Saturday 7 May 2016

The Eating Of Animals Birds And Fish Unlawful Fishermen Condemned

Image result for The Humane Gospel of Yeshua and love animals

  On another day, the question of eating dead things was presented again. Some of Yahushua's newer disciples gathered around Him, and asked: "Master, you do indeed know all things, your wisdom of the sacred Law excels all others. Tell us, is the eating of sea creatures lawful as some say?" 

  Yahushua looked upon them with sad eyes. He knew they were yet unlearned men, and their hearts were yet hardened by false doctrines of devils. He said to them: 

  "See the fishes of the sea? We stand beside the seashore, and look upon the waters of many lives. Yea, the water is their world, even as the dry land belongs to man. I ask you, do the fishes come to you, and ask of you for your dry land, or of its foods? Nay, nor is it lawful for you to go into the sea and ask for things which do not belong to you. The earth is divided into three kingdoms of souls, one of the land, one of the air, and one of the sea, each according to its kind. Deposition for the Eternal Being gave the Spirit of life to them each, and the sacred Breath. What He freely gives to His creatures, neither men nor malaks have authority to take back or claim as their own. 

  "Behold the fisherman, how he takes what is not his own, he is a thief. He steals the treasures of the deep, and disrupts the sacred life of the blessed. Yahweh blessed the sea creatures in the age they were created, and said to them all: 'Yea, it is Good and sacred. Let them have life, and bring forth after their kind. Let them rejoice in their watery home, and sing to me songs of praise, of much joy, and peace.' But the fisherman casts many kinds of food into the waters, because each one of the fish has his own food. The fish sees and pursues the food, and is snatched up. The fisherman rejoices, because he caught the unwise fish. 

  "Most truly I tell you, Satan, like the fisherman, casts his hooks into you. The evil one lies in wait, wishing to seize you, that he might swallow you up, and rejoice at the catch. Likened to a fisherman, Satan places many foods before your eyes, wishing to make you desirous of them, even if only to taste a little, so that he may seize you, and bring you out of light into darkness. I say to you, Do not touch the food of Satan. The wicked one lies in wait for the unwise and the unlearned with many hooks, traps, and every kind of net. If you are tempted with a single unlawful food, it is necessary for you to desire all others. Finally, then, such unlawful things become the food of death, and Satan is victorious. Do not be as fishermen, deceivers, men of trickery, nor eat the catch thereof. Many are those who Satan ensnares with the taste of unlawful things, and makes them partners in death." 

  Yahushua's disciples were well pleased with Yahushua's answer and they remarked of His great understanding of the sacred Laws of Yahweh and the workings of Satan the evil one.

   Yahushua Releases The Caged Birds 

  It came to pass, as Yahushua was traveling to Jericho, He met a man with a cage overcrowded with birds which he caught, and among them were young doves. Yahushua saw how the birds were in misery, having lost their freedom, and moreover being tormented with hunger and thirst. 

  So, Yahushua said to the man: "What do you do with these weaker creatures of Yahweh?" The man answered: "I go on my way to make a living, I sell these birds I took freely of." 

  Yahushua said to him: "What do you think, if another man, stronger than you or with greater craft, were to bind you, and cage you? Or your wife, or your children, and throw them into a cage, in order to sell them into captivity for profit, thus making his living by such? I ask you, are these not your fellow creatures, but only weaker than you are? Does the same Yahweh, our Father-Mother, not care for them as for you? I tell you, let these your little brethren and sisters go free. See that you do this cruel thing no more. Take up a living of honest means, whereby causing no harm to any of Yahweh's innocent creatures." 

  The man marvelled at Yahushua's words, listened to Him, and agreed to let the birds go free. When the man unbound the birds, they flew to Yahushua. They rested upon His shoulder, sung songs to Him, and there they remained for a time until they flew away in freedom. The man was astonished at the sight he beheld, and asked further of Yahushua many things, and Yahushua ministered to him for a good part of a day. After the man departed, he learned the craft of making baskets, and earned his bread honestly, without blood-guilt, with no further harm to Yahweh's creatures. After a time he destroyed his cages and traps, and became a disciple of the sacred Way of life. In the course of time he learned of the Humane Life, and instructed others even in the same instructions Yahushua taught him, that all creatures of Yahweh were born free, and should remain free to live in joy and peace among their own kinds.

 Blood And Vain Sacrifices Do Not Take Away Sin 

  It came to pass Yahushua was again teaching His disciples in the outer courtyard of the Temple, and one of them said to Him: "Master of all knowledge, please tell us of this saying among the priests of the Temple. They say that without shedding of blood, there is no remission of sins. Can the blood offerings of the law they obey take away sin, and wash clean?" 

  Knowing that the law of Moses was corrupted by the scribes, who even Yermeyah and Yeshayah spoke of, Yahushua said these words to His disciples: "See the Temple, the house of Yahweh? You know that thousands of innocents are slain and offered up daily, their flesh consumed by men as unlawful food. The Prophets cried out with loud voice that no blood offering, of beast or bird, or man or woman, can take away or wash sin clean! I say to you, How can the conscience be purified from sin by the shedding of innocent blood? Nay, it will only increase the condemnation, for it is sin against the sacred law Yahweh gave first to Adam, Enoch, and Noah. There can be no remission of sins save by repentence and amendment only!" 

  "The prophet wrote: "Put your blood sacrifices to your burnt offerings, and away with them. Cease from the eating of flesh. I did not speak to your fathers when I brought them out of Egypt, nor command them concerning these things. This thing I commanded, saying: Obey my voice, walk in the sacred Laws I command you, and you will be my people ... But they did not hearken, nor incline their ear. 

  "What does the Eternal Being command you, but to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with Yahweh? This indeed is the pure oblation! Is it not written that in the beginning Yahweh ordained the fruits of the trees, seeds, and the herbs, to be food for all flesh? Yea, it is written, but they made the House of Prayer a den of thieves and merchants. For the Pure Oblation with Incense they polluted My altars with blood, and ate the flesh of the slain! So, I say to you, Shed no innocent blood, nor ever eat flesh. Walk uprightly, love mercy, and do justly. If you are Humane, and keep my laws and commands, your days will be long and pleasant in the earth. Good health will cling to you even into old age of many years. Behold, the corn that grows ... with the other grain, is it not transmuted by the Spirit into my flesh? Behold the grapes ...with the other fruits of the earth, are they not transmuted by the Spirit into my blood? 

  "Let these be your Memorial to the Eternal All, with your own bodies and souls ... In these only is the presence of Yahweh manifest as the Substance and as the Life of the world. I tell you, of these you will freely eat and drink for the remission of sins, and for the eternal life ahead." 

  The disciples were now well pleased with Yahushua's answer, praised Him greatly, and said: "So let your words come to pass, Master. We believe you to be the only hope of the world, for you alone speak such things of great mercy and love for all the creatures of Yahweh."

   Yahushua Condemns The Ill Treatment Of A Camel 

   At another time Yahushua was on His way to Yahrusalem. He came upon a camel overladen with wood, and the beast could move no further up the hill. Yahushua looked upon the driver who beat him mercilessly, and cruelly, but even the severe blows would not make the camel move one step further. 

  Disturbed at the ill treatment of this poor innocent beast, Yahushua said to the driver: "Why do you beat your poor brother?" The man answered Yahushua, and said: "I did not know he is my brother. Is he not only a beast of burden, made to serve me?" 

  Yahushua said to him: "Did the Eternal Father in heaven make your camel, and also your children who serve you, of the same substance? Do you not have one breath of life, which you both received from above? Do you not know man was to serve the beast you so mercilessly beat, and not the beast serve man? Truly, men sow and reap, but the beast does not know. Show mercy on those weaker than you in mind, and the True Yahweh will return mercy to you. 

  "An animal is not judged by his strength, but the compassion of his master is judged and weighed in the scales. Learn the justice and mildness of the righteous, who treat all of Yahweh's creatures even as brothers and sisters of the great Household of Yahweh, and you shall greatly be rewarded. He who treats a poor beast with compassion and kindness even loves his own flesh, and cherishes it." 

  The man marvelled at Yahushua's words, and ceased from beating the camel. He took off some of the wood, the camel walked up the hill, and did not stop till he ended his journey. The camel sensed the great compassion and mercy of Yahushua. The man was also interested in Yahushua's doctrines, and asked further things in the way of the sacred law. Yahushua gladly taught him, told him much of the sacred way of life, and the man became one of His disciples, much happier for the experience.

   Yahushua Tells His Disciples To Feed His Sheep 

  It came to pass while Yahushua was in the midst of a pasture, and many sheep were about, His disciples were asking numerous questions concerning the great work ahead of telling all peoples of Yahushua's truths. One of the disciples, known as Simon Kepha, asked Yahushua: "Tell us, Master, how are we to serve the people with the same understanding as you teach us?" 

  Yahushua said to him: "Do you know the sacred Law, and its simple meanings?" Simon Kepha answered Him, saying: "Yea, I understand it well. You spoke of it many times, and demonstrated its power even to all of your disciples." 

  Yahushua said to him: "You know well, for I say to you today, if you keep my law and my saying, you shall in no way be troubled, nor you will neglect the sheep of my pasture. Behold these sheep in the field. They hearken to their shepherd, and hear his voice, even as my sheep hear me, and I them. I tell you, feed my sheep. The Eternal Father in Heaven and the sacred Mother request it from you, even as they requested it of me. Feed my sheep. They await your word, and look for the sacred way of life. They are the true seed of Yisrayah, scattered here and there among every nation." 

  Kepha said to Yahushua: "But Master, how are we to find these lost sheep you speak of today, for they are many, but few are we who follow the sacred Way?" 

  Yahushua said to him again: "Kepha, Feed my sheep, for it is requested of you to do so. I say to you, the sacred malaks have charge over the affairs of men, yea, even over the lives of my sheep. They will lead you to the sheep, and instruct you in sacred ways. Many indeed are the scattered sheep of Yisrayah, they will be gathered and fed from all nations under the sun. I say to you today, you will feed them with the food of the sacred Law. They shall be satisfied, and hunger no more. Yea, give to them the bread of life, and add to them the water of life, one and all. Behold the young lambs, innocent, pure, without sin or guile. See how they listen to the sound of their master in charge. My sheep will also listen to your sounds of truth, come forth, and be gathered into a great nation, a sacred people to Yahweh, after the manner of the Brotherhood wherein all are in peace and love. 

  "Kepha, feed my sheep, that they not lack the sacred laws of truth, and not thirst for the waters of eternal life. It is so written: 'They will all be taught of Yahweh.' Lo! The humble spirit of the sheep! Lo! The meekness of their merciful ways! Lo! The very sheep of my pasture are given into your hand for safe keeping. Protect them from every vile thing. The Eternal Father-Mother in Heaven will rejoice in your good works, and bless you with much greatness, and authority." 

  Kepha said to Yahushua: "Yea, Master, your sheep will be fed even to the ends of your earth, for we believe in your words as the Good Shepherd over the Flock of Yahweh."

   The Humane Messiyah Man At His Best 

  Yahushua journeyed again into Galilee, and came to a certain tree. He fasted and prayed beneath it for many days. 

  Miriam Magdalene came there, with other women wanting of the sacred way of life. They ministered to Yahushua of their substance, and Yahushua taught them the sacred things of Yahweh. 

  The Humane Nature of Yahushua was manifested greatly. All the birds gathered around Him, and welcomed Him with their song. Many other living creatures came to His feet, and gathered around and near Him. Does, the red fox, sheep, rabbits, squirrels, even skunks and little field mice played about. Yahushua fed them, and they ate one and all out of His hands. 

  The creatures of the sacred Father did indeed sense the Humane Yahushua, and were unafraid in His presence. The fox did no harm to the weaker animals round about, but was at peace with all. 

  The women assembled there were amazed, astonished at what they beheld, and said: "Lo, even the animals and birds respond to Yahushua's great loving-kindness and mercy. Surely this is the Son of the Father, sent from above." 

  Yahushua departed from that place. He blessed the women and the creatures of Yahweh who showed love to Him. Turning to the fig tree, he blessed it also, saying: 

  "You gave me shelter and shade from the burning sun, and with all this, you also gave me food. Blessed be you, sacred creation of Yahweh and malaks. Increase and be fruitful. Let all who come to you find rest, shade, and food, and let the birds of the sky rejoice in your branches. Behold, the fig tree grew and flourished exceedingly great. Its branches took root downward, and sent shoots upward. It spread mightily, so that no tree was like to it for size or beauty, and the over-abundance of its good fruit. 

  Yahushua said to the women who watched, and were astonished at the sight: "Yea, I say to you, even the trees of the earthly mother have ears, and hear. They have eyes, and see the glory of the Son of Yahweh. The sacred Father above all delivered many forms of life to the earth. Yea, kingdoms among kingdoms of living creatures, all sacred to Yahweh. Learn the mysteries of Life, and you will have life. Know the creatures of Yahweh, and Yahweh will know you, and show you all of the things under His one great Household of Life. 

  "I say to you truly today, from the least of these creatures to the greatest, my Father knows each by name and purpose. Every creature on earth has purpose and life, and man is given power to do them good or evil. Yea, the righteous know the creatures of Yahweh, and respect their place among the living creation of the vast miracles of nature. Do you think you do not owe love to the small ant who builds his home in the sand, cares for the young, and feeds them. Do you think this creature is too small for your concern, and mercy? Do not think wrong of such creatures, for all are of Yahweh, and share life in the universal plan of the Eternal All. The least is as great as the greatest, and the greatest is as great as the least. All are equal under the laws of Yahweh, who gives life and will to live in every creature on earth. 

  "Show mercy to these small creatures, and Yahweh will pour out much mercy on you. He who cares for the needs of the least of all creatures, cares for the needs of the Son of man, who came down from heaven to restore every creation to its root, that the earth may return again to its former glory." 

  The women marvelled at the words of Yahushua, and said among themselves: "Behold, the Son of the Living Yahweh, He cares even for the smallest of your creatures, by such love and mercy He is indeed the Savior." 

  Yahushua heared the words they spoke, said to them again: "Yea, he who is faithful and caring in small things, shall be greater yet in caring for the interests of my kingdom which is among you today. By Humane Love the meek and humble will inherit the blessings stored up for them, and the earth will be given to them to rule." 

  After saying many other things, Yahushua departed from among them, and said to them: "All peace of the earthly malaks and the heavenly malaks be to you. Yea, seek the all-peace of Yahweh, and every joy will be added to your soul."

Yahushua Orders The Money Changers And Butchers Out Of The Temple 

  It came to pass that the Passover ritual of the Yahudim was at hand, and Yahushua went into Yahrusalem from Bethany. He found there in the temple those who sold sheep, oxen, and doves, and also the moneychangers awaiting business. Yahushua looked upon these men in disgust. He was weary from their continued evils, and hard-heartedness. Yahushua proceeded to drive all of them out of the Temple, loosed the oxen and the sheep, set the doves free, then poured out the changers' money, and overturned their tables. 

  Yahushua said to them: "Your hands are dripping with blood of innocent creatures of Yahweh! Take these things with you, and return no more. Do not make my Father's House a house of business! Buyers and sellers! Moneylovers! Is it not written, 'MY House is a House of Prayer, for all nations, all peoples?' But look, you made it a den of thieves, and filled it with all manner of evil." 

  Yahushua would not allow any man to carry any vessel of blood through the Temple, nor would He allow any animals to be slain for sacrifice.... Yahushua said to them: "Pure innocents suffer greatly because of the hardness of your hearts. You are from the ruler of darkness, in this one light does not exist. You have become the agents of darkness, and every evil. Yea, you all serve evil with willing hearts, and excitement of soul. You will be judged by your un-sacred standards, for if you know of Satan's laws, know also you will be punished by them. Satan judges evil men of this world with evil things, and chastises the children of disobedience. 

  "Workers of lawless deeds! How are you to flee the judgment of Gehenna? Trust in your elohim of death, and agony. You are judged by your false El, who leads you to darkness, and the pit, and does not feel sorry for your souls." 

  Hearing these words, the Yahudim were angry with Yahushua, and said to Him: "What sign do you show to us, by what authority do you say these things? We workonly good to Yahweh for generations, and do not know an evil deed!" 

  Yahushua answered, and said to them: "Liars! Again, I say to you, even as I spoke to you before today, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up." 

  Not understanding His words, the Yahudim said to Him: "Forty and six years this Temple was in the making, and you will rear it up in only three days?" The Yahudim did not understand that Yahushua spoke of the Temple of His Body, that would be raised in three days after His death. The Yahudim did not know the inner workings of the True Assembly of Yahweh, nor did they seek after Yahushua's sayings to know. 

  After that time the scribes and the priests of the Temple sought only how they might do away with Yahushua, for they feared His words, seeing that all the people were receptive to His teachings. 

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