Monday 22 June 2015

British Prime Minister to bring in new 'anti-extremism' laws (May 2015)
"David Cameron will announce new plans on Wednesday to curb extremist activity and radical hate preachers in his new government's first State Opening of Parliament, commonly known as the Queen's Speech ... These measures will focus on reducing the presence of those who incite hatred against gender, race or religion on social media and in print."
Friends, this ministry needs your prayers, because we are based in the UK. We need people to pray that God will allow this avenue to remain open for as long as possible to get the truth out there.
The recent elections in this country gave David Cameron's party complete control of the government, and we know that he is on a drive to get rid of ministries like ours, labelling us as 'extremists'. So please pray for us friends, and any other ministry getting PRESENT TRUTH out there. Pray for God to keep these new laws in check for as long as possible.
Pope meets with 100 Pentecostal Pastors from around the world at Vatican (May 2015)
"A statement released by the Holy See Press Office said the meeting was private, and involved around 100 pastors from around the world ... The statement said the meeting was 'very cordial' and characterized by a 'spirit of prayer for unity'."
We're living in the last days. The churches are uniting with Rome, and Satan's final deception is soon to capture the whole world! Are you ready friend? Is your faith grounded in the Lord Jesus Christ and His truth?
THE IMAGE OF THE BEAST is soon to be created.
Australia's Chief Business Adviser says Climate change is UN-led hoax to create 'new world order' (May 2015)
"The Australian prime minister's chief business adviser says that climate change is a ruse led by the United Nations to create a new world order under the agency's control. The statement coincided with a visit from the UN's top climate negotiator. Maurice Newman, chairman of Prime Minister Tony Abbott's business advisory council, said the UN is using false models which show sustained temperature increases because it wants to end democracy and impose authoritarian rule."
It's interesting to see God move certain people in high positions to declare the truth to the world! We know that this once termed 'global warming', now 'climate change' movement is one of Satan's plans to usher in his long awaited Sunday law, which once enforced, 'for the better of society', will be the mark of the beast. And he is using the Vatican (sea beast of Rev.13), America (earth beast of Rev.13) and the United Nations (10 kings of Rev.17) to push this through.
Is there anyone else Satan is going to use? Yes, he will use the fallen Protestant churches of America, which will unite with the civil powers to form an IMAGE TO THE PAPAL BEAST.
But be warned friends, there are false revivals and signs and wonders coming that will unite the world! Only those who are standing firm on the 'sure word of prophecy' and the truth that is in Jesus Christ will not be deceived.
Don't underestimate the pope's visit to the US this year either. He is going to be pushing this climate change issue and it's going to have worldwide attention! Apart from the fact that he will be the first pope in history to speak before the congress of the once Protestant nation of America! Amazing! Prophecy is fast fulfilling!
What is the Future of Religion according to Huffington Post? (May 2015)
"What will religion and spirituality look like in the future? ... The time is now for interfaith leaders to claim their prophetic voice and lead. The world is in need of people of moral and ethical courage to dig into the richness of their traditions and take a stand against the structural injustice in their communities."
Interfaith, Islam, Catholic Church, Judaism, Trans Faith, Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikh, Paganism, Spirituality ... Satan is driving the people of these faiths together for the sake of 'love and peace'. But it is a false love and peace, because true love and peace can only be found in Jesus Christ.
The time is at hand friend. Is your faith in Jesus Christ ready to stand for the truth against the whole world? Revelation 13 confirms that the whole world will wonder after the Papal beast of Rome. This is happening right now!
Baltimore turns to religious institutions for prayer and peace - Sunday Uplifted! (May 2015)
"as elected officials dialed back their approach to maintaining order in Maryland's largest city, many thousands of people turned toward Baltimore's religious institutions on what Hogan described as a day of prayer and peace ... Every Sunday is important, but this Sunday is especially important as a moment for prayer and peace, said the city's Roman Catholic archbishop, William E. Lori, who added, We're here to do exactly that: to pray for peace, for justice and for reconciliation."
The once Protestant nation of America. The nation that rightly rejected Popery, is now embracing Rome like never before! The churches and Sunday worship is being uplifted as an answer to the troubles the nation is facing. The problem is, the churches being looked to for the solution are the fallen churches of Babylon, and the day that is being uplifted, Sunday, is Satan's counterfeit day of worship, which when enforced by law will be the mark of the beast.
Bible prophecy told us that America would be the foremost nation in uniting with the Roman Catholic Church, and would be the nation which would setup the image to the Papal beast of Rome, and cause the world to worship the image and take Rome's mark. So what has the trouble in Baltimore got to do with all this? Well, this is Satan's plan. Incite trouble, which brings about civil oppression from the government, and then lift up 'religion' as the solution to the trouble. Problem is, the 'religion' proposed is not of God. It is the religion of the evil one, which will only cause oppression for God's true remnant.
Don't forget what the Roman Catholic Church did during history when they were given the power to rule. This will happen again soon!
Adventist Elders Unite to say 'It's Time' to Accept Women's Ordination at Next General Conference (May 2015)
"Adventist Elder Statesmen: Retired Adventist leaders whose ministries have been on a global scale, with impact on the church throughout the world. Speaking from the heart to support a Yes vote at the General Conference Session to recognize World Division decisions in the ordination of women."
You will see the main issue these 'elders' push concerning the ordination of women is UNITY. What is the main reason we keep hearing from Rome concerning our differences in faith? ... "Oh, let's put aside our differences for the sake of UNITY ... for the sake of world peace."
God does not call us to accept apostasy for the sake of unity!
I'm seeing some very concerning things coming from the leadership of the Seventh-day Adventist church. The church that God started over 150 years ago with a special mission to proclaim the 'everlasting gospel' (Rev.14) to the world. And what is the leadership doing instead? Meeting with the 'kings of the earth', and telling us not to be 'fundamentalists', and now saying we should say yes to the clearly unbiblicalposition of women's ordination!
We allowed Rome into the church when we accepted the antichrist teaching of THE TRINITY. And things have only become worse. Friend, the deceptions are rising, only by personal diligent study, looking to Jesus Christ and His truth found in the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy will we be guarded against Satan's end time delusions.
America's Largest Bank joins the 'War on Cash' (April 2015)
"The war against cash has, up to now, been waged almost exclusively by national governments and official international organizations, although there are exceptions. Now the war has acquired a powerful new ally in Chase, the largest bank in the U.S. and a subsidiary of JP Morgan Chase and Co., according to Forbes, the world's third largest public company."
Students of Bible prophecy know exactly why there is a war on cash. In Revelation 13 we are told that the earth beast (America) causes the world to take the mark of Papal Rome (sea beast). And those who refuse to take the mark, or worship the beast will not be able to 'buy or sell'. And what needs to happen in order to stop us from 'buying and selling'? Get rid of cash!
Climate Change Push: Vatican 'Heavies' silence climate sceptics at Papal Summit - UN Chief says "Once Religious leaders are on board, we can make it happen" (April 2015)
"Papal heavies shut down an awkward question at a Vatican press conference today when a journalist asked UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon his views on climate sceptics ... [Later, Ban Ki-Moon said] ... I don't think faith leaders should be scientists, I'm not a scientist. What I want is their [religious leaders] moral authority. Business leaders and all civil society is on board. Now we want faith leaders. Then we can make it happen."
So everyone (apart from a few of us) is getting on board with this global warming 'movement', and with the pope issuing his Encyclical soon, we will see more and more religious leaders getting on board with it too. Then the Papacy's agenda to enforce a Sunday rest law, 'for the sake of society and the world' will gain more and more support. It's coming friends. The mark of the beast is soon to be enforced. Are you ready? Is your character ready in Jesus Christ, to stand in the day of trial?
Please get right with Jesus today! See our page on Christ and His righteousness.
Ben Carson becomes Chairman of Vaccine Company in Maryland, USA (April 2015)
"Noted pediatric neurosurgeon Dr. Benjamin Carson has been named chairman of Vaccinogen in Frederick. A personalized disease like cancer requires a personalized weapon, Carson wrote in a letter to shareholders. I believe Vaccinogen has developed the first truly personalized, and potentially commercializable, approach to combat cancer and that is why I'm joining the board and accepting the role of chairman."
What Ben Carson fails to recognize here is that there is already a 'personalized weapon' against cancer, that God CREATED for us. It's called food! That is, the food God created for us to eat - fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds and legumes. This is the weapon we should be using against cancer, NOT vaccines and pharmaceuticals. So not only is Ben Carson going against God's will in getting involved in politics, and thinking about running for President of the country which will enforce the mark of the beast. He is also going against God's will and design for His people to disregard drugs and use nature's food to heal. I'm sure he is a lovely man, and I don't criticize his character. But he is clearly deceived!
See this important video - The TRUE Cause and CURE for Cancer
Please see our important article concerning HEALTH REFORM FOR GOD's PEOPLE
President of the World Bank is asking Religious Leaders for help (April 2015)
"A Jew, a Catholic, a Muslim, a Bhuddist, and an economist discuss integrated sustainable dev't ... A group of religious leaders have joined forces with the World Bank to attempt to end extreme poverty by 2030. A few hundred people met in Washington on Wednesday with World Bank President Jim Yong Kim to discuss their shared goal ... I've never seen the World Bank get religion this way, said Global Christian Forum leader Rev. Wes Granberg-Michaelson. Kim is shaking things up. He's putting himself on the line by saying we have to have the partnerships of religious leaders."
We have the civil leaders of nations uniting with the pope and other religious leaders, concerning the troubles in this world. Now we have the top financial institutions uniting with religious leaders. Civil leaders, financial leaders and religious leaders all coming together!Friends, the whole world is uniting and Revelation 17 is soon to be fulfilled, when the 'kings of the earth' will give their power to the Papal beast.
Adventist Leaders in Europe follow UN and Vatican's lead in Promoting the Pagan 'EARTH DAY' (April 2015)
"Seventh-day Adventists in Europe marked United Nations International Earth Day on Wednesday with a call for people to take better care of the planet ... The United Nations International Earth Day, celebrated on April 22,promotes a view of the Earth as an entity that sustains all living things. It seeks to remind people to respect the planet and consider their place on it ... The Inter-European Division said people have been slow to respond to natural disasters and other emergencies that some scientists have linked to global warming and other human-inflicted damage to the planet. Climate change is not only real, it's here."
Friends, I do not post this to say the Seventh-day Adventist church is now fallen (although not far off!!). I post this to warn all the leaders of this church WHICH GOD HIMSELF STARTED OVER 150 YEARS AGO, that if you continue along this path of rejecting the testimonies and TRUE spirit of prophecy, and continue to 'cosy up' to the United Nations and the Papacy, you will be rejected by God! I also post this to warn the people of the Seventh-day Adventist church, that you should not now be looking to your leaders for truth. Look to the Word of God and the testimonies God gave this church over 100 years ago.
Just because worldly scientists say that 'global warming' is true, we should not regard it as truth. After all, the very same scientists will tell us there is no God! This climate change and 'earth day' stuff is just another way to UNITE the world together for a 'common cause'. Yes, we are to care for the earth that God created in 6 days. We should do that every day. But we are NOT to unite with worldly leaders and Rome in promoting Pagan 'earth days'.
Leaders of Asian and African nations call for a new Global Order (April 2015)
"Leaders of Asian and African nations called on Wednesday for a new global order that is open to emerging economic powers and leaves the obsolete ideas of Bretton Woods institutions in the past ... Indonesian President Joko Widodo, the conference host, said those who still insisted that global economic problems could only be solved through the World Bank, International Monetary Fund and Asian Development Bank were clinging to obsolete ideas. There needs to be change, he said. It's imperative that we build a new international economic order that is open to new emerging economic powers."
We have heard this phrase being touted by many leaders for a number of years now. And there are many people all over the world who believe there is a 'new world order' being formed. But what will that 'new order' actually look like? Who will be running it? Well, God revealed to us through Bible prophecy nearly 2000 years ago in the book of Revelation what that new global order would look like.
Revelation 13 tells us that the 'earth beast' (which is America) will cause the world to take the mark of the Roman Papal beast system. And Revelation 17 tells us that the 'kings of the earth' will give their power to the Roman Papal beast. And who is CONTROLLING all of this? Who is 'riding' the beast system and tells the world what to do?BABYLON, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS.
NEW WORLD ORDER = World Nations taking orders from the pope of the Roman Catholic Church
Lord's Day Alliance USA says: Sunday is a 'MARK' of Christian Unity (April 2015)
→ Major End Time Deception ←
"By definition, each and every Sunday is a call to Christian unity since it is on this day that we are called to communion with the Lord, by the Lord. In spite of all of the challenges that have tugged at the threads of Christian unity, the Lord's Day remains the one, unassailable marker of Christian unity since it is on this day that all of us, despite our many differences, gather together as believers in Christ ... There were always differences about days and dates in the Christian world ... The Lord's Day, however, as a time of communal, Christian gathering has never been in question."
WARNING: The Vatican is going to use Sunday to unite the world under the Roman Church. And when the Sunday rest is enforced by law, it will be the mark of the beast.
This article is so full of lies and deceit! It says 'all Christians' have celebrated Sunday worship throughout history. This is a lie and ignores true 7th day sabbath keepers throughout history. The article says that Sunday is the 'eighth day, set apart from all others'. Another lie and deception of Rome, that has no Biblical foundation. The 7th day (our Saturday) is the only day that has been 'set apart' by God for holy use. The article also states that Sunday as a communal worship day has never been questioned. Again, this ignores true sabbath keepers, who have been faithfully proclaiming the sabbath truth throughout history.
What is the Vatican's version of 'Religious Liberty'? - "In respecting religious liberty and the common good of all, Christians should seek recognition of Sundays and the Church's holy days as legal holidays." (Catechism of the Catholic Church, #2188)
This so called 'MARK' of Christian unity, and the Vatican's 'religious liberty', once it is enforced by law soon, will bethe 'MARK' of the beast! Please see the TRUTH about the sabbath day.
Pope Francis' climate change encyclical will be a hugely important step for the [Roman] church (April 2015)
"The Moral Issue of Our Time - This summer, Pope Francis will deliver the first major encyclical of his papacy. It will be on climate change and the environment. Encyclicals are a big deal, just one level below a papal bull ... People of all ages, from all demographics and all corners of the planet, are beginning to recognize that significant changes are occurring in our ecosystem, and they'd like to see someone, anyone, do something about it ... In the case of climate change, perhaps for the first time in the world's recorded history, we're beginning to witness an awakening not just in one country or within one group of people, but in nearly every corner of the Earth ... This is the basis of the moral cause of climate change, and why Francis' encyclical has the potential to catalyze a great deal of action across the world when it's issued ... When a billion people heed their religious leader's call to reflect and then advocate and act on it, business and political leaders will have no choice but to pay attention."
This climate change push is just part of the 'big plan' of Satan's to bring about the mark of the beast. The whole world is looking to the pope now, which Revelation 13 confirmed would happen (the world wonders after the beast). They are looking to the pope and the Vatican for 'answers' to all the world's troubles. And do you know what the 'solution' will be? THE SUNDAY LAW. Sunday, which is the false Papal sabbath, will be proclaimed as the answer to 'family issues', 'social issues', 'climate issues', and the Roman Church will proclaim that the disasters falling upon this world are judgments from God for 'rejecting His holy day of rest'. Problem is, God's holy day of rest is the 7th day (our Saturday) as per the 4th commandment, NOT Sunday, which is Rome's false sabbath.
Find out the TRUTH about the mark of the beast. And find out the TRUTH about God's true sabbath day.
Pope Francis labels Armenian killings as 'Genocide' - AND NOW, EU Parliament adopts resolution calling on Turkey to recognize Armenian genocide! (April 2015)
"The EU Parliament urges Turkey to recognize the Armenian genocide and pave the way for 'a genuine reconciliation' between the two nations ... Turkey was outraged by Pope Francis' statement in which the pontiff honored the 100th anniversary of the slaughter of Armenians by Ottoman Turks and called it 'the first genocide of the 20th century'."
Oh the hypocrisy! What we REALLY need is a resolution to force the Papal Church of Rome to publicly admit that it played a MAJOR role in the GENOCIDE of tens of millions of people throughout it's history.
But of course, we know that isn't going to happen. So take a look at this page of ours instead, compiled from true history, showing the Roman Catholic Church to have killed tens of millions of people - THE SECRET HISTORY OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH.
Notice how the pope speaks and then the leaders of nations follow? The 'deadly wound' of the Papal beast is almost healed and soon we will see ALL nations bow to the words of the pope in fulfillment of Revelation 13 - with America, the earth beast being the Papacy's main military force. And not until the last plagues start falling, will the majority of people in this world then realize - because the plagues are falling on them, that the Papal Church of Rome is Satan's church - Then Babylon will be utterly destroyed in fulfillment of Revelation 17:16-17.
Dear beloved people of God, still caught up in Babylon, please heed God's call and COME OUT OF HER.
While Adventist President Ted Wilson Privately meets with EU Chief Ban Ki-Moon, to Discuss 'Religious Tolerance', Adventist Review tells us NOT to be 'Fundamentalists'(April 2015)
"The two leaders discuss ways to help people and promote religious tolerance ... United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon expressed concerns about growing religious intolerance worldwide during a private meeting with Adventist Church leader Ted N.C. Wilson, and he invited the Seventh-day Adventist Church to work with the UN in helping people. Wilson, the first Adventist Church president to meet with a UN chief, noted that the church has long supported religious liberty and said it was willing to team up on initiatives that followed Christ's ministry of helping people physically, mentally, socially, and spiritually."
Team up on 'initiatives that followed Christ's ministry'? Does Ted Wilson not know that the leaders of the EU are mainly Roman Catholics? Does he not know that the leaders of the EU and Rome are enemies of Jesus Christ? How can we 'team up' with the enemies of Jesus? Notice that he focuses on 'physical, mental, SOCIAL, and spiritual' issues? These are the sort of words that come from the mouth of the Pope! - THE MAN OF SIN.
The leaders of the Seventh-day Adventist Church call for 'revival and reformation', yet at the same time REJECT the testimonies and write books of a 'new order' to appease Rome! Do you not know that judgment begins with YOU, leaders of 'Israel'? (1 Peter 4:17)
God started the Advent movement over 150 years ago to take His final message of mercy to the world. But sadly, the leaders of the Seventh-day Adventist church have allowed Satan in and they now REJECT truth by siding with Rome on the Trinity doctrine. They have REJECTED the testimonies, and have TURNED AWAY from the Spirit of Prophecy. Just look at this new book - 'The Great Hope' that Ted Wilson was behind. A massively watered down version of the most important book under the Bible that has ever been written - THE GREAT CONTROVERSY. I'm sure the pope is delighted with this 'Great Hope' book!
"The apostasy prevailing today is similar to that which in the prophet's [Elijah's] day overspread Israel. In the exaltation of the human above the divine, in the praise of popular leaders, in the worship of mammon, and in the placing of the teachings of science above the truths of revelation, multitudes today are following Baal. Doubt and unbelief are exercising their baleful influence over mind and heart, and many are substituting for the oracles of God the theories of men. It is publicly taught that we have reached a time when human reason should be exalted above the teachings of the Word. The law of God, the divine standard of righteousness, is declared to be of no effect. The enemy of all truth is working with deceptive power to cause men and women to place human institutions where God should be, and to forget that which was ordained for the happiness and salvation of mankind." (Review and Herald, October 23, 1913) - God's TRUE Publication!
Please do not look to your church for salvation - Look to Jesus Christ alone and HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS.
Australian Government to announce anti-vaccination parents will lose benefits (April 2015)
"Parents who do not vaccinate their children will lose welfare payments of up to $2100 per child under a federal government policy set to be announced before the May budget ... Many pro-vaccination groups and doctors are expected to welcome the policy as a way of further encouraging people to vaccinate their children, but other immunisation policy experts argue it would not lift immunisation rates and would discourage discussions about vaccination with doctors."
Amazing! Our rights are slowly but surely being taken away all the time. And if we don't comply with the government? We will lose out financially. Can you see the steps being taken towards the enforcement of the mark of the beast, where we will not be able to 'buy or sell' at all? Friends, the day is soon upon us. We must get ready now. Our characters NEED to be built in Jesus now. Because when the time of trouble hits, it will be too late to get ready then.
Sickening: Thousands of dead chickens littered poultry farm supplying meat to restaurants (April 2015)
"In festering cages, chickens being reared for food are forced to scrabble over the rotting flesh of other birds. These are the shocking scenes inside a squalid poultry farm which supplied meat to high street restaurants and shops ... The birds were so tightly packed together that many of them had died from heat stroke ... that was business as usual for Paul Flatman, the owner of Hawkshill Farm."
Are you still undecided as to whether you should still be eating meat? Friend, this isn't an isolated case. Animals are not just reared in a cruel way all over the world. They are also pumped FULL of growth hormones and drugs! It's high time for the people of God to give up all meat and get back to the food God designed for us in the first place - fruit, vegetables, seeds, nuts and legumes.
Do you know of the important Biblical health message? If not, then you NEED TO READ THIS HEALTH REFORM PAGE.
Interfaith harmony: 'All religions must embrace each other for global peace' (April 2015)
→ → Major end time deception! ← ←
"The speakers said that major world religions should embrace each other for achieving a last peace globally by jointly taking on the menace of global terrorism. At the same time, they called for respecting religious sensibilities of each and every religion to forge harmony in their respective societies."
What is the end goal of all this world conflict, which the Roman Catholic jesuits have largely caused? What is the end goal to all this so called 'terrorism'? It is to seek global UNITY and 'peace' under the leadership of the Roman Catholic harlot of Revelation 17. And once Satan has deceived the world into following the beast and it's image, then the world will be ready to fall for the THE MARK.
God never calls us to unite with false religions and false churches. He never calls us to unite with apostasy 'for the sake of world peace'. No, he calls us to come out and be separate!
2 Corinthians 6:14-18 ...'Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you. And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.'
There are so many things happening in this world today of which we have never seen before. Major events that are taking place more and more frequently and with more intensity. There is no doubt we are living in the end times, and these news items only further prove where we are in history. Friends, it's time to BE READY! It may be a few years, it may be ten years. All we know is that Jesus is soon to return and we need to heed the warning signs and be ready.

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