Tuesday 16 August 2016


Jan 25, 2014
Do you believe in does not believe in life after death? Do you believe in the other world and other life after death where heaven or hell?
Hero of this film , Dr. Eric Robinson , one who does not believe in the existence of hell and has the conviction that God loving Rahim would not allow for a person to suffer in this place is awful dark where the weeping and gnashing of teeth , this desolate place that terrifies people just thinking about it see that he is just an illusion and there is no hell, his colleague Dr. Marissa Holloway doctor psychological follow live tests of people died and returned to life by a miracle and let my god hear them from what they have seen in the other world . Some of them are all live a life of hope, happiness and waiting for them from infecting the horror and dismay of Hall what he saw to try to alleviate the fear of death and suffering they have to try to make a world in which everyone waits for heaven after death , it also rejects the idea of the existence of hell. In a moment of despair decides to Dr. Robinson to attend his colleague Dr. Marisa discovers this world himself decided that the experience of the process of the face of death.
I wonder why discover and nowhere will it experience?
There is only one way to escape .. only one done by can escape from the hell of
this what Starafouna through the dramatic events of the film
escape from hell

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