption -- If the corporate media wasn’t gushing over Justin Bieber’s new haircut or the nation’s lingering transphobia bathroom drama this weekend, it was lauding President Obama for his speech at the final White House Correspondents’ dinner of his presidency.
Counter-narratives on extremism are being peddled by a secret government propaganda program in the absence of oversight under the guise of “grassroots Muslim voices,” an investigation by a UK advocacy group suggests.
The current economic system is designed to fail, but so was socialism. That’s according to former GOP Congressman Ron Paul, who told RT press that we need to go toward a system of property ownership, voluntary contracts and individual liberty, while getting rid of central banks.
The pressure of tonight's "must-win" Indiana primary appears to have gotten to Ted Cruz who one week after being hailed as Lucifer and a "son of a bitch" by John Boehner, exploded in an epic anti-Trump rant of his own, calling the republican frontrunner "an utterly amoral, narcissist," a "serial philanderer" and a "pathological liar."
Cruz begins by talking about the National Enquirer and his dad's alleged involvement in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. He then begins a somber ten-minute tirade, by proclaiming "I'm gonna do something I've never done before, I'm gonna tell you what I really think of Donald Trump." He says Trump is "a pathological liar, utterly amoral, a bully, a serial philanderer," etc. etc.
The uncomfortable fact is that multinational corporations have little to no humanity and they continue to prove it. Johnson and Johnson is not unique in its crimes and abuse. Other corporations have bodies buried that will also soon be discovered. The real question is why...
Three government officials – two in Flint, and one state environmental employee – have been charged by the Michigan Attorney General’s office, but on the federal level, as usual, no EPA officials have been similarly charged or held accountable. Without full accountability, however, you can bet that as more American cities disintegrate financially, new environmental scandals will surface.
A coalition of civil rights activists and lawmakers are urging the federal government to consider changing the uniforms worn by National Park Service officers to make illegal aliens more comfortable on public lands. Currently, the activists say, NPS officers look too much like immigration enforcement officers.
Nearly a third of antibiotics prescribed in doctors' offices, emergency rooms and hospital-based clinics in the United States are not needed, according to the most in-depth study yet to examine the use and misuse of these life-saving drugs.
One of the challenges of being a whistleblower is living with the knowledge that people continue to sit, just as you did, at those desks, in that unit, throughout the agency, who see what you saw and comply in silence, without resistance or complaint. They learn to live not just with untruths but with unnecessary untruths, dangerous untruths, corrosive untruths. It is a double tragedy: What begins as a survival strategy ends with the compromise of the human being it sought to preserve and the diminishing of the democracy meant to justify the sacrifice.
To summarize, Russia has been very well justified in taking action and shifting its military personnel throughout the theater. If anything they have exercised remarkable restraint…more than many nations would in its situation. Naturally they have to defend their interests, and these latest maneuvers and troop positionings by the U.S. and its allies are threatening those interests. As I have written before, it is the U.S. that will cause or initiate a war with Russia, because the colonizing power is with – and has been with – the United States for decades, now. Russia is no shrinking violet, and this time we’re going to receive at least as well as we give.
Following VW’s smog-testing cheating scandal in September, Mitsubishi on Tuesday announced that its employees used outdated emissions testing methods outlawed in Japan on millions of vehicles sold since 1991.
The only way we’ll ever achieve change in this country is for this generation of young people to say “enough is enough” and fight for the things that truly matter.
The reality is that Germany and the Zionists were working together to send German Jews to Palestine, but that cordial started to turn sour when the bankers declared a global boycott against Germany for daring to run an economy without a privately-owned central bank.
Cancer-struck workers at the Santa Susana Field Laboratory in California have been denied state compensation in order to keep the danger posed by the nuclear site to nearby residential areas out of the public eye, a former employee told RT.
President Barack Obama says the world should play by America's rules. Words he used to explain how the Trans-Pacific partnership would keep the U.S. as the world's global trade leader.
A lecturer at the 2016 White Privilege Conference (WPC) made the bold claim that almost every dysfunction in society, from racism and sexism to global warming and a weak economy, is united by the ideology of “Christian hegemony.”
Activist and author Paul Kivel may share his name with a great Christian saint and evangelist, but that’s about it. According to Kivel, just about everything bad in the world can be traced to the core ideas of Christianity, which “colonize our mind.”
On Saturday, 85-year-old billionaire Warren Buffett attributed his health and happiness in life to eating fudge, peanut brittle, and consuming a kidney-crushing amount of Coca-Cola...
You know that image that got Naz Shah suspended from the Labour Party?
The really offensive, anti-Semitic image that proposes relocating the nation of Israel from the Middle East to the American Midwest?
It seems nobody bothered to check on the person who originally published it.
So let me put you out of your misery.
The map was posted in Norman Finkelstein Solution for Israel-Palestine Conflict?, on Monday, August 4, 2014, on his blog.
Professor Finkelstein is described by that hideously inaccurate Wikipedia as “an American political scientist, activist, professor, and author. His primary fields of research are the Israeli–Palestinian conflict and the politics of the Holocaust, an interest motivated by the experiences of his parents who were Jewish Holocaust survivors.”
That’s right – it was posted by a Jewish gentleman.
Abu Sayyaf militants in the Philippines have released a video that shows the beheading of John Ridsdel, the Canadian they had held hostage for seven months, according to the SITE Intelligence group.
In the years since the memorable Clinton presidency, Hillary has brought America Emailgate and the Benghazi scandal, among others. New developments in the Clinton Foundation scandals emerges almost daily.
Now, it’s Hillary’s “turn” to be president, according to her Democrat supporters.
But in 2015, America is still apparently suffering from “Clinton fatigue.” Results from a Quinnipiac poll published in April revealed between 49 and 56 percent of voters in three significant swing states – Colorado, Virginia and Iowa – believe Hillary is neither honest nor trustworthy.
The World Jewish Congress (WJC) sent Philipp Justus, the managing director of the German unit of YouTube parent company Google, a letter demanding more decisive action to take down illegal material praising the Holocaust and Adolf Hitler.
"But, but, but, your people posted those videos! We thought you WANTED them up there!!!!!" :)
An Austrian who claimed attackers carved swastikas on to his chest and forehead is now being investigated for carrying out the carvings on himself as part of a bizarre revenge plot on his neighbour.
In taking things this far, however, in subjecting Ken Livingstone to trial-by-media over his comments on Zionism, his detractors have also unwittingly placed Zionism itself on trial, with the question of Zionism, as mentioned, undoubtedly now being pondered by millions of people who previously would have had zero interest in the subject. And what most of those people will inarguably find if they delve deep enough into that question, despite the determined efforts of Israel’s supporters to conflate Zionism with Judaism, is that this is a political doctrine and ideology responsible for crimes against humanity on a grand scale.
The Aventura Turnberry Jewish Center is viewed Monday, May 2, 2016, in Miami. Authorities said Monday, May 2, 2016, that a planned explosive attack on the center was thwarted by the FBI through an undercover operation involving a dummy bomb. (AP Photo/Lynne Sladky) The latest in a long line of “plots” the FBI has claimed “foiled” happened last week, when the FBI arrested 40-year-old James Medina on charges of attempting to blow up a Jewish center in southern Florida’s Coral Spring
A dozen boxes of Cleveland Cram’s papers also offered hope of clarifying what the mole hunt cost in terms of lives and money. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, the CIA hired Cram to write an 11-volume study of Angleton’s tenure as counterintelligence chief. His encyclopedic opus has never been declassified, but Cram was not shy about sharing his severe judgment of Angleton’s professionalism in a separate CIA monograph based on some of his research. The library records for the Cram papers identified a wide range of Angleton-related material.
When I asked to see the Cram and Applewhite papers, a staff archivist told me both collections had been removed from public view. The CIA, he explained, was reviewing the boxes for “security material.” He said he thought the material would be returned “by the fall” of 2015. When I asked to see the library records for the Cram papers again, I was told the CIA had removed those from public view, too.
“They knew you were coming,” Tim Weiner told me. Author of the best-selling CIA history Legacy of Ashes, Weiner suggested the agency had learned I was writing an Angleton biography and acted preemptively to protect itself.
If you’ve got nothing to hide, why worry about warrantless mass surveillance? One reason among many: The people who have access to your private communications may not have your—or your child’s—best interest at heart. NextGov reports that officials at a recent Intelligence and National Security Alliance symposium in Chantilly, Virginia discussed the widespread storage of child pornography on NSA and other military computer systems. Daniel Payne, director of the Pentagon’s Defense Security Service, reportedly said that “the amount of child porn [he sees on government devices] is just unbelievable.” An NSA official agreed, saying “what people do is amazing.”
May 03, 2016 - (CNN) Three New York college students who said they were targets of a racially motivated attack face multiple charges for what prosecutors are calling a false claim.
A grand jury on Monday indicted Ariel Agudio, Asha Burwell and Alexis Briggs, all 20, each on a charge of third-degree assault and multiple counts of falsely reporting an incident, the Albany District Attorney's Office said.
Agudio and Burwell also face charges of harassment. Agudio also was charged with two counts of attempted assault.
The diplomatic uproar over the Der Spiegel report about German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s despair over Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and of the ongoing construction in the settlements is not damaging Netanyahu politically. On the contrary. However, anyone who has spoken with senior German officials over the past two years knows that the claims that Germany is less inclined to unconditionally support Israel, which has since been denied (at least partially) by sources close to the chancellor, is a reliable reflection of reality. Germany, Israel’s most important ally in Europe, feels Netanyahu is leading it by the nose and taking it for granted while he keeps boosting the settlement enterprise.
Senior Israeli politicians, including those on the right, have been hearing the same thing for a long time.>>>
Ted Cruz, in his "outsider’s" bid for the White House, has depended heavily on the largesse of just three wealthy donors to establish credibility and stay afloat amid a chaotic nominating process that killed off most of his rivals.
By Derrick Broze
Greenpeace has leaked hundreds of pages of the controversial Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) which show that negotiations may be in danger of collapsing.
According to newly leaked documents, the United States and the European Union are divided on certain agreements to the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)...
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