Monday, 16 May 2016

Pope declares Lucifer/Satan as God

sent by Adam
it is astounding that Pope Francis actually said this?  This goes beyond hiding in plain sight – this is open admission.  Of course this news hasn’t been reported on the BBC. And I don’t think my grandmother’s catholic church shes gone to for 50 yrs, and the priest there, will be aware or if they are, admit that they know this Lucifer admission by Francis.
Here’s a similar one from Jennifer.

146 Responses to “Pope declares Lucifer/Satan as God”

  1. Jennifer says:
    To be accurate, I believe it was in fact RabbiT who sent it in via the comments in ‘Satan’s Children’.
  2. Nike says:
    Obviously, the Vatican (Pope Francis & minions) has been infiltrated and taken over by “Illuminists-Luciferian-Masonic-Satanists- Talmudists-Zionists“
    The Vatican is not the same as the Catholic Church and the Catholic Christians as a whole; they believe in Jesus Christ, and know nothing about a “Luciferian cult within the church“
    At Easter Christians celebrate that JESUS IS ALIVE (risen from the dead) and the LIGHT OF THE WORLD. That’s a very different meaning and understanding.
    “We are god’s chosen people . . . Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer and we are his chosen people. Lucifer is very much alive.” (Harold Wallace Rosenthal)
    Zionist Jews are pretending to be Israelites for political reason but are actually Illuminists-Luciferian-Masonic-Satanists as Harold Wallace Rosenthal admits in an interview (1976).
    They are Pharisees. They want to establish a Zionist Luciferian state from the Nile to the Euphrates from where they plan to rule the Earth. The new Israeli Supreme Court is full of Masonic Symbols, just like the B.I.S. Bank of International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, which is the Mother of All Private Central Banks. The hexagram symbol on the Israeli flag is the ancient Star of Moloch, a deity to which people were sacrificed.
    Jesus always warned people about the Pharisees. Jesus said (to the Pharisees / Rabbis), “Ye are of your father, the devil … He was a murderer from the beginning … he is a liar and the father of it.”
    The central book in Judaism is the Talmud (written after Jesus), which contains the teachings of the Pharisees. The Talmud teaches Rabbis to oppose and discredit the teachings of Jesus because he criticized the Pharisees. Pharisaic law is reflected in the Talmud, particularly in the book of Mishna, the original book of the Talmud.
    Jesus called their teachings “the ways of men,” an abomination, and he condemned them; for doing so, Jesus was crucified. Jesus had exposed them for the sort of people they were: “hypocrites,” “sons of hell,” “blind guides,” “fools,” “full of robbery and self-indulgence,” “whitewashed tombs…full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness,” “full of hypocrisy and lawlessness,” “partners with them in shedding the blood of the prophets,” and “serpents and brood of vipers.”
    The Pharisees were a secret order who outwardly appeared to be orthodox Judeans but inwardly were of the occult mysteries of Babylon (Babylon means confusion). That is why Jesus exposed them as hypocrites; that is having two faces.
    • Yes RabbiT sent it in
      I liked your analysis of mehran keshe yesterday, didn’t realise he was a Soros person. But it makes sense, all his plasma technology stuff seems a very going round the houses obscure odd thing, when it could be so simple if Townsend Browns electrogravitics got released for example
      It did jump out at me though, the CO2 cleansing technology. This is sly manipulation Trojan horse, getting into our brains msDOS programming, that mmgw, global warming and co2, is a threat. When its not. So you’ve made me see Keshe in a new way
      Speaking of disinformation I don’t like Fulfords release today
      ”The gnostic illuminati, if they are serious about ending bloodline rule, need to push for the nationalization of central banks. The bloodline families, if they wish to avoid another French or Russian style bloody revolution, need to stand aside gracefully from financial control and perhaps be allowed to continue their role as ribbon cutters and fodder for gossip magazines.”
      – Gnostic Illuminati, and Bloodline rule? It seems to me hes trying to make certain bad guys look like innocents. He does this with other groups too
      – Russian and French revolutions? Fulford conveniently leaves out they were instigated, all the strings pulled, orchestrated by jew bankers/judaeomasonic Freemasons etc etc. That bit conveniently got left out
      It wasn’t suppressed downtroddent workers rising up against theit oppressors Fulford you Disinformationist! Liar in our midst

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