Sunday 15 May 2016

Islamic State slaughters 14 Real Madrid fans: soccer is “anti-Muslim”

The 05/15/2016 Jihad Watch Daily Digest:

Petraeus calls for self-censorship to avoid offending Muslims
By Robert Spencer on May 14, 2016 02:19 pm

Petraeus calls for self-censorship to avoid offending Muslims
This is essentially an anti-Trump screed, but it has more sweeping and ominous implications. Petraeus has “grown increasingly concerned about inflammatory political discourse that has become far too common both at home and abroad against Muslims and Islam, including proposals from various quarters for blanket discrimination against people on the basis of their religion.” He […]

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Islamic State slaughters 14 Real Madrid fans: soccer is “anti-Muslim”
By Robert Spencer on May 14, 2016 01:14 pm

Islamic State slaughters 14 Real Madrid fans: soccer is “anti-Muslim”
This puts an intriguing spin on the universal claims by mainstream media journalists that foes of jihad terror are “anti-Muslim.” “Allah did not create man so that he could have fun. The aim of creation was for mankind to be put to the test through hardship and prayer. An Islamic regime must be serious in […]

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U.S. stopped blacklisting domestic terror charities under Obama
By Robert Spencer on May 14, 2016 12:35 pm

U.S. stopped blacklisting domestic terror charities under Obama
What could possibly go wrong? “U.S. Stopped Blacklisting Domestic Terror Charities Under Obama,” by Eli Lake, Bloomberg, May 12, 2016 (thanks to Blazing Cat Fur): The last time the federal government designated a U.S. charity as a front for terrorist fundraising, President Barack Obama had been in office for less than a month and Osama […]

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Worker at LA’s King Fahad Mosque may have been involved in 9/11 jihad attacks
By Robert Spencer on May 14, 2016 11:48 am

Worker at LA’s King Fahad Mosque may have been involved in 9/11 jihad attacks
“But John Lehman — a former member of that investigative commission — said a classified section of the investigation shows that as many as six Saudi individuals may have played a role in the attacks.” If the full story of Saudi involvement in 9/11 is ever revealed, that revelation is almost certain to change significantly […]

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Bangladesh: Muslims hack Buddhist monk to death inside temple
By Robert Spencer on May 14, 2016 11:32 am

Bangladesh: Muslims hack Buddhist monk to death inside temple
Jihad killers are able to operate with impunity in Bangladesh, while the government denies that they’re really in the country at all. “Buddhist Monk Hacked To Death In Temple,” Sky News, May 14, 2016: An elderly Buddhist monk has been hacked to death in a temple in Bangladesh, the latest in a spate of murders […]

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And now, a word from deep inside the Department of Justice
By Robert Spencer on May 14, 2016 11:25 am

And now, a word from deep inside the Department of Justice
We get a steady stream of hate mail, but we also occasionally receive messages like this one, which I publish with the sender’s permission because it is a welcome indication that, contrary to appearances, the Justice Department is not entirely compromised and in thrall to deceptive Islamic supremacists: Subject: Thank you from an avid reader […]

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Video: Muslim speaker in Canada calls for “full implementation of Islam,” says migrant influx helps build caliphate
By Robert Spencer on May 14, 2016 11:10 am

Video: Muslim speaker in Canada calls for “full implementation of Islam,” says migrant influx helps build caliphate
This Toronto Sun story dates from January, and the video from November; we don’t usually post archival material, but this is important enough to make an exception. Mazin Abdul-Adhim says: “The problem is that we don’t understand our own system — the Khilafa (caliphate). And therefore, how do we support the people of Syria? We […]

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UK Muslim accused of beheading plot had photos of police officers on his phone
By Robert Spencer on May 14, 2016 10:40 am

UK Muslim accused of beheading plot had photos of police officers on his phone
Meanwhile, British authorities are allowing Muslim clerics who have inspired just this kind of jihad violence to enter the country. What could possibly be the outcome but more jihad mass murder plots like this one? British authorities seem bent on committing national suicide. “British ‘extremist’ accused of plotting Isis-inspired Poppy Day beheading ‘had pictures of […]

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White House on damage control after top aide admits manipulating media and lying to public on Iran nuke deal
By Robert Spencer on May 14, 2016 10:29 am

White House on damage control after top aide admits manipulating media and lying to public on Iran nuke deal
The garrulous and arrogant Obama aide Ben Rhodes spilled the beans on how the Obama White House plays the mainstream media like a marionette. Now the marionette press is busy dancing to the Obama White House line that it doesn’t tell the media what to say. The New York Times’ profile of Rhodes was not […]

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“Assumption that there is a sharp divide between Good Islam and Bad Islam is a comforting but dangerous illusion”
By Ralph Sidway on May 14, 2016 10:07 am

“Assumption that there is a sharp divide between Good Islam and Bad Islam is a comforting but dangerous illusion”
“The assumption that there is a sharp divide between Good Islam and Bad Islam is a comforting [but] also a dangerous illusion. In the short run, holding such an assumption will make us feel good about our broad-mindedness. In the long run, we will be very sorry for having played this dangerous game of let’s […]

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