Saturday 6 August 2016

Why accept Jesus?

God Almighty Himself came in a human body (named Jesus the Christ or Jesus the Messiah) to save us from ourselves and Satan (aka The Devil, aka Lucifer):




"Welcome to your life. There's no turning back... "
- Tears for Fears, 1985

We all come from Heaven*, even Lucifer (morning star), the once mighty archangel and guardian cherub of God. While in Heaven, Lucifer questioned God the Father "why do we have to love You and accept You as our God? We should have a choice. You are forcing us to accept you as God and making us love You!"   At that moment, Lucifer became known as The Accuser (the Devil). In Lucifers's heart, he wanted to be God and to be worshipped like God; in fact, he planned to be greater than God Almighty Himself. God, very hurt, but in His Eternal Mercy, did not want to force us to accept Him as God, nor did He want to make us love Him, or for it to even appear that way. He decided to give everyone a choice.  So He created the Heavens (aka outerspace and the skies) and the earth, and all of it's children, known as MAN. He renamed Lucifer to Satan (aka "the Enemy" or "Adversary"), and cast him out of the Third Heaven, which is the dwelling place of God, and all holy beings. All unholy beings, including Satan's band of outlaw angels (aka Nephilim: Fallen Ones or Fallen[Sinning] Angels/Demons), were thrown out with him, and giventemporary authority of the Second and First Heavens (aka outerspace and the skies [this explains UFO's, alien abuctions and encounters, man's lesser technology vs. advanced UFO technology = man being made a little lesser than the angels, etc.]), and the earth, with Satan as their leader. God then created Man on the earth and from the earth of body(flesh & blood), soul(mind/intellect, will, emotions), and breathed His Life (spirit) into man's body (aka automatic breathing, heartbeat,  etc.), and gave Man a free will to do and choose as he pleases under limited earthly conditions (such as gravity; limited knowledge and capabilities; fragility to extreme heat/cold; need of oxygen, water, & blood; minimal use of brain capacity; etc.).  One of these choices is to choose a god: either a God of  Light, Love, Grace, Mercy, Forgiveness, Good, Righteousness, Selflessness Humility, and Holiness (who is GOD ALMIGHTY Himself)  -OR- a god of darkness, hate, mercilessness, unforgiveness, evil, unrighteousness, selfishness, pride, and unholiness (who is SATAN himself). Every man (and woMAN) born onto this earth is given this choice by being born here.  You were born here, so you have to make a choice. To not make this choice is to automatically reject GOD (who is JESUS CHRIST), and accept Satan as your god. To accept Satan is to accept his punishment, which is eternal damnation and separation from God, in the pits and chambers of Hell (aka SHEOL or HADES), where there is extremely HOT fire and outer darkness with extreme COLD(aka GNASHING OF TEETH). 

So God created the earth and allowed good and evil to coexist, why? To show on one side the results of the path of love and righteousness, and on the other side the results of the path of hatred, selfishness, and sin.
Our GOD came in the flesh in a human body and called Himself JESUS The CHRIST (aka GOD the Son) to show us how much He loves us by being a living human example for us, to give us a fighting chance to accept Him as our God, to show us what we were and are doing wrong, and to show us it is possible to be born, to live, and to die on this earth without having to die in eternal sin, torment, and damnation. He was and is the ONLY perfect example of man that we have and must follow. Not that He expects us to be perfect, as He is, but to do our very best to be perfect, as He is, according to His Will, who is our Father in Heaven. He expects us to help, work, and share with others with an honest and pure heart, in His Love, like He loves His Church, which is the Body of Christ. He allowed Himself to be crucified on the cross at Calvary for all of our sins, to make it that much easier for us to get right with Him. Living a good, honest life here on earth doing no harm or wrong to others (never stealing, never murdering, never beating your wife, never kicking the dog, etc.) “IS NOT” a guarantee that you will get into Heaven, nor is just believing in GOD (who
is JESUS). There are many other things you must be doing in conjunction with this to be allowed to enter. “How do I do this?” you ask.
The first step is accepting the salvation of Jesus Christ, a free gift to those who pray to Jesus and accept Him. You might think that you’re not ready or that your sins are too many to be forgiven, but Jesus wants you now just as you are! He’s been waiting patiently to bless you!  He will change you into the good person you were designed to be. And please hear this: He is the ONLY WAY for you to be forgiven for your sins and get to Heaven.... there is NO OTHER WAY! 

The second step
 is asking Jesus to baptize you with His Holy Spirit (aka God the Holy Spirit aka The Spirit of Truth), so you will know the Truth in all things.

The third step
 is getting a Holy Christian Bible (aka The Word of God), reading it often, and doing exactly what it says to do according to your heart, which is where Jesus dwells when you obey Him, who is the Word of God. 

The fourth step
 is finding a Christian church and attending their services and bible studies regularly.

Jesus is your ONLY ANSWER to “continue” the eternal life you have started here on earth in peace, prosperity, and joy. Otherwise, you are to spend your eternal life in torment. Nobody dies; you just give up your “earth suit” body of flesh when your spirit leaves this place. Earth is just a testing ground for God’s children. God is our Father and He wants us to love Him and to be loyal to Him, unlike Satan and his band of fallen angels and demons. God wants us to realize our need for Him, and our need for Him to protect us from evil.  The evil (sin) on this earth is example enough of what life is like without God in it.  Evil unchecked will eventually destroy itself and everything around it if not stopped.  God has blessed the good and evil on this earth as part of His Master Plan, but it will not be like this forever.  Good and evil cannot coexist together.  Either we obey our Good God (Jesus!) daily with the help of the Holy Christian Bible (B.I.B.L.E. = Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth) or we obey the evil Satan (being evil and sinful by not following the Bible, which is the Word of God, exactly as it is written on a DAILY basis). And if we obey Satan, we can expect to be treated and ruled like some of his sons have treated and ruled mankind (i.e. Hitler, Saddam Hussein, etc.)  And just believing in God (Jesus) “IS NOT” enough to get you into Heaven. Even Satan and his demons believe in Him, yet, they will not enter Heaven. You must obey the laws of Jesus the Christ, our God appointed and God Anointed Lord, Savior, and King. This earth and it’s “evil” ways are soon to end, and will become a “new earth”, under a monarchy government under the command of our Lord of Lords and King of Kings, Jesus Christ, and this is to come very soon. Choose to make Christ your King before His return and obey Him now; for when He returns, He will be your King anyway but you will not be considered His “loyal” subject worthy of being in His Kingdom, and you will be banished to the prisons of Hell for eternal punishment and torment for your disobedience and disloyalty to your King, Jesus.

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