Sunday 15 May 2016

Turned out to be a dud Update: Naqba Day Sirens to Sound at Noon (or Not)

May 15, 2016 / 7 Iyyar 5776

Headlines & Recommended
IDF AquaShield™ Blocking Hamas’ ‘Blue Tunnel’
The IDF has been following Hamas' efforts to improve its ability to attack Israel using commando divers.
The AquaShield radar at work. Photo credit: DSIT

Turned out to be a dud
Update: Naqba Day Sirens to Sound at Noon (or Not)
If you hear the siren, don't get nervous, it's not an air raid. It's just the Arabs upset they didn't succeed at genocide in 1948.
Arabs try to drop a stone block on Israeli soldiers in Ras al-Amud, Jerusalem. (Archive: January 2009)

Those Poor, ConfusedPalestinians
The recent poll revealed that 59% of Palestinians believe that it is the Palestinian leadership, not Israel, which is to blame for their worsened situation
Stephen M. Flatow

US State Dept ‘Concerned’ Iran Contest is ‘Platform for Holocaust Denial, Anti-Semitic Speech’
Secy of State John Kerry apparently responded to PM Netanyahu's call to denounce Iran's Holocaust cartoon contest.
Iranian Holocaust cartoon contest in Tehran.

Netanyahu Demands That Kerry Condemn Iranian Holocaust Cartoon Contest
“I think that every country in the world must stand up and fully condemn this,” Netanyahu said. “This is what I told US Secretary of State John Kerry last night in my conversation with him.”
One of the Iranian Holocaust cartoon exhibition's walls.

Netanyahu ‘Doubts French Impartiality’ in Paris Peace Initiative
PM Netanyahu told French FM Ayrault that France appears biased in its sponsorship of the "peace initiative."
PM Netanyahu at Cabinet Meeting

French Foreign Minister: ‘We Are Not Giving Up’ on International Peace Conference
The planned French international peace initiative will take place without Israeli or Palestinian Authority participation.
Prime Minister Netanyahu Meets with French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault. May 15, 2016

Protesters: Tel-Aviv U ‘Nakba Day’ an Anti-Israel event Aiming to Rewrite History
“Nakba” marks the Arab failure to destroy the nascent Jewish state in 1948.
Photo credit: Im Tirtzu

What Will I Answer?
When Israel was born the religious thought that the Mashiach was just around the corner. The secular thought that the state would make us normal.
MK Moshe-Feiglin

Why I’m Still Nervous About Trump’s Foreign Policy Rhetoric
Trump has shown himself to be a master communicator. In every tussle and confrontation he has proved that whatever doesn’t kill him makes him stronger.
Ben Cohen

Whatever Happened To Ethics And Menschlichkeit?
Teaching morals and ethics requires the entire community. Families, schools, and shuls must put this basic Jewish principle at the top of the agenda.
Dr. Michael J. Salamon

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