Monday 22 June 2015

End Times News

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Updated news for 2015 which we believe relate to the end times and Bible prophecy. The news is full of Bible prophecy fulfilling events now, and there can be no doubt that we are living in the last days. Scroll down to see the news updates and you will see without doubt, taking into account the many endtime signs shown throughout this site, that we are living just before the second coming of Jesus Christ.
'To stand in defense of truth and righteousness when the majority forsake us, to fight theThe Great Controversybattles of the Lord when champions are few - this will be our test'. (Review and Herald, Jan.11, 1887)
As well as Bible study, please read this amazing book, The Great Controvery, which chronicles the true history of God's church, while exposing Satan's plans through his 'harlot' church. Arm yourself with the truth!
Major Prophetic Events are taking place - More to come in 2015!
World Events
2014 - Shimon Peres calls for Pope Francis to LEAD a 'United Religions' (source)
2014 - Evangelical churches uniting with the Papacy (source and here)
2015 - Leaders pushing to get rid of cash and make it illegal (source)
2015 - US State Senator calls for Bill to Mandate SUNDAY Church Attendance (source)
2015 - EU forcing nations to adopt 'bail-in' policy for banks by September (source)
2015 - In September, UN to launch a major 'Global governance' agenda for entire planet (source)
2015 - In September, pope Francis is to meet with Obama and address US Congress and UN assembly (source)
2015 - Papal mass in September could be largest global event in America (source)
2015 - Papal encyclical on climate change to have major impact (source)
2015 - America to deploy military equipment and thousands of troops throughout Europe (source and here)
2015 - Something big happening in America this year? Massive military movements across the nation (source)
Anyone feel that September is going to be a big month this year? Friends, there is so much happening now in the world. Bible prophecy is fulfilling and the final events are right upon us. It's time to be ready. No more putting Jesus off for the 'pleasures' of this world. NOW is the time to give your all to Jesus.
Please see our important page on THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF CHRIST to know how to be ready.

Mass Animal Deaths       Health News
God has set in place a specific order of things. But Satan is trying to change that order through the world and through the churches today. And one of the issues today in which Satan is changing the order of things, is in women's ordination. Churches are departing from the truth to appease the world. But we are called to be a 'peculiar people' for God in standing apart from the world.
Please see this very good sermon 'Adam, Eve and The Trinity', which gives a deeper understanding of God's order and why women's ordination is Biblically wrong              → → →
Uniting with apostasy in a fractured and troubled world, is still apostasy! COME OUT MY PEOPLE
WARNING: Satan is soon to manifest signs and wonders through the fallen churches and false religions. And all who do not have a love for the TRUTH will be deceived by the 'STRONG DELUSION' that is to come (2 Thess. 2:9-12). Are you ready? Will you be sealed? Please seek the truth and turn to Jesus Christ now, as the time of probation is soon to close!
Is a massive financial collapse coming to China? (June 2015)
"It's been an ugly week for Chinese equities, but today's performance is a whole other level of ugly. Today marked the fourth largest decline of the Shanghai Composite in two decades ... This is the world's second largest economy, and it's a house of cards ... By last summer, China's central planners had become extremely concerned that their real estate bubble was looking increasingly ominous. Around that time China's banking insiders were also beginning to whisper about the size of China's shadow-banking system, and whether or not a complete collapse of China's banks could be looming on the horizon ... Today, China's markets are a Ponzi scheme of historic proportions. If they collapse, the blast radius will engulf the world's financial markets."
We did a news report way back in 2011 that went against the mainsteam view. The mainstream view being that China owns America due to China buying up a lot of US treasuries and debt. We keep hearing from many Christians and others saying that America is doomed and will collapse soon and China will be the main world power. But the truth is, it is the other way around. China has created only an illusion of wealth, and as we reported in 2011, it is actually America that has the power financially over China.
Due to the truth that God revealed through Bible prophecy, we KNOW that America will dominate the world until the second coming, because Revelation 13 states that THE EARTH BEAST, AMERICA, will be the nation to cause the whole world to take the mark of the Papal Church of Rome (the sea beast).
Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Bartholomew I comments on Encyclical: "Taking care of the Planet UNITES ALL RELIGIONS AND DISCIPLINES" (June 2015)
"all churches, all religions and all disciplines confess the same truth, namely that the world is a divine gift that we are all called to protect and preserve ... There is so much more that unites our two churches than divides us. Both of our churches must recall this and work toward unity. However, above and beyond our confessional or doctrinal differences, we are united in the earth that we share, the creation that we have been offered as a precious and fragile gift by our Creator."
You will see the Vatican and other ecumenical leaders latch onto anything that is a 'common goal' for all the world. This helps in bringing about world unity, no matter what your religion or beliefs are. And this 'climate change' movement is a perfect one to unite the world under Satan's banner.
If you read the encyclical, you will see how the pope calls the earth 'sister' and 'mother' and how 'she groans', as if the earth is an actual being. This is nothing more than Pantheism, where God supposedly dwells IN EVERYTHING. And if you read this article about Bartholomew, you will see he believes all mankind are human AND divine, and that we are all 'mini gods'. And what does this do? It places us as EQUALS with Jesus Christ, who is the ONLY Divine-human being. No wonder the pope thinks he can take the place of Jesus on earth, if he thinks he is a 'divine-human god'! What devilish teachings come from these sinful leaders!
So the push for unity continues and strengthens. But God's true servants must stand apart for the TRUTH. Will you?
As we Expected, Pope's 'Climate Change' Encyclical connects SUNDAY REST with 'Caring for the Planet and the Poor' (June 2015)
"237. On Sunday, our participation in the Eucharist has special importance. Sunday, like the Jewish Sabbath, is meant to be a day which heals our relationships with God, with ourselves, with others and with the world ... The law of weekly rest forbade work on the seventh day, 'so that your ox and your donkey may have rest, and the son of your maidservant, and the stranger, may be refreshed (Ex 23:12). Rest opens our eyes to the larger picture and gives us renewed sensitivity to the rights of others. And so the day of rest, centred on the Eucharist, sheds it light on the whole week, and motivates us to greater concern for nature and the poor."
We expected this 'highly anticipated' climate change encyclical to have a strong connection with Sunday rest. This is the 'beginning' of the final push for Sunday laws friends. This Jesuit pope has got the attention of the world, and is positioning himself as the spokesman for the entire planet. Which takes us back to the 'old days' when the Papacy ruled the kings of the earth, and the whole world harkened unto the Roman Pontiff, apart from God's true servants in the wilderness.
The mark of the Papal beast of Rome (Sunday law) is coming. And we keep asking .... are you ready?
TAKE A LOOK AT THIS CHART - If people stopped eating animals, there would be no water crisis in California! (June 2015)
"Surveys show that 90 percent of Californians are concerned about conserving water, but they're not given the big picture. Long showers and lawn sprinklers are not the reason we are in a water crisis. If we stopped eating animals, there would be no water crisis here in California. Growing feed crops for livestock takes up almost half of the water in California. Private homes use less than 5 percent of the water supply. It takes, on average, 2,500 gallons of water to produce just one pound of beef in the U.S. The average American eats over 200 pounds of meat every year ... California uses 1.8 TRILLION gallons of freshwater to produce alfalfa hay for livestock each year. If California stopped growing alfalfa as livestock feed for just one year, that would leave enough water to sustain the human population of the city of San Francisco for the next 66 years."
Where is the pope's or any other church leader's message on this then? Not only is consuming the diseased laden, drug laden meat a MAJOR contributor to cancer, which then leads to the taking of Babylon's sorceries (DRUGS), the mass farming of livestock is having a DEVASTATING effect on God's world.
It's high time to give up meat. God's people must heed THE HEALTH MESSAGE
Pope Francis looking for worldwide audience for his encyclical, saying 'it's for everyone, not just Catholics' (June 2015)
"Pope Francis is looking for a global audience for his upcoming encyclical on the environment, saying Sunday it's meant for everyone, not just Catholics ... The eagerly awaited document will be launched at a Vatican news conference Thursday that underscores Francis' insistence that it's not just for Catholics ... In the encyclical, Francis is expected to lay out the moral imperative to fight global warming."
This encyclical is getting some major media backing all over the world. And the pope himself is also getting major backing now from world political and religious leaders. Including the majority of ex-'Protestant' churches, who instead of protesting against Babylon, are now uniting with her! Just as Bible prophecy said.
This encyclical surely will get a global audience. The pope's visit to America will get a global audience. And once Satan has the world's eyes on the pope, Satan can then perform his final 'signs and wonders' to deceive the world into 'following after the beast' and take it's mark.
Just as the pope says this encyclical is for everyone. So will the mark of the beast (Sunday law) be for everyone -"FOR THE BETTER OF THE ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIETY" - I am convinced this climate change push is linked to the Sunday law. What better way to help the environment than to 'shut down for one day a week'? Stay focused friends, and keep watching and waiting, and praying, lest ye enter into temptation.
The Vatican and America sign HISTORIC Financial Agreement (June 2015)
"The Vatican has announced the historic signing of an unprecedented formal intergovernmental agreement between the Holy See and the United States, aimed at fighting offshore tax evasion ... This agreement - which is the first formal inter-governmental agreement between the Holy See and the United States - underscores the commitment of both parties to promote and ensure ethical behavior in the financial and economic fields."
And what does Revelation 13 tell us regarding these two beast kingdoms? That they come together to form an alliance and use financial means to cause the world to take the mark of the Roman Church. Prophecy is fulfilling friends. Are you ready? Is Jesus Christ living IN you and perfecting your character?
Revelation 13:17 ...'And that no man may buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.'
U2's Bono calls for World Unity and for the 'Powerful of the earth to Listen to Pope Francis' to end Corruption (June 2015)
"Bono, the lead singer of the Irish band U2, has launched 'a call for a world without hunger'. The artist, in a video message broadcast on the Milan Expo during the launch of Terra e Cibo (Land and food) by Cardinal Peter Turkson, president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, said the powerful of the earth should, Listen to Papa Francisco, and end the corruption ... if we are together, united as one world, one human family, left and right, rich and poor, together all people, all religions, to work on this goal: one human family, with food for all."
Not only are the religious leaders and political leaders 'wondering after' the pope. Not only do we see high profile 'sports stars' and actors/actresses going to the Vatican to meet with the pope(s). We also have very influential people in the music industry like Bono calling for the world to follow the pope's lead. Oh friends, the world is uniting under the banner of Satan. Yes, their goals may seem good and well, but they reject the truth that is in God the Father, and Jesus Christ alone.
New Drugs being pushed for cancer that USES THE IMMUNE SYSTEM - But side effects can be serious! (June 2015)
"A pair of cancer drugs [USED TOGETHER] can shrink tumours in nearly 60 percent of people with advanced melanoma, a new trial has suggested. Harnessing the immune system is a rapidly developing field in cancer research ... The first analysis of the data received top billing at the cancer conference in Chicago, but the key piece of information - how long treated patients live - is still unknown."
"But combining these treatments also increases the likelihood of potentially quite severe side effects."
This is just ridiculous! They know the power of our inbuilt immune system and how effective it is at destroying cancer. And yet instead of pushing the best way of strengthening the immune system, ie, high doses of Vitamin C, raw juicing, plus eating lots of fruit, veg, seeds, nuts and legumes, and getting fresh air, exercise and reduce any stress ... they push more drugs which so called 'activate' the immune system. And don't buy that line where they say the immune system puts the brakes on, therefore the need for drugs to 'activate it'. That is just nonsense, and an excuse for them to push drugs over natural healing.
Taking of Babylon, Revelation 18 says ... 'for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.' ... That word 'sorceries' in the original Greek is the word 'pharmakeia', which is where the word PHARMACUETICALS comes from!
You will notice they admit that these drugs cause SERIOUS side effects. And yet they try to push this aside and focus on the fact that the drugs 'could' reduce the cancer in some people. Whereas, the natural way of dealing with cancer as we mentioned above, has ZERO side effects. Sorry, we should confirm the natural way does have side effects - YOU WILL BE MUCH MORE HEALTHY AND LIVE LONGER!
And get this - they say the drugs 'harness the immune system' to deal with the cancer, and yet at the same time causes side effects, which means the drugs also damage your immune system! Work that one out!
It has already been proven that high doses of Vitamin C kills cancer, and yet those in control are not interested, because they cannot patent vitamins, and therefore cannot make masses of money out of them, like they can with harmful drugs.
Please see this important video explaining the true cause AND CURE for cancer.
Spain to host a rapid reaction US military force (May 2015)
"Spain has agreed to host a US rapid reaction military force to deal with crises in Africa, Europe and the Middle East. The deal will allow 2,200 US troops and 500 civilian staff to be permanently stationed near the city of Seville. They will be able to launch missions to protect their embassies, rescue US citizens and intervene in military conflicts and humanitarian crises."
Does Europe not have enough of it's own military forces to deal with any problems? Why does America need military personnel stationed in Europe? Because Revelation 13 says that America (THE BEAST OUT OF THE EARTH) will be the one to cause the whole world to take the mark of the beast. Therefore, America needs to spread it's military tenticles all over the globe to achieve this.
As we know from Revelation 17, the ten horns (kingdoms) of Europe will also give their power to the Papal beast of Rome and help in enforcing it's mark upon the world. But America will be the foremost nation in causing the mark to be enforced.
Jentezen Franklin at Empowered21 Conference: We MUST Speak in Tongues! (May 2015)
"Does the failure of the church rest on parents not speaking in the Spirit? Yes, says Jentezen Franklin ... We've got to get up and preach the truth about being filled with the Holy Spirit and let the Holy Spirit do its work ... Speak in tongues. Let them hear the language of the Spirit because if they don't hear it they won't speak it."
Yes, we should tell the TRUTH about being filled with the Holy Spirit. Problem is, what we here from this man and mainstream Christianity isnot the truth. First, they preach a false view of the Holy Spirit with the trinity doctrine. And second, they preach a false view on speaking in tongues. This gibberish they speak is not Biblical tongues at all, but a false spirit causing them to speak in this gibberish. TRUE Bible tongues is the Spirit given ability to speak in a language of the world (which you normally couldn't speak) to further the gospel message to other nations. True tongues is for a sign to unbelievers, not those who are already in the church (1 Corinthians 14:22). But how can this gibberish spoken in the charismatic churches today be a sign to unbelievers. They will just think you are crazy!
There are great false revivals coming friend, which will not be grounded on Biblical truth. Please seek the truth in Jesus, so that you will be guarded against Satan's end time delusions.
Please see the truth about SPEAKING IN TONGUES.
Please see the truth about THE HOLY SPIRIT.
A way to end 'boom and bust' - Make Cash Illegal (May 2015)
"Forcing everyone to spend only by electronic means from an account held at a government-run bankwould give the authorities far better tools to deal with recessions and economic booms, writes Jim Leaviss - A proposed new law in Denmark could be the first step towards an economic revolution that sees physical currencies and normal bank accounts abolished and gives governments futuristic new tools to fight the cycle of boom and bust."
Wow! Do you see Revelation 13 being fulfilled in this my friends? 'Force everyone to spend only by electronic means from a government run account'? We at end times prophecy, along with God's other servants have been proclaiming for many, many years that a day was coming when cash would be done away with and payments would be made using purely electronic means. That day is soon upon us friends. Banning cash will be A MAJOR step in enforcing the mark of the beast, so that those in control will be able to simply stop us who refuse the mark from 'buying and selling' (Rev. 13)
Are you ready? Are you clothed with the righteousness of Christ?
Spirit-Empowered Leaders Gather for What Could Be Largest Christian Pentecost Celebration in Israel's Modern History (May 2015)
!! False Revival Warning !!
"At the 11,600-seater Jerusalem Pais Arena in Israel Monday morning, workers here were busy trying to get the brand new 40,000-square-meter facility ready for what could be the largest Christian Pentecost Sunday celebration in the Jewish nation's modern history. The celebration being organized by the Empowered21 Global Congress, will happen May 20-25 and feature some of the most well-known Spirit-empowered leaders from around the globe."
The majority of religious leaders have already submitted to Rome's ecumenical plan. So we can expect many false revivals to take place in the last days. Take a look at this inspired quote:
"Before the final visitation of God's judgments upon the earth there will be among the people of the Lord such a revival of primitive godliness as has not been witnessed since apostolic times. The enemy of souls desires to hinder this work, and before the time for such a movement shall come, he will endeavor to prevent it by introducing a counterfeit. In those churches which he can bring under his deceptive power, he will make it appear that God's special blessing is poured out; there will be manifest what is thought to be great religious interestThere is an emotional excitement, a mingling of the true with the false, that is well adapted to mislead. Yet none need be deceived. In the light of God's Word it is not difficult to determine the nature of these movements. Wherever men neglect the testimony of the Bible, turning away from those plain, soul-testing truths which require self-denial and renunciation of the world, there we may be sure that God's blessing is not bestowed." (Last Day Events, p.158)
United Nations - 2015 is the Year for GLOBAL ACTION - Global Governance Agenda to 'FINISH THE JOB and leave no one behind' (May 2015)
"The UN plans to launch a brand new plan for managing the entire globe at the Sustainable Development Summit that it will be hosting from September 25th to September 27th. Some of the biggest names on the planet, including Pope Francis, will be speaking at this summit ... The United Nations is now in the process of defining Sustainable Development Goals as part a new sustainable development agenda that must finish the job and leave no one behind ... this truly is a template for radically expanded 'global governance' ... It truly covers just about every realm of human activity ... The Catholic Church, working with the leadership of other religions, can now take a decisive role by mobilizing public opinion and public funds ... Such a bold and humanitarian action by the world's religions acting in unison is certain to catalyze a public debate over how we can integrate societal choices, as prioritized under UN's sustainable development goals." (see also this link)
Finish the job and leave no one behind? Global governance that covers every aspect of human activity? Religions acting in unison? The Catholic Church to play a DECISIVE role? Oh friends, Satan is gathering the leaders of this world to unite AGAINST God's true people. Yes, this all sounds very 'nice' and 'for the better of the world and society'. But it is Satan's way of uniting the world under HIS LEADERSHIP. And God's people must have nothing to do with this. We must remain separate! (2 Corinthians 6:14-17) We cannot unite with darkness for anyreason
Time is short friends, very short! Jesus is in the most holy place in heaven with the Father, judging the world right now. And this investigative judgment is soon to come to an end. And once it does, the fate of all mankind will be sealed forever. Please turn from your sins, turn fully to Jesus Christ and let Him clothe you with HIS RIGHTEOUS GARMENTS.
The Cancer 'INDUSTRY' - $100 BILLION Spent on Cancer Drugs IN JUST ONE YEAR! (May 2015)
"If you are an American, there is a 1 in 3 chance that you will get cancer during your lifetime. If you are a man, the odds are closer to 1 in 2. And almost everyone in America either knows someone who currently has cancer or who has already died from cancer. But it wasn't always this way. Back in the 1940s, only one out of every sixteen Americans would develop cancer. Something has happened that has caused the cancer rate in this nation to absolutely explode."
The cancer industry is such a huge deception! Babylon is deceiving the nations with her 'sorceries' (pharmaceuticals) and masses of people are dying all the time needlessly of this curable disease. The majority of people just blindly put their trust in doctors and the 'corporate health institutions', and accpet the lie that they have to take the immune system destroying drugs to stand any chance of overcoming the cancer. But God has already provided a way to prevent and cure cancer!
Cancer IS preventable AND curable! Please watch and share this very important video showing the TRUE CAUSE AND CURE FOR CANCER.

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